Wayne Lai and Sheren Tang Promote “Rosy Business 2”

Wayne Lai Yiu Cheung, Sheren Tang Shui Man, Fala Chen, and the cast of Rosy Business 2 <巾幗梟雄之義海豪情> attended a promotional event for the TVB series, which will be broadcast on Monday, October 18th.

Sheren Tang said, “I will not contemplate whether Rosy Business 2 will break ratings of fifty points. I only want Wayne Lai to treat for a vacation!” ( Wayne said he will split the costs with you?) “He didn’t split his Best Actor Award with me. After I watched the final edit for the first episode, I had to head to China to film a new series. Everyone should cherish the opportunity in watching Rosy Business 2! I will come back to Hong Kong on a regular basis to promote the series.”

Best Actor, Wayne Lai, said, “I hope that the premiere episode of Rosy Business 2 will reach ratings of thirty-eight points. I am confident that Rosy Business 2 will win the Best Series Award. Since Can’t Buy Me Love <公主嫁到> is a comedy, it will lose out.” (If the ratings of Rosy Business 2 is ideal, will you treat for a vacation?) “No, I can treat for dinner. Since Sheren is currently filming in mainland, it is hard to match her schedule. She is working hard to earn the Yuan.”

In Rosy Business 2, Fala Chen will have a rape scene. “Is the scene shocking? You need to watch it to judge. It conveys a different message than my bra scene in The Stew of Life <有營煮婦>. This rape scene in Rosy Business 2is quite moving. I believe the first episode will open with high ratings. I am confident that Rosy Business 2 will get the Best Series Award. If the series gets poor ratings, I will go back to the United States .”

Source: the Sun

Jayne: Looking forward to watching Rosy Business 2, a quality production with a strong script that has been sorely missing in 2010 TVB series. Fro m all accounts, I am looking forward to Sheren Tang’s performance, as her character seems very complex and difficult to portray onscreen.

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  1. I can’t wait to see this! The trailers look like they were made for a movie! I have very high expectations of this movie, and I think it will exceed CBML’s ratings. Both Wayne and Sheren’s roles look interesting, and I actually enjoy dramas set in this period a lot. With war, opium and drup trafficking, complex scandals, political issues during that time, it makes a great period to set a story in, especially one about heroic love and courage.

  2. Aly, you mention a lot of golden themes that TVB was once famous for. The only thing I don’t like about the WWII period is the often repeated characterization of the Japanese, which can seem like a propaganda message. Mainland dramas carry an even stronger nationalistic pride and anti-Japanese sentiment. These mainland dramas are sober in tone and seem alike in the message they convey. They are also constantly aired in China.

  3. Jayne, LOL the header should be Wayne Lai & SHEREN “TANG” not Lai. :p

  4. Jayne, you make a good point. I too, do not like the characterization of the Japanese in the dramas as well, and I think China felt especially strong about the way they portray the Japanese in their dramas. I much prefer they focus on other issues or themes during that period especially since it was such a sensitive time in Chinese history. Definitely the Japanese did do a lot of damage to China during that time, and it’s important for people to know their history, but to keep focusing on them being the “bad guys,” it will just prolong the tension between the Japanese and Chinese. I much prefer the focus to be on themes regarding the start of modernization in China, whether it’s on women’s growing influence in society and culture, or people starting to fight for freedom in love, and independence.

  5. One think I really applaud ATV last time was them daring to be different. ATV once made a docudrama that focus on Japanese children that was left in China after the war and their growing up experience. These children were adopted by chinese parents. There is also one story where Japanese farmer follow the Japanese government directive to come develope farming in China and the Japanese guy was very humble and hardwarking even though he’s head and his chinese workers really like him. He was transfered to somewhere else forcefully after Japan surrender and his son was left behind and adopted by a chinese couple. The docudrama shows the Japanese and Chinese as both very human and both victims of the war.

  6. I agree with you guys on the way the Japanese are always portrayed in films and series of the WWII era. I admit that they did do a lot of horrible things to the Chinese people, both in China and abroad but not all of them were evil. Many of them were brainwashed by their country’s propaganda and many more were forced to fight much like the Germans. And not all of them were bad guys. I;ve heard stories in my country of some of the Jap soldiers being nice to the people in some villages. This constant portrayal of the Japanese are evil villians will only propagate more hatred and there will never be an end to the tension between Japan and China and to be honest, I’m getting quite tired of it. Afterall, hate begets hate.

  7. There is no denying there were good Japanese as there were good Germans during WWII and they have helped many to escape, with risk against their own lives. But the difference between the Germans and the Japanese is the Germans admitted and owned up to what they did. The Japanese has yet to fully do so. The portrayal you see is one side of the truth and films like those on good Nazi Germans are also one side of the truth. Both are stating the truth and I think I am ok with that. The Japanese were evil and yes some were brainwashed. Some would relate what they did with tears whilst 1 or 2 still smile on the “good” memories. But all would agree that they were influenced by mob rule. One, 2, 10 soldier did it, the rest followed. So they had no qualms of just dragging a little girl into the bushes and just rape her, slash her and leave her for dead. It is brainwash by propoganda but by actions of fellow men. The truth is the truth. The tension of today has nothing to do with the past. It will exist despite what happened. But tp just dismiss the past for the sake of the future, is like what the Japanese (and I mean officially) are trying to do by white washing the past, which is what some Germans are trying to do too by denying holocaust ever happened, as to what Japanese are trying to deny that the massacre in nanjing, all those experiments ever happened.

    Same thing in America the way America rounded up the American Japanese during WWII into camps.

    I am one is never tired of history. And young people must know the truth. It is what it is. And China TV will portray Japanese the way they want to, the Japanese will say Edo period and skip past WWII.

    One good deed does not erase the entire bad deeds done. One bad deed doesn’t mean the entire generation is bad. I like Japanese food, my current obsession is a Japanese, I love their culture, music, etc but I am first to admit they can swing to extremities. I wouldn’t want to hand them autonomy in power.

  8. Hopefully this series will leave Can’t Buy Me Love in the dust. That series was so bloody pointless its not funny…

  9. SPOILERS ALERT for “Rosy Business 2” Below!!

    Lacey, Fala will not be truly raped. In order to save her true love, Raymond Wong, she will undress before the Japanese soldiers and nearly get violated. But she uses her brains to get herself safely out of the situation (watch episode 23).

    I do not have time to do a full translation of a Mingpao article I read, with many interesting spoilers about “Rosy Business 2,” but here are the most interesting highlights in the series:

    Sheren Tang plays Tseng Kau Mui, a complex character who emerges in the series as a war spy, who has mafia ties and engages in drug trafficking. Wayne Lai is a police officer, so their positions and morals are at odds. Fala plays Wayne’s little sister who has a heart illness.

    1) 1st Episode will show Sheren Tang as an old woman in her 90s. She talks to her granddaughter about her life in her 30s during WWII (similar to the opening of “Titanic”). Sheren runs into her war comrades, Pierre Ngo and Raymond Wong, who ultimately attend her funeral.

    2) Wayne Lai saves Sheren Tang’s life in episode 25.
    Due to her evil aunt, Tse Shuet Sum’s, trap, Sheren Tang ends up as a prisoner in a war camp. She gets sick with malaria and has not one to assist her; she thought her life would end there. On her near deathbed, she writes a suicide note. In the blur, Wayne gives her medicine and food, rescuing her life. This scene is not to be missed.

    3) Sheren Kills Japanese Mayor in episodes 23 to 24 (must watch for Sheren’s solo acting performance)

    Sheren invited the Japanese Mayor for drinks. She tore her own shirt and accused the Mayor of attempted rape, while firing three shots to kill the man. Wayne heard the shot and was worried that Sheren had died.

    4) Sheren Reunited with Wayne after Separating for Decades (ending episodes)

    In the aftermath of WWII, Sheren and Wayne become separated from each other. Sheren thought Wayne had died. Their reunification is a must-watch, as it is very moving and so many complex feelings of love and past events flash before their eyes in that dream-like moment.

    5) Wayne Lai buried in mass grave (episode 22)

    Wayne was buried alive in a mass grave by Japanese solders. In this scene, Sheren also attempts to kill Wayne. Due to Wayne’s unbroken relationship with his wife, Kong Mei Yee, Sheren felt betrayed in her love for Wayne. Wayne said he was quite fearful of the scene in which he was buried alive (getting into the psychology) as well as the actual mechanics of the filming. Sheren was trapped in the same mass grave as Wayne and attempted to stab him.

    SPOILERS about other characters:

    Evergreen Mak Bo plays Wayne’s hateful superior. He is a corrupt police officer and uses his power to suppress others. He ends up as a spy for the Japanese.

    Pierre Ngo plays a weak and timid police officer, who works for Wayne. He shares a moving “brother” relationship with Wayne, who influences him to become braver and possess more strength.

    Raymond Wong possesses a moving love relationship with Fala Chen. In episode 10, Fala gets abducted by the Japanese. Raymond risks all by grabbing a butcher knife and runs after the soldiers. He also has a strong friendship with Wayne and mother-son relationship with Kara Hui. He and Fala ultimately get married in the series.

    Producer Lee Tim Shing noted that in “Rosy Business 2,” Sheren’s character had the most complexity and most scenes to stand out. Wayne’s character is much more subdued, which is a reversal of their characterizations in “Rosy Business.” Producer Lee Tim Shing commended Sheren for her portrayal of Cheng Kau Mui in “Rosy Business 2” and believes that she has a very strong chance in winning the Best Actress Award again this year.

    The plot for “Rosy Business 2” sounds very exciting and I am looking forward to watching it. The spoilers reveal the quality of the script and shoudn’t take away from the viewing experience. The true pleasure is watching Sheren and Wayne’s performances and emotions unfold onscreen, along with a good supporting cast.

    Why can’t more TVB productions be of this quality??

  10. In regards to the depiction of Japanese during world war 2 …

    I personally do not see an issue with these portrayals as it was no deviation from the truth. No altering of history was made, in fact, producers and directors are holding back due to respect.

    The retelling of history was not intended to stir up painful memories, instead just used as a reminder of this is what sculpted the people of that generation.

    I enjoy stories like Rosy Business and likewise enjoy those Japanese dramas.

  11. lol jayne. do you read comments? rach say it shld be sheren “tang” instead of lai lol. since when did wayne and sheren become husband and wife. ._.

    and the first 2 episodes are good. they were surprisingly face-paced and straight to the point. these episodes must be the best starting episodes i’ve seen in a long time. pierre and sheren are ruling this drama atm.

  12. Hannah and Rach, yes I got Rach’s comment, will correct when I get the chance. 🙂

  13. I just saw the trailer. Amazing. BUT Fala Chen… can’t understand a single word she was saying in her crying scene.

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