TVB’s “A Fist Within Four Walls” is the Year’s Hottest Drama

A Fist Within Four Wall <城寨英雄> is bringing all the viewers back to watching TVB. The martial arts drama, starring Ruco Chan (陳展鵬), Nancy Wu (胡定欣), Benjamin Yuen (袁偉豪), and Philip Ng (伍允龍), raked in an average of 27 rating points on its first week of release, the highest premiere rating that TVB has seen since 2014. The manhua-inspired kung fu comedy has hoarded a legion of fans online, successfully retaining the viewership from TVB’s last hit, House of Spirits <一屋老友記>.
Four Walls revolves around a team of hot-blooded, heroic kung fu masters who rise against The Association, a criminal organization who has taken control of 1960’s Kowloon Walled City. It is produced by Jazz Boon (文偉鴻), who created 2014’s smash hit Line Walker <使徒行者>. Four Walls has received positive reviews from netizens and critics, most praising the drama’s action-packed story.
TV King and Queen noise is already abuzz for Ruco Chan and Nancy Wu, who star in Four Walls as a pair of bickering friends. In the latest episode, Ruco and Nancy’s relationship take a positive turn, and viewers are excited to see whether or not their friendship will blossom into a heart-warming romance.
But Ruco and Nancy’s onscreen chemistry wasn’t the only thing that viewers have noticed. Nancy’s portrayal of the “feisty and thirsty” landlady Tiu Lan is earning rave reviews all around, praising that her performance in Four Walls is more worthy for Best Actress than her role in last year’s Ghost of Relativity <鬼痛你OT>.
Nancy’s Bottom Comes On Top
In Friday’s episode, Tiu Lan teased Kuen Lo (Ruco) for being jealous of her crush on Ngah Lo (Benjamin), and climbed on top of him, shaking her bottom as she hummed her favorite song. Viewers found Nancy’s performance hilarious, also adding that her bottom has taken quite a prominent onscreen role in the series.
Asking Nancy if Ruco had any biological reactions during the scene, Nancy laughed and said, “Not that easily! But it was a fun scene to do. A lot of our interactions were not scripted so it was really fun.”
Mentioning that many of the characters on the show got to show off their figures, the TV Queen said, “I don’t think my figure is that bad either! A lot of Tiu Lan’s clothes are form-fitting. I also worked out a lot for the role. The men in this show are also very fit.”
Ruco also had his own “exposing scene”. Nancy said, “He poked a hole in his boxers and didn’t tell us! We all cracked up when he took off his pants!” (Did you poke him?) “Of course I did! It’s his ‘pat pat’!”
Producer Jazz Boon commented, “I don’t even know why the director liked to give Nancy so many full shots [of her butt]. Nancy will soon make an appearance in her ‘Black Widow’ costume, and I think that would definitely attract many male viewers! She is very fit!” (Did she add patting to her bottom?) “It is all real.”
Source: Oriental Daily, Yahoo! HK
This article is written by Addy for
Finally an article about this very interesting and fun series! Nancy’s role here is absolutely much more better than her previous ghost series. This series let her to able to show so much more of her talents and body.
As for Ruco, doesn’t any words, right? He did his best, and facial emotions are entertaining. Only lacking is his 6 packs…. even though he has a hot body. Overall, it’s the best series for me and my family. Keeps waiting for 9.30pm every day for it to screen!
@dramadrama Sick and tired of hearing about this money grubbing fame seeker on the news all the time. This guy is way overexposed and overrated, he should just look elsewhere to earn a living but not in entertainment industry.
@killer who is the “money grubbing fame seeker”? ruco? since you said “this guy” in the following sentence. Is he? Dont really follow his news – was at 1 time after “The Other Truth” Seem to me that Nancy Wu fit the bill better (would have thought that mgfs is her if you had not said “this guy”.
Still prefer Ruco and Tavia in “The Other Truth” – understated character playing which carries, not this slap-stick dramas. Still, this has good review and it seems that ratings is also very good (for tvb at this stage, i.e.)
@kangaroo Yes I am talking about him. This guy has no passion for acting, he only get into the entertainment industry for the sole purpose of fame, fortune and high status life. He is just a money hungry, fame seeker, all he cares about is attaining fame, wealth, glory and social status. There’s no doubt he would’ve quitted acting long ago,If TVB had never promoted him.
@killer Quitted long ago ? How long is long?? 15 years without any major role qualify for you? Bcos this guy has been sticking around the industry (fr TVB-ATV-TVB) for almost 18y years now! In fact he is in the same acting class as Ng Kar Lok (the sissy baddie). Please given him some credit unless he has done something so bad to you maybe???
@elayne This guy only goes into acting for the fame and fortune, unlike others nameless actors who truly has a passion for acting and wouldn’t care whether they are able to become famous or make it to the top.
15 years without any major role qualify for you? You’re wrong even before he re-joined TVB in 2008, he has been given many lead and major supporting roles in ATV.
@killer hello unknown. Still spamming here under a different identity? Get over it. Your nameless heroes can’t get far either due to lack of talent, looks, luck or all of the aforementioned. Not everyone is cut out to be leading actor material, sad fact that you hv to learn to accept.
is your rancour a result of your having been aggrieved by him?
@dramadrama have been following this drama everyday.
Has hilarious moments, as well as sad ones when that gambler’s daughter died. Nancy is good…better than “house of spirits’ and that drama on ghost which helped her get TVB Queen award.
@janet72 Don’t know what happened to the gambler. His acting is top here too. His face alone makes me wanna smash my TV….
@dramadrama I want to strangle him for the way he treats his daughter…and that 冯夏满 as well.
nancy is super versatile. she is natural as 刁兰.
@dramadrama @isay I’m sure he is very addicted to the money, fame and attention the entertainment industry brings him. This fame seeker is obviously only staying in the show business for the fame,fortune and high social status. There’s no doubt he would’ve quitted acting long ago,If he haven’t achieved stardom in the acting industry.
@dramadrama @isay I’m sure he is very addicted to the money, fame and attention the entertainment industry brings him. This fame seeker is obviously only staying in the show business for the fame,fortune and high social status. There’s no doubt he would’ve quitted acting long ago,If he haven’t achieved stardom in the acting industry.
@killer pl do not @ to me
@isay Haha. I can’t even bothered to reply to any of the troll. Whatever the troll wanna type, the troll type with no effect. Replying back to him/her only encourage it to type some more nonsense.
@dramadrama so true. I shall try to refrain.
@isay @lucida @lucida Sick and tired of hearing about this money grubbing fame seeker on the news all the time. This guy is way overexposed and overrated, he should just look elsewhere to earn a living but not in entertainment industry.
@isay I bet you’re old and fat and ugly aren’t you?
@killer Sure. Im as old fat and ugly as you are. The only thing I’m not that you are is being a troll.
@isay The society must truly be crazy to pay these celebrities such a high salary. We should stop worshipping them and lining their pockets with millions for nothing. I guess no matter how much fame and money he have,he will still want more. A greedy person like him will never be satisfied despite having everything. These pathetic, money grubbing fame seeker is probably going to spend his entire life chasing after fame, fortune and high status life.
@isay I’m sure he is very addicted to the money, fame and attention the entertainment industry brings him. This money grubbing fame seeker is obviously only staying in the show business for the fame,fortune and high social status. There’s no doubt he would have quit acting a long time ago without his achieved stardom.
All this while I didn’t like Nancy’s acting but after watching few series of “AFWFW”, I started to like her .she is more versatile and natural now. ..she has improved a lot well done ! Nancy !
@lucida Sick and tired of hearing about this money grubbing fame seeker on the news all the time. This guy is way overexposed and overrated, he should just look elsewhere to earn a living but not in entertainment industry.
@killer I know who you mentioned about but that’s his life not for me to judge.
Money is a wonderful thing. Isn’t money and recognition what most male seek as ambitions in life? If Ruco is fame seeking and money motivated then that’s a wonderful compliment you are paying him. Shows that he is motivated and ambitious rather than lazing around blaming the world.
Episode 12 was good…while that part with Nancy hovering over Ruco was hilarious, there was also a very touching moment when she tried acupuncture to prevent the drug from spreading in his body. In short, every episode has been exciting.
@janet72 @isay @mike @coralie Sick and tired of hearing about this money grubbing fame seeker on the news all the time. This guy is way overexposed and overrated, he should just look elsewhere to earn a living but not in entertainment industry.
Philip Ng is horrible in this series. Anyone in tvb can act better than him.
tvb probably paid top dollar to get him to come to show off his abs.
@mike Haha. Yeah. Philip can’t act at all!!! Not only his face is squarish, his whole action is squarish. Even the way he said his lines is squarish…
@mike Philip’s voice is very rough. never watched him on screen before.
@janet72 That’s the problem with his acting. He just talks like batman to act tougher.
@mike wut, i actually really like philip ng in here. he’s hot and he’s supposed to be this tough bodyguard kinda guy…so usually these roles don’t bring up a lot of emotions. where it counts, like his interactions with his mom, i think he delivers. plus…that bod! chocolate abs…
@coralie he reminds me of kenny wong but with slick kung-fu moves. First time watching him and am impressed with his fighting skills that’s about it.
@isay as the Australians would say, “naur way” lol. Kenny Wong is the biggest definition of stone face. He looks like hes bored all the time.
@coralie sorry i don’t get you lol. Philip is as stoney-faced as Kenny but at least he can fight and execute those deadly kicks.
@isay lol time will tell I guess, if Philip Ng decides to take on more roles, we’ll see how he is.
@coralie @janet72 @mike I’m sure he is very addicted to the money, fame and attention the entertainment industry brings him. This fame seeker is obviously only staying in the show business for the fame,fortune and high social status. There’s no doubt he would’ve quitted acting long ago,If he haven’t achieved stardom in the acting industry.
@mike Benjamin was worse. Philip was fine. He fits his role and showed emotion in his eyes. Don’t be fooled by his old school delivery of lines. So far am impressed with him.
@funnlim he’s better than i had expected.
Outstanding performances by Nancy and Ruco and almost all of of the cast. The worst actor of all ‘the younger brother bully’ has been killed off. He was probably picked for the role for his fighting skills rather than his acting. Philip is bareable because he doesn’t have too many lines. Benjamin is also turning out a great performance and as I predicted is rapidly improving to become the next TVB star!
@jimmyszeto I see there will be two camos with Benjamin. I feel he is a miscast abd worst actor in here.
I’m finding the quiet but thoughtful character played by Benjamin quite impressive. While Ruco is playing a typical role with ease, Benjamin has shown major improvement by bringing an extra dimension with his portrayal. Philip is definitely the worst actor in the series in a lead role by a long way. Even though he only has a few lines per scene, it feels like he’s just reading the script rather than acting. He makes up for it though with his action sequences and the great acting of Yuen Qiu supports him well. There’s a handful of award winning performances in this series. Probably the most since War and Beauty.
@funnlim his acting is bad but his kungfu moves are worse. So stiff.
this drama deserves a few awards.
@janet72 Best Actor and Actress for starter.
@dramadrama ruco? Not yet. So far…. Not yet. I want him to nail it. So far his kuen lo isn’t doing much yet. Am sure later drama will come.
@funnlim Ruco the unlucky one. The series he is on seldom have him as the only lead. But his performance is great here. Benjamin and Philip can’t be on par with him. Hope they can focus on Ruco more, let him shine more!
@dramadrama @groundhog @isay @coralie Sick and tired of hearing about this money grubbing fame seeker on the news all the time. This guy is way overexposed and overrated, he should just look elsewhere to earn a living but not in entertainment.
@dramadrama It deserves the best drama and the best actor.
Have always been quite neutral to Nancy but becos of this drama, I’ve become quite a fan. Both she and Ruco have great chemistry and it’s nice that for once (with exception.of Tavia perhaps) he is paired with a lead actress who can match his acting and bring out the best in each other. I like Grace in this too. Even Philip for his amazing kungfu. Only person I don’t like is Benjamin.
@isay My taste for those artists are quite similar to yours…I always like Grace’s acting she is cool in this series.
@lucida hi 5 lucida. Never thought much about Grace before this drama but she is amazing in this. I daresay she’s giving Nancy some serious competition here.
@isay Truly agree. Hi 5.
@isay Yup. Cannot ignore Grace in here. She is able to portray sexiness to the max. And can see she is a character with much burden and hate. She deserves some awards too.
@dramadrama I agree too! I’m really hoping that Grace can win best supporting actress, or maybe even most improved actress! She deserves recognition.
Favorite character for me goes to Fung Chun Mei… Carlo Ng. I’ve always enjoyed his acting, sad when he kinda semi-retired. But he’s so wonderful in here! Nailed that creepy transgender characterization. It’s probably because he’s so skinny and his voice is a little octave higher than most men.
Agree with that! It’s tough to act in a series and perform action at the same time with no martial arts experience but Carlo along with the rest of the cast have been able to handle it well. Carlo especially because his character is difficult to portray plus Vincent Lam who has been solid in every role since his return to TVB. The action scenes have been directed and edited brilliantly to the point where the fighting deficiencies are hidden well.
@jimmyszeto ya Vincent Lam is getting better and better
@mike yay!!! He did well!
@mike yes Vincent Lam FTW too! I actually felt a teensy sad when he died because he’s a good actor too and I would like to see more of him. His personality is also not as despicable as Fung Chun Mei’s brother so I didn’t feel like his death was as worthwhile. But irl, someone like him def needs to go.
@coralie haha yeah. This drama is throwing out some surprises. Never knew he could act but he’s actually rather good here.
@coralie so the guy who acts as sissy 春美 is known as Carlo. he is doing a great job as that transgender. his mannerisms are really good.
his younger brother in the drama Oscar 李嘉 is convincing as 咸湿 villain. btw, who is Vincent lam?
@janet72 Carlo Ng’s brother did ok I think. That wig of his was distracting though.
Vincent Lam is the drug kingpin who was murdered by Grace’s character in the last episode. He was very convincing.
@coralie sorry can’t remember…the drug lord who kidnapped Moon’s character?
Moon as the daughter is interesting. She gives the character life. She knows right from wrong. Best part, she doesn’t exaggerate like Sisley and Grace.
@janet72 yup that’s him
Interesting show with some great kung fu moments but also too many posers. Ruco did well and fought well but his character is unbelievably naive considering how his parents died. But he didn’t see how they died so he can still retain innocence. The women impressed, from yam yam so tragic to is it moon something? The one as Audrey? She was so bubbly without being annoying. Nancy was so interesting when she killed but then the story did a u turn and she became annoyingly loud. But I am still intrigued by her character. However it is grace that impresses the most. Lucky kk in patting her bottom. Sexy mysterious and realistic. I like her big reveal which I know since before she appeared but it was how she reasoned certain stuff which I find the men in this series as particularly useless and it took a woman in high heels to do what they had no guts to do. Too much moral compass for men who did not deserve it.
Benjamin has the most interesting male character but he is so skinny he didn’t look like kung fu master. He is not handsome enough to have me believe women flock to him. He is so no shape that every time he took off his clothes I cringe. He is not sexy enough to be worthy of super sexy grace. His acting is the worst.
Phillip is the one I was moat surprised. Despite freaky lips and freakier non moving hair he could act and did very well. Nice body and could fight and looks like a fighter.
Ruco should have been nga lo. Would love to see him as sexy sensual gentleman fighter. Since he wasn’t that role should have been Raymond wong. If Kenneth could act better I will say Kenneth Ma. Point is Benjamin Yuen is just not nga lo.
As for the lauded chemistry between Nancy and ruco, sorry can’t see it. Both are competent actors but chemistry? Bobby had much more with her. Nancy character is jist killed by the story u turn. I don’t find it fitting to have her perking her buttocks and what boys after that major tragedy.
Again tvb can’t decide if they want funny cute drama tragic. So they got everything at the wrong time.
Give grace wong best actress. She killed it in latest episode when she coldly killed that Drug kingpin and was very convincing in her fighting.
I also agree the villains did very well. Carlo ng was wonderful and convincing fighter but come on tvb give him costume change pls!!!
@funnlim totally agree…I think Ruco would portray the role as 牙佬 better instead of the impulsive 拳佬.
no budget for 春美’s wardrobe…always wearing the same piece.
nancy is spunky and brave as 刁兰.
Yeah…..Philip was ok to me he is fine but not Benjamin..and Grace Wong was amazing and cool TVB should promote her more.
This series is well good and is definitely one of my favourites in years! I definitely think Nancy stands a chance to retain her TV Queen title and Ruco might even snag the TV King award this year. They both have plenty of chemistry as well.
@linvin8 give best supporting actress to Grace too. She’s awesome here!
@linvin8 @coralie Sick and tired of hearing about this money grubbing fame seeker on the news all the time. This guy is way overexposed and overrated, he should just look elsewhere to earn a living but not in entertainment industry.
Yuen Qiu is awesome in this drama as well. Moon Lau is showing improvement which is a good thing too. Grace and Nancy are really good in this drama. Love it!
@greentea Moon is heaps better rhan Grace Chan!
@isay OF COURSE!
@greentea She is cute and bubble ! Not like Grace and Sisley when they tried to act cute and made it annoying lol
@hannah Totally agree! Moon is showing good improvement.
I love this series, Nancy is pretty awesome! I like the chemistry between her and Rocco so far!. I fast forward all the sister Maria and Audrey part, so ZZZzzz, just the worst actress in the series so far, other than that I think everyone else is doing a fair job. @funnlim a lot of kungfu master have similar build to Benjamin’s figure. Ip man was a tiny little guy.
Agree with most of tour comments there. Ruco and Nancy have lots of chemistry as the playfully bickering pair. Benjamin is now much more confident with his acting than in the past and is fast improving. I don’t think Moon Lau is necessary a bad actress but her role here is overly cheerful and optimistic which does not go well with the gloomy mood of the series. This is why I have skipped all the Sister Maria scenes too. Most of the praise for Philip in this comments section have been biased I feel. He is impressive with his physique and action but his acting is miles behind the rest of the cast. He hasn’t had the same acting training as some of the experienced members of the cast but to be fair he’s had over 10 years of experience in acting in movies so we cannot excuse him too much for poor acting.
@jimmyszeto I think I usually agree with your assessments, but with the critique about Philip Ng, I must say I disagree. I think he did deliver with an acceptable amount of dimension, but his character is limited in what emotions he can portray. I don’t want ppl to confuse his character with his acting abilities. Ppl had the same opinion about Moses in that ghost drama that won Nancy Wu her queen title, but Moses is not a wooden actor. He’s proven himself time and time again as a solid actor with a good range of acting skills. His roles, on the other hand, has been limited. His portrayal of that nerdy guy in that drama received a lot of criticism, but ppl should understand that that’s his personality in the drama. He’s supposed to be like that. Similarly, Philip Ng is also portraying a wooden type of guy, exactly as Moon described him. I find him very good for a TV newcomer and I wish TVB would hire him for more roles so we can see if he’s just a fluke or someone with real acting potential.
I actually quite like Philip although I think everyone else’s acting has been far superior to his. Apart from acting talent TVB also need actors who are skilled in other areas and he is definitely a fresh talent. Hopefully it’s not a one off drama for him. Lots of martial artists have started their acting careers slowly but have managed to make a breakthrough. It is still possible for him to make top dollar in the future.
@coralie Philip is doing a good job up till now…he is supposed to be serious and loyal…the part when Moon’s character was dressing his wound was touching. You can see he is starting to soften towards her.
@jimmyszeto Philip is much more worse than being woody. He is tolerable in the series cause there are many more good actors actresses to cover up for him. His mum in the series is great too. His acting is bad is not because his role is cool. It’s just plain reason that he can’t act…..
@jimmyszeto nancy and ruco are ok as a bickering pair but not as a couple. there isn’t a wee bit of chemistry towards the end when ruco hugged her.
@janet72 I have to disagree. There’s plenty of chemistry betw the 2. Nancy did ok in that hug scene cos she’s not supposed to fall in love with Ruco’s character yet. The pat she gave him on his arm demonstrated that she only treated him as a friend, whereas we can see that Ruco’s character is starting to have some feelings for her.
@isay @janet72
Yes, plenty of chemistry between Ruco and Nancy so far. Not a couple yet so can’t really claim that they have no chemistry as a couple. Good actors and actresses always bring some chemistry. It’s a matter of time.
@jimmyszeto i tote agreed with your comment!
Moon Lau has also been adorable in this drama! I really enjoy her antics and perky spunk with an optimistic determination. I didn’t think she was that great in her debut (I think?) as one of the leading ladies in 4 Girls 1 Bar, but she’s been increasingly improving and I must say that out of the group in that drama, she’s winning them by a landslide.
While I thought I would be bored by yet another spoiled brat and goody two-shoe character built by TVB, Moon has changed my negative and bored impression by leaps and bounds. I hope she stays that way. Whoever wrote her in the script really did her a favor. Either that or she’s just that good.
Off topic, but I hate the yanyan arc. I am extremely disappointed by the company for once again throwing rape in there for the sole purpose of plot device and to highlight another character’s change rather than giving more respect to the atrocity of the crime. I get that this isn’t the purpose of the drama – no one wants to broach this topic, but it seemed all they wanted was to use this to increase ratings. It’s just ugh
@coralie I agree re Moon Lau! She’s done so well in this drama, I think she deserves Most Improved over Sisley Choi.
@coralie I think the poor rape scene is to portray how a jerk her father is. I am sure he still have some scene in coming episodes. He is the one that makes the rape scene possible.
It has been a while since TVB is producing something that is worth catching. Really like this drama, A fist within four walls and of course Ruco. It would be even better if Ruco can play a more serious and composed character in this drama. Anyway, will always root and support him in whatever roles he play.
love this drama! best one so far from TVB. Great casts and great storyline. I ship Ruco and Nancy ahaha! Benjamin is so damm HOT!
@hannah @rcel @dramadrama Sick and tired of hearing about this money grubbing fame seeker on the news all the time. This guy is way overexposed and overrated, he should just look elsewhere to earn a living but not in entertainment industry.
@hannah every episode is interesting. in general, the casts of every character is really good! Philip as the serious son and the relationship with 泰婆 is heart-warming.
Still feel that Benjamin and Ruco’s roles should be swopped.
Moon as the spunky daughter is cute without making viewers cringe. If Grace Chan had acted, I think many of us will cry!
@janet72 no way! 牙佬is such a boring character and is only second male lead. 拳佬will have lots of room to 发挥in the coming episodes.
@janet72 @isay Sick and tired of hearing about this money grubbing fame seeker on the news all the time. This guy is way overexposed and overrated, he should just look elsewhere to earn a living but not in entertainment industry.
So much love for this drama from all posters here. This is definitely one of the best dramas this year. Every episode leaves you hungry for more. Some surprises in terms of acting chops from Carlo and Grace.
@isay I agree!!! Carlo surprised me as well. He’s doing such a good job in being a villain.
Grace is definitely a shining star in this drama. On Instagram, she said that she purposely went to watch the filming of the child version of her character so she can understand her grown-up character even more. This shows that Grace takes her acting seriously and takes her role to heart. I’m starting to be a big fan of her haha