Wayne Lai Stars in New Malaysian Movie, Hero of the Beggars

TV King, Wayne Lai (黎耀祥) will be busy promoting Anniversary series, The Confidant < 大太監 >. In addition to his hectic schedule, he will be shooting a new TVB series with Moses Chan (陳豪) in November. Wayne reportedly also signed a movie deal to be the leading actor in Malaysian movie, Hero of the Beggars <丐世英雄>.

Pocketing a seven-figure sum for the film role, Wayne is reported to be playing the head of a modern version of beggar’s sect. Wayne will costar with Malaysian singer/actress, Karen Kong (龔柯允) and Singaporean actor, Henry Thia (程旭輝).

Wayne has been busy filming series after series, and his upcoming role in The Confidant has a good potential to bring him another TV King award. Wayne Lai has been always well-liked and well-received by the Malaysian viewers resulting in him being chosen to play the leading role in the movie.

The producer, Aron Koh (許康文) stated that they spent a large amount of money to convince Wayne to be in Hero of the Beggars. However, Aron declined to reveal the exact sum involved.

The production company has not revealed too many details about the movie yet, aside from its suggestive title. Wayne Lai’s exact role is not yet officially confirmed. Wayne said he will personally fly to Malaysia and discuss further details about the movie with the producers and directors. A press conference will be held soon to announce more details about the movie. Hero of the Beggars will likely commence filming at the end of November.

Sources: ihktv.com, chinapress.com.my

This article is written by Lance for JayneStars.com.

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  1. When I read about this in Asianuniverse, they are still in discussion. Now, Wayne really has sign up for the movie. I’m happy about it. 🙂

    The quality of Malaysian movies have improved a lot. Quite a number of foreign actors have collaborated in Singapore and Malaysia movies e.q. Elanne Kong, Kara Hui, Mike He, Chan Kwok-Kwan, Maggie Siu, Gordon Lan, Chrissie Chau etc.

    1. And we can afford 7 figure salary! Wow!

      Malaysian movies still lack that Malaysian flavour.

      1. Are you referring to Malaysian series or movies? I thought the recent Malaysian movies are have a lot of Malaysian flavours. The people speak different dialects and languages and you can even hear the Azan in ‘Ice Kacang Puppy Love’.

      2. Both. Maybe I saw the wrong films. I saw some and I wasn’t impressed at all. They have more like independent movie feel which isn’t terrible but lacking in the popularity of Jack Neo’s film. Jack Neo may be a jerk and a creep but he sure does know how to make local films so to speak.

      3. She’s talking about Malaysia and Singapore movies. Jack Neo is a famous director (or producer, not sure) here in Singapore though I’m not interested in his movies and dislike him.

    2. Is that true malaysia are used to hire some former Tvb actor and actress act in the Tv drama back in 1990an?
      Have Mimi Kung have act in malaysia drama or movie before ?

      1. Yes,I think I remember a few TVB actors in HVD dramas back in the 90’s like Eddie Kwan,Damien Lau,Dominic Lam and even Cheung Kwok Keung.And Mimi too.But I don’t know she is from Hk i thought she is a Malaysian as well.

  2. I think he shall act together with the Malaysian singer who sing negarakuku Namewee in his movie ,it will be real Malaysian malaysia movie.

  3. Only Malaysian will watch a Malaysian made move. What a waster to spend so much on an actor

  4. To fans of Wayne and those who enjoy watching good acting, Wayne’s appearance is definitely a fortune to us all. Hope the story is good too.

    Always enjoy watching Wayne’s performance. He does bring good show to viewers! 🙂

  5. Just hope he won’t be dissapointed with the kind of standard we had for dramas and movie. Don’t want to sound negative but Malaysia made movie just don’t have the oomph feel, if you know what I mean.

  6. Aaron did a Malaysian movie before… cant remember the title, he’s a father & poor… quite depressing. I hope Wayne’s movie dont move in that direction.

    1. That is actually not a Malaysian movie. It’s a HK movie set entirely in Malaysia, specifically a town in the state of Perak.

      1. Feels more THai to be frank or was there a movie by HK set in Thailand?

      2. Really? Feels Thai? How? It feels pretty local to me. Maybe because I recognise the bus station. I used to take the bus there as well. 🙂

        Also, the bus sekolah, the malay songs and the very Malaysia chinese vocabulary.

        Btw, the is a movie set in Thailand starring Aaron Kwok. In fact, there are 2 movies because this movie has a sequel. It’s called ‘The Detective’ (aka C+ Detective). The sequel is ‘The Detective 2’ (aka B+ Detective).

        The movie set in Perak is called ‘After This Our Exile’.

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