“The Unholy Alliance” Finale Finishes At 30 Points

It’s another celebration for the team behind The Unholy Alliance <同盟>.
The action crime drama, produced by Jazz Boon (文偉鴻), ended its 28-episode run on Wednesday with a general viewership rating of 30 points across all viewing platforms, averaging 1.94 million viewers. The drama, which is the station’s last drama to air before TVB’s anniversary season, is currently the highest-rated drama of the year.
TVB has invited the cast and crew for a banquet celebration this week.
Female lead Nancy Wu (胡定欣) has reacted to the news, saying, “I’m so happy with the results for the finale. We (the cast) are ecstatic about it. Many of our colleagues who worked on the show have received positive reception also. I’m so happy! Let’s continue to work hard!”
The Unholy Alliance, regarded as the sister production to Jazz Boon’s 2016 award-winning drama A Fist Within Four Walls <城寨英雄>, stars Nancy Wu, Ruco Chan (陳展鵬), and Nina Paw (鮑起靜) in her first TVB drama.
Nina Paw is also one of the most popular candidates to win Best Actress this year.
In related news, the Sunday night finale for Legal Mavericks <踩過界> reached 26.9 points (approximately 1.75 million viewers), hitting a new milestone for current weekend dramas. It was the drama’s highest rating since it started broadcast on June 24, 2017.
Source: On.cc
This article is written by Addy for JayneStars.com.
@alicesky nowhere near Fist but I think not too bad considering that it aired on the night of the late horse races. Read somewhere that ratings traditionally take a dive of a couple of points on Weds so actually the ratings could have hit at least 32 points otherwise.
@passingby yeah I think Jazz rests on his Laurel lol anyway it still has high ratings coz of Nina and Jimmy.
The earlier sub plot where Ling Hung gets a movie director to film the deaths of all her sons and leutenants in quick time then get Oscar to hack into the army leader’s computer and fool him that they have all been ambushed By his men has got to be the worst subplot/storyline in history. The series is a joke!
The storyline of “The Unholy Alliance” was garbage, especially in the last 3 episodes. It is watchable if you are interested in watching the good acting of those veteran artistes. 90% of the cast did very well in this crime drama.
@orchid123 agree. How ridiculous when Kam Tin was kicked out of the game bcoz of a young unexperienced guy who can shoot well in one day and defeated the 4 bosses by files in usb lmao
Ling Hung’s role as head of her company and 同猛 is not ruthless although it is a known fact that 同猛 is related to mafia.
Quite sad for Ruco to be overshadowed by Joel. Elaine is amazing too…can fight and a computer wizard. She is pretty and should be given more chances to take on lead roles.
of course the one question i don’t understand is why kill off 易先生? why can’t he have a happy ending?
the 4 bosses should not be sitting at the end playing bridge. they should be cornered by many enemies.
Notice that the ratings are “across all platforms”….the actual ratings from the TV portion was actually not that high, but of course, they couldn’t announce that so they had to buff it up with the ratings from other platforms (i.e. online via their website) in order to make it sound better. TVB needs to stop screwing around with the ratings – they need to decide once and for all whether they want to use the “across all platforms” number as “official” ratings or the traditional TV only ratings as “official”…..they can’t use one rating one minute and the other one the next minute as it suits their fancy…where’s the integrity here?
Ratings dosent mean if a series is good that this is proven with Unholy Alliance. Legal mavericks was released 10 episodes at a time and so is Line Walker 2 now. When Heavens Burns is probably the best series in the last decade but had terrible ratings.
@jimmyszeto Exactly…and that’s why I don’t see a point with the way TVB tries to play around with their ratings. I suppose since the HK media is still obsessed with the whole ratings thing, TVB wants to make themselves look good. Personally, I don’t give a care about whether ratings are good or not, since I see no correlation whatsoever between ratings and quality of production and it in no way affects my decision to watch or not watch a series (and it sounds like you’re in the same camp as well, lol)…but of course, not everyone is like you and me…
But hey, 30 point ratings benefits the cast and crew I guess, as that means they get free dinner paid for by their stingy employer, since TVB instituted that policy several years ago that any series/variety show which garners 30 points or higher will get treated to celebratory dinner. Hey, if the team is able to squeeze a free dinner out of this compliments of TVB, by all means go for it, lol!
It would be an embarrassing and awkward dinner. They know it’s a critically panned series.
@jimmyszeto TVB is obviously desperate to make TUA come across as the highest rated series….or they are trying to justify why they are celebrating a series that was basically a flop. Now they’re doing this “7 day cross platform ratings” thing and claiming the ratings went as high as 31.8 points….so since the series “broke 30 points” in ratings, it is cause for a “celebratory dinner.” So ridiculous! Instead of coming up with all these fancy ways of calculating the ratings, why don’t they take that creativity and apply it to their series for once? ARGH!!
@llwy12 I haven’t checked but I don’t think TVB have broken 30pts in years. It’s a very difficult boundary to pass these days unlike back in the square pegs and War and Beauty times. To manipulate the results to make this flawed and forgettable series seem like a classic is a joke.
@jimmyszeto Maybe not trying to make it seem like a “classic” per se but rather trying their darndest to give the series as much ammo as possible to compete at the anniversary awards. Plus they know most HK audiences only look at surface level or are too busy to care whether what TVB is saying makes sense – all the audiences are going to remember is that the series “broke 30 points” and it’s the first series to do so in years and TVB held a dinner banquet for them so oh, of course they deserve every award they might end up getting….at the end of the day, this is TVB — they monopolize the industry and have the government in their pockets so they can basically do whatever the hell they want – doesn’t matter to them what the audiences think…
@llwy12 I’m curious. Is TUA the first series to break 30 pts in years? Thought Fist already did that last year?
@passingby Don’t know, as I obviously don’t pay much attention to the ratings unless it’s blatant stuff like what TVB is trying to pull with TUA. But even if Fist did break 30, it for sure didn’t garner a 30+ point rating based on the very specific “7 day leading up to the finale across platforms” calculation – that “honor” belongs to TUA alone, lol.
@llwy12 thx for explaining how they arrived at the latest rating of 30plus points. I’ve come across this term before when reading about the ratings for other dramas in recent times so i do believe that tvb is adopting this method for other dramas as well not just TUA. The only difference is that the other dramas didn’t hit 30 even when calculated on this basis so they slipped off the radar.
@passingby You’re welcome! Though I need to clarify that there is a difference…yes, it’s true that the whole industry is changing to a different ratings system that will eventually include online ratings (hence the “cross platform” piece), but that won’t happen until next year (2018) for one and two, what TVB is doing here is different due to the fact that they are taking 1 specific week (7 days) and only calculating the ratings from that. Even with the addition of cross platform ratings next year, it is supposed to be average of the ENTIRE series, NOT whatever 7 days TVB chooses to count. Peak rating is the highest point rating of the whole series and can be that 1 minute where it hit that mark but average ratings can’t be calculated that way.
@jimmyszeto That’s one of the things I can’t stand about TVB – they do stuff that defies reason and logic merely to meet a short-term goal, the “whim of the day” pretty much, without thinking about the consequences. So if for Unholy Alliance, TVB is going to count the “7 day finale cross platform ratings” (that’s the “formula” that gave them 31.8 points) and go by that to determine “good” ratings worthy of celebratory dinner, then the right thing to do is to use this same formula for ALL future series – basically only take the last 7 days that the series aired leading up to finale episode and only count those ratings across platforms. But of course, we all know TVB isn’t going to do that, as it looks like only Unholy Alliance is “worthy” of getting such “special” treatment from them…
The current position of this drama as the highest-rated drama of the year won’t last long anyway. I’m pretty sure it will soon be taken over by the anniversary dramas.
This drama could have been better if at least they put in more effort/creativity to end the drama with a non-rushing ending, that could also give opportunities for Ruco to showcase his acting chops when portraying the role of Rainman to find evidences to defeat the four big bosses.
it flopped towards the end. Rubbish ending! Would of been so much more terrible without nina. I liked it but wouldnt recommend to watch or re-watch.
@yummiki24 SO TRUE! the actors did well, but the storyline just wasn’t there, i was only watching for nina and ruco
@elaiyio i was only watching because of Ruco…just didn’t expect Jimmy Au to become my hero.
@yummiki24 the ending where Nina planted potatoes with her mother is so stupid…it should have been how Ruco brought the 4 bad guys down.
I love Unholy Alliance very much and am happy watching the drama from episodes 1 to 28. To me, the only boring parts are the “love story” of Kent and Kate – so called Romeo and Juliet’s romance. Oh! Not just boring but very disgusting. Every time, Kent’s expression towards Kate is the same and murmuring the same words… and Kate’s ugly crying, and then looping infinitely.
I love the whole drama but my personal “more” favorite ones are the last three episodes which got the highest viewship rating, especially the last episode. Although the airing time of the last episode collided with the horse race night in Hong Kong, the rating of this episode is the highest among the three. The rating proves my favorite matches with the taste of the public of Hong Kong. I am still missing Kit and re-watching the drama at mytv super now, love to see Ruco’s actions, his interactions with Nancy, Nina and Oscar, etc..
@groundhog Respectfully, you are the reason why/how HK or TVB is today, stuck in the past with no improvement. Logically, the last 3 eps make absolutely no sense. However, if you are a fan of Ruco, then yes, I can see how you would love and praise last 3 eps. He actually did more variety, even though his character is so out of character.
You don’t miss the character Kit or other actors/actresses or their characters. You missed seeing your idol, Ruco, on the screen.
Glad you did enjoy the series though. Good on you!
@jjwong thanks for saying what my heart wanna say lol
I hope this is a piece of sarcastic writing because ifis was then it’s a genius piece of writing. If you mean every word then @jjwong has been very polite because it’s one of the most idol obsessed posts I have ever seen. Please stick to his fanclub pages and yes, I already know you think he’s hot, handsome and sexy.
@jimmyszeto i think he meant it lol a Ruco’s die-hard fan rofl
One question: i heard that hong kong people are very strict in their choices but now why is there one person that praise and consider this is a good series? Maybe u r right. She would come back to Ruco’s fanpage lol, definitely a teenager.
Ehh…ruco is hot handsome and sexy. Is that shady?? Hahahha but i love it tho
@alicesky @jimmyszeto Hahaha…ridiculous and laughable! It’s precisely thoughtless comments like those from that particular fan that give TVB the fodder they need to justify why it’s ok for them to do what they do (and for their management to be the idiotic bastards that they are). @jjwong was definitely too polite, lol…my response would not have been that nice….but then again, I probably wouldn’t have responded at all, since I don’t like to waste my time having conversations with delusional fanboys/fangirls. If I were Ruco’s fan (which I’m not), I would be ticked at TVB for essentially “using” him in the last 3 episodes to boost ratings after “kicking him aside” for most of the series….but apparently that type of logic is lost on some folks…
@llwy12 Credit where credit is due. Ruco was pretty good in ‘the other truth’, ‘Every Move You Make’ and from the few episodes I saw in Captain of Destiny (which I had to drop because of the fake cgi, Grace Chan exaggerations and Tony Hung). I’ll give him that!
@jimmyszeto Yup, I agree…and I have said before that Ruco is one of the best actors that TVB still has now given their severe talent drain (referring to TVB-managed actors at lead level of course). But that doesn’t mean he can do no wrong or every role he does is good. Credit where credit is due, but also criticism where criticism is due as well!
The last 3 episodes which Ruco has more screen time to showcase his acting has the highest ratings. This shows that he has the genuine main lead charisma to retain the audience, not only fans. Viewers in Hong Kong have no patience. If they find the drama nothing attractive they will turn off tv. TBB knows too well which artistes have drawing power and they often use those artistes to promote 2nd line or newbies, sometimes even sacrificing the plot and thus the series have no improvement.
@llwy12 @jimmyszeto @alicesky Lol. Trying a new tactic: kill/persaude them with kindness. @groundhog shows they (die hard fans and reason behind HK/TVB demise) do exist and are alive and well.
So I agree that Ruco can act. I like him especially im those series you guys mentioned. However, the last few series shown how limited his acting is. If you’re good, you’ll shine even if your character is weak and plain Jane. Ruco can do dramatic (whether good boy or villainous) character, and that’s it. He can’t be cutesy or country pumpkin. He doesn’t have the look and appears too stiff for those kind of characters. However, I think if he’s more versatile, he could at least make those kind of characters likable and pop out. I really hope he improves or tries to because he is TVB few last hope left.
@66ksc I don’t think TVB is smart nor cunning enough to use their leads to promote supporting actors/actresses though. They really think characters like Ruco’s are the star; the goodie tootsie, righteous, blindly stubborn type. The supporting characters are opposite to enhance the “goodness” of the lead. They have no intention to make the support a better role. It just so happen the support roles turn out to be more colorful and interesting because they’re not so Mary Sue or Gary Stu. Only a few think support roles are better, ie us. Majority, ie @groundhog, think the stale leads are better.
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Just caught a glimpse of the cast of TUA being interviewed on TV. Saw an elated cast because there were much rejoicing over the ratings the drama has managed to garner. From the posts I have been reading, nobody seems to see good in TVB as a drama management agency. Does TVB really ‘suck’?
I don’t believe that TVB sucks in every series but there are less and less good series every year. It might seem like I love to criticise the company and actors but if a series was good I will give it deserved praise. Legal Mavericks to me is the best series this year so far due to the compatibility of the actors/actresses who worked together cohesively. Tiger Mom Blues was also good and TVB Have proved to be decent at making family related series. My dearly sinful mind also showed many moments of brilliance. I know Jimmy got loads of praise for his performance and I’ve been a massive fan since the Grand Canal. This is the reason I monitored him carefully in Fist Within Four Walls and correctly guessed him to be the villain. However, I don’t seen his role in The Unholy Alliance to have any character development. Just action scenes and barely any lines. I feel the support cast in Legal Mavericks and Hui Siu Hung in Line Walker should be currently ahead in the Best Support rankings for now.
I agree with you that TVB does not suck in every series, but it’s just that the company is producing less and less good series nowadays. I’ve just finished watching the final episode of The Tofu War, and i also agree that TVB have been decent (if not good) in making family dramas.
The Tofu War, which appeared to be another lame drama to many, turned out to be a watchable heartwarming series…at least for me. TVB once again proved that they are better at making a simple/lighthearted and family related series. For those who want to try this series, I would advise you to watch at least for a few episodes before you decide whether to stop or continue watching.
For the best supporting actor award this year, so far Benz Hui should be in the lead with his likeable Foon Hei Gor character in LW:The Prelude. But there are few more anniversary series coming out…so will have to wait a little longer to see who will be among the Top 3 or Top 5 for the best supporting actor awards.
@diana80 I watched a few episodes of Tofu War, mostly because of Dominic Lam – it was ok…not the best but not the worst either…I would say a decent series but one that I have no intention of watching beyond the few episodes I saw. Coincidentally, I read an article today analyzing the series and how, despite TVB being good at filming these types of light-hearted family life dramas, unfortunately they suck at scheduling and promoting them. Like for instance, the series already aired its finale, yet pretty much no one in HK really noticed – and throughout the series’ airing, no one really paid attention because everyone was either too busy trying to guess Unholy Alliance’s “big boss” or trying to figure out which of Line Walker 2’s characters are really undercover cops. Basically, by sandwiching the series in between these 2 majorly hyped series, there was no hope at all for Tofu War to garner any type of recognition or attention. The article actually made quite a few very valid points about why the series ended up getting the short end of the stick and also had some good insight as to how TVB operates and why they don’t align with audiences’ expectations.
@llwy12 I watched a few episodes of The Tofu War too and it wasn’t so bad but it seems to be the type of series that it’s difficult to invest time into. There’s simply better things to do such as rewatching older classics or reading a book. Although Dominic Lam is one of the lead actors and is the actor we would watch for, his role in this series is just too simple a character for someone of his calibre. He must think his acting career is going backwards after portraying challenging roles in the Borderline and other HKTV dramas. I don’t know why but I have never liked Chris Lau and I don’t think he should be leading a series.
@jimmyszeto I agree. I’m actually kind of disappointed that Dominic agreed to film this series when his role was so insignificant compared to his recent roles at HKTV (and even his previous roles at TVB in the 80s/90s and later post 2000s). But then again, I don’t think Dominic cares much because acting for him is pretty much a side job now, as his home and career are in Canada since he immigrated there so many years ago. He will usually participate in a HK movie or TV series only if he happens to be back in HK to take care of something (with the exception being HKTV, since it was Ricky Wong who took the initiative to fly all the way to Canada to “recruit” him).
I’m not fond of Chris Lai either but to me, whether he leads or not doesn’t really matter because I don’t watch for him anyway. I had read though that his “John Ma” image from Come Home Love has been so deeply ingrained in many HK audiences minds that it is hard for them to find him convincing as anyone else but John Ma, lol…talk about being typecast…sounds like Chris has some major work to do if he wants HK audiences to change their perception of him. He should talk to Ben Wong, whom I’m sure could give him some pointers since he was in the exact same situation many years ago….
@llwy12 I think the appealing factor is that TVB has given him a lead role for the first time and it’s a breakthrough by TVB standards. Though the character is less than appealing and weak. Ideally he should have binned the script and refused to film it but at least he can hope for further opportunities. Rejecting it would just mean that’s it for him and he’s certainly not wealthy enough to retire comfortably.
The only way to stop being typecast is for Chris Lai to patiently work hard and take every role seriously and he will get more opportunities in the future on none typecast characters.A professional actor should put effort into every role no matter how big or minor. You never know which one will suddenly break out in viewers eyes. Look at Jimmy Au. He just played a typical role professionally like he normally does and suddenly he’s found success again. Don’t do what Ruco Chan is doing and just coast his roles thinking he has made it although he is million miles from being as good as the likes of Wayne Lai, nevermind Anthony Wong, Tony Leung etr. Just saw clips of The Unholy Alliance celebrations and it is fake and cringeworthy. However, I like Jimmy’s modest interview, thanking the viewers support and praising the director for his eye catching scenes. A good man and pleased for him.
@jimmyszeto One of the few good things about TUA is that it put Jimmy Au back into the spotlight after so many years and gained some new fans. The latest issue of Mingpao Weekly magazine features a cover story interview with Jimmy, where he talks about his wife and kids…he’s such a sweet guy, a family man, and very humble too…love him!
The extra money he will get earn now for attending shows will be much deserved. The over promoting of the series has worked to his favour. This guy was acting alongside Tony Leung in his prime and has total respect amongst his peers. Now the viewers are giving him the recognition. One big disappointment in my mind is that Line Walker 2 has already been filmed and released. If they knew about Jimmy’s surge in popularity in advance then I’m certain they would have gave his character major screen time. Now after 10 episodes he Jimmy is yet to be seen. I’m looking forward to seeing him in the bigger roles in the future. I have been gutted to see him killed off playing many minor characters throughout the years but now know that his future roles won’t be the same.His Unholy Alliance role for me isn’t an award winning one due to very limited lines and character development but nevertheless I’m very happy for the guy. It’s amazing that the support cast in the Unholy Alliance but everyone apart Jimmy failed due to the weak script. What a waste of KK Cheung and miscasting of a Jazz Lam!
@jimmyszeto Yea, me too! And it’s humbling to know that Jimmy did have a chance to make it big and earn even more money back in the 90s through a promising career in Mainland but he decided to give all that up and return to TVB in 2000 because he couldn’t bear to be apart from his wife and kids in HK. Counting his time back in the 80s/90s and from the time of his return later on, he’s been with TVB close to 30 years and is finally getting long overdue audience recognition….I’m a little sad that it took so long for audiences to notice him but still happy for him nonetheless!
@blest62 That’s a pretty loaded question, one that can’t be answered in one post. I think anyone who has followed TVB for at least the last decade has some idea by now what type of company TVB is. Based on your question, sounds like you might be “new” to the TVB world? (hope you don’t take offense, as I’m mostly asking out of curiosity). Without going into a long-winded explanation (because we would be here forever, lol), my answer – based on the now 30 years that I’ve been “following” TVB and HK entertainment as a whole — is this: don’t be fooled by the so-called ratings or the “rejoicing” by the cast and crew – TVB does indeed ‘suck’ now, in more ways than one….anyone who still thinks that TVB is awesome or “the best thing since sliced bread” (yes, as ridiculous as it sounds, I know someone who actually said this) is either ignorant or fooling themselves. Yes, their management do occasionally take their heads out of their butts and do something that warrants praise, but then they go right back to being fools. And no not all their series suck, but enough of them do that the negatives definitely outweigh the positive
@blest62 Historically, anything TVB heavily promoted and hyped ends up suck big time. Series that’s low key, forgotten, no promote usually turn out to be better script with better performance/talents. Swipe Tap Love. Tigers Mom. Legal Mavericks. Tofu War. IDK why TVB and HK see lais are so backward xD lol
@llwy12 @jimmyszeto I like Tofu War up until the accident. Throughout the whole series, dad and I poked fun how Nancy Sit resembled my Mom. Lol. We get a kick out of watching it. The story is real slice of life. It shows different generations mindset. How they view things, view lives and live. IDK if they did that intentionally, or was just coincidence/accident, lol. I haven’t finish it because the whole amnesia thing ruined it for me. It’s stupid, unnecessary drama. They could’ve that accident and have rebuild/remend their relationship due to lost of baby. I like Roxanne. She’s refreshing and fresh. Hopefully she’ll get more opportunity. Dom is a wasted talent as support character. Sad.
For some reason this post never got published… reposting…
@llwy12 @jimmyszeto @alicesky Lol. Trying a new tactic: kill/persaude them with kindness. @groundhog shows they (die hard fans and reason behind HK/TVB demise) do exist and are alive and well. So I agree that Ruco can act. I like him especially im those series you guys mentioned. However, the last few series shown how limited his acting is. If you’re good, you’ll shine even if your character is weak and plain Jane. Ruco can do dramatic (whether good boy or villainous) character, and that’s it. He can’t be cutesy or country pumpkin. He doesn’t have the look and appears too stiff for those kind of characters. However, I think if he’s more versatile, he could at least make those kind of characters likable and pop out. I really hope he improves or tries to because he is TVB few last hope left. @66ksc I don’t think TVB is smart nor cunning enough to use their leads to promote supporting actors/actresses though. They really think characters like Ruco’s are the star; the goodie tootsie, righteous, blindly stubborn type. The supporting characters are opposite to enhance the “goodness” of the lead. They have no intention to make the support a better role. It just so happen the support roles turn out to be more colorful and interesting because they’re not so Mary Sue or Gary Stu. Only a few think support roles are better, ie us. Majority, ie @groundhog, think the stale leads are better.
Srly, what’s up with this comment waiting for mod…
llwy12 jimmyszeto alicesky Lol. Trying a new tactic: kill/persaude them with kindness. groundhog shows they (die hard fans and reason behind HK/TVB demise) do exist and are alive and well. So I agree that Ruco can act. I like him especially im those series you guys mentioned. However, the last few series shown how limited his acting is. If you’re good, you’ll shine even if your character is weak and plain Jane. Ruco can do dramatic (whether good boy or villainous) character, and that’s it. He can’t be cutesy or country pumpkin. He doesn’t have the look and appears too stiff for those kind of characters. However, I think if he’s more versatile, he could at least make those kind of characters likable and pop out. I really hope he improves or tries to because he is TVB few last hope left.
66ksc I don’t think TVB is smart nor cunning enough to use their leads to promote supporting actors/actresses though. They really think characters like Ruco’s are the star; the goodie tootsie, righteous, blindly stubborn type. The supporting characters are opposite to enhance the “goodness” of the lead. They have no intention to make the support a better role. It just so happen the support roles turn out to be more colorful and interesting because they’re not so Mary Sue or Gary Stu. Only a few think support roles are better, ie us. Majority, ie groundhog, think the stale leads are better.
@jjwong Took out a bunch of @ and it worked lol.
@jjwong You have certainly honed your critical mind to a T! That’s why I enjoy your reviews here including the many others who are seriously active. No petty details of dramas seem to escape your nitpicking 2 eyes. Bravo indeed!
Are you reading too much into the dramas? Sometimes I wonder. TVB should rope you in their critcal appreciation department! Lol….
@blest62 Ah, would you like a bib? Your sarcasm is drooling. Lol.
The critisms on this drama are basic common sense and anyone with two cent worth of logic and brain cells wouldn’t settle for what this series offered. Just like the last 2 of Wong Jing series for TVB. It is not nitpicking nor read too much into the plot. If you’re defending TVB, then sure, they have good series out there. Even some recent ones are good and passable. If you’re defending this series, then I recommend higher your standard. Don’t settle for illogical shat. This series flows like children book where only imagination and fairy dusts world would any of it make sense. If you’re being offended because a Ruco’s series is being criticized, then I hope you do realize it’s not him a lot are complaining about. Most think he can act, this series does him no justice. So really, we’re rooting for him to do better, to improve and to have more quality roles.
Either way, having constructive negative views of a series shouldn’t be offensive to anyone. /end my 2 cents
@jjwong It has been said that a person who has an experience is never at the mercy of one who owns an arguement. I am of the latter strand. Bow 3 times to ‘sifu’.
Eh..I am not defensive that Ruco gets criticised in TUA because I own an open mind; no one is 10/10 all the time though we wish our idols on big and small screens be on perfect toes if they can. Should they falter disappoint and out of line or syn, we graciously accept their missteps. That’s it!
You don’t carry an open mind at all. Just choosing to ridicule anyone who are trying to express their opinions and analyses proves that. How can you have an open mind when you are muchly interested in Ruco’s relationships and his fanclub? Please show a bit of respect to others as they are entitled to their opinion just as you are entitled to having Ruco as your loving idol.
If posting a review or opinion is regarded as nit picking then there’s a lot a nit pickers out there in every profession. Without these so called ‘nit pickers’, we will be living in a fantasy world. The majority of people would be similar to you, fantasizing and dreaming of idealistic situations. There would be no improvement and no reality. The whole economy would just grind to a halt. For continuous improvement we need monitoring, analyses and critiques. Btw, laughing at your own punchlines is rather embarrassing and uncool…
@jjwong You are very good in analyzing Ruco Chan’s acting ability. I agree and share the same with you.
Vincent Wong is also a newly promoted 1st lead actor. However, I think more highly of his acting talents. His acting is more well rounded and more natural. Though Ruco Chan can act, he needs the right character to shine, but Vincent Wong will shine is more roles.
If Ruco Chan wants to be a good actor, he needs to work on his acting, including to get rid of his lazy intonations. A good artiste in Hong Kong should not deliver his/her dialogues with lazy intonations. It is not accent, it is lazy intonation.
Vincent Wong is overrated. He overacts in emotional scenes. He’s got the right roles to shine in EU, My Unfair Lady, LM. But I find him using the same mode in portraying characters for the first two series. LM is tailormade to showcase his acting, yet he’s way too weak in delivering his dialogues as a lawyer. Lam Wai Sun’s court shows definitely outshine him with clear and precise tone of speech and natural facial expressions. Vincent’s dialogues are flat and unclear which is his greatest weak point.
Agree that Ruco has lazy tones, but he can deliver his dialogues clearly with right intonations according to emotions. Am still impressed how he, as Keith the barrister, delivered his final statement for a murder case in The Other Truth, sensational and touching which moved lots of viewers. It’s the barrister role which made him pop out and admired by tons of viewers, despite his now and then lazy tone. He already proved his versatility in handling completely different roles in TOT, Brothers’ Keeper, ROE, Eye in the sky, COD etc. and don’t forget Kuen Lo in AFWFW was not tailor-made for him-he picked it second-hand for a character that is 13 years younger but was widely admired by majority audience. Of course, every actor has room for improvement and there are roles they can’t handle. Vincent needs more shows to prove his versatility, not just 2 or 3 tailor-made.
I feel like this will become a circle of death conversation. So I’ll say my note on this matter and then take my peace out ..v.
@66ksc Do you know what “overrated” mean? Vincent has no accolades, not in TVB anniversary or heavy contender+ series and mostly in with 2nd or 3rd rate line of actors/actresses. While the beloved Ruco given rewards, series with heavy names and lead meaty roles.
How is LM a “tailored” role for Vincent? He’s not blind nor has he played a lawyer before. He played spoiled brat, greedy landlord, stingy poor, rich boy UC, lawyer to name a few. They all have been portrayed differently and almost convincing. At least he tried to research or do his role well. I just hope he continues to hone his skills and does not all sudden go down hill if/when he gets TVB typical lead treatment that so many before him experienced/cursed.
Stop it. No one is saying Ruco suck. He is a good and decent actor too. Though if he is great, he could’ve pulled Fist char, regardless the char’s age, better. Just as Fist and Unholy, different age chars but he essentially acted the same in both.
Like I mentioned this this @66ksc has no common sense or just lying to herself constantly until it seems reality. Like you mentioned,an actor with his eyes knocked out for 30 years would have been tailor made for the role. It goes to show the lengths of dillusional behaviour that desperate fans will go, to protect their idol. Firstly ‘Joel’s character was created by TVB on purpose to steal the limelight from Ruco and promote Joel instead’ and ‘every role Vincent has played recently has been tailor made for him’ although every role has been totally different. It’s highly embarrassing and cringeworthy.
@jimmyszeto Yea. Die hard fans need to realize blindly support idol does their idol disservice. They also need to realize that they don’t need to be blind and reject good acting from others to bring up their idol. SMH.
i’ve read this word “lazy tones” being thrown around in this JS forum several times. As I’m not a native Cantonese speaker, can someone pl enlighten me what exactly it means when someone has lazy tones? Does it mean that he “swallows” his words when he speaks? TIA.
Lazy Intonations:
If you are born and raised in overseas, I guess it is very hard for you to tell what is lazy intonation. You might have learned how to speak and understand Cantonese either from your parents, friends, or TVB drama series. Therefore, it is very important for TVB artistes to speak proper Cantonese.
However, if a person is born and raised in Hong Kong, he/she should speak proper Cantonese without any lazy intonations. Lazy intonation occurs when a person pronounces a Chinese character incorrectly or by off a bit.
The following are two links where you can learn more about lazy intonations in Cantonese. The first one is taken from YouTube. Watch it if you can understand Cantonese. The second link is an article written on Wikipedia about Proper Cantonese Pronunciation.
Personally I think school teachers, educators, and artistes (either from TV or radio stations) in Hong Kong should speak Cantonese with proper pronunciation. Teachers and educators are the people to teach the second generation proper Cantonese, and TVB drama series will “educate and influence” lots of people speaking Cantonese anywhere in the world.
@orchid123 Interesting info and thanks for the links. For native speakers, i don’t think it occurs frequently, maybe now and then especially when one is speaking fast.