Toby Chan is Dating Millionaire, Benny Yeung

Breaking up with William Chak (翟威廉) in 2017 after allegedly dating for six years, Toby Chan (陳庭欣) quickly moved on and began dating lawyer, Warren Tong (唐偉倫). However, the relationship did not last long and the couple reportedly broke up at the beginning of this year. As the winner of Miss Hong Kong in 2010, Toby is known for her beautiful features, youthful looks, and slim figure. With these assets, Toby did not dwell too long on the break up and soon began businessman, Benny Yeung (楊振源), who is worth over $100 million HKD.

Although Toby was rumored to have come between Benny and then-girlfriend, Ruby Lau (劉依靜), the couple have been in a stable relationship since. The 40-year-old entrepreneur has two kids, and Toby’s success in making her relationship with Benny work is that she gets along with his two sons very well. The couple have been dating for nine months and their relationship is progressing fast. It was rumored that the couple even has plans to tie the knot next year.

When contacted via messaging today, Toby expressed, “We really don’t have any plans yet! I hope my career and my love life will both go smoothly. Thank you, everyone, for your concern.” When asked whether she feels that Benny is good marriage material, Toby sweetly teased, “I just asked him. He said he is worthy of being married to.” Toby denied that she is living with Benny and clarified that she has always lived with her family. On whether Benny gifted her a new BMW, Toby clarified, “I’ve explained it before. My dad said my old car was unsafe to drive and that it was time to switch it. My dad arranged everything.”

Source: Yahoo

This article is written by Huynh for

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    1. @mike
      Lots of partner swapping too. It’s so common to hear that a ugly multimillionaire has been with such and such a female celebrity already….

    2. @mike seems it’s the not so famous ones who are snagging the golden tortoises. I guess these men just love to associate with starlets in showbiz cos maybe they think it gives them more “face” being with an actress, never mind that she isn’t famous.

  1. “As the winner of Miss Hong Kong in 2010, Toby is known for her beautiful features, youthful looks, and slim figure.”……wasnt she known as pork chop beauty queen? Divorced men especially with kids aren’t good marriage material but I guess if the man has the dough he’s attractive regardless.

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