TVB Artists Rewarded with Salary Boost at Year-End Feast

TVB has once again invited its large army of artists and employees to its annual poon choi feast celebration. Since the event is open to the press and aims to show off the station’s number one status, TVB executives used it as an opportunity to announce this year’s salary raises and the anticipated year-end bonus.
Facing heavy public scrutiny over its lackluster productions and poor work conditions, TVB has vowed to make drastic policy changes to repair and refresh its company culture. With two new free-to-air TV stations slated to debut anytime, TVB faces immense pressure to satisfy both its viewers and its employees.
Although some of its changes, such as longer rest breaks and more complete scripts, are already being phased into the company’s daily operations, some artists have yet to feel the impact. What they care more about however is perhaps salary raises. Even though many first-line artists are able to live comfortably with proceeds from outside work commitments, less-popular actors have struggled to make ends meet, some even took up part-time jobs to help pay the bills.
TVB’s latest announcement then, will hopefully help these artists enjoy a more relaxed holiday season. At the company feast on December 10, TVB General Manager Mark Lee (李寶安) announced that the company will give up to a five percent pay raise, and that the year-end bonus will range from 1.25 to 2.25 times of regular monthly salary.
Satisfied from a free meal and the happy news, many artists appeared more cheerful than usual. Speaking about her finances, Myolie Wu (胡杏兒) clarified recent rumors about her $4 million property transaction involving ex-boyfriend Bosco Wong (黃宗澤). Some alleged that the former couple is finally dividing up their shared assets. Myolie explained that Bosco had purchased the property under his company’s name, and that she simply bought it from him at full price after he no longer wants to maintain ownership. She stressed that the two no longer have any financial ties.
Different from her flashy vote-pulling tactics last year, TV Queen contender Kate Tsui (徐子珊) opted for a more stress-free approach. Facing strong competition, Kate feels that her winning chances are slim, and gives her support instead to hot contenders Linda Chung (鍾嘉欣) and Kristal Tin (田蕊妮). More relaxed this time around, Kate seems to have placed less importance on titles and more on maintaining a good work ethic. Even if she loses, she hopes that the public will take notice of her efforts, vowing to work even harder next year.
Source: Ming Pao
This article is written by Katrine for
I saw some other pictures on weibo where some people won a crystal tvbuddy and I really want one. haha.
Nice to see them doing the feast again!
After the most recent episodes of Bounty Lady, I don’t think Kate’s chances are as slim as she says.
But then, not a lot of artists win BA because of a comedy series.
yea plus the drama wont complete airing by the 16th dec which is the award presentation day.actually they should finish the show by then. what if the show is good and everyone likes the ending? unfair right.
yeah, I think it’s unfair not only for Kate but also for all of the nominations for Bounty lady as well
Agree! I feel that Kate is much more deserving as compared to Linda. Support her!
So it took a bunch of complains from veteran actors, public outcry, and the threat from two new competitors, TVB decided it’s time to shape up … well, it’s 20 yrs too late but don’t let that deter you tvb
i really enjoy Kate’s role in Bounty Lady. Although her acting was a bit overboard, but it was still acceptable because it was quite natural. Different from her usual tough roles. I will give Kate my vote than Linda in BK
Yet For Linda I think her break out role is going to be Tiger Cubs 2
No way! Kate is horrible in BL!!! Her expressions are over exagerrated and she likes to open her eyes real big each time. She’s not funny and she’s not pretty. I rather she goes back to her sexy cop or madam image! I think Myolie would do comedy well. Not Kate. Never again please.
Well Yea Myolie would do better in a comedy . But Kate’s acting BL was not horrible is around 60 – 78%
Don’t worry, Kate already admit her chance is slim even through many HK people felt she did alright. Your favorite Linda will win this year award .
Stay cool
Linda is not my favorite actress if u misunderstood me. She’s 3rd on my list of fadans. Myolie and Tavia is ahead of Linda. Linda is right in the middle where she is not that great in acting but not that bad. Just neutral. Fala and Kate is the bottom of my list. But since Myolie and Tavia already won, then I don’t mind Linda win one day. It don’t have to be this year. Can be the next 2-3 years.
Kate is too forced in BL. She’s not natural. I hate to conclude that Sharon is doing better than Kate and more comfortable in comedy, but both are not as natural as May Chan.
Anyone thinks Grace Wong has improved?
May chan was sooooo awesome and funny but she can only do comedy. May chan probably cannot do a serious drama. Grace was good too in BL. That tomboy look was funny! I think it was refreshing.
Who says she can’t? Her cries and tears and her yearning for love in BL was heartbreaking and those were very serious scenes. She can do comedy better than Kate and Sharon and I do agree.
And yes Grace has improved and I applaud her performance in BL as the tomboy but it was in the end a very calculated sort of performance. Her best was in the end as she cried and laughed and that didn’t involve being tomboy or otherwise.
I guess may chan can act serious but then I see her I already want to laugh. I might not be able to take her seriously! Lol now that u mention, I did have tears at the part she accepted the guy in BL. It was so sweet. Same as grace part.. I wanted to cry when they are together. So cute!
“Since the event is open to the press and aims to show off the station’s number one status,”
Really? It’s not so difficult to be number one if there are only two free-to-air stations.
Kate admit her chance is slim, but i had the feeling at least one from Bounty Lady will win something
Admired Kate vowing to work even harder next year.
Doesn’t matter what people say, Kate did great in BL. We’ll always support you. Go Kate!!!!