TVB Welcomes Troubled HKTV Artists to Re-join Station

TVB is offering the chance for former artists to return to TVB. With HKTV’s failure in obtaining a free broadcast license, many of the station’s artists and production personnel are facing a dim future.
TVB’s Come Home Love <愛回家> campaign provides an opportunity for these former artists and production crews to return to TVB. The campaign was first shown on yesterday’s episode of The Scoop <東張西望>, where it showed many of TVB’s current artists warmly encouraging their former colleagues to return. The campaign also provided two hotlines – one for artist management, another for human resources. The campaign is also looking forward to hire newcomers.
TVB’s Deputy Director of External Affairs, Tsang Sing Ming (曾醒明), said, “The goal is to absorb more talent for the company. As long as they have a passion for the television industry, anyone is welcome. It doesn’t matter if they have worked for TVB before or not, but we will handle the files of former colleagues first.”
It has been reported that certain HKTV artists are indeed interested in returning to TVB, including Felix Lok (駱應鈞) and Dominic Lam (林嘉華). TVB executives had also publicly expressed their hopes for the two former TVB veteran actors to return.
In a phone interview, Felix said, “[The campaign] is a good thing, but I still have about a year left in my contract with [HKTV]. I may have to wait until the situation gets clearer before I decide.”
Dominic said, “I already went back to TVB two times before. If I go back this would be the third time! It’s a good thing that they’ve decided to start this [campaign]. As for whether or not I’ll return, I don’t know yet, but I will not rule out the possibility of collaborating with an organization that has good faith. However, the script will always come first.”
It was rumored that after shooting Forensic Heroes 3 <法證先鋒III> for TVB in 2011, Maggie Cheung Ho Yee (張可頤) left the station in bad terms and was blacklisted by TVB, hence hindering her chances to return. She clarified on her Weibo that she has maintained a good relationship with TVB, and though her contract with HKTV has already ended, she is currently not interested in signing with any television company.
Now TV Prepares for Third Drama
PCCW’s Now TV, which has just obtained a free license for their sister station Hong Kong Television Entertainment, revealed that they did receive a few phone calls from former employees asking to return. Production manager Ho Lai Chuen (何麗全) expressed that he has been closely following the news regarding the current status of HKTV employees. He added that producers Mui Siu Ching (梅小青) and Lau Kar Ho (劉家豪) currently have a list of about 20 names of those whom they will interview.
Ho also expressed that he has personally contacted a few former employees, most from non-entertainment departments as it is the current focus for Now TV. As for television drama entertainment, he revealed that the company has already completed one drama, which is comparatively different from the productions that TVB and ATV has made. He also revealed that another drama is currently in its script-writing process, and a third drama is in its brainstorming stages.
HKTV Artists Ridicule TVB’s Campaign
Despite TVB’s public message stating that it will welcome back former employees, HKTV artists questioned TVB’s sincerity. Al Wai (艾威) said that TVB should have the contact information of all its former artists and “it wouldn’t be difficult to contact [them]; there was no need to issue a public message and perhaps it was a segment of the [entertainment] program.” Al also revealed that he had no intentions of returning to TVB and will become a shoemaker instead.
Catherine Chow (周家怡) said, “Did [TVB] receive so many calls until [the phone was ringing off its hook]? But I haven’t heard from people around me that they got the calls. We are more focused on what [Chief Executive] CY Leung (梁振英) responds, rather than making calls to find work.”
Rain Lau (劉玉翠) had cried emotionally at Sunday’s public protest against the government’s rejection of HKTV’s license application. She was upset by the changing Hong Kong politics and whether justice still remained. She also did not have plans to remain in the entertainment industry, as she will soon take her exams to become a medical practitioner.
Chan On Ying (陳安瑩), who often portrayed minor roles in TVB dramas, was also reluctant to return to TVB. “Even if I go back, I won’t have any good days there. In the past, they always said that I didn’t meet the [quota] for show appearances and had to go back to the studio to do dubbing to compensate instead. Why not just ask me to go back and clean the toilets to meet the shows [quota]?” Chan expressed her bitter experience while working with TVB for three decades.
This article is written by Addy for
I hope they’ll return!
Of course the ex-TVB’rs are a little bit annoyed…….can’t they see that TVB is mocking them by inviting them through this little TV ad campaign?…….what TVB is trying to say to them is “Haahahahah – that’s what you get for trying to jump ship to a loser like Ricky Wong and now you guys are unemployed”…..
I pick Felix out of the 3. Other 2 will not come back to tvb and it’s fine. Felix has been with tvb since the 80’s.
Ppl are hating on tvb for doing the campaign. Tvb does not need to call or beg you ex tvb artists to come back. It should be the other way around.
Well this is just my opnion but as someone else mentioned, if TVB wants to welcome these artists back, why do it in such a public forum? Do you see celebrities like say Dominic picking up the phone when he saw that ad?
From what I read then yes, TVB do need to call and ask people to come back. Lots of them were mistreated and the big exodus of employees that departed should be a wakeup call. There has been lots of reports of TVB suffering because they lacked qualified crew so everyone just need to forget their pride and move on. Unfortunately, some people like Al Wai and Chan On Ying are so bitter that they would rather change career. Which says a lot about TVB.
Well said, advo!
And for the others who are wondering why some artists are so bitter towards TVB…well, it’s actually not that difficult to understand. If you’ve read any of the stuff that the artists wrote on Facebook, Weibo, etc. or watched any of the interview shows they’ve done (for example, Spencer Leung has been inviting a lot of HKTV artists onto his show – which airs on NowTV – to share their stories), or even pay attention to any of the ‘sharing sessions’ that have been going on this past week in front of government headquarters, perhaps you’ll be able to better understand why so many artists support HKTV and would rather change careers than go back to TVB (or if that’s too much information to ‘follow’, just read Liu Kai Chi’s interview with Mingpao and you’ll get a pretty good idea of what alot of the ‘issues’ are).
Here’s an example:
A newbie actress who shared her story on Spencer’s program said that she worked for TVB for 5 years and since her contract was based on the number of shows, she pretty much didn’t get paid unless she fulfilled her show quota. Her rate was $1000 per show, but in the 5 years that she worked for TVB, she was never able to fulfill the contract’s quota, as she was only assigned a few shows per year – she was barely able to scrape by financially, let alone take care of her family. She tried to make things work for 5 years, but it was getting to the point where she couldn’t go on anymore. Then, HKTV came into the picture. After joining HKTV, she was able to get a steady income (the amount she got wasn’t all that much more than what TVB offered, but the important thing was that HKTV didn’t have those restrictive contracts / policies so she was able to get a steady paycheck every month) – as a result, she was able to start her own family and have a child. Now that she’s out of a job, she’s worried about her future, but yet, she feels grateful to Ricky Wong and HKTV for picking her up off the ground and giving her hope in life.
I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again – not every artist who joined HKTV did so because of the money. Sure, in this materialistic world that we live in, I’m not surprised that so many people would assume that everything is motivated by money, but if you’re willing to spend the time and energy to pull back the layers, you’ll see that there are things in life that matter more than money….
@ Ilwy12
It might be slightly hyperbolic, but Chan On Ying is comparing to asking her go back and scrub toilets. That should tell you much about what she thinks of TVB and how it would treat her if she came back.
The quota policy is ridiculous. No wonder there has been stories about supporting roles actors who have to work other jobs beside, to make enough money.
It’s actually pretty simple. If it was just about the money, then these people would rush back to TVB immediately now. Yet they don’t. Because it’s not just about the money… And even if it is about money, then it’s about making enough to make a living. No matter how passionate someone is about acting, after decades of mistreatment wouldn’t you also walk away to pursue a different, probably better paying career while you still can?
@advo: Yup…actually, the quota policy is something I’ve always taken issue with at TVB. Some might think it’s not a big deal, but when you think about it, it IS truly restrictive and ‘cruel’ in some cases. As an artist, if you’re on a show-based contract, you only get paid for the number of shows you participate in plus you’re required to fulfill a certain number of shows each year (otherwise you have to pay a penalty to the company) – however, whether you get the opportunity to participate in a show or not is determined by TVB….if they don’t like you or don’t think you’re worth the time, they could very well just give you 2 or 3 shows a year – at the rate of $1000 per show, that’s only $2000 to $3000 a year (how the hell can anyone survive on that?)…and to add insult to injury, the company could also claim that you violated the terms of your contract because you didn’t have enough shows (even though the number of shows you participate in is outside of your control), which means that you would have to pay a fine to the company (geez, can’t even pay rent or put food on the table and now have to pay the company too??).
Sure, people can say that no one forced the artists to sign the contract, so if they signed, it’s their problem. While this is true to some extent, it’s also up to the company to explain the terms of the contract clearly. Like the actress I was talking about earlier – she said that when she first told people that she gets $1000 or so per show, people were actually surprised because that’s usually a pretty good rate for a newbie – she thought so too, so of course she would sign the contract….but who knew that $1000 per show would mean that you’d make only a few thousand bucks a year? And we wonder why some people criticize TVB for being ‘inhumane’?
Is this the true concern or just the tear drops of the alligator?
I continue to be surprised that some artists are still jeering TVB. It doesn’t look very optimistic for them at this point. It never hurts to leave a door open.
But it is indeed very sad to read comment from Chan On Ying. She is indeed a good actress.
After reading her comment, no wonder I feel that her performance has gone down hill.
She is with TVB for 30years.
Any workers that is under appreciated for such a long period, surely it will effect their performance.
They are ready to change profession, so it seems safe to say they don’t ever want to come back to TVB.
Honestly, I thought it was nice of them to publicly say that they are welcome back. I don’t expect them all to wanting to actually come back, but I’m sure that there are those who are grateful to know they can, especially if they have bills to pay! It’s a little too much to expect a personal phone call, when they are the ones who left in the first place.
When they hate you, everything u do, no matter good or bad, will annoy them by all means.
Well said. No point trying to impress them
Geez! They don’t have to bash the plan, tvb is just offering them an opportunity. If you don’t like it, don’t call. The artist expects tvb to call them???it’s like having the company’s executive to call a unemployed job seeker, it really should be the other way around. Whatever it’s their problem.
@penny, I agree with you. I feel it’s like a public campaign to reach out to more HKTV employees. TVB would prolly call those more important actors/actresses. Of course, TVB would have ulterior motive for doing so. They want to appear generous in forgiving those who turn their backs on TVB (especially those who still left after being counter-offered and who bad-mouths them), whether they are really so forgiving only those in higher management will know.
But on deeper thought, maybe those directly affected think differently from us. To them it’s like adding insult to injury. Maybe only selective few got called and those who were not called felt bitter about it.
Good luck to Mr Al Wai (艾威, the shoemaking job is waiting for u as u wish
Dang, I feel bad for the ex-TVB artists. Hope everything will work out in the end.
wow HKTV ACTUALLY handed out contracts & signing artists even before they have secured a licence?? what planning is that?
@AhQue: Good question! RW big boss of HTV so far have claimed that a senior govt official called him personally at the very beginning to invite him to send in a bid or application for the free TV license. RW further claimed that it was more or less a guarantee that he would get the license. So he went ahead with investment which included poaching many staff from TVB. Next he spent the next 2 years bashing TVB, HK govt, the former on their productions and the govt for delaying the lssue of the licenses. Now he’s raising he’ll because he didn’t get it.
What has amazed me was the ruthlessly prompt fashion by which he(RW) pushed 300+ people overboard once they have been deemed to have no value to him. And this comes from a guy who had been consistently blasting TVB for its mal-treatment of employees.
What is even more amazing is the deafening silence (about RW) from those whose jobs has been affected.
Imagine if TVB were to have done the same thing as Eric Tsang had suggested. Dang! They even got critized for welcoming these folks back.
“Al Wai (艾威) said that TVB should have the contact information of all its former artists and “it wouldn’t be difficult to contact [them]; there was no need to issue a public message .”
Making the public message is easier than calling one by one. This way, TVB only need to deal with those who are interested to come back. It’s a more efficient way of doing thing than calling the ex-staff one by one to ask them whether they want to come back or not.
I agree. I feel some of them is taking this too personally. It is a business. Any suitable roles, the actors need to audition and win the part. No one gets handed a role on a silver plate. They have got to approach a producer willing to cast them and the rest is up to these actors.
What a Lack of heart comment, with so many new faces everyday, it is so hard to even get jobs. Sometime you should see things from other angle than just from ur high loft. Most of those who join HKTV are second line stringers not main actors. They lack the opportunities in TVB and more often than not, suffer unfair treatment there. A lot of soothing need to take place on both sides, don’t require ppl to go fanning sentiments.
Perhaps. Let’s be real though, if you really needed a job to make a living you’d try to go back to TVB no matter what. So TVB only needs to welcome those who reach out, there really isn’t any need for a big campaign which might just pour salt into a wound that’s still on-going (with all the protests). Unless, of course you were looking for a bit of good PR… I might be cynical, but some of these ex-employees must have really suffered quite a lot for them to jump ship so massively and say they would rather change career than come back.
TXB trying to project themselves compassionate organisation.
I don’t even know what 周家怡 does. The only times I see her is on Eric Tsang’s game show. She used to be in that group of people that always get invited on.
You guys do realise all these ex TVB artists all got lured to HKTV with a higher pay cheque? On Jaynestars alone, you can see articles about HKTV offering double the money they are getting at TVB. So now they expect sympathy? I thought people here would be a little more neutral. Yes TVB drama sucks but these ex artistes are only telling half the story.
@GingerMessiah: Sorry, but you’re actually the one only getting half of the story. Most of the articles that were posted on this site as well as some of the other forums and such are from tabloids and gossip mags that like to exaggerate and spin things a certain way. Some are from reputable news sources, but unfortunately, not enough of them are — to the point that unless you actually read or follow the news/articles about the ‘lesser’ artists, there’s no way for you to get the full picture of what has been going on.
If you read the interviews that alot of the HKTV artists did throughout these past 3 years (there are plenty of interviews with even the 3rd/4th line artists that DIDN’T come from tabloids — for example: Deno Cheung, Leung Kin Ping, Chan On Ying, Yuen Wah, Yu Mo Lin, Dominic Lam, Wilson Tsui, etc. etc. all did in-depth interviews in which they explain their reasons for joining HKTV), you’ll be able to see that majority of the artists actually didn’t join HKTV because of the money. Actually, for most of them, money was a secondary consideration — many of them joined because they were moved by Ricky Wong’s sincerity and also because they wanted to contribute to making better quality series.
Dominic Lam for example (which I find ironic that he’s even being mentioned in the above article): he actually lives and work in Canada, as he immigrated there decades ago and only comes back to HK occasionally to film stuff when he feels like it. He was actually at home in Canada when he received a phone call from Ricky Wong who wanted to seek advice about working in television and open up a TV station. He then flew all the way to Canada to meet with Dominic and get advice from him…they talked for hours and never once did Ricky Wong ask him to join his company. When Dominic had to stop by HK a few months later to take care of a personal issue, he was the one who sought out Ricky Wong and agreed to film series for him. Even now, Dominic is no longer an HKTV contracted artist, yet he still continues to support HKTV and Ricky Wong (he participated in both the protest last Sunday as well as last night’s big event).
TVB ain’t a pretty world when it comes to the non-popular actor… we all want a perfect job with perfect pay….
Whether TVB is sincere in this campaign or simply doing for publicity and improving their image, unless the ex-staff is really established in his own profession and is a great asset towards the company, it is impossible for the station to call each and every of their ex-staff to go back.
These people are angry at the government ; these people are angry at their ex company for whatever bad treatment they have received yet none of them feel that Ricky Wong is responsible as well? Where’s his backup plan? Shouldn’t HKTV feel responsible for those 320 employees who will be laid off because they didn’t get the license?
That aside, TVB must really reflect on their own policy. This is not the first time their (ex) staff comment about the issue on meeting show appearance quota and how little control they have on it.
“That aside, TVB must really reflect on their own policy. This is not the first time their (ex) staff comment about the issue on meeting show appearance quota and how little control they have on it.”
In reference to the above…looks like TVB is finally waking up….
TVB’s chairman Norman Leung just announced that they will be making a lot of changes and instituting what they call “TVB family culture”. He said he was inspired by veteran actor Liu Kai Chi’s interview (I’m assuming he meant the long, in-depth interview that Uncle Chi did with Mingpao, which was a great interview by the way) and is instituting changes because he wants people who work for TVB to feel proud to work for them – also, he said that if other TV stations (referring to HKTV) can do it (referring to all the things that HKTV has done for its artists), TVB should be able to do it way better.
I’m actually working on a translation of one of the articles with the details, but for right now, I will say this: While on the one hand I’m happy to see TVB finally willing to make changes that will benefit their artists and are putting in the effort to recreate the ‘family’ atmosphere that defined them back in the 70s and 80s (and early 90s to some extent), part of me can’t help but think that these changes are ‘too little, too late’. The 15 years or so of TVB treating their artists like crap is definitely not going to be easy to reverse….besides, there are other policies that they need to look at as well that had a huge hand in putting them in the rut they’re in today. With these changes, it’s definitely a step in the right direction, but how effective it will be remains to be seen…
@llw12: I’ve read that article – very well written indeed.
I first knew of Liu Kai Chi from reading Steven Ma’s book essay dedicated to the latter’s late son, Man Lok, entitled “Dedicated to Man Lok” (送給文諾). Liu’s name was unfamiliar to me then so I googled him and sure enough I recognized his face from the various tv series I’d watched, just not his name. And I guess his lot was not unlike many past and present hard-working and talented TVB green leaves.
If TVB is truly sincere in wanting to improve their people’s working conditions and to implement a family culture in the company, it is never too late to do so. As for too little, well, I most certainly won’t hold my breath awaiting those changes anytime soon. Talks are cheap!
“definitely a step in the right direction, but how effective it will be remains to be seen.” Hear! hear!
I agree, but I think they missed their best chance when they changed to the new head guy. That would have been the perfect time to implement all these great changes and make them feel sincere and breath new life into the company. – As opposed to now, when it’s all boiling over and they are boxed in a corner with all eyes on them.
It just ends up coming across as empty to me now, but I don’t work for TVB so I’m not really a good judge of how everyone there will accept it. – Sincere good will or empty gesture.
Either way, I’m sure the actors will appreciate it either way as long as it’s not a temporary thing.
@clamine: Yup…reading the interview actually made me cry, especially considering how I grew up watching Liu Kai Chi on TV and he’s been one of my favorite actors for decades. I’m glad Uncle Chi did that interview because he’s actually one of the few ex-TVB artists who never bashed TVB (he’s actually one of the most humble, down to earth, low profile, nicest guys you’ll ever meet…sort of the opposite of what you’d expect from a celebrity.) And to be honest, he’s not really an HKTV employee either, since he left the TV industry a long time ago and is now an established, award-winning movie actor (and still as humble as ever). The speech he made on Monday during HKTV’s event in front of government headquarters was also very touching…
I also hope that TVB is sincere in their efforts and that they truly do move forward with the ‘changes’ that Norman Leung stated (at least the work hours thing seems to be confirmed already, so that’s good). But whether the rest of the changes will be successful, I don’t know. I guess we will have to wait and see….
@Panzer: Interestingly enough, at the same time that Norman Leung made the announcement about the changes that would benefit artists, his subordinate(TVB GM Mark Lee) announced that they were making changes in the artists’ management department that would require managers to change the way they arrange artists’ schedules and reduce the amount of time they are allowed to spend doing ‘outside work’ (i.e.: filming in the Mainland)…so in other words, they’re going to make it so that managed artists film for TVB first and foremost and any outside projects are given less consideration…. this means that going forward, managed artists will have less opportunity to film in the Mainland, since they will need to fulfill their filming duties with TVB series first.
See, when they make moves like this, it’s hard for me not to question their sincerity in terms of looking out for their artists’ best interests…..
they’re going to make it so that managed artists film for TVB first and foremost and any outside projects are given less considerationthis means that going forward, managed artists will have less opportunity to film in the Mainland, since they will need to fulfill their filming duties with TVB series first.
[..]looking out for their artists’ best interests…..
And who makes this call — none other than Ms. Lok herself? Just a loophole to enable double standards for favorite artists vs non-favorited bunch.
Not hard for me to be skeptical of their sincerity towards their artists at all until I see real changes to benefit the artists.
@llwy12: Haiz! Don’t know why I kept getting your name wrong, sorry!
To those who have suffered for many years and left feeling bitter about TVB, the change within the company probably will not make a difference but any change for the better will at least benefit those who remain and those who intend to join in future.
TVB has been monopolizing the industry for too long that they start to forget how to treat their staff right. Hopefully they are really reflecting and making the right improvements.
p.s Looking forward to reading the translated article you have mentioned.
@BearBear: llwy12 has already posted the translated report on her own blog. ‘TVB Family Culture’ — some upcoming changes at TVB
It is my sincere hope that Mr. Leung has learnt an important lesson with the massive exodus of employees and is really looking to change the culture at TVB.
this is really a promotion scheme by tvb. if you really want them back, don’t have to publicize the way they did
hktv still first choice for them all
So called 2 new cable stations got their free tv license but what are their plans till now I have not heard anything coming up on their stations, I am very puzzle, first place why the government approved their licenses since they aren’t active and slow moving.
I wouldn’t be shocked if the execs had gathered together to hold a file-burning party. – Getting wasted on booze and hookers while they laughed and threw the contact info of all the ex-employees in a burning bin.
(Kind of like those cursing people under the freeways, only more extreme)
That’s why they put out the advert, it wasn’t out of laziness; they didn’t actually have their contact info anymore lol.
LOL…I wouldn’t be surprised if it were true actually…haha!
I’m actually fine with TVB making the announcement that they welcome HKTV artists, since the other stations did the same thing as well (actually, TVB already made their ‘official’ announcement last week right after it was known that HKTV’s employees would be laid off)…the part that I didn’t like was the way they went about doing it (with the whole promo clip thing and hotlines to call…it actually did come across like a show to me.) Even my mom, who doesn’t care about any of this license thing and is happy with just watching every TV series out there, actually asked me when she saw the clip whether it was a new variety program or something (she actually thought it was another one of those charity fundraiser things….LOL). It definitely made me question the sincerity of the action, especially since TVB had already announced previously that they welcomed the artists back (didn’t see the need for them to do it again and in such a ‘showy’ way).
Aha, that makes me question there sincerity too. Looking more and more like a grab for PR than disgruntled ex-employees.
OMG!!!!!! When will I gonna watch Maggie Cheungs acting huh! Is she retiring huh!!!!
Such a waste, she’s such a good actress.
Many of TVB’s current artists encouraging their former colleagues to come back home. But Wayne Lai had other thoughts, he said : “It already had friction, even if they didn’t go to HKTV. When they go, they are unhappy and will not want to return. It’s not that you want them come back that they will come back. They return or not is another issue.”
He said it best.
Why return to horrible scripted series? Might as well take a job at McDonald!
Well…looks like this whole HKTV thing won’t be going away any time soon (yes, I know some of you are probably disappointed)…in fact, there’s even stronger support for it now. Last night’s event garnered close to 100,000 people (though it depends on whether you believe the official tallies or the police tallies)….not only that, alot more celebrities are adding their support now. Frankie attended last night’s event with his wife Kenix while Benji and Lesley brought their dad Paul Chun. Leila Tong, Maggie Cheung, Yoyo Mung, Bondy Chiu, etc. all attended last night and went up on stage to share their experiences. Lyricist Lin Xi was also in attendance and spoke to the crowd. Also, some of HK’s businesses and government organizations have given their support to HKTV as well (for example – Cathay Pacific airlines have voiced their support).
Oh and I’m sure you guys already know about some of the more ‘high profile’ people who have openly expressed their support for HKTV, including Francis Ng, Chow Yun Fat, Andy Lau (Andy actually recorded a video message for the HKTV team, which was aired at last night’s event) . I also read that Nic Tse and Aaron Kwok voiced their support as well, though I didn’t read their comments directly, so that has yet to be confirmed.
Lastly, singer/songwriter Kashy Keegan (who wrote the song “This is My Dream”, which HKTV has adopted as their station’s ‘anthem’) flew in from the UK last night to attend HKTV’s event and lead the crowd in the song….not only that, he created a special HKTV version of the song’s MV for them as well.
haha! Kashy Keegan youtube “This is My Dream” comment board is flooded with “thank yous” for his support last night.
FYI…Frankie Lam did an interview with SCMP today — he confirmed that if this license thing fails (which it most likely will), he and Kenix definitely won’t be returning to TVB, as their whole family will be leaving HK. So I guess we can add Frankie and Kenix to the list of artists who will no longer be active in the HK entertainment industry (in addition to Deno Cheung, Wilson Tsui, Rain Lau, and others who have said they will change professions if things don’t work out). Don’t know about you guys, but I will definitely be saddened because both Frankie and Kenix are amongst my favorites in terms of actors and actresses….
I love Kenix !!!
Good! Now we can get even cheaper labor than before. This is good news for my TVB stock investment. Even more dividend outpayment every quarter. As shareholder I demand TVB management to lower the returning actor’s salaries from 7000 HKD to 5000 HKD per month, and no other side jobs outside TVB. That will teach them. Where can those actors otherwise go if not rejoin the mighty TVB? ATV? Haha…
It’s difficult for these artists to return to tvb. It’s like admitting they’ve made a wrong choice, who wants to do that- they’ll “lose face”. Plus they will always be reminded of “how wrong they were”.
It’s a shame really, I really like Kenix & Maggie Cheung.