TVB Invests $100 Million to Break into Chinese TV Market

TVB plans on officially breaking into the Mainland Chinese market with some upcoming collaborations with iQIYI and Tencent, China’s two largest social media giants.
At the 2016 China International Film & TV Programs Exhibition held in Beijing yesterday, TVB announced two upcoming grand productions with iQIYI and Tencent. A total of $100 million HKD will be invested in both projects. A large amount of the budget will go towards overseas filming locations and new camera technology.
The first grand production will be Line Walker 2 <使徒行者2>, the prequel to Jazz Boon’s (文偉鴻) 2014 hit crime drama. Line Walker 2 will be a co-production with Tencent, and it will star Michael Miu (苗僑偉), Hui Shiu-hung (許紹雄), Jessica Hsuan (宣萱), Moses Chan (陳豪), Benjamin Yuen (袁偉豪), Pakho Chau (周柏豪), and Priscilla Wong (黃翠如).
The second will be iQIYI’s At the Threshold of a New Era <再創世紀>, an epic financial thriller that will highlight the changes of Hong Kong’s economic industries since 1997. New Era is inspired by Jonathan Chik’s (戚其義) millennial epic At the Threshold of an Era <創世紀>, and will celebrate the twentieth anniversary of Hong Kong’s transfer of sovereignty back to China. New Era will star Bosco Wong (黃宗澤), Ruco Chan (陳展鵬), Joey Meng (萬綺雯), Nancy Wu (胡定欣), and more.
Both Line Walker 2 and New Era will also be promoted as TVB’s 50th anniversary dramas next year.
In regards to TVB’s new collaborations, Bosco Wong said, “Let’s all earn more money together! It’ll be even more perfect if we can collaborate in other shows and movies too!”
Ruco Chan said, “Our staff have been waiting for this opportunity for a long time. TVB is a global platform. With their smooth transition into the mainland market, I’m sure it’ll be a win-win situation for both parties.”
Nancy Wu expressed, “It’s always happy to see our company in new collaborations. It can help introduce our projects to more people around the world. I look forward to shooting in new locations.”
Source: Oriental Daily
This article is written by Addy for
hooray! will have Ruco Chan.
lmao talk about milking Line Walker … I hate it when they always go back in time, Serie > Movie Sequel > Prequel seriously TVB needs to stop… but somehow I drool when I saw the cast “Michael Miu (苗僑偉), Hui Shiu-hung (許紹雄), Jessica Hsuan (宣萱)” I won’t denied it but I surely like that cast line up lol about time they spend some cash!
Hopefully Charmaine or Raymond can do some cameo perhaps near the end
As for At the Threshold of a New Era remake… good job once again for the casting, but the serie will be highly compared to the one aired in 2000, which had an epic cast! Saddly Roger Kwok is not taking part of it, he was original cast still living under TVB!
Wow, from Gallen, Sunny, Roger, and Louis to Bosco and Ruco!!!!
Tvb has truly pass its glorious days, now this is the best we can have. They not even good looking or have any charisma. At least put Wayne Lai in, so it looks a bit more like a big deal series.
@sammie1988 Ruco is now a solid actor gotta give that guy some credit, but yea Bosco went downhill hard without Myolie I guess TVB is trying to revive he career, it’s potentially he last hope here.
@vodka Uh…Bosco is focusing his career in China. He’s more marketable there than Myolie. I believe he’s also doing movies the last time I read. That’s why we don’t see him in a lot of TVB dramas lately.
@tiffany Bosco is shooting in China it doesn’t mean he popular, HK viewers doesn’t appreciate him as much as before just saying.
@sammie1988 Ruco and Bosco are versatile actors. It’s a good opportunity for them. However, if it’s a collaboration with China, then their artists will probably be the lead.
@sammie1988 ruco is currently the finest actor in his age group that tvb has. He will no doubt do justice to the role. Problem is will the script do justice to him?
They’re all going to have to up their Mandarin.
@sas318 Probably will be dubbed
Hmm! Folks, HK$100 M is about US$12M, with which you can’t even produce an A list movie these day, let alone penetrating the second largest market in the world. LOL!
This article is really adding a lot of confusion over TVB’s position in China. It suggests that the HK network is currently a non factor in the Mainland entertainment market. This implication contradicts the opinion of those who thinks TVB already is such a dominant force in China that all her shows and actors are household names over there.
ohhh i can’t wait ! looking forward to see Bosco!
Bosco Wong said, “Let’s all earn more money together! It’ll be even more perfect if we can collaborate in other shows and movies too!”
Love this guy honesty.