Wearing 5 Inch Heels, Myolie Wu Dispels Pregnancy Rumors

“Freshly baked” TV King Kevin Cheng (鄭嘉穎) and TV Queen Myolie Wu (胡杏兒) appeared at a ribbon cutting ceremony for a Global Timepieces promotional event. Rumored to be pregnant, Myolie especially wore five inch high heels to dispel the accusations. Kevin joked, “I text messaged Myolie to ask if the rumors were true!” Myolie immediately retorted, “That’s because he wants to have a baby!” Kevin could only blame himself for starting the trouble. The pair bantered before the press.
Regarding the pregnancy rumors, Myolie said, “I don’t think people will believe the rumors.” (Did Bosco Wong 黃宗澤 visit the herbalist together with you?) “I got a car ride on that day. Since I was not feeling well for several months, my friends recommended that I see the herbalist. I predicted that if I were to be photographed, then pregnancy questions would arise. If I were to go through any milestones in life, I promise to notify everyone!”
Kevin Cheng a New Gold Magnet
Asked whether he had reconciled with ex-flames, Charmaine Sheh (佘詩曼) and Niki Chow (周麗淇) , Kevin replied, “The news reports continue to morph daily; I cannot follow them! Anyhow, we are friends!”
Kevin became a new generation of gold magnet, while Myolie praised him as a “super diamond bachelor.” Kevin only admitted that his fees were satisfactory. Asked if he earned $20 million HKD within half a year, Kevin said, “Wow, then one year would equal to $40 million HKD! Then if I were to work for several years, then I can retire! I’m still trying!”
When Kevin was asked whether he had to pay hefty year-end income taxes, Myolie interrupted, “He does not need to pay taxes! Isn’t it needless to pay taxes if the income were not earned in Hong Kong?” Kevin became embarrassed about “remedial” taxes, noting, “It is appropriate to pay taxes. Anyhow, I am a good value!” Myolie also admitted that her market value increased after winning the TV Queen title. She hoped that upon reviewing her savings balance in the future, there will be a bright glare.
Myolie Congratulates Shirley Yeung’s Pregnancy
Shirley Yeung (楊思琦) was reportedly expecting the birth of her first baby in the United States. Myolie congratulated Shirley and noted that having a baby was a happy occurrence and becoming a mother was a huge responsibility and dedication. Asked whether she had discussed the issue with Bosco, Myolie said, “Not so soon. We did not talk about such matters!”
Kevin indicated that he always liked children and will save [his current] watches for his children. Myolie said, “Bless you! You will have children very quickly!”
Excerpt from Oriental Daily
Jayne: We are seeing a lot of Kevin and Myolie together at functions lately. Anyhow, Myolie’s fashion sense has improved dramatically this year. Kevin looks nice with a clean shaven look.
Well, those “couple events” pay the best, no? So it’s pretty obvious why Kevin and Myolie are practically joined at the hip these days.
myolie and bosco should go to more events together… i dont know why TVB dont put them together in ANYTHING apart from like awards shows where they kinda have to be their together or anniversaries… even game shows like super trio or interviews like they’re never together…. what is tvb trying to do :\
Maybe they are like Chilam and Anita who don’t want to work together? Before the anniversary awards, Myolie seems like the type who wants to keep her private life private.
Kevin looks really good with his hair growing out a little too. Myolie’s fashion sense has definitely gotten better throughout the years. In the past, she’s always been more of a risk-taker and her outfits have been both hits and (big) misses, but she now looks a lot more feminine and elegant.
I think Myolie has a balance body proportion compare with the famous S-shape actress Kate. Myolie seems more curvier in a balance proportion (not too slim or fat) while kate looks too slim sometimes even she has a s-shape body.
Kevin look short!
Kevin looks short because he was standing beside Myolie who was in 5-inch heels which makes her almost 6 feet tall.
Thanks Jayne for translating Myolie’s response.
Phew she’s not pregnant. It could’ve been a major speed bump but fortunately she’s very careful about her career
“IF” myolie is really pregnant, I think TY or LInda will probably replace her in acting role.
Since Myolie is not pregnant, there’s no more ‘if’
The others can wait until they become more stable in their acting
Or Kate and Fala.
TVB is really lacking of ppl :(. Can only name 3-4 ppl ready for the replacement.
Wearing 5 Inch Heels, Myolie Wu Falls To Her Death Whilst Trying To Dispel Pregnancy Rumors
“Wearing 5 Inch Heels, Myolie Wu Falls To Her Death Whilst Trying To Dispel Pregnancy Rumors”
That’s terrible! You still upset that she won TV Queen for Curse of the Royal Harem?
No I am not. Nor am I upset. I am just saying when did intelligent women become slave to crazy height heels?
Myolie has been wearing ultra high heels at many recent promo events and she has managed to walk fine in them.
I believe Bosco also gave her Christian Louboutin ultra high heels for her birthday as well.
Funn, here’s a clearer look at the “5-inch-heels”
My god, that’s a death wish! I wonder did she have to hang onto someone whilst walking? Can’t have walked much. Or is she like Victoria Beckham who can’t walk in flat shoes? Insane heels.
Christian Louboutin, this?
Funn, that black heels, the front part look a bit bulky, perhaps this can hold the excessive height.
Googled and found extra info about the per mentioned Christian Louboutin’s cinderella heels, if I’m looking at the correct shoes. This blog listed celebrities that were spotted in it
That’s a replica or in other words fake! But good job at replicating the look. Price is even crazier. I think after looking at this heels I can feel myself stumbling and now appreciating my flat slippers. Joke is I sprained my feet wearing slippers!!!
Good job in finding those Christian Louboutin crystal high heels so quickly! Myolie was photographed wearing them earlier. Bosco knows his fashion brands….
I personally don’t really like the heels though. Find them to be too clunky.
I will only wear heels in carpeted areas to minimize feet pain, never on pavement!
Uh yeah, I just found the word replica…perhaps the original is too unaffordable yet dreamable that a replica need to exist………….
haha Funn, Victoria is one of those crazy women who is obsessed with heels. Even during her pregnancy she still wear heels, totally crazy.
I also wonder how these women can walk and run in those heels, I have a colleague who wear like that to work everyday, really crazy.. and she often run around in her 5 inch heels.
It says there that original is like RM6999 or something. Replica is Rm399.
Original is 6500USD not Ringgit.
I think the original is the pair bosco bought for Myolie’s birthday. She wore it to the Astro awards.
Veejay, not only “Posh”. Ada Choi was guilty too..hehe
Can’t see her shoes!!! lol I remember Kelly Chen also likes wearing heels during her 1st pregnancy.
Replica is definitely not as comfortable as original i bet, I’ve experience with this painful shoes once, where the price was so cheap so I bought one then my foot suffers till the skin pealed off for wearing cheap shoes.. so I learned my lesson now, never ever buy cheap shoes (unless they are discounted shoes from branded brands)
Well we have all also seen celebs that were really pregnant wear 5 inch heels, so the fact that Myolie wears 5 inch heels is not a big deal.. I remember that Ada Choi and Michele Reis both wore 5 inch heels during their pregnancy. Therefore, the fact that Myolie wears them does not really prove much.. Time will tell…
Hopefully she is telling the truth. It would be really bad for her to lie about something like this.
As many fans pointed out, I think Myolie will place priority in her career for the next 3 to 5 years. Myolie will focus on television market (HK and mainland) to earn more money.
Bosco is busily diversified in investments (restaurants, optical store, red wine, real estate, etc.) while making some lucrative income from films.
Together, I hope they realize their career and financial dreams. They seem to cherish each other, so I think they will have good chance to get married and hopefully we will see babies in the future too.
@Hetieshou It’s not in Myolie’s character to lie. She has always place her career on top of her priorities and that’s why her denial is believable.
Myolie is not a ‘Shirley’ who is stuck in a cheating b**ch situation and has to lie to stop accusation pointing at her
maybe shirley didnt lie and it was Gregory who refused to acknowledge the breakup thus leading shirley to look like she was lying at Greg but infact she already drew a clear line with him?
I’ve doubt with Gregory, he doesn’t looks innocent as proclaimed.
no Veejay Shirley did lied that she wasn’t pregnant but her lies exposed by getting caught heavily pregnant by Next magazine
I know that it is true that Myolie wants to place her career as her top priority, however, when you “accidently” get pregnant, that is not something that was planned in advance. Also, none of us really know the “real” her so who really knows?? Being a fan of celebs for so many years, I have seen it all… I used to be fans of so many of them that always claimed to tell the truth if they were dating or whatever, but in the end I was so disappointed since they all ended up lying through their teeth.
I think Myolie has also learned from many celebs who have placed their career as their top priority to now sort of regret it since they are struggling heavily to get pregnant and have kids. I hope that she does think of that before it is too late and to regret it later…
@Hetieshou Myolie will get her baby when she wants to, but not now yet. Maybe at the age of Ada or Miriam which means 3-5 years later. Right now she’s focusing her target on her rising career that she’d built since 12-13 years ago since she entered Miss HK.
Well, we all want to plan this and that, but sadly many times things just don’t turn out the way that we want it too, especially with a baby… As you can see with all of these shotgun weddings, abortions,etc… Having a baby is something that can just come just like that even when you don’t want it to…
Funn don’t you think your death joke is too much?
Don’t you think a 5 inch heel is stupidity itself?
@Funn Are you a feminist against heels? She’s only wearing them to an event for a couple of hours, not as though she’s climbing Mount Everest in heels.
Post-80s office girls wear 4 inch+ heels everyday 9 hours+ a day, run in heels, all perfectly fine. I see living proof EVERYDAY.
I don’t think 5 inch heels are a big deal. And her heels have a thick platform sole that looks around 1.5 inch.
Why issit that when I say how stupid to wear a 5 inch heel shoes that I am a feminist? Ever thought I am the voice of reason? 4 inch is nothing. We are talking 5 inch and above. the thick platform sole hardly is a support. I just don’t understand why the 5 inch or 6 inch or any higher heels. Why do women torture themselves as such? there was a time 3 inch is high. Now it is 5 or even 6 or even 7! Of course she can wear anything she likes, so I can say whatever I like as well to whatever she likes to wear.
It’s offensive because you are calling everyone who wears 5-inch heels stupid, and that include myself. Maybe most people just have better balance? Just because it’s stupid for you doesn’t mean it’s stupid for others. It’s like some people can pirouette around non-stop but some can’t even wake a straight line? It is just called “practice makes perfect”.
If you read clearly, those 4 inch heels are worn for 9 hours straight 5 times a week. It’s nothing for most. Of course they will wear higher heels for special occasions.
Forrest Gump: “stupid is as stupid does”.
I think 3 inch heels look good enough or 4 inch if there is some platform in front. But 5 inch is getting ridiculous. Unless u work in the fashion industry, why would OL’s need to wear such high heels all day everyday? It’s unhealthy for your feet and body. Go consult a good podiatrist soon.
Maybe these female artists are following the footstep of Lady GAGA.
@ Josie
“Unless u work in the fashion industry, why would OL’s need to wear such high heels all day everyday? “
For beauty of course. Heels makes a woman look more attractive (my mom’s opinion).
I personally don’t like to wear heels because I find it uncomfortable. So, I only wear low heels. No 4 inch heels for me. But, I like to look at them. Some of the designs are very nice.
Agree that high heels is unhealthy for one’s feet. So, better not wear it all the time.
@josie So only people who work in fashion industry can look fashionable? And lawyers and accountants supposed to carry a sign that says I’m a dowdy lawyer/accountant?
When you look good, people have better impression of you, you feel more confident. Why not? You can LOOK good and WORK hard too. It’s not either or.
When you are staring at your computer screen, it hurts your eyes, but you do it all the time? When you slump in your chair, you are hurting your spine, but do you sit like a ramrod all the time??? When you skip meals, stay up late watching tv, playing mmorpgs, partying, all bad for you, but most people do one or more of those things? I guess everyone is stupid in your mind then.
A lawyer or an accountant on a 5 inch heels spell trouble. It may look like creating good impressions but it gives out the wrong signal. In malaysia those who walks the courtrooms, I have never seen a 5 inch heel. I agree a bit of heel makes one look good, but anything beyond 4 inches is just ridiculous, not for a profession that requires one to be in the shadows. Actors yes I agree, no heels also can.
And does a 1 inch heel make someone dowdy?
U can still look fashionable w/o wearing sky-high heels. That’s lucky that u have great balance and and have never stumbled or sprained your ankle in those 5 inch heels. But at the end of the day when your feet hurt and your back is sore, is it worth the pain? Everyone likes to look good but such high heels are unnecessary, especially if to impress other people.
@Funn did you even read what i wrote? I said 5 inch heels for dinner/special occasion? Did i say anyone wore 5 inch heels everyday to work? Those people who wear 4 inch heels are the short ones like 160 cm and less. Of course they will need some added height to look more empowering.
Yes, one inch heels are for the old/dowdy clique. In all the places I worked, I don’t think I saw a young girl wear 1 inch heels to work.
@josie this is what I wrote
“If you read clearly, those 4 inch heels are worn for 9 hours straight 5 times a week. It’s nothing for most. Of course they will wear higher heels for special occasions.”
Did I say I or other people wear 5 inch heels everyday? But is it wrong to dress better for special occasions? Like award ceremony? valentines date? christmas dinner?
“But at the end of the day when your feet hurt and your back is sore, is it worth the pain?”
I’m not the type who is afraid of a little pain or hard work.
Have you ever climb the great wall or any mountain for 5 + hours?? At the end of the day, my feet hurt, my back is sore, but I’ll still do it. Ok, I admit I’m vain, but to me.. dressing well gives me the same adrenaline
@josie Btw just to clarify, I don’t wear 4 inch heels everyday. But my reason is due to image rather than comfort. I’m 170cm and most male colleagues/clients will be shorter if I wear 4 inch heels. But I see many of my shorter girlfriends wear 4 inch heels everyday, they run from the train to the office, walk easily over wet/slippery floors, and they are definitely not stupid.
“Yes, one inch heels are for the old/dowdy clique. In all the places I worked, I don’t think I saw a young girl wear 1 inch heels to work.”
I don’t get it. You get immediately offended when I wrote about the ridiculousness of a 5 inch heel and even in the context of everyday work and yet you don’t feel any tinge of regret for offended the many who doesn’t wear such high heels. If I have offended your vain sensibilities then I apologise, but you have just offended those who wear 1 inch heels to work calling them old/dowdy and like you said, you never see a young girl doing that so doesn’t that mean the young ones are the stupid ones and the old ones having learned from the vanities of youth earned some wisdom not to subject themselves to such torture such as those 5 inch heels?
High heels make the women more feminine.
I used high heels for a couple of years and if you choose right shoes, high heel isn’t really a matter. I walked a lot with a high heels and not feel uncomfortable at all. The matter is the right high heel and reasonable height. 7cm is depends on the style of the heel.
Replace cm by inch. I forgot that the heel counted by inch :P.
BTW, if you get used with high heels, it’s uncomfortable for you to wear 1 inch shoes. Really that.
P/S: Model and actress, you rarely see them with lower than 4 inches.
Hmm, find out that here it’s really count in cm. So my comment on 7cm is still right :P.
Funn seems to be against high heels. Maybe she dun use high heels much so she thinks it’s hard to wear. OL, some places forced them to wear high heels, at least 3 inches. And I saw a lot of lawyers and judgement in 5 inches high heels before. Not a matter if they are able to control it :). These high heels dun make her unprofessional.
I’m not saying that there are NO fashionable one inch heels or flats, but court shoes for the office? Please note I’m talking about court shoes for office or court. People dont wear cute fashionable flats or boots with power suits.
I just went to google and search one inch court shoes.
Visualise in your mind by pairing it with a suit. Does it looks any way fashionable to you?
But you do realise that NOT EVERYONE CARE ABOUT FASHION?
Those people who wear those shoes do not mind being unfashionable. They value comfort over looks. Looks and comfort means different things to different people. Some may put more importance on comfort, some don’t mind putting up with a bit of discomfort for looks. It’s a trade off.
But the difference between you and I is that I won’t call them stupid. But yes it’s unfashionable, but they don’t care and I respect them. But when you call someone stupid, you are insulting their intelligence, which has nothing to do with the heels as they can balance perfectly fine. Just because you can’t do it, doesn’t make those people who can stupid.
And many older people are fashionable too. My bosses 30-40+, wear 3 inch heels, my mom who is 56, wear 3 inch heels to work every day for 35 years now. No foot pain or anything. So now you are calling my mom stupid as well?
@Funn I need to repeat my main point. Do you see Myolie wearing 5 inch heels EVERY SINGLE DAY? FOR HOURS AND HOURS?
But for an event? For awards ceremony? You act like she’s stupid for wearing the heels, when most people including you and I have more bad habits on a daily basis that are more “stupid” than wearing a pair of 5 inch heels for occasions.
And no I do not think a 5 inch heels is stupidity. It’s not as though she wears them everyday to work, to bed, to shower.
Funn those who wear high heels don’t wear it 24 hours a day. OL wear it to work or special occasions while artistes wear it at function and events or during filming.
A lot of people are wearing 5 inch heels now because they are attractive.
I love high heels!! I actually have quite a few pair of Louboutins, in my collection and I do have quite a few pairs of 5 inches..I do admit I will never wear them when I know I have to walk a lot so I just save them for dinners or for times when I know I’ll get to sit down a lot lol
I am a crazy fan of high heels though! I probably only wear them to work when I know I don’t have to be walking too much…definitely not shoes that I can go shopping in etc – suspect my feet will break if so! But I do feel nice in them and they put the perfect finishing touches to some outfits
No, I don’t thnk I’m stupid for wearing 5 inches but then again I don’t / can’t do it all the time. I do have flats and lower heels too when I know I have to walk a lot so just keep it balanced.
Btw I think if a girl is very petite and short, wearing 4 or 5 inches look kinda ridiculous..it’s about the proportions
For celebs of course, I think they probably have to ‘suffer’ through the high heels anyhow..but since they get chauffeured around anyway so it’s prolly not so much of a big deal for them to wear 5 or even 6 inches at events..IMO>=.
Hey missy watch what you’re saying!!!
If this is a JOKE to you I don’t see a single ounce of “FUNNINESS” in it!
Because I use the word death? Don’t you think a 5 inch heel is capable of killing someone? No? Do I wish her dead? Of course not! But if she falls to her death due to her 5 inch heels, then I can seriously see the funny side of that.
YES!Mind your words please!Death is not a pleasant word that you can joke around with!
Never did I thought a 5 INCH HEELS would be enough to cost a LIFE. Seriously,if a 5 inch heels could kill someone there will be headlines tomorrow saying the entertainment world just lost 90% of their female celebrities.Cause of death – 5 INCH HEELS. BIGGEST JOKE EVER!!!
Seriously,if you have issues with super high heels go find some other way to deal with it! Don’t go cursing ppl who wears it to fall to their death! That is just plain mean and ruthless!
“Seriously,if a 5 inch heels could kill someone there will be headlines tomorrow saying the entertainment world just lost 90% of their female celebrities.Cause of death – 5 INCH HEELS. BIGGEST JOKE EVER!!!”
THAT is exactly my point! Chill!
Funn’s joke might be a bit tasteless to some, but, she’s not cursing anyone.
even though they bosco and myoie dated for 7 years, i think it would be awsome if bosco and aimee chan dated…..theyre soo cute together and have 3 dramas together where theyre paired together
Please noo0o0o0o0!!!!!!
Not aimee, she’s annoying in my eyes and bosco is cute enough being the lover of Myolie..
haha i’ve got to say that i think kate and bosco look cute together. even though people hated kate in lives of omission and their OD kissing, i thought they matched pretty well :p
haha yeah like i really like kate and bosco together in series but i think when bosco is being who HE is and kate is being the boy-ish self, then they dont really match.. on the other hand myolie and bosco are so cute together.. and their personalities match eachother so well
Bosco and Kate are “lovers” onscreen but “brothers” offscreen..heheh. Yeah, I love this partnership.
somehow, i prefer kate and ron (:
What if she was pregnant and decided to get an abortion?
THat can be a possibility too since who really knows what happens behind closed doors??
Myo looks so damn thin.
You want to see a chubby Myolie back in the day?
I’m her fan, so I don’t really care as long as she’s healthy. But in the above pics, even her face looks really skinny, so I made that comment.