Vivian Hsu Fulfills Dream of Going Back to School and Completes Master Program

Vivian Hsu (徐若瑄) finally fulfilled her longtime dream of going back to school and completed her master program recently. Due to family financial difficulties in the past, Vivian started working at 14 years old and focused on earning money instead.
The 44-year-old Taiwanese actress wrote on her Facebook page, “What was most important to me at the time was earning enough money–so that the family can have a full stomach every day, to move to a place where there were no rats, to move to a home where the roof is not leaking during the rain, to not worry that we can’t provide rent in the next month, and to see my mother’s happy smile. I am happy and will give it my all for work. I believe that as long as I work hard and diligently, opportunity will definitely come knocking! This kind of habit has never changed, and that’s why I’ve become strong like Metal V (Vivian)”.
Since marrying and giving birth in 2015, Vivian has decreased her workload to focus on her family. Always feeling regretful about her education, Vivian enrolled in Shih Hsin University in 2016. Every month, she would have to book a plane ticket and fly to Shanghai to attend her class.
Though she expressed that it was honestly tiring to study, film her projects, and take care of her son Dalton all at once, Vivian would always remind herself that it’s for her dream. With the support from the college dean, her family, and friends, this gave Vivian strength to complete the program in three years.
Achieving the Most Outstanding Student Award during graduation, Vivian excitedly expressed, “As long as you’re determined, you can reach your goals.”
Source: hket
This article is written by Minna for