William Chak Hopes to Become the Next Takuya Kimura

Mr. Hong Kong 2010 winner, William Chak, appeared at the press conference for a charity golf competition. Despite his appearance at the event, William noted that he did not know how to play golf.
Earlier, William signed a long-term management contract with TVB. He set Japanese actor, Takuya Kimura, as his role model. Aside from being a handsome actor, William hoped to showcase his comedic side like Takuya Kimura. William also expressed interest in collaborating with Wong Cho Lamagain.
Source: the Sun
Jayne: Signing a long-term contract with TVB is a good move for William Chak. Since he is only 25 years old, even a 10 year contract makes sense. With any shorter contract, TVB may not invest in the resources to promote him. Since he had some hosting experience at ATV, this should help him a bit.
Aside from Matthew Ko, TVB producers do not seem very interested in developing the full potential of Mr. Hong Kong winners. They are often typecast as hunky sidekicks with little to do.
I have not watched William onscreen before, but from his interview responses, he seems to be a good thinker and well-spoken guy. As typical of TVB, he will likely host some variety programs to test his abilities first. He probably wants to pursue comic roles to distinguish himself from other young actors.
Anyway, I will cheer on William and watch out for him! He still looks like a young Leon Lai in my mind….
William looks really young in that picture.. I think he kinda looks more like Michael Miu, especially the eyes.
Haha, very few young actors now aim to be a comedy actor. He does have comedy talent imho. His dance was cute and playful. His choice of actress he wants to act with already show his humorous side. Hope he achieve his dream.
He should stay in modeling, and maybe supporting role in movies. TVB maybe not fit him as much before you probably complain work hours and less sleep time.
I think he is trying to stand out going the comedic route. If he does partner with Cho lam, I’m sure he’ll pick up pretty quick as he does seem quite sharp and eloquent. He looks like both Michael Miu and Leon Lai, because I’ve always thought Leon and Michael looked alike!
And yes, the Mr HK’s seem to not be going anywhere. Matthew Ko and Stephen Huynh seem to have the most acting opportunities, but their promotiion and exposure is nowhere near what the Miss Hk winners get. And I think that is why the contest fails to attract a lot of potential good looking guys out there.
I don’t find much acting potential from Stephen Huynh and Matthew Ko, but I admit they’re hot.
William Chak is cute and I’m sure he will has lots of female fans. It’s rare and hard to have a hot guy doing comedy so maybe TVB will train him to be a versatile hot star so that he can shine from the rest of the Mr Hong Kong. Yes. If he gets partnered with Cho Lam he can have a good mentor in comedy.
“If he gets partnered with Cho Lam he can have a good mentor in comedy.”
“If he does partner with Cho lam, I’m sure he’ll pick up pretty quick as he does seem quite sharp and eloquent.”
Haha, that will be his dream comes true since he wants to act with Handelababy.
I noticed that even Miss HK winners nowadays are not promoted much. In the late 90s and early 00’s, Miss HK winners will sure get promoted. But, after 2004, the winners were not promoted much. Tracy Ip is still playing bit roles. Aimee Chan and Sire Ma fairs better. But, others no much.
I really don’t know why Matthew’s roles are getting smaller and smaller. His first few roles were quite big and he was even second lead ‘Man in Charge’. But, in recent series, he just made cameo appearances like in ‘Suspect in love’, ‘Beauty Knows No Pain’.
One Mr.HK contestant I find that is pretty good in acting is Otto Chan. Too bad he didn’t sign management contract. So, he has been playing small roles all these will. He’s first runner up in Mr.HK year 2006. He played a mentally challenged patient very well in ‘A Great Way To Care’.
I really don’t know why Matthew’s roles are getting smaller and smaller.
^Probably because his acting just isn’t up to par. I think he needs to get himself into bigger productions &/or cling onto a great veteran actor to hone in on some skills. But w/o a doubt, he is my favourite Mr Hong Kong to date. Him & well, William Chak is officially up there because they both fit what my ideal of a Mr Hong Kong should be (i.e. gentlemanly, humble, non-creepy & fureaking good-looking lol)
Re William’s aspirations to be the next Kimura Takuya- all I can say is, good luck to him. It’s a huge dream but the Dorama King is a pretty good role model to look up to. But please, if you want to reach those heights, I strongly advise, keep the heck away from Wong Cho Lam. Kimura’s style of comedy is worlds apart & not to mention, worlds better.
Personality plays a big role in whether an artist is continously given opportunities. Matthew Ko has the physical qualities of male lead: good looking and tall. His acting is acceptable to be cast in supporting roles.
I suspect that he probably may lie in his personality. Not that he is extremely cold, but he does seem to be more aloof than Stephen Huynh in his approach to people. His onscreen performance is all we have to judge by, but a lot of the supporting role casting decisions are made by producers, directors, etc. If an artist doesn’t work particularly well with the production team, we start to see less and less of those artists.
Matthew Ko is good looking, but nothing really makes him stand out either. Stephen Huynh is better looking, but his accent may be hindering his development. IMO, Stephen seems to be cashing in on his celebrity status (as indicated in his recent French restaurant opening), rather than committed to acting for the long haul. Stephen seems to possess a savvy business mind.
I think William might just possess the right personality to succeed in the entertainment circle. He is humble enough to not ire TVB’s management. If he possesses the right work ethics, social skills, and decent acting, I don’t see why TVB would not give him more offers.
The signing of a long-term contract is a good indicator that TVB is interested in developing William. Some Mr. HK’s were only offered 2 to 4 year contracts. I would presume William’s is longer.
Some Miss HK’s joined the contest for quick fame and possibly easier access to society’s most elite and rich men. Tracy Ip certainly comes across that way. Suki Chui married quickly; her husband has a successful entrepreneur track record and is currently in the restaurant business. Not everyone wants to work so hard; the price to achieve leading lady status is very high.
Stephen in an old interview has said that he hope to make acting life-time career. (I do not remember whether he gave himself a time limit to succeed or not). But, a person can change his mind according to situation (I think he do like this job though). His acting career isn’t exactly picking up fast. From his interview, he seems to be practical person and also quite traditional. He said that a man need to have a stable career and financial stability before he can marry so that he can support his family. Maybe he sees that playing small roles in TVB is not enough to get a good income. So, he tried business. Many actors actually have side jobs beside acting. Evergreen Mak is an event planner, Steven Ma, a writer (I think he also owned a publishing house. Steven fans please correct me if I’m wrong). Mark Cheng own a restaurant franchise, and the cast from Virtues of Harmony also dabbled in restaurant business.
I personally think he will continue to be an actor and do his restaurant business on the side. Cooking is also his passion.
His biggest hindrance is his language barrier.
Agree that Stephen seems to be a more personable type.
As for Suki. I think her baby expediate her marriage plan.
William is the best Mr HK to date! He has the qualities a Mr HK must offer: Great looks, great body, gentleman personality and humble in his speech. He’s very likeable! I thikn he will be more successful than Matthew Ko. Matthew never improved in his acting. He’s a wooden block in BF3 and easily blend into the background with the other kelefes.
Kidd, you’re right, despite early passion for acting, circumstances may change a person’s mind about commitment to the profession. Starting out, the salary is less than other professions for the college-educated. If there is early success, then side income from event appearances make it more profitable. Stephen has been in the industry for 5 years and at this rate, hasn’t made a significant break-through yet. He didn’t get much buz from appearing in the French Film, Red Night, either.
I’m sure many actresses have gotten abortions due to unwanted pregnancies. According to Suki’s husband, she got pregnant within 1 week of dating him. I am quite shocked that she did not take necessary birth control in the first few sessions of sex. It seems plain careless for a woman to take that pregnancy risk, especially if the relationship may not work out. Unless a woman is ready to have an abortion, an unplanned baby will alter your life plan significantly.
If Suki had been more ambitious, she could have gotten an abortion. Having the baby meant she had to cut her career short. In the end, it worked out for Suki since she seems happily married.
Well… Suki does not strike me as someone who is willing to work hard, thus this marriage may be a good thing for her.
I respect Stephen’s choice of wanting to open a business on the side because if he is making close to zip money in TVB, he will not survive in HK, where every block there is a millionaire.
It’s too bad that Matthew Ko does not improve on his acting bc I think he is quite a good-looking guy with potential, but he is like you guys say, too wooden. Hopefully experience will break him out of that.
As for William, I see huge potential for him because he seems so natural. And the fact that he landed every award that night just shows how much he is loved. One thing though, please no more speedo for him, and if he does, please Shave!!!!!!!JK
I see what you are saying. And I do agree that the more recent Miss Hk’s are not getting as much promotion as the those back in the 90’s and early 2000’s. Perhaps that is an indication that the quality has gone down in the contestants? Or, has TVB finally realized that they should not put these girls in lead roles immediately like they did in the past with almost all the winners even though they can’t act?
Poor Otto Chan and other Mr Hk’s are stuck in minor roles. And I think it’s a matter of time before we see if Matthew Ko, Stephen Huynh and others will get a chance to shine or will disappear from the entertainment industry. I think William Chak might be one of the first Mr Hk’s to get promoted. Like Jayne said, sighing a long term contract with TVB is a good sign. He seems to be quite talented and has great social and communication skills.
I’m more shocked that Suki already slept with her boyfriend within one with of dating. That’s too fast. (o-o)
As for abortion. Not all women have the heart to kill her unborn child. I think between her ambition and child, she chose the child.
This is an excepts from an old news article (2006)
“Early favourite Suki was not disappointed about missing out on the top three and she is much happier after her sweet talking boyfriend comforted her. She also indicated confidently that her career will be much greater than this in the future and she will not marry her boyfriend just because she has lost this contest.”
Kidd, I agree that to have sex within one week of dating is very quick. That would have been after the first or second date. But then these waiting periods probably decrease with each successive boyfriend a woman has. If someone is open about one-night-stands, then having sex within one week is not too soon.
After one week of dating, how much do you really know about a man? Having sex is one thing, but having unprotected sex, resulting in the possibility of a baby is very foolish. There is a choice in the morning after pill.
Maybe Suki took into account that she didn’t just get pregnant, but she was pregnant with Kenny Wong’s baby. Kenny is a wealthy entrepreneur. If she had gotten pregnant with a fellow actor’s baby, it may have been a different story. Suki’s career was taking off, there was a promise of a bigger career. I think the father of the baby had as much to do with her decision as to just being pregnant.
“Re William’s aspirations to be the next Kimura Takuya- all I can say is, good luck to him. It’s a huge dream but the Dorama King is a pretty good role model to look up to. But please, if you want to reach those heights, I strongly advise, keep the heck away from Wong Cho Lam. Kimura’s style of comedy is worlds apart & not to mention, worlds better.”
Wong Cho Lam is a bad actor and comedian. He was funny when be first come out but not anymore. He’s so OTT. He can sing though. William Chak made a great choice of idol to look up to. I agree that William is very multitalented with a great personality and given time I’m sure he will be one of the most successful Mr HK. Since he signed a long contract he will be promoted by TVB.
Matthew Ko, Stephen Huynh and the others aren’t gifted in acting. They will disappear soon.
I still don’t get why TVB get a role in this French movie for Stephen Huynh. Yes, it’s a challenging role (him singing opera), but, it’s also a very gory and fetish movie. A big contrast to TVB’s clean image.
Just saw Red Nights’ trailer. Really one to know how Stephen did in the movie. But, all the reviews just mention the 2 female leads, the director and the plot/style of the film. I guess Stephen’s role is not very big. Marie Chan has more scenes than him in the trailer. He only has one scene in the trailer where he’s in his opera costume and make up.
He who is he?
Takuya Kimura is so much better! You can’t compare Takuya Kimura with that thing.
“He who is he?”
He is William Chak.
“Takuya Kimura is so much better! You can’t compare Takuya Kimura with that thing.”
What is the ‘thing’ you are talking about?
What thing?
What thing?
Of course KimuTaku is better than whatever thing you’re comparing him with.
KimuTaku is like Dorama God~
I don’t like this guy at all. I don’t find him handsome……even though I watched the Mr HK competition, I didn’t understand the hype about him and especially shocking is his landslide victory.