Training His Body Too Hard, Raymond Lam Threw Up in the Shower

Raymond Lam (林峯) spoke about his concert preparation at a press conference yesterday. In his latest music video for “Heart Attack”, Raymond appeared to be significantly more muscular. The pursuit of an ideal body came with sacrifices. Due to the grueling training, Raymond shared that he even vomited while showering.
To build a muscular physique, Raymond especially hired the personal trainer that helped Nick Cheung (張家輝) in the boxing film, Unbeatable <激戰>. On the first three days of training, Raymond was pushed so hard he ended up throwing up in the shower. Raymond added, “Actually, what I found hardest was having to watch my diet, as I live to eat!”
Asked how big the muscles were, Raymond proudly invited the reporters to measure his arms on the spot, “I personally haven’t measured them, so I don’t know. But I don’t think they’re that big…the most important is actually not how big the muscle is, but its shape.”
Asked about the exact body type he was aiming for, Raymond said, “I’m just trying my best. I haven’t worked out so intensely in over ten years, so I’m not sure how my body will turn out this time.” On whether he was aiming for six packs, Raymond admitted, “Of course! But training up the muscles isn’t hard. The hard part is losing my fat. This means that I have to watch my diet. I have already started trying to cut out sugar from my diet, and only eating steamed food.” Would that create problems for Raymond when he goes out with Karena Ng (吳千語)? Raymond revealed that he asked Karena not to share her food with him when dining together.
Raymond then spoke about their recent holiday to Hokkaido, Japan, “I go there every year to ski…I do regular check-ups on the state of my back too. I previously pulled a muscle, probably because of my poor sitting posture.”
Concert’s Special Effects
Performing at the Hong Kong Coliseum in April, Raymond has been busily promoting for the event in recent weeks. On the potential special effects at his concert, he said that they have considered using water and flames, but he is not sure about the final plans. Raymond added, “There will be many dance routines, much more than before.”
Asked if this meant that the production cost of his concert is very high, Raymond said, “I’ve never had to worry about the cost, thanks to my boss who has been so supportive. Everyone is hoping to amaze the audience with a high-quality concert, so we have never allowed ourselves to be constrained by a budget. The focus has always been on what the best ideas are. I’m so grateful to my company for their support.”
As for the special guests at his concert, Raymond said that plans were made six months ago. “I hope to invite guests that I have never invited before…I shall keep this from everyone for now.”
Raymond was then asked to comment on recent rumors that his good friend Tang Chi Wai (鄧智偉) has been secretly dating Samantha Ko (高海寧) for three years. He laughed and responded, “Wow, I really have no idea. I normally hang out with Chi Wai in the music studio, and we hardly talk about anything outside of work. So we didn’t have the chance to talk about this.”
This article is written by Jingles for
If these are very recent photos of Raymond,h e is almost unrecognizable. My opinion is that he had recent surgery, cause he sure looks different.
@abc123a what? more plastic? he can be recycled already!
He looks old
@ivan Agree.. he looks old and seem like he lost a lot of weight. Not a good look for him but then I never find him attractive.
You must be blind . He look d same