Wallace Huo: “Being Good-Looking Doesn’t Mean Your Acting Isn’t Good”

After years of starring in Taiwanese idol dramas, Wallace Huo (霍建華) turned to the mainland Chinese television industry in an attempt to shed the “idol actor” label. With his first drama production, Perfect Couple <金玉良緣>, currently broadcasting on Jiangsu and Shenzhen Satellite TV, Wallace took a look back at his career path in an interview with Tencent Entertainment.
When Wallace made his entertainment industry debut in 2002, he was seen as the paradigm for Taiwanese pretty boys. In one year alone, he filmed seven idol dramas, becoming known for his roles in At the Dolphin Bay <海豚灣戀人> and 100% Senorita <千金百分百>. However, he was dissatisfied with being just an idol actor and decided to head to mainland China to change his public image.
Since then, his career has gone through many ups and downs, but many people still consider him an idol actor. Wallace admitted that he used to struggle with such a label, but his mentality has changed a lot in recent years. “No matter what other people say, I won’t doubt myself,” he said. “If I do doubt myself, I might end up leaving the profession.
“Being good-looking doesn’t mean your acting isn’t good,” he went on. “I’m not the best. But I really like acting, because through acting, I can explore a different side of myself.”
Experiences as a First-Time Producer
Through Perfect Couple, Wallace has also been exploring the responsibilities of a first-time TV producer. The experience was enjoyable but also quite tiring, since he is accustomed to focusing only on his acting duties on set.
As the producer, Wallace had to pay attention to some of the smaller jobs, such as picking up garbage, setting up tables, and buying water for the cast and crew. The work reminded him of the time he was employed as an assistant for a Taiwanese TV program, where he frequently bought water and betel nuts for the other workers.
Wallace also had to keep an eye on the business-related aspects of TV production, such as whether he could sell the drama’s rights for a good price or how high the ratings were. Nevertheless, he believes that Perfect Couple will not perform too poorly. “The storyline isn’t too complicated and won’t be too difficult for viewers to watch, and the romance is also relaxed,” he explained. “I don’t know how many people will like it after it airs, but I believe it has its selling points.”
Good Friends with Tiffany Tang
Netizens have long since hoped for a real-life relationship between Wallace and his Perfect Couple costar, Tiffany Tang (唐嫣), with whom he first collaborated in Chinese Paladin 3 <仙劍奇俠傳3> five years ago. The two were recently spotted attending a concert together, though when asked about it, Wallace simply smiled and said, “We really are very good friends, and our personalities are quite fitting.”
Although Wallace is known for keeping details about his private life on the down-low, he said it is understandable for fans to be curious about celebrities’ private lives. “If they want to ask, then ask,” he said. “Whether I reply, or how much I say, is up to me.
“In terms of my private life, I don’t have much to say,” he mused. “Apart from filming, my life is rather simple.”
Source: QQ.com
This article is written by Joanna for JayneStars.com.
That picture above .. so beautiful. He is why HDTV exists. I watch him I must watch HD.
As for his acting, admittedly he is prone to overacting or rather dramatising his acting in a non dramatic way, if you get my meaning. Difficult to explain but watch a few of his series to know what I mean. A competent actor but seriously, not the best but he is probably one of the most beautiful actor onscreen. I always think of the crazy Durian City with affection because it was in that show I went absolutely mad over him. Ruby Lin has great taste in men when casting them.
Durian city?
Anyway, I love him, however, I don’t watch many of his serious because If I can’t stand most of the cast, and the plot line, one favorite actor won’t cut it lawl.
I agree with his statement, but it’s missing, being good looking doesn’t mean you can’t act, but even if you can, being in a bad production can still bring you down. You, sir, act in YZ’s non sense series, what do you expect ppl think of you lol!
I agree about ruby, she is making me appreciate the actors more. Like I know about YQ before QSHF, but in that, I love him most, and I feel he was truly shine, unlike other series, where he’s just a useless womanizer. At least, when acting with her, I can truly appreciate how good the actors are lol. Whereas other actors and other actresses, you don’t get the same effect. Steven and tavia are good pair, but when they are pair with other, the result is quite good, too. Only a handful of actors and actresses can make you welcome/seeing the best of the partner they pair with
the styling is just gorgeous. Han topknots are sexy.
Durian City? WAKAKAKA! Funniest thing i have heard in awhile even thought it toke me a few secs to realise what you meant.
and YES! Wallace is such an eye candy.
In the Asian entertainment industry, the actors and singers who are good looking tend to get the roles and sell the most music, which leads to gaining awards without having any or little talent.
There is also that percentage who are good looking that can actually act or/and sing. That small percentage is a rarity and their ability/ies are often overlooked because the ficlkle public is only consumed with their faces.
not just Asian, its not specific to any one culture, it can be seen in all. look at Hollywood, those celebs get facelifts and botox. they have talentless Justin bieber, miley whatever, and handfuls of untalented ppl selling anything n everything useless. they have hoardes of fans bc there are ppl who like them, talent or not, they sell, thats all.
its entertainment so whether someone/consumers cares about their looks or not is not anyone’s business but the person watching.
Wallace Huo is at most a C+ actor, he has too much theatrics going on. it can be seen in that imperial drama with ruby but he’s still likeable because he has an unspoken charm. he has never won any major or serious awards from Asia so I think that’s fair enough, they judged him for what he still kind of is, an idol actor.
Well, to be fair many that win awards do not always deserve it. Does awards truly dictate if you are a good actor or not? Also,you may give him a C+ but others may give him an A or a B. Acting is subjective.
Like with Ruby her acting has never good to me but is average at best, she just does night have that innate ability to act well. But her die hard fans think she is the best actress ever.
Ruby is in Wallace’s category minus his conceited overtone. Ruby and her fans never passed her as anything other than an idol actress that they like. audience have eyes and feel, they know from ur acting what category you belong to. her earlier acting involved a lot of theatrics, then went flat. she and Wallace sell mainly charm. acting has its fundamentals, its not entirely subjective now. C+ for Wallace(his expressions look very staged in a lot of his dramas lately), C- for Ruby( she just acts in a comfortable way for herself.)
True that acting does have fundamentals and all but is still subjective to some extent. Some have the innate talent to act well so you see and feel their acting even early on in their career while others do improve after years and years. However cannot compare to someone who naturally act well. Just curious, who in your opinion are good actors/actresses?
Yes, also in North America, there are way too many actors and singers getting all the roles and awards, and selling out concerts with minimal or no talent whatsoever. Britney Spears, Justin Beiber and Miley Virus are only three out of hundreds of them over there.
Now, Wallace can use this line, “Being good-looking doesn’t mean your acting isn’t good.” Not Wu Chun, who once used it. LOL Poor Wu Chun, thought he was a good actor.
I think Wallace is a pretty good actor. Yes, he tends to overreact certain emotions and scenes, but he’s still decent. I want to see him in films, rather than just dramas all the time.
Won’t say much about his acting, I think the characters he portrays are just boring in general which limits what he can do (his xianjian 3 role? anybody?)
but he has both aspects. good looking and a good actor.
i have to agree with some of you! i think he is not the best, but i think hes pretty okay. i would give him a b for his acting.
ps. he is soooo good looking lol
wallace huo is indeed hot goodlooking guy in the same leaque as eddie peng, xiaoming, gregory wong….hope his TV drama production made money….i heard he is single as his sexual orientation is neutral?
Neutral…sexual orientation? Is he asexual or bisexual then?
I heard rumors that he is bi but only he himself would know what he truly is.
Never heard such rumours. I can tell you he likes what type of women. He is not bi.
Bi = likes men and women. You might find out he likes what type of women, but who knows maybe he thinks of a guy’s ass on his mind.
Never know who this person is, so I have never heard such rumours before. Are you guys confused him with Wallace Chung?
I know Wallace Chung so am not referring to him. I know this Wallace too. I heard rumors that he is Bi but who would know that except for him? If he is Bi, he likes both women and men.
He is heterosexual.
What type does he like?
Funn, just because it is known what type of woman a man likes, it does not mean he may not be bisexual. I know a man who likes women in their twenties. They have to be tall, blonde, blue eyed with slim, long legs. That same man also likes men who are slim with an athletic build, brown hair and brown eyes., so everyone knows what type of women he likes.
Just because he is publicly single doesn’t mean he is bi.
I did not sat he is Bi but just there were rumours saying so. Of course just because he is single does not mean he is. However,if he was he can still like women just like a normal heterosexual person does.
lol at how you state with such certainty!
I like Wallace. I love his looks (no shame admitting it) but I also believe he likes acting, which makes me like him even more. And yeah, not the best acting, but not too shoddy either. I think he’s the type that takes his whole life to hone a craft. Some have natural acting talent and some improve with experience.
I think he is so gorgeous. Whether he can act or not, I fell in love with his portrayal of his character in 天下第一.
he was good in that drama though
i love his cold character! hes beter playing those kind of role
Sometimes I think he can act, sometimes not. In certain roles, he does well, especially the witty roles. However, it is a pain to see him in sad scenes. Good-looking is the right word for him, however he lacks the special charm. There are moments he looks like a wax doll.
I understand your meaning. He is however the king of melancholy. Anyway TVB does not have actors of his errr… beauty? Like HDTV beautiful? I could just stare at him, but only when he is in ancient costume.
His charm lies in his beauty and his face is 100% original.
The light effect of Mainland series is better than TVB’s. It can help to reduce the flaws in the actors’ face. That is why I admire the Mainland’s light. I watched Tian he di yi and his skin does not look as flawless as in Swordman.
The special charm does not lie on his original face. For example, I think Hu Ge has special charm while his face is not as good-looking as Wallace Huo.
Personally, I dont mind plastic beauty but it must be beautiful. Angelababy is a successful plastic beauty. Or Viann Zhang in Tian lung is a very good case of good plastic surgeries. Consequently, I dont differ 100% original or 90% or 50% or 10%. Meanwhile, I ridiculed at the ones look bad even with plastic surgeries or the ones messed their looks by plastic surgeries.
Tian Xia DimYi was. Mainland series too.
Meant to,say Tian Xia Di Yi.
It was ATV and Mainland collaboration.
I do not believe it had anything to,do with ATV. It was mainland production. Unless ATV bought the rights to air it.
Check the old news.
wallace was good in Tian Xia Di Yi . i really like him in it. i think he play better in those kinda role
I remember in one interview after Swordman, he said “now a bit make-up is ok”, which means before that he didn’t use make-up while filming. I think Tian Xia DimYi he has his bare face without foundation, can see some minor freckles. I think Perfect Couple he has the worst skin ever. But now, he looks great.He did think again and accept his beautiful look, want to be beautiful. Not like before, he always think he draw attention because of his beauty, not because of his acting, so he tried to be … ugly, no make-up, no skin care. That’s the change, I think it’s a positive change
How can you not use make up when filming? When they film,they must use it whether it be a guy or girl. Of course girls wear way more make up but guys wear it as well even if it is a very minimal amount.
Just my thought: those minor freckles are easily covered up by thin layer of foundation, but we still see them, so it could be no foundation
Eh? There hare rumors saying he is Bi? Pffff, I would like to see evidence please -.- Aw, so cute that he went to a concert with Tiffany