Vincent Wong, Sisley Choi Prepare for New TVB Drama “Crossing Boundaries”

With TVB’s 49th anniversary only a month away, many productions teams have already received the memo to begin work on their sales presentation trailers. One of them was Lam Chi-wah’s (林志華) new legal drama Crossing Boundaries <踩過界>, which has already begun early principal photography.
Crossing Boundaries stars Vincent Wong (王浩信) as a risk-taking blind lawyer who gets into a row with some Hong Kong triads. Sisley Choi (蔡思貝) plays Vincent’s justice-seeking paralegal, who ironically comes from a triad family. Ali Lee (李佳芯) will star as a young judge, while Owen Cheung (張振朗) will play a private investigator.
Vincent shared, “Originally I was supposed to team up with my good friend Him Law (羅仲謙), however, he dropped out from the cast due to scheduling conflicts. I’m going cozy up with Owen instead.” Vincent will not have a love interest on the show, and will instead have a strong bromance with Owen. He said, “Every man has a Brokeback Mountain. Haha!”
To prepare for his role, Vincent visited schools for the blind and practiced with a teacher. He added that his Over Run Over <EU超時任務> costar, Tracy Chu (朱千雪), will also appear on the show, but only as a guest star.
“She’s in school studying law right now,” explained Vincent. “So she can’t commit full time for the show. I asked her if she could be our legal consultant, but she said no!”
A few days ago, reporters spotted the Crossing Boundaries film crew shooting a triad fight scene in the streets of Central. Sisley, wearing a set of fake buck teeth which is required for her role, tore through the streets with her large knife, along with thirty other extras. Their fights alerted nearby police, who received several complaints about noise from nearby residents. After chatting with the director, the police left.
Sources: Oriental Daily (1, 2), Headline Daily (1)
This article is written by Addy for
Aka matt murdoch without a alter ego. Sounds nice! Like Vincent Wong acting anc curious about Owen when he dont play Chi Lam. Another Ali Lee drama. The producers have finaly opened them eyes.
Sisley as a triaddaughter? Verry different role then she always portrayed. @picture she looks cool. Hopely a quiet cool character who only speak when its necessary. Fashion War was good to watch. Hopely she is impoved much better
@siro112233 sisley has improved and much much better than grace chan. vincent wong looks great playing a blind lawyer.
I’m watching Fashion War now and I like Sisley Choi in the series. Her acting is decent when she’s not required to shout which she didn’t do much in Fashion War.
I wonder if Vincent’s blind lawyer has extra keen senses like Matt Murdock.
Yeah. Tvb finally give chance to Ali Lee. How I wish I can see more of earlier. Sister slowly getting better in acting. So, actually the casting seems fun. Owen is not bad too.
TVB gave Ali chances since Law Disorder. They are just continuing to give her opportunities. This is her 3rd lead role if she is considered co lead and not just supporting Sisley.
I hope she is at least co lead because I prefer her more than Sisley.
@1nit Yeah. It’s a wise choice for tvb to put her as lead in Law and Disorder. Many people really started to like Ali as Hazel. Tvb really should start promoting more kalefe. Still waiting for the multi kalefe girl, the one who work as policewoman in Kevin vampire drama. And in LaDO, as the air steward who was asked to go in the suit case. She seems to be fitting in multi roles.
I dont recall any female police officer in Blue Vein. Or Air Steward in Law Disorder. What episode was she in do u remember?
I am all yes about giving opportunities to kalefe. Giving a bigger role is good but maybe not lead. Some perform very well as supporting and not so great as lead.
@1nit In LaDO, it’s the latest few episodes. Think episode 32 or 33. Sorry. In Blue Veins she is not police women. She is police women in Sisley drama. The one where Sisley father is undead. In BV she is one of Grace crazy friend, if I remember well. I don’t chase BV, for obvious reasons……lol.
@dramadrama as for you the girl who played a stewardes in La&Li is Momo 吳沚默. Her acting is good. In comedydrama she is a talent. She is still 26. So she will obly getting better.:)
@dramadrama *Sisley, not Sister. Lol. Auto correct.
“Vincent will not have a love interest on the show, “
The lead character without a love interest. Very unusual for a TVB drama. It usually only happens in Japanese drama.
The series premise sounds interesting, and I like the cast. So, will most probably watch this series if the first few episodes have good word of mouth.
Here we go again either Sisley or Grace!!! They should gave more opportunities for Jacquline Wong she’s cute and funny I would rather watch her then this 2 ladies.
@asian2015 Jacquline still seems to lack of something as lead role. Tracy Chu is much better. But good for her to focus on studies. Tvb should had noticed Tracy way earlier. They should be fair for Miss HK and other potential female actresses.
I personally thought Tracy had opportunity pretty early in her career. Mayb not as quick as Grace and Sisley but early enough. Getting lead too early could b a disadvantage.
Eg. Elaine Yiu got a very meaty role early in her career and failed badly. Never really got promoted again even tho her actinv has improved heapz.
Rebecca Zhu as well.
Im just very surprise why TVB still promoting Sisley and Grace after many criticism. They seem to have lots of criticism and no a big fan base. Not like Linda and Charmaine back then. Linda n Charmaine was criticised but they had heapz of fans.
@dramadrama Lol. You think tvb knows what they’re doing? I don’t think so looking back the award from last year Grace and Tony both won the most improved actor no kidding right? Tracy is a good actress but I think I like Jacquline more in my opinion.
@asian2015 personally think Sisley is suddenly more bearable to watch now. Probably cuz she actually took the criticism to heart and tried to improved? Idk but Grace went from bearable to unbearable. And the opposite for Sisley.
Jaqueline last drama “inspector Gourmet” as a crazy girl was pretty good. after Tavia tvb finaly found another good female Villain. The tv show from sammy and sharon has proven that Jaqueline is a smart girl and fast learner. Hopley next her next drama she has improved more.
The casting for this drama is quite good…especially with Vincent Wong & Ali Lee in it. As for Sisley, i noticed that she really does improve in her acting…i don’t mind watching her now & hope she will continue to improve.