TVB Producer Amy Wong Retires

Known for producing many big-budget and highly rated TVB dramas, producer Amy Wong is set to retire in the coming days. In addition to producing classics that have stood the test of time, such as the Burning Flame <烈火雄心> trilogy, Amy has also been the driving power behind Brother’s Keeper <巨輪>, Lord of Shanghai <梟雄>, and Daddy Cool <逆缘>.
To commemorate her retirement, Amy hosted a 10-table banquet. Many artistes she has worked with over the years were in attendance, including Maggie Shiu (邵美琪), Joe Ma (馬德鐘), Alex Fong (方中信), David Chiang (姜大衛), Natalie Tong (唐詩詠), Kevin Cheng (鄭嘉穎), Grace Chan (陳凱琳), Amy Fan (樊奕敏), Zoie Tam (譚凱琪), and Winki Lai (賴慰玲). TVB executive manger Catherine Tsang (曾勵珍), TVB producers, and other production crew were also in attendance.
At the star-studded event, special attention was placed on Natalie and Kevin. Due to their collaboration in A Fistful of Stances (鐵馬尋橋), Natalie, Kevin, Kenneth Ma (馬國明), Stephen Wong (黃嘉樂), and Alex Lam (林子善) became close friends. Often getting together for holidays and even including their spouses and families, it was evident when the group’s relationship with Kevin turned sour, as he did not attend Kenneth’s wedding. At Amy’s retirement party, rumors of their discord were further confirmed when Natalie and Kevin noticeably stood apart during pictures and even had Alex Fong sit between them during dinner.
However, when reports surfaced of their discord, Natalie shared photos taken with Kevin at Amy’s dinner. As she took several photos with Kevin beside her, their actions broke speculations of their troubled friendship.
Source: [1]
This article is written by Huynh for