Vivian Chow Lets Husband Make Major Decisions

Recently appearing as a guest on Danny Cheng‘s (鄭丹瑞) YouTube talkshow, 80s screen goddess Vivian Chow (周慧敏) opened up about how she keeps her relationship with hubby Joe Nieh (倪震) going strong through the years!

On Fearing Ageing, Like Any Other Woman

Labeled a screen goddess and icon with her ethereal appearance and temperament, Vivian Chow has retained much of her charm now even at 56. Admitting that, like any other woman, she too is concerned about aging, Vivian believes in ageing gracefully, and only takes care to follow a proper skincare routine.

Approaching her 60s, she says she is even more childlike now. “Eating a bowl of wonton noodles makes me very happy”, she said, and mentioned that she no longer feels the need to chase after anything and is content with living each day to the fullest.

Putting “a lot of Effort” into Marriage

Vivian revealed that her husband once said, “Once married, we can’t divorce,” showing his deep respect for marriage, and shared they both work hard to nurture their relationship.

Vivian and Joe have always kept a low profile since marriage and rarely appear publicly together. She mentions how they are “like two fools” at home as they are always laughing. She shares with Danny about her opinion of Joe. “I respect him a lot in major decisions, letting him decide. I must say, he is quite wise, so his decisions are often better than mine. For small matters, I decide, but for my work, health, or major family decisions, I leave it to him,” When husband and wife have differing opinions, they always communicate openly until a consensus is reached.

Initially, she thought marriage wouldn’t be much different since they had been together for years, but she found that marriage made them let go of their egos, focusing on each other, taking responsibility, compromising, and contributing to the relationship.

How Faith Made Her Humble

On her entertainment career, Vivian mentioned that she received a lot of love from fans when she debuted, so she hoped to give back to them upon her return. She shared that she once spent beyond budget on a concert to make it perfect, ending up pouring in more money and making a loss, but still thought it was worthwhile for the “joy and love shared with her fans”. She even sold the concert DVD at a loss, as she was just keen to leave behind memories of a beautiful work.

Learning to prioritize family over work as she ages, the singer recalled her apprehension when she first met Danny at the radio station, but changed her opinion of him after collaborating on Jade Solid Gold <勁歌金曲>, learning his good etiquette of always preparing thoroughly in advance.

Converting to the Christianity faith after turning 40, Vivian believes that having faith has given her peace and enabled her to overcome various challenges, and even feels that her current public work is part of God’s plan for her to spread faith. While her past strength stemmed from family and work pressures, but faith made her humble, allowing her to put others first, acknowledge her shortcomings, and face people and situations with humility. Hit by the death of her beloved cat Ah Pao, she also shared how a certain Bible verse helped her find solace.

Source: HK01

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  1. She seems like a very easy-going partner. The submissive type. Nothing wrong with that, but it’s ok to be headstrong about certain things sometimes. The way she’s been portrayed makes her out looking like a pushover

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