TVB to Abandon Annual Jade Solid Gold Music Awards

This year may be the last time Jade Solid Gold’s annual music awards presentation will be held before its imminent death.
Jade Solid Gold’s annual music awards have been around for 28 years. It is reported that TVB will discontinue the JSG annual awards and instead work with Hong Kong’s major radio stations: Commercial Radio, RTHK, and Metro Radio on a unified awards ceremony. This year’s winners of the Most Popular Artist Awards may be the last of an era.
When asked if 2012 will be he last year for JSG annual music awards, TVB Director of Production, Sandy Yu (余詠珊) indicated that 2012 will most likely be the last year, “Basically it’s still to be determined, but we are pretty much leaning towards it.” She also said the talk of a combining all presentation ceremonies into one has been discussed for years, but has yet to be agreed on. TVB is currently more proactive in approaching the radio stations, and there have been several meetings recently to discuss implementation. It is an encouraging start and more meetings will be held to unify the music awards program in 2013.
Sandy Yu said TVB’s intentions for a combined award is mainly for the good of the Hong Kong music industry. “We will have one Best Male Singer and one Best Female Singer, and everyone will agree on their status. In the movie industry, we have the Hong Kong Film Awards to represent the best of the industry, not multiple awards from different magazines or movie theater chains. With the current situation we have in the music industry, many will conclude that the awards are nothing but to please certain music companies. It’s a crazy situation,” Sandy justified.
No Top Notch Singers for the Show?
Since 2009, TVB has been in a stalemate with the Hong Kong Recording Industry Alliance Limited, dubbed as the “Big Four” music companies, over the copyright payment. Many singers such as Hacken Lee (李克勤), Eason Chan (陳奕迅), and Kay Tse (謝安琪) voiced their support for their respective record labels, and most, if not all of them were banned from TVB. Not to mention they lost any chance of winning any awards at the JSG Music Awards.
Without some of the best singers and songs included, JSG has been criticized to be a less than credible awards presentation. Sandy Yu denied that the lack of top notch artistes is the reason for discontinuing the ceremony, and insisted the attempt for a unified music awards presentation is an attempt to move the music industry forward. The JSG music program will continue, but no there will not be an annual awards presentation from 2013 forward.
Hong Kong Radio Stations Give Mixed Responses
Regarding TVB’s proposal of a single ceremony to replace the current four, RTHK’s Program Director, John Fung (馮偉棠) is open to the idea, but there are still many details to be discussed. Commercial Radio already said they will not give up the Billboard Award Presentation Ceremony, but will look into TVB’s proposal, indicating that more details are needed. Metro Radio did not return the press’ inquiries.
A Wait and See Attitude
Emperor Entertainment Group (EEG) executive, Ng Yu (吳雨), and East Asia Music’s Director, Gary Chan (陳志光), will adopt a “wait and see” attitude since they are not familiar with how a single music ceremony works instead of four.
Singer Kary Ng (吳雨霏) is looking forward to it, saying the music industry needs to be united. Charlene Choi (蔡卓妍) is more practical, “It is a wonderful idea to have one ceremony instead of four as I can cut back on the money I spend on my wardrobe.”
This article is written by Lance for
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oh no… I guess no more best-male-artist awards for Lam Fung hereforth
he never won that award but lols maybe this year! ray only won the asia something pacific which obviously a consolation award for losing tvb’s other rigged awards ceremony
but cnt blame him for winning cus he cant say “no i dun want it” so i do feel for the guy
Nope. He has never won Best male singer, Leo Koo won it the last recent year while LF won Asia-Pacific. Maybe they will switch this year.
oh i would be a nice change, as Raymond lam said that there will be not more albums from him for at least 2 years!!! ;(
i will miss that
No more concert in HKC, not no more albums. He will have albums in the next 2 years.
they should have done this many many years ago when the 4 companies were in disputes, practically making jsg give the award to whoever they wanted with no credibility watsoeva!! it is a good idea to combine or they are just gnna further kill jsg even more
who is this stupid sandy yu?she should be sacked. remember how she organised miss hk 2012. its a joke of the decade
I don’t see any problem if tvb just pay the copyright sum to big four record company.the problem solved.stupid executives
By the way , kay tse & eason’s popularity had faded
Why a sudden change of heart? There are so many great singers attending and they got the best singer LF who took the world over the world with Chok! hahaha
hacken lee and kay tse are top notch singers? you must be joking.
by the way, hacken attended last year jsg top ten ceremony.
Hacken always has good relationship with Txb. If not because of his company, he will have his legs on Txb city all the time.
They end JSG in order to have a common award with Metro, RTHK and 903, but Metro disagrees. Lolz, I bet Metro still likes to send awards to every singers than. 903 still wanna keeps their Chik Chak (which is saying to be biased as well) while RTHK seems to give up with their award. Maybe they dun have enough money for the trophies anymore.
But having to admit, the singer world is more peaceful and younger than Txb world, less competition and jealousy, too.
I will doubt chik chak and metro will agree. Tvb can ditch these two tiny potato radio stations and co-operate with government’s Rthk to form “hong kong top ten music award”. The award should based on accountable airplay from radio and tv.
Kindly remain the same category like hk most popular singer, Asia pacific most popular hk singer and gold song.
Nope, 903 agreed but they will keep their Chik Chak as well, together with the common award. Metro dun give out opinion.
Unified award because… TVB now controls the music universe?
Stupid comment from Charlene Choi. If she wants to save money, then she can choose not to attend or recycle her dress.
She’s sort of brainless.
I don’t find Charlene’s comment ‘stupid’ at all. I’m sure other artists will appreciate one music award for the same reason because it does take a lot of their time and money to glam up for four separate music awards. Also, Charlene is one of the few female singers from HK that wins music awards in China too. When you add HK’s 4 music awards + China’s music awards, Charlene is attending at least 8+ music awards during the end of the year. Other than the high cost for her dresses + hair, it will also be taking up tons of her time. The media will definitely have a field day if she wears the same dress to two different music awards on two different date. Majority of the artists don’t have a say to whether or not they want to attend an award ceremony so if Charlene is nominated EEG will likely schedule for her to go whether or not she like it.
As much as I want to see it happen, I don’t think it will. Why would any station want to give up their annual money making event to combine it and share revenue. Of course CRHK and Metro wouldn’t want to end their awards. It would mean less advertising dollars.
I think it is about time that HK music industry decided upon a more unified music award. The JSG Awards for the most part over the past several years have been a joke – of course this says a lot about the status of the HK music industry which has fallen considerably over the past 10 years or so.
hmm a unified awards ceremony seems like a good idea. but i see no reason to cut the JSG awards before they settle on one big one. “seen jahm huw juwh”
yea it is kinda pointless when JSG+metro radio+commercial radio are broadcasted on tvb. it’s only rthk that shows on atv. omg so this is kinda like trying to beat atv too!!
haha at charlene’s comment.
HK entertainment is declining more and more every year…
One big ceremony will be good as long as TVB execs have no say in the winners and only credible judges are used.
I hope the one music awards show will get a green light from all the stations because even I as an audience gets tired watching all 4 music awards so I don’t blame the artists if they are tired to attend the music awards too. -.-
chik chak award presentation: boring ,boring
metro award presentation: every tom,dick and harry ‘s received award.
rthk award : boring, misleading, low budget.
TVB top ten award: entertaining, high budget, interesting.