The Changes in Ron Ng

With his stern looks and perpetually furrowed brows, Ron Ng (吳卓羲) is often teased by the media for looking “black-faced.” Twelve years after his debut, Ron has noticeably become more talkative, livelier, and his black face has brightened up.
Ron said, “Back then people said I always had on a ‘black face’ (looking glum). There were also those who said I gave them attitude because when they asked me questions, I only gave brief responses. The truth is – I didn’t know how to face the press. My brain could not react fast enough to respond appropriately. My manager wasn’t very happy with me, so I knew I had to find ways to change myself.
“Now, I will think ahead on what topics I can talk about before I meet with the reporters or attend events. As long as they still have questions to ask, I will have answers to tell. We are all just doing our jobs!
“It takes time to change. Now I am quite close to a few reporters and we would sometimes eat out together like old friends!”
Ten Years Later
Ron never saw himself as an actor. With a love for dancing and performing, Ron’s entry into TVB was through the station’s dance class in 1999. A year later, he was recommended by several seniors to audition for TVB’s artist training class, and later graduated from the class in December 2000. Ron made his debut acting performance in a minor speaking role in the 2001 sitcom, Virtues of Harmony <皆大歡喜>.
Ron’s first two years as an actor were quite stressful. He had his first major leading role in 2003 period drama, Find the Light <英雄·刀·少年>, but he was berated for his wooden acting. Though Ron shot to fame after starring in Triumph in the Skies <衝上雲宵>, the heavy criticism on his acting did not change.
However, there will always be room for improvement when it comes to newcomers. Critics could always dismiss the incompetent acting from rookie actors as inexperience, but what about Ron as an experienced actor now? With twelve years of acting training on his shoulders, critiques on his performances became harsher.
Surprisingly, Ron does not feel stressed about this. In fact, he feels no pressure at all.
“When I knew that Triumph in the Skies 2 was going in production and Francis called me and said we’re finally going to film it, I thought I would feel the pressure. From the day of the reading and to the first day of filming, I did not feel any pressure. Maybe it’s because Triumph in the Skies 2 had been in the making for the past 10 years. When production didn’t fall through, I did feel a little numb. When the project was green-lit, the memories I had from 10 years kept going through my head. I didn’t need to watch the first installment again because every single picture and plotline from the first installment were all in my head. Not just this one. I still remember many filming details from the other dramas I’ve done.
“But honestly, it’s not even my right to feel the pressure. Francis and Chilam have it!”
Relationship with Francis Ng
When Ron was still shooting the first Triumph in the Skies sequel, he considered his costar, Francis Ng (吳鎮宇), a senior and a mentor. Ten years later, Ron has gone from being a rookie star to an experienced senior actor in the industry. Ron is no longer a junior. Francis has now changed from being Ron’s respected senior to a good friend.
“Francis and I became friends. Whenever he has free time or whenever he is in Hong Kong, we will meet up for lunch or dinner. When we were filming the sequel together, we ate out together once a week. We’ve become great friends.
“I was quite nervous when I first worked with Francis ten years ago. Honestly, he didn’t care much about us newcomers back then, but filming with him again ten years later had a completely different feeling to it. Before we did a scene together, he would ask for my opinion on the script and asked how I would play it out. I would tell him my thoughts, and he would say, ‘OK! Go for it!’ He would discuss it thoroughly with me, as if he’s trying to see what I have improved on in the past ten years.
“[Francis] is a really professional actor with extremely high tolerance. I remember there was one scene [in Triumph 2] about me failing an exam and I was feeling unhappy. I was in my room alone, thinking. After reading the script, Francis told me that I was the main character in this scene. He didn’t give me much input and told me to boldly do whatever I want. He became a minor supporting character. This is the tolerance and understanding he has. Just because he is the drama’s main character doesn’t mean that he has to appear in every scene of the show. A lot of artists don’t have that understanding.”
Overcoming Negative Press
Ron’s life as a TVB idol was not all sunshine and rainbows. Aside from his long laundry list of rumored girlfriends, he also had a few rumored discords with his male costars as well. Louis Koo (古天樂), who recommended him to join TVB’s acting class years ago, was also rumored to have had money issues with Ron.
Ron’s image did suffer a big blow from the negative press, and in 2007, TVB “released” Ron to mainland China to film Chinese television dramas. Thinking back, how does Ron feel about all of this?
“I can’t say I wasn’t worried about my own news back in the day. I would become unhappy when I get negative press, but now, I stopped worrying about it. I don’t even remember when I stopped caring. I think it’s because I have more experience now. I’m older, more mature, and I think and behave differently. Now, regardless of what news I read about myself, I would not care too much about it. I read it; I laugh it off. I’m an artist, and my job is to entertain the audience. As long as everyone is happy, it doesn’t matter to me.”
Dating Life
Ron had many rumored girlfriends in the past, but out of that large basket, his past relationships with Revolving Doors of Vengeance <酒店風雲> costar, Ella Koon (官恩娜), and mainland Chinese actress, Viann Zhang (張馨予), were the most widely-reported. These relationships did not end well at all.
“As for these two relationships, I will only describe them like I would a rumor. I don’t want them to affect my opportunities in finding a girlfriend in the future. As for whether I want my girlfriend to be in the industry or not, it doesn’t matter to me. Why should I restrict myself? Honestly, right now, I really don’t need to date anyone. Though my mother always asks why I’m not dating yet, why I still don’t have a grandson for her… I know. I am my family’s own son. I have the responsibility to pass down the family name. But I really don’t have time! Think about it. The simplest requirement in dating is that the couple must see each other, but I can’t even do that. So why date? Or maybe I just haven’t met the One yet.
“I have strong family values. I will definitely marry. As for kids, I’ll rather play with my friend’s kids or my sister’s kids. Honestly, I’m not that fated with children. Take my niece for example. When she was younger, she would always cry when she saw me. I don’t know. Maybe I will have kids, but at this moment, I am really not ready for that!”
Ron used to have one expensive hobby – collecting cars – but even that is changing now. He currently owns three cars. In the past, he would be excited to return home after a long day of work and then drive around the city with his lavish sports cars. Now, Ron would rather get a good night’s rest and prepare for work the next day.
“A friend of mines asked me if I was interested in purchasing an used Lamborghini. The key feature of the car is that it has those ‘scissor’ doors that go up instead of out. The price was not expensive. If it was the old me, I would have taken a look at it immediately. It was a dream car after all, but now, I’m really not that interested anymore. First, I don’t have time to drive it around, and two, I don’t have the energy to drive either. Now I just use my cars to drive myself home after work. There’s no use of getting a dream car when I won’t make use of it!”
Source: 3 Weekly #720 via
This article is written by Addy for
im surprised he had a background in dance when his dancing isn’t even good!
I know, I think so too. Usually even back up dancers really can dance well but him i don’t sense that in him and his acting has always been so so to me as well.
Perhaps he just didnt practice much after he joined the acting department.
After 10 years acting no improve same stiff face and got fat meat meat now. Dancing not good. Singing not good. Girlfriends in many countries.
agree. he just got bulky. remind me of Michael trevino in vampire diaries. he seems like ron ng (himeself) in every drama he’s in.
Just wondering, why TVB keep promote him on and on? He can’t act, not quite good looking, no charisma except full of rumours surround him.
Wow, with people like you guys around, he really doesn’t need any enemies.
He’s an actor, but more importantly he’s human. So he puts on a few pounds, so what? Better than being a skeleton like most HK actors. As for the lack of improvement in his acting skills, it’s all subjective. Perhaps the problem lies not so much in his acting ability, but rather in viewers’ (yes, I mean you zoey, bear and claire) lack of ability to appreciate good acting and notice improvement.
My preference is Ron over Moses and Kenneth in the looks department, hehehe
What an admirable personality.. Great artists allow others to francis!
Glad to hear more great things about Francis instead of all of the bad things we have been hearing. I am sure Francis is not so bad and it is great that he is supportive of his juniors.
Well, it’s also possible that Francis has simply matured.
You people are so negative and judgmental, I think Ron has improved a great deal in all areas.
I agree and Ron has matured and improved a lot through the years. No one is perfect and as long as you learn from your mistakes, mature and become a better person,that is what is important. Jia You Ron!!!
Agree, love Ron forever!!!!!
Definitely sense a level of maturity as well.
He’s not the best but level of improvements varies from one another. No need to say he didn’t improve just because he didn’t improve as much as Kenneth or Bosco.
finally some news about this guy
Beside a good looking face, what else does he have? can’t dance, can’t act, cheater, has money issues with friends. He is just a (censor).
Poor Ron all these hating comments
ron not that bad everyone has negative news but rons just a magnet to bad news ron a hard working guy and friendly there has never been articles about ron being lazy and being a snob to other people his just a really playful person
I always had a fondness for Ron. I find him better looking than Raymond.
agree. what’s with all these hate comments at ron. poor guy. he’s indeed much more better looking than long face uncle raymond!
And long face uncle Raymond looks better than your hollow brain.
I agree, people are just haters, for whatever reason they are taking it all out on poor Ron.
Sel Fi wu,
You are indirectly insulting Myolie by calling Raymond uncle because they are the same age. If Raymond is an uncle, then your dear Myolie is an auntie!!
Personally I think Ron Ng looks better than Raymond Lam. I did not like Ron’s acting in the past, but I think he did quite well as Isaac in “TITS 2”. At least he has shown us a big change ………. lively, humorous, talkative and not wooden any more
The two times Raymond looked better than Ron was in Twin of Brothers and Lethal Weapons of Love and Passion. I guess you can say that was when he was considered “pre-surgical Raymond”
Though I am very much a Raymond Lam fan, I must admit Ron does look better. Lol.
Random comment: Is it me only or is Ron showing signs of early balding? Lol.
Not really I always think that Ron has always been the most handsome out of the four promoted TVB constables in The Four, but I prefer Raymond’s natural looks during SL and TOB more than his current cosmetic looks. I appreciate natural beauty more.
Ron Ng is the handsomest guy among the four top siu sangs, i.e. Ron Ng, Raymond Lam, Kenneth Ma, and Chan Kim Fung. He has very good features, but he puts on some weight lately. Otherwise, he would look even better. Raymond’s face is too long and narrow; Kenneth is not bad; and Chan Kim Fung looks a bit feminine.
In terms of acting, Ron was always the worst among the top four. I hope he will improve after TITS 2. He seemed to do well as Isaac in TITS 2.
He is really fortunate for not fading in the entertainment scene.
I suppose he needs control damage but nevertheless it is heartening to see he made efforts in changing.
I wish him all the best!
I enjoy watching Ron in series and I think he’s improved a lot throughout the years. He’s probably my favorite male character in Triumph 2 right now.
You are right, He has improved a lot and I like watching him very much in TITS 2.
He is also very handsome.
He seems like a pretty fun guy, I’ve always liked his onscreen personality. He is def the weakest one out of the other leading actors in acting terms but lucky for him he has on screen charisma. He’s just not very consistent with his acting and I notice that in almost pat of the others. He needs different roles identify himself as an actor, not playing repetitive ones.
*Most of the other actors
agree. prefer to look at ron’s handsome face rather than wayne and moses ugly faces who have so much overexposure from tvb when ron is underpromoted while tvb shifting to promote old uncles such as wayne and moses and plan to give them multiple tv king awards! why don’t tvb push forward young guys like ron and kenneth who are much more comfortable to look at and enjoy them on tv screen without cringing at over the top acting from some overrated old uncles?
Oh..come on. You seriously have nothing better to do other than bashing artist who is not your favorite . Wayne and Moses are versatile actors . if you don’t have anything good to talk about other artist , please shut up.
You know it makes me very uncomfortable that you’re agreeing with me.
Ron is very charismatic and fun, I like his onscreen personality too.
Having screen charisma is really important too. If you act well but lack charisma, people will not like you as much.
He needs a different role. To me, he’s always the young, impulsive guy in every show who doesn’t think before he acts. I haven’t been watching TITS2 though, so maybe he’s different in there.
Well as an actor they do everything from the script and what directors say including when to blink and its not Ron fault playing the same role over and over again
And including what facial expression to do if an actor can’t do what directors say they will just re take until the actor.passes
Well really I dont c any changes for his acting though, still d same awkward hands movements n facial expressions. Anyway still he is not worst nor bad for an actor.
I met Ron Ng a few years ago and personally, I think he’s a really nice guy. Friendly and humble too. I don’t see why people have to keep pointing out his flaws, as if he’s the only one with imperfections.
I’ve always seen Ron as a hardworking guy. 12 years in the industry is not a short time and perhaps his acting can still improve but don’t take his efforts for granted. I think he’s just been a little unlucky compared to other artistes like Raymond Lam, Bosco Wong etc.
If he keeps working hard, I’m sure he’ll find better success in the near future too.
Unlucky? In fact, Ron was the first out of the lot (Raymond, Sammul, Bosco and Kenneth) to be heavily promoted. His downfall was his playboy personality and the string of negative news that followed him. I normally would take these news with a grain of salt. But when someone like Louis Koo openly states that he does not wish to talk about Ron and he claims to not know this person, there’s something to be said about Ron’s personality.
His downfall was his playboy personality and the string of negative news that followed him.
Agree. Hopefully Ron Ng knows and starts leading a more decent personal life. Work hard in his acting first and worry about girls later.
@WildBerries I would agree to a certain extent. I am not aware about the Louis Koo thing though.
@sandcherry Is he not doing that now?
About the Louis Koo issue, since we don’t know the details, I don’t think it is fair to blame it all on Ron. Afterall, it does take 2 to tango. When 2 people do not like each other, you really wonder who is more at fault OR they just do not have personalities that click. But that does not mean that they are bad people. For example, I guess we have heard that Kevin and Wong Hei do not get along, but does that make either of them bad people??? I don’t think so and they may not get along or like each other because their personalities may clash. There are some people we click with and some that we don’t. That is normal.
Like with Louis, now he seems like a great and decent guy. However, I guess we all tend to forget that he used to be in juvenile hall for doing bad things. No one is perfect or has the perfect life or a perfect smooth sailing past. Everyone has a past and some have a past that is not as pleasant as others. But the most important thing is to learn from your mistakes and move forward so that you can become a better person…
Overall, most of Ron’s friends and colleagues seem to really like him and IF that is true, then that shows that Ron is not such a bad guy with a bad personality.
I also wonder why the things that Louis says is so valid and believable???
1. If you know the back story about Louis and Ron you’d know Louis was the one that helped Ron out at TVB. It was said Louis helped him out with his acting and lent him money when he needed it. Something Ron did not deny and agreed that they were ‘brothers’ before the incident.
2. I saw the interview where Ron was asked about him being at odds with Louis because of money issues. Ron can’t lie (a good trait) and it showed on TV. He had that being caught red handed look on his face. Now that makes one wonder, why lie about it if its not true.
3. Just because Ron has ‘friends’ at TVB does not mean he wouldn’t treat Louis that way. Who knows how they really feel about Ron? Like you constantly preach, even if you know a person for years it doesn’t mean you truly know who they are. An example would be, saying a rapist isn’t so bad because he didn’t rape his other female co-workers. I’m not saying Ron is a rapist, I’m just using it as an example.
4. If you follow or read about Louis’ personal news (which is very very rare) you’d know he doesn’t have much to say. His usual comments are ‘no comment’, ‘its personal, no comment’, nothing negative about others. But with Ron he’ll say he does not know him (which he does) and does not wish to talk about him. This is right after the rumors surfaced. What does that tell you? Of course you are free to believe what you want.
5. Having different personalities that don’t click is one thing, being at odds because of money issues is another. I’m sure you can tell the difference.
6. I do believe people can change for the better and improve themselves. Like your example of Louis is perfect, he changed for the better. But unfortunately not everyone changes for the better, some gets worst overtime.
I remember he rolled his eyes on TV.
Exactly, why must posters here be so cruel to Ron and still bashing him for his acting? Ron isn’t the bst actor and still has traces of looking boring and stoned at times but the character Issac suits him! He’s funny and I love most of his lines. Ron is better onscreen when he’s doing a fun and lively character. I also like Ron better than his bestfriend Raymond offscreen because Ron is funnier while Raymond is a bit serious and dull, and Raymond’s acting hasn’t improve for a long time.
Not a fan of Ron but i think he has improved a lot since his 1st debut. I do feel sorry for him as people being bashing him about his acting and his colourful personal life.
Agree with you Hannah. His personal life shouldn’t be a concern for everyone but himself. Anyway I find his acting likable in TITS2. His role cheers up the screen, especially when he is acting opposite Francis.
Isaac is a very likable character in TITS 2. Ron is lucky to get this character, instead of some impulsive and wooden characters.
Being lucky to get a good character is one thing, but are they able to play that character well is a different story. Ron deserves credit for playing the character well too. I don’t think it is fair to say that he is lucky to get that character.
I like Ron and Kate!
Although I think Ron can be quite wooden but he did well in the drama with Linda (L’escargot) and I like him overall. I think he still has potential and I support him.
Yes, i think Ron improved a fair bit. He could cry convincingly in L Escargot…
I have never liked Ron but getting warm towards him. Think he has come leaps and bounds over the years. Certinly his acting is better and his persona in front of media and interviews are warmer and less arrogant.
Ron is very hit or miss for me. It really depends on the role, I think. He does quite well in some roles, while in others he can be so unimaginatively boring. For TITS2, it really does show how much Francis supports him and he’s very enjoyable to watch.
In terms of looks, although he’s never appealed to me he’s still quite good-looking and men can lead up their 70s anyway. I don’t really notice him´getting a bit chubbier in TITS2 like I did in SSSS.
Wouldn’t that apply to all actors and actresses??? I personally have never liked every single role that my favorite actors and actresses have played(of course those overly obsessed fans would like every character their favorites play). There are certain roles that I like and certain ones that I don’t.
Ron will be leading with Myolie in “The Vinegar Lady”. As it’s supposed to be a grand production, hope he gets a good role, and does well at it.
I think TVB unwittingly sabotage him by promoting him too soon. They should have let him do small roles first, to get warm up. But no, he started leading almost instantly. And since he’s not a natural, the rest is history.
TITS2 is a good role for him. So hope he’ll get better from here.
A bit of reaching back, but first time I finally saw Ron differently was A Chip Off the Old Block – maybe he needs more time to warm up to new role.
I quite liked him there!
I agree that Ron is quite wooden in his acting and I think he gets typecasted just a bit. I also think he’s doing quite well in TITS2 and maybe this will be a good learning experience for him to take with him for his next role?
Do you guys remember his Miss Hermes MV which Fala stars in? It’s quite funny.
i like Ron’s role in TITS2!!! robin and batman haha…… his like the second lead after chilam and sam.
I loveeeee his interactions with chilam and nancy!!!!! so funny
Changed to a fatty uncle and buck of wood. Following by Elizabeth butt face Kenneth Ma and cosmetic Raymond Lam.
Wow you seem to hate everyone since I have not seen a single positive comment from you.
If anything, this article shows the maturity both Francis and Ron have gained over the years. I admire Francis to no end. As for Ron, he is fine now that he is no longer with Viviann.
I have always been a fan of ron.
Reading through the comments I love how fans are having like very low expectations of Ron as an actor. As long as he doesn’t have the acting abilities of a real piece of wood, he is ok. Frankly I also think he has improved, as one of the commenter here says, “a fair bit” which is a HUGE leap for Ron actually. I still find him quite pitiful that so much role in TITS 2, practically leading role for the younger cast and yet so few news.