Top Ten Hong Kong Entertainment News of 2011

As we enter the new year, let’s take a look back upon the biggest news that rocked the Hong Kong entertainment industry in 2011! The past year was marked by turbulence in many celebrity relationships, where many long-time lovers separated. Fans were shocked when underground relationships suddenly went public. Despite the outbreak of the love scandals, many celebrities also chose to get married and have babies. analyzed the most popular news stories this year (measured by the total number of pageviews at our site for a news story arc, which may include multiple articles pertaining to the same topic). Let’s relive some of the most scandalous and touching moments of 2011 together!
Top Ten Biggest News of 2011
1. Raymond Lam and Mavis Pan Bed Photo Scandal (306,323 Pageviews)
Fans were shocked when bed photos of Raymond Lam and ex-girlfriend, Mavis Pan, circulated online in March. Many people speculated that Mavis had released the photos herself for publicity, which immediately led to betrayal claims of Raymond’s love and trust! Mavis was severely blasted by Raymond’s friends and his fans. Mavis Pan achieved instant infamy overnight, while her sexy photos became one of the most highly searched topics online!
Mavis sold her romantic tale to the tabloids: Mavis slept on Raymond’s bed in their first date, his family’s disapproval of her, and her love-hate relationship with Raymond. Meanwhile, Raymond admitted to crying many times over his heartbreaking relationship with Mavis.
Perhaps Mavis Pan’s heart was not the only one broken by Raymond Lam amdist the bed photo scandal. Many fans’ earlier perceptions of Raymond being a virgin were dashed too!
2. Cecilia Cheung and Nicholas Tse’s Divorce (242,895 Pageviews)
Divorce rumors in Cecilia Cheung and Nicholas Tse’s 5-year marriage first circulated in May, after Cecilia ran into ex-flame, Edison Chen, at the airport and asked for a photo to be taken together. Rumors surfaced that Cecilia’s controlling nature led her to demand her name to be added to Nicholas’ real estate properties. Nicholas’ mother and father expressed their continuing discontent over Cecilia’s irrational behavior. Cecilia blasted Nicholas for spending his free time playing video games, ignoring their children and herself. Nicholas revealed the reasons behind his divorce decision and stated publicly that he still loved Cecilia, but did not know how their marriage can continue in its current state. After signing divorce papers in August, the pair continued to see each other due to joint custody over their children.
Since Cecilia is Nicholas’ biggest love in his life, recent rumors claimed that the couple may be headed for a reconciliation! Cecilia and Nicholas’ relationship may show us that true love deserves a second, third, fourth, and endless chances!
3. Rose Chan Groped and Kissed by Benny Chan and Joe Ma (240,895 Pageviews)
The world was shocked when photos first surfaced in which 19-year-old Rose Chan was forcibly groped and kissed by Benny Chan, in which Joe Ma appeared to be a blase witness. Rose claimed that she was disgusted by Benny’s behavior (he reportedly reached his hands inside her shirt), while Joe was excused for conducting any inappropriate touching.
Rose cried at her press conference detailing the incident, while Benny Chan had an even more tearful public apology with his heavily pregnant wife in tow! Tabloids then published photos of a smiling Rose during the groping incident in Hengdian, leading some to speculate that perhaps Rose was a willing partner after all! A police report was never filed in mainland China and new father, Benny, was forgiven by Rose and given another chance in life again!
Benny Chan and Joe Ma were initially bashed to a pulp by the public for their lecherous ways, however the scandal was not as simple as initially meets the eye and may make you feel emotionally cheated in your initial beliefs!
4. Shirley Yeung, Gregory Lee, and Andy Ng’s Love Triangle (228,171 Pageviews)
Fans were shocked when Shirley Yeung unilaterally announced breaking up with boyfriend of 9 years, Gregory Lee, in June (especially since it was leaked that the pair intended to get married). Gregory was in shock and the Lee family angrily scolded Shirley as a big liar and cursed her for breaking Gregory’s heart. Shirley told Gregory that she was pregnant with another man’s baby, upon which it was quickly exposed that her new love interest was ex-Olympic diver, Andy Ng. Shirley revealed the true reasons for ending her relationship with Gregory although she still loved him.
Shirley faded from the TVB scene and in December, she was spotted heavily pregnant in Los Angeles, allegedly ready to give birth any time and will get married with Andy Ng next year. Shirley’s breakup drama was indeed like a TVB soap opera: from the pregnancy, cheating rumors to the family scolding. No one kept quiet over this scandal and indeed everyone had something to say about it!
5. Edison Chen and Cammi Tse’s Love Scandal (123, 467 Pageviews)
When kissing photos of 31-year-old Edison and 16-year-old Cammi Tse surfaced, the public was shocked and enraged due to the couple’s age gap. Edison was quickly labeled as a predator by dating the young student, causing wide speculations as to whether he may even have violated the law and slept with her before she turned the legal age of 16! Cammi admitted to filming an erotic video for Edison and having numerous dates in his home, on his bed!
Edison continues to have a photography fetish, with his intimate sexual preferences revealed in great detail publicly with each love scandal–details that readers may be secretly fascinated with!
6. Ron Ng and Viann Zhang’s Bed Photo Scandal (110,835 Pageviews)
When Ron Ng attended Toby Leung’s wedding and allegedly partied all night with best buddy, Raymond Lam, his busty mainland girlfriend, Viann Zhang “mistakenly” posted a fully clothed bed photo of herself on Ron’s Weibo blog! Whether it was truly an accident or an action driven by jealousy or anger, Ron quickly forgave Viann and their love grew stronger. Meanwhile, Ron’s fans were angered by Viann’s actions and urged him to break up with her before it was too late!
Viann’s bold actions made Ron appear to be a patient and mature lover in comparison. This couple has survived the odds this year despite strong fan backlash! What will 2012 have in stall for them?
7. Bosco Wong’s Nude Photos Exposed (90,237 Pageviews)
The world was shocked when Bosco Wong’s nude photos, taken through his home window by the “peeping tom” paparazzi, were exposed. Fans were shocked (and perhaps delighted) to see his fully nude backside. Bosco was a nudist at home, bold enough to display his fully nude body before the window! Artists were enraged and demanded for greater protection of their privacy at home and complaints were filed at the Privacy Commission in Hong Kong.
Whether Bosco may be considered an exhibitionist or not, certainly the world was full of interested voyeurs! The best thing that resulted from Bosco’s nude photo scandal? Boscolie fans were delighted to learn that Bosco and girlfriend, Myolie Wu, had a healthy and sexy relationship at home after 7 years together!
8. Vincent Wong and Yoyo Chen’s Wedding (89,209 Pageviews)
Vincent Wong and Yoyo Chen may be considered TVB’s most desirable young couple (with his and hers hot bodies), if JayneStars’ statistics were indicative of fans’ interests! Vincent and Yoyo have long been one of the hotly searched couples on this site and their November wedding climbed to the #8 spot as one of the hottest news stories this year!
Yoyo became pregnant earlier, sparking the couple’s rushed wedding. Nevertheless, Vincent gave Yoyo a very memorable marriage proposal, by begging on his knees before a massive theater-going crowd and asking her to marry him!
9. Bernice Liu and Moses Chan’s Breakup (84,495 Pageviews)
Bernice was photographed with Alastaire Lam (billionaire, Richard Li’s younger cousin) earlier in the year. The public was stunned to learn that favorite TVB couple, Bernice Liu and Moses Chan, had broken up! Tabloids quickly painted Bernice as a gold digger and Moses as the heartbroken lover.
Bernice revealed that she and Moses had already broken up in 2008, due to his refusal to publicly acknowledge her as his girlfriend! Thus allegations that she left Moses for a richer man did not hold true!
Perhaps due to TVB’s handling of Bernice and Moses’ breakup and negative publicity, Bernice chose to leave TVB. A favorite couple among TVB fans were no longer together, causing further rift among Bernice versus Moses fans. Do we have to choose sides when a couple breaks up?
10. Joel Chan’s Romance with Rich Heiress, Florinda Ho (73,713 Pageviews)
In March 2011, 34-year-old Joel Chan incurred massive bashing when he was accused of leaving his 40-year-old wife for Macau casino, Stanley Ho’s 22-year-old daughter, Florinda Ho. Immediate speculations arose that Joel may have cheated with Florinda while still married, as the pair had celebrated Valentine’s Day together, in which Joe had wooed Florinda with flowers and designer shoes.
After announcing his divorce, Joel disappeared from TVB for lengthy periods. Rumors circulated the Joel took a leave of absence due to family matters, while tabloids painted him as willing to leave his wife and career for his new lover, Florinda Ho! In August, Florinda finally admitted publicly that she has been dating Joel Chan.
Joel was bashed for leaving his wife for a younger woman (and for money) while possibly cheating in marriage. Despite serious allegations that could have easily destroyed his career, Joel’s recognition levels soared in 2011, which may be dubbed as “The Year of Joel Chan”!
The past year was a remarkably scandalous year for Hong Kong entertainment news. Thanks for joining us in recounting the last several months’ biggest news stories! Which news story did you personally enjoy or hate the most in 2011?
I’m surprised Vincent and yoyo’s wedding would make the top ten. I would take them out and replace it w/ Him Law and Theresa Fu’s violent breakup instead. Then that would be a true top ten shocking stories of 2011!
I think she compiled based on page views.
Theresa and Him Law’s scandal followed closely behind, generating approximately 60k total pageviews. Personally, I found their scandal to be very shocking as well, but like Funn pointed out, I based this list on total pageviews, which indicates the news that grabbed the majority of visitors’ interest.
Maybe the Vincent-Yoyo wedding has a relationship with Cammie Tse’s love life, too.
It depends on the time too, coz news from the beginning of the year may probably get some more views.
Many fans’ earlier perceptions of Raymond being a virgin were dashed too!
Sorry, but can’t help laughing. No offense.
Not really considering the news that made the tope 10 seems to be mostly from the last 6 months.
I would say it depends on the growing popularity of the site and whether those page views are unique ones or whether it takes into account that we go back and read comments and to respond.
I considered whether I should use Total Pageviews or Unique Pageviews. Total Pageviews do include repeat views due to continued discussion comments, which would also illustrate a news topic’s “hot” factor and whether people are willing to revisit the topic because there are new developing angles to dissect and talk about.
Unique Pageviews would indicate news topics that grab unique visitor interest, but they may not be topics that generate hot discussion or may have losing interest value among visitors as time fades.
Thus, I used Total Pageviews in gathering this Top 10 News of 2011, as it would capture the most “hotly discussed” news of the past year.
Yeah, and it depends on the popularity of the artist too. But the time is still a factor, I don’t say it’s the largest factor.
Very surprised that Raymond lam (LF)’s scandal exceeded nic & Ce divorce possible based on LF’s popularity.By the way, LF indirectly linked with Rose Chan/Benny & ron/viann stories whom make him almost total of 600,000 page views. No wonder , he is heading hattrick to become most popular asia pacific for the third consecutive time based on the wrong reason!hahaaha
Jayne or anyone who follow HK entertainment news written in Chinese. Is there any truth ti this news that I only got to know through the website of a supplement of Malaysia’s top English daily under the headline ‘Actress raped by popular star’:
“Following the sexual abuse of Rose Chan, another actress was reported to have been raped by a popular actor in Hong Kong.
The Actor, identified only as Mr C, was said to be quite good-looking and from a well-off family.
He met the actress, reported as Miss K, at a friend’s gathering in 2009.
After that, C started pursuing her but K did not wish to develop the relationship, as she knew that he had a girlfriend then.
Last year, he conned K into believing that he and a big group of friends were having a year-end party in a hotel room.
When the actress arrived, there wasn’t anyone except for C.
When she sensed something amiss and wanted to leave, C pulled her back into the room and raped her.
She lodged a police report at North Point police station and broke down while relating her ordeal to the cops.
The actor immediately sought help from “powerful people”, and soon, K was “pressured” to withdraw the report against C.
The incident, however, was only exposed by a Hong Kong magazine recently.
It was reported that C, who is in his 30s, is well-known in Hong Kong and China.
His name was linked to many females, but he has a steady girlfriend – who is also in the entertainment industry.
C has always appeared to be a filial son.
K is in her 20s, and started her career as a model.
The identities of Mr C and Miss K have yet to be revealed.”
Source: China Entertainment News
Published Dec 24 2011
Is there any truth at all to this story and are there any further developments? Can’t believe in this day and age something like this could still happen. And who is this actor with ties and connections so powerful he can cover up the whole damn thing until now?
Who is C? WHO?!
Dai Si Jie,
I am uncertain about the news, as the use of the initials also masquerade the identities and difficult to draw conclusions as to who the article is talking about, thus making it difficult to say whether the reported rumors are true or not. The rape may or may not have occurred, as the manner in which the article was written protects the tabloid publication from possible libel lawsuits (making serious, unfounded claims based on hearsay alone). Or you can even say that the story could be completely fabricated due to such unclear description as to who these figures are.
I would say partially unwilling sex occurs quite often in the entertainment industry, especially among actresses for various sources of pressure.
In Korea, there was a notorious scandal in 2010 (?) in which the police were involved whereupon in investigating an actress’ suicide, they found that she was pressured by her managing agent to have sex with advertising vendors and men of powerful influence (such as media moguls, top executives of large music companies, politicians etc) in order to sustain her increasingly growing fame. Despite growing more popular, she was pressured to continue to have sex with these men. The meeting location for these sexual activities was the office location of the actress’ managing agent. Neighbors observed that in the middle of the night, mysterious “parties” would occur in which many cars parked there at mysterious hours of the night.
I don’t think Korea would be a singular place in which such pressured sexual dealings took place. I think this would be characteristic of other regions’ entertainment circles, especially where influence, advertising dollars, and the powerful elite have major impact upon who to promote and make popular. In tight markets such as Hong Kong, where power is concentrated among the few, I dare say this would occur as well, perhaps just behind hush-hush doors.
In Taiwan, allegedly there was a prostitution ring implicating 40 actresses that occurred in 2010. Allegedly, these women “willingly” slept with rich men for money, but it is difficult to say other than money, perhaps there may have been pressure from other factors?
Beautiful celebrities (especially women) are highly lusted all over. Somehow sleeping with a famous, beautiful person is the fantasy of many. So I wouldn’t be surprised that there will be powerful figures who will go to extremes (sometimes force may be possible) to attain their fantasies of sleeping with a highly desirable female.
Wish all the best to everyone for new year.HAPPY NEW YEAR 2012
Happy New Year everyone!!!
JayneStars – Top 10 Achievements in 2011
1. Non-stop, up to date coverage of juicy Asian Entertainment news
2. Polled & Awarded Sexiest Male & Female
3. Special giveaways (Hacken Lee concert, beauty products, gym passes, etc.)
4. Exclusive interviews with Celebrities
5. Jayne’s unique insights and comments
6. Chatroom sessions
7. Facebook/Twitter implementation
8. Video Section on JayneStars
9. JayneStyle’s take on beauty and fashion
10. Top Commentator award for contributors of JayneStars.
Thanks for a great year Jayne. Can’t wait to see what you have for us in 2012!
Haha your post really made me laugh! Thanks for your support as always! 2012 will be another busy year for us!
Happy New Year!
@ J A Y N E..
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Happy New Year Jayne and all other readers. Really have enjoyed your site since 2006. Just wish you could spread your focus more over wider variety of stars other than TVB ones.
Thanks again for bringing entertainment info translated to us