Wayne Lai Portrays Greedy Feng Shui Master in “Daddy Cool”

Since it has been one year since Wayne Lai‘s (黎耀祥) drama has been aired, viewers are eager to see the three-time TV King onscreen again, especially since he portrays a greedy feng shui master in Daddy Cool <逆緣>. Airing on April 2, the drama also stars David Chiang (姜大衛), Carlos Chan (陳家樂) Joel Chan (陳山聰), and Rosina Lam (林夏薇).
At a promotional event for the drama today, Wayne said, “I love portraying villains. I felt that this role wasn’t evil enough, since he still has a conscience.”
With his son Lai Ching Kiu (黎正僑) studying in the United States now, Wayne trusts him to make the right decisions. “He is responsible for his own life. I always tell him this. If he does the wrong thing, it doesn’t involve me. How many years do I still have left with him? Maybe 20 years or so.” Wayne’s son will be returning to Hong Kong during the Easter break. Afterward, Wayne will be heading to Mainland China to film a drama.
Carlos Chan Portrays Wayne Lai’s Grandfather
In Daddy Cool, Carlos portrays David’s father and Wayne’s father. Producer Amy Wong (王心慰) cast Carlos because the 31-year-old EEG actor has a righteous look and fit exterior. Praising him as a quick learner, Amy intends to recruit him for future projects. “One month before filming started, I invited Carlos to join the cast. I asked him to watch old black-and-white Cantonese films to observe people’s mannerism [from several decades ago]. Once he put on his costume, he was already immersed in his character.”
At the event today, feng shui master Mak Ling Ling (麥玲玲) was also on board to divine the artistes’ fortune tellings through the Chinese characters they wrote. Mak Ling Ling told Wayne that he has a high chance to become a property owner again this year. Carlos will have good luck in increasing his financial assets, but it will take time before he can purchase his own property.
This article is written by Jayne for JayneStars.com.
Don’t believe in Feng Shui. Skip!