Tavia Yeung Had Car Accident in China

Tavia Yeung (楊怡) had a car accident in mainland China on January 19, while en route to a promotional appearance. “The front of the car is crushed. For one moment, I was very scared. Fortunately there were no injuries, but I was most afraid of being late.”
Since both Tavia and Michael Tse (謝天華) were busy working on Saturday night, they missed the cast and crew dinner gathering to watch the 2-hour finale of Friendly Fire <法網狙擊>. Although she was unable to attend, Tavia will chip in on the dinner cost, since she is the leading lady in the drama.
On Sunday morning, the hard-working 33-year-old TVB actress returned to Hong Kong to participate in a marathon sponsored by the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUNY). Tavia was a special awards presenter at the event. The press teased the self-professed non-athletic Tavia that she has her own personal fitness trainer in the very fit Him Law (羅仲謙). “I don’t have a personal fitness room. I injured my back earlier, and many colleagues offered exercising tips to heal my back.”
“Friendly Fire” Finale Criticized
Tavia’s character in Friendly Fire, Chris Fong, had worried about developing breast cancer due to her family history. After Chris’ fears were placated by JJ Kam (Michael Tse), they had a baby together. In the finale, Chris was milk-feeding the baby in the rest area adjacent to the court. “This scene is to showcase the warmth of a family. At such a critical time, Chris can become a regular woman. It is meant to surprise the audience,” Tavia said.
Another illogicity pointed out was the rapid rate in which Sammy Leung’s (森美) character was able to board a flight en route to the United States in order to pursue Sharon Chan (陳敏之). Netizens laughingly wondered if Sammy’s character already has an American visa. The flight that Sammy took was aboard Solar Airlines, the name of the fictional airline company featured in Triumph in the Skies <衝上雲霄>.
After the death of Benz Hui’s (許紹雄) character, Tavia Yeung’s father, portrayed by Yu Chi Ming (余子明) decided to go on a cycling tour in Taiwan to see sunrise, fulfilling his deceased wife’s wishes. Netizens found that the plot bore resemblance to a bank commercial which was based on real-life events of seniors who rode motorcycles on a 13-day tour in Taiwan, while bringing photos of their deceased spouses and friends. The only thing that TVB scriptwriters changed was changing the vehicle from a motorcycle to a bicycle.
Sources: Oriental Daily, Ming Pao
Tavia: Man…I really don’t wanna go to the premiere…..
Driver: We’re almost there Ms. Yeung.
Tavia: …..driver, see that tree?
Driver: Yes Ms. Yeung?
Tavia: Crash into it.
Driver: Ma’am?
Tavia: Do it.
… and she rupture her nose from the impact of the crash.
you sucked. Someone got into a car accident and all you could think of was making fun of her nose.
Yep, my comment sucked because it is funny
This is too funny, I had the same thought when I saw/read the headline. Haahaa!!!
Dying from laughter…please.
what a lame comment
oh come on!
That episode 23 in the beginning was SOOO illogical, its like Bottled Passion ending all over again … which Benz Hui’s character should have DIED on the road! Not bike to the home where nobody notices! Bullship TeeVeeBee!
Lol… Like Bosco’s character in Witness Insecurity.
thats even more stupid… lol
Perhaps i’ve too much expectations of this series build up.
Even if i accept Benz Hui’s character making it biking home after he has been hit (at first I was so surprised, but his acting makes it up) it’s really difficult for me to find it logical that a very rich person with a super smart lawyer, did not dispose the clothes, shoes, the car after killing someone with it…
I think when u panic make mistakes
Benz Hui made me cry. It’s so sad how he died. So touching. What does “Tong L” means?
I don’t know why HK ppl complain about everything. The only complain I have is HK ppl should pay to watch TvB. You guys take it for granted. I’m sure TVb will pay their employees better if they start charging u guys.
Hong Kong sure likes to complain unlike red CHINA freedom of….nevermind.
Complain on TVB sure help improve TVB series. lol
WTF r u $ayin8?
Diam la! Mahai! Noob! Kimak!
I’m glad Tavia is fine and there is no injury for anyone regarding the car accident.
Hope she will be fine after the injury. Anyway, it is hard to please everyone but personally, I think this drama is nice. I like the sweet moments of JJ and Chris. TY can really potray lawyer very well.
I liked the Benz-Sammy-Michael family. Great chemistry. Tavia and Michael are really sweet too
The scriptwriting and pacing of the story sucks (some stories were majorly rushed, and some were dragged out), and the story seems to disconnected – which is fine because of this type of series, however, many of the events happened to characters that were supposed to be connected. For example, Vincent Wong was in trouble with the ICAC, but in the ending he was fine. What happened?!?!?! I love the chemistry between the characters though, and Tavia was such a convincing prosecutor.
That Vincent Wong’s character may be just a minor offense, there’s not much story developed around this guy.
second to u, momo! i am beginning to miss JJ & Lam Lam’s sweet moments….
Yes! Me too. I don’t really like Michael Tse but this drama changes my opinion of him. I hope this drama will have a sequel so I can see JJ and Lam Lam.
Another current TVB series bogged down by the ending. They should re-watch modern classic of yester-years, not to copy them but to get the essence of how to pace out the series so that the ending can be done correctly and not rushed to tie all dangling loose ends hence the illogical plot contrivances.
I agree. I liked the series all the way up to episode 22, and then it all fell apart. Such a shame because for once, this is a series with very good chemistry between the characters. The poor pacing of the story just dragged everything down.
She is truly slave for TVB (for pessimist).
She is truly TVB’s best spokesperson as to ethics (for optimist).
I shall say what I wanna say in my review. But I do think Friendly Fire is good (mostly) but yes I have serious issues with TVB’s fixation over breasts.
Alica Chan so reminds me of a prettier version of Claire Yiu…..anyone find that? Even her voice is the same as Claire’s. At some angles, she looks a lot like her too.
I see it too, except Claire’s face is slightly smaller.
Me too! I thought that when I first saw her sitting on the couch with the 3 business men who framed her father or something.
they look different not sure who is prettier.
No, she looks like Astrid Chan
nah astrid is more mature looking with big doed eyes. she def a prettier, whiter version of claire.
Likewise i think she looks more like astrid than claire.
Claire’s face is too wide, nose’s too bulbous, skin’s too dark.
She looks like a mix between Anita Miu and Astrid Chan if you ask me lol.
one of TVB’s worst legal drama to date… tied with Ghetto Justice 2
In my opinion, this wasn’t as bad as GJ2. FF was a lot more enjoyable to me.
On a side note, are you still writing reviews? I really like reading them!
i think FF is way way way more entertaining than GJ period. I love the chemistry between Sharon Chan and Sammy.
Such a refreshing pair to watch and enjoyable…Sharon Chan’s best role to date for me anyway
FF is waaaay better than GJ2 imo! FF was partly amusing and funny, andi actually enjoyed the characters’ development. Whereas GJ2…I was bored to tears -.- not only was the storyline a drag, the characters were same old boring :/
Gee, why do we watch tv, movies?? To look for entertainment and not logics. If everything must be logical then just look at each mundane day itself.
Entertainment is one things but if the show is to portray realistic events, then, the scenes and scripts should be realistic and not too ridiculous. TV is a tool to educate and hopefully not to mislead unless it is a fairy tale.
Friendly Fire ratings at the end….
Ep 23 FRIDAY… 37 points peak at Alice Chan’s bikini
Ep 24 SATURDAY… 34 points
I had the feeling that the breast cancer topic was just build on cliches. It is a serious dramatic fate but TVB scripwriters milked it to death. One story arc would have been enough but bringing it up every second moment is too much drama.
The rush onto the airplane was just ridiculous.
Alice Chan was great, I can’t remember her former series but it’s good to have her back.