Tavia Yeung: “I Never Heard of Him Law Moving Into My House!”

Last week, Him Law (羅仲謙) was photographed emerging from rumored girlfriend, Tavia Yeung’s (楊怡) apartment building. Headlines claimed that Him had lived at Tavia’s condo apartment for 6 months. However, Tavia continued to deflect claims that she was romantically involved with the muscular Tiger Cubs <飛虎> star.  When asked about Him moving into her apartment, Tavia replied, “I never heard of Him moving into my house!”

Tabloids claimed that Tavia shuffled her mother to Tavia’s sister house in order to enjoy private couple time with Him. Facing the rumors with good humor, Tavia said that she will take care of her mother first. While filming an outdoor location scene for TVB drama, Justice Attack <法網狙擊> yesterday, Tavia was asked directly whether she was living with Him. Tavia replied, “That’s bad! Of course, I will take care of my mother first. If Him had money to give me, then that’s better!”

Asked whether Tavia desired Him’s money, she said, “I want money from my marriage partner. Why would I suddenly ask Him for money?” Tavia deflected questions on whether Him was her marriage partner, “When I see Him, I see many images!”    

Tavia and Him’s friendship was currently watched closely by the media and fans, wondering about their true ties. The pair was frequently teased that they were dating. Although Him stated that he did not mind dating older women, the pair only admitted friendship and not courtship.

Asked whether she was currently single, Tavia said, “I do not believe that I do not have any pursuers. I am not single. I am always together with my assistant,” noting that she was always accompanied by her assistant.

Source: Oriental Daily

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Jayne: How did you react to Tavia’s response in shrugging off rumors that Him was living at her house? Convinced? Not convinced?

She sounded obtuse as usual regarding the dating rumors. A good chance that  it’s true, but still interesting to hear their actual responses about each other. Each response lends a little more clue, allowing us to apply our gossip analytical skills!

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  1. I sorta believe the rumor is true, but i do believe Tavia will not get rid of her mother just for Him Him, as she have mentioned that she will take care of her mother first.

    1. If this rumour occurs over and over again, then there is a more of a chance of it being true. There will be no smoke without a fire.

    2. Tav is known to be quite fillial to her mum . so i dun think tavia would chase her mum away just cuz of him.(;

    3. It’s up the fact that the reporters can find where Mrs. Yeung is now :D.

  2. “When I see Him, I see many images!”
    I don’t really understand what she means there. Btw, Tavia’s assistant is like her bestie 🙂 And she’s cute too, LOL.

    1. Yup. Tavia n her assistant can view more as best friend rather than boss and assistant ralationships. Her assistant have interact with Tavia fans on weibo n their conversation very hilarious.

    2. I guess she is implying about the images Him Him taken for Mr. Lau, isn’t she?

  3. I dun believe Tavia and Him is true unless one of them openly admit their relationships. Since both of them claim they are normal friend then at this moment I trust them.

    1. I doubt either of them will admit the relationship without the approval of TVB.

  4. They are most probably dating. If Him had money to give me, then that’s better!” Why does Tavia always talk about money in her answers?

    1. I have a good feeling that they are too.It will just be a matter of time before they finally admit it. Yea, she talks about money too much and I don’t find that a good thing at all..

      1. What’s with this woman and money? We all love money but do we talk about that ALL the time?

      2. Same with me. Sick of hearing her talking about money, money and money.

        There is no need for her to talk about money all the time. It gives people the impression that she only cares about money and nothing else.

    2. In fact most of the times women care about MONEY!! As compared to those domestic women who earn little from their workplace, they are the ones who are usually destined to be successful in career!

  5. “Tavia was asked directly whether she was living with Him. Tavia replied, “That’s bad! Of course, I will take care of my mother first. If Him had money to give me, then that’s better!”

    Errr how is that answering the question?

    Poor Him Law. He is either living with her and she doesn’t even notice (poor man!) or when she needs him she will take him out of the huge refrigerator and thaw him out, like you know BF for hire. Which he is.

    What I think of her answer? I don’t think she even notices the question. It is her standard answer provided by TVB in the manual “How to answer questions about fake boyfriends when you’re in fake relationships to continue to generate news for self promotion”

    And I am ok with her constant reminders about money. After all, we are often short of money. And she needs it for self maintenance and a whole lot more.

    1. She is just dodging the question which is not a new thing. Celebs are known for lying through their teeth or not answering a question so this isn’t a first.

      About the money thing, well it is true that we all need money and when is money ever enough since there is no limit to human greed. Celebs need it even more due to their high maintanence lifestyle, however, does she really need to mention it every single time?? Honestly, if I were a guy, I would not want to go out or marry someone that is so money hungry. They would empty out my hard earned money and anything else that I have really fast…

      1. Because she was deflecting the issue. And since she isn’t exactly the smartest when it comes to retorts and replies, she uses the same excuse and that is money. Everyone is money hungry but in her case I believe it is to avoid answering the question.

      2. Even if she was trying to deflect the question, there are so many other reason or things to talk about rather than money… Is money all she can talk about??

      3. Apparently, she can’t come up with anything else, but money.

      4. Like i said it can be her subconscious answer that come out automatically when she’s pressured to respond.

      5. What’s wrong with talking about money all the time? We work for money! I actually think it is ok to talk money money money all the time. Like what’s wrong with talking about love all the time? We live for love. That sort of thing. Ahhhh for once I feel it is justified to say give her a break. She isn’t smartest, she can only think one situation at a time so money pops up the most as a diversion. Is that her biggest concern? If it is then she should be real dating or fake dating some millionaire’s son.

      6. yEAH If money is her biggest concern, she should really thought of dating some millionaires sons or etc since I m sure they wants her too.

    2. i know all indirect answers or bs answers. even if they are not living together there is never any doubt she is attracted to this guy no doubt about that.

  6. ” If Him had money to give me, then that’s better!”

    Tavia must be really really really short of money. She talk about money in nearly every interview.

    1. I agree and sadly it sounds like she is money hungry… I wonder if that is why she is single(as she claims anyways)?

      1. the situation: TY need to say something to deflect the question and the automatic thing that come out is ‘money’ and this happwn constantly. This gotta show something LOL

    2. have you ever heard of something called ‘humor’

      1. Humor?? excuse me, but how can constantly talking about money be considered something humourous??

      2. Let me think. Yeah, I have heard of that something called ‘humor’. I’ve also heard of a subcategory under this mysterious something called ‘self-depreciation humor’. Besides that, I also know that your reply to me is something called ‘sarcasm’.

        Once or twice is humor. But, saying it in every interview got to mean something. Like Vivien said, it’s her subconscious talking.

        If she mean it as a joke, she need to know that the same joke said 100x will become stale.

    3. Come on it’s a joke, what you expect her to say?

      1. Um…. I DUNNO, like, answer the question whether Him is living with her or not? I don’t see how “money” has to be mentioned. Or even if she is ignoring the question, at least answer something else other than the subject of “money”.

      2. She is very dumb then ….. does not know how to switch into another subject other than money, money and money.

      3. Simply: “Him Him dun live with me nor Lai Lok Yi eats dinner with my mother.”


        Money isn’t appeared in the question of the reporters.

  7. ” If Him had money to give me, then
    that’s better!”

    Her subconcious talking

    1. translation: she subconsciously cares too much about money that she automatically talk about money every time

  8. I like the both of them so if they are really dating, that’s GREAT!

  9. I personally don’t think their relationship will last.

    1) Tavia cares too much about money, and Him does not seem to be loaded right now.

    2) Him Law will not stay with one girlfriend for long. He had many girlfriends in the past, plus he is young and good looking and will easily attract girls to become his girlfriends.

  10. Actually, she keeps talking about money doesn’t mean she is money hungry…she is just being honest…who doesn’t need money?? And since she is well known for talking about money in almost every interviews, so what’s new in talking about money again…let us give her the benefit of doubt. Afterall, we cannot judge a person based on her reply during interviews.

    1. i agree. we can’t simply judge a person’s real personality based on what they say especially in the entertainment line. my friends and i talk about money very often too and that doesn’t mean we are materialistic. we all hold full time jobs and we don’t even have our own cars, we don’t even buy branded stuff etc. i find other artistes often talking about money too in their interviews yet they are not hammered for it. come on people, time to give this woman a break! if you find her too money minded, then i think that you are being too judgemental.

      1. yes…agree with wonder…entertainment is such a complicated circle..when one gets slightly popular, there will be a lot of rumours of her..Fans who dislike her will think she is money hungry. But hey, who don’t love money. This world is too realistic..

    2. and if she is really that money minded, she can always hook up with some wealthy businessmen. why bother dating chris lai or him law? no matter how rich and famous they may become, they may never be as rich as those wealthy businessmen.

      1. There were articles that showed Tavia’s boyfriend before Chris Lai was a businessman, until the magazines said they broke up because of his debt. I think this site also has pictures of the man.

      2. A problem arises here: Do these wealthy businessmen wanna date her or they wanna run to the young and pretty lengmos with better “assets”?

        When TY was young, she dated a rich heir but this poor guy bankrupted, so can’t say that she didn’t try to hook up with these wealthy guys :P.

      3. Hey hey, wealthy businessmen have standards too you know? Unless you look like Michelle Reis or Gigi Lai, I doubt they are interested in someone who is 32 going onto 45.

      4. @Nicole: The lengmos from 18 to 25 are all there :D. They dun have princess illness or goddess attitude at all. And dun have fans to protest, too. Better choice for the rich men.

  11. I think money in this case means rent. Not a fee for maintaining relationship.

    I agree with a few that she uses money to mainly dodge questions PLUS she is motivated to work for money. That’s why it’s always mentioned in her interviews. Which i agree can b annoying to see/ hear her talk, but everyone have that standard answer they use for dodging questions. She has been quite successful in dodging questions with that approach, so probably that’s why she keeps using it.
    For all I care, she uses her own effort to earn legitimate money, and not spend others’

    1. I don’t like people talking about money all the time. I don’t many artistes would do it.

    2. She is rather dumb then to talk about money all the time. You will give people the impression that she is money-hungry.

  12. he probably just spends the night at her house occasionally, and when he does, her mum “sik jo” and stays over at her older daughter’s place.

  13. Mentioning $$$ too many times is too cheap. True that everybody needs $$ but she makes lot more $$ than lot of poeple why keep showing it? How much is enough? Is she educated under such maner that $ is most important in life? Her goal of career & life is so cheap if it is $ 🙁 her interview is prrety hard to follow. I dont quite get what she means, do you? Or bc the translation is not fully correct from canto to english?
    I think she is dating Him. Honestly they dont have much time together or not mostly on phone. I double of their long last relationship bc of age gap & status. They seem to have same background 🙂

  14. Tavia never heard about Him staying at her apartment? I guess he was living there under her nose? (which, actually, shouldn’t be hard to do ;))

  15. Yipe!

    Tavia, you better check under your bed! LOL!!

  16. Honestly, I don’t think there is anything wrong about talking about money. I talk lot about money doesn’t mean I am greedy or do anything stupid for money. It is just a habit and things that surrounding you may cause the way you talk.

  17. Maybe Tavia cares about money because it’s hard for her to get money? She doesn’t really get popular until MR and BTROC and even now her value in mainland is still lower than other actresses. This might not be 100 percent accurate but it can be rough estimate of their values. The paper also said these are approximate figures.

    source ihktv

    Approximate fee per episode in mainland
    Ada Choi – 200,000RMB (250,000HKD)
    Charmaine – 200,000RMB (250,000HKD)
    Myolie – 180,000RMB (220,000HKD)
    Sonija – 80,000RMB (100,000HKD)
    Tavia – 60,000RMB (70,000HKD)

    1. It’s an increase! Last time she was 40k RMB only :D. For the series Harem something with Ady An and William Feng.

    1. someone still bold to mention TY’s nose. careful dear LOL

  18. Tavia said, “I do not believe that I do not have any pursuers. I am not single. I am always together with my assistant,”

    A hint? Lolz. Maybe Him Him or Lai Lok Yi failed to get the goddess’ love because of this reason. Poor 2 guys, your 6 packs are meaningless because your chests are not big enough.

    Ok, kidding :P.

    1. If TY have many pursuers why the great golden bachelor KM don’t pursue her LOL. She’s just not enough for his taste.

      1. but TY fans or Kenta fans only want great man like KM and bash other girls who get close to KM and bash Him him too. Poor Him him.

      2. TY is too old for KM. What’s TY’s age now? I don’t think KM can accept that unless she got booobs big enough for KM to enjoy……

        So, Rebecca stands a better chance to impress KM.

      3. well if you saying TY is too old KM (she’s actually younger than him), then KM will be too old for RZ

      4. A young woman at 20 years old will have no problem craving for a 60 years old man’s luv as the elder man tends to be more secured than the male youngsters of similar age as her.

        Whereas, a man can hardly accept a woman who is 3 years elder than him and even more so with a woman whose age is more than that.

        You may look at how those young chicks fell in love with Stanley Ho and eventually became his mistresses@wives…

      5. If I were 50 years old, do you think that I would give myself a chance to fall in love with a 40 yrs old woman who has just experienced menopause lately?

        There are 2.5x as more gals than guys in this world…. so, I might as well go for a 20 years old chick – young, horny & sweet…..rather than a worn out aging woman 🙂

      6. Yes, MM might be too old to Rebecca’s taste. Maybe she should be with another love rumour the Mr. HK I dun rmb name :p

  19. Reading all of the comments makes me imagine and laugh…if you guys were to be in her position, I wonder how better you guys can do at answering questions from reporters about your personal life (if there is any bit of it left out of the spotlight..) in which you guys would most likely try to protect?

    Seems like you guys know her about Tavia’s real personality than her mother does. Bravo.

    1. Well said!! Karen…some people only know how to make themselves feel good by critisizing others…Who care about her answers during interviews as long as she can act well.

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