“Witness Insecurity” Expected to Defeat “The Hippocratic Crush”

With the two-hour finale of Witness Insecurity <護花危情> to air on Friday, July 27th, the thriller drama is expected to top Hong Kong’s list of highest-rating TV dramas of 2012. Witness Insecurity is expected to displace The Hippocratic Crush <On Call 36小時> as the highest rated drama of the year!
Since its premiere episode on July 2nd, Witness Insecurity has achieved a high average rating of 31 points, averaging 1.92 million viewers per episode. The drama has already broken even with The Hippocratic Crush’s overall ratings, which currently tops the drama ratings list with 31 points. Last week, the ratings for Witness Insecurity increased again, raking in an average of 32 points and a peak of 35 points, averaging 2.05 million viewers per episode. With still one week of broadcast left, Witness Insecurity is expected to end with a strong finish, and perhaps top The Hippocratic Crush as this year’s highest rated TVB drama!
Linda Chung to Treat Cast and Crew for Dinner
Celebrating the success of the drama, the cast of Witness Insecurity held a victory banquet in TVB’s TV City. The star of Witness Insecurity, Linda Chung (鍾嘉欣), exclaimed that she will treat the cast and crew to dinner on the night of the finale. She also expressed her confidence that Witness Insecurity will become the ratings king for the first half of the year.
Linda said, “It’s been 8 years since I’ve joined the industry, and I’ve never had such great feedback for my dramas before. The audience say that not only is the storyline attractive and fast-paced, the theme song is also great! On the night of the finale, I will treat the cast and crew to dinner for the first time.”
Linda also said that she has already contacted her costar, Bosco Wong (黃宗澤), who is currently filming in mainland China, about a dinner gathering to watch the finale together. She hopes that he will be able to attend on Friday night.
Linda Shoots Down Plagiarism Rumors
Viewers recently claimed that Witness Insecurity had plagiarized a plot from the 1991 ATV drama The Cops Affairs <大提琴與點三八>, which starred Joey Meng (萬綺雯) as the daughter of a triad leader, and Jackie Lui (呂頌賢) as a CID Inspector. Similar to Linda and Bosco’s characters in Witness Insecurity, Joey’s character was a professional cellist who fell in love with Jackie’s character. When asked of her thoughts on the plagiarism claims, Linda said, “I’ve never seen The Cops Affairs before. Did the female lead have behavioral problems? Since she doesn’t, I’m sure it’s just a coincidence.”
Asked if Witness Insecurity will have a sequel, Linda said TVB did not give her official notice yet.
Sources: On.cc, hkdailynews.com.hk, ihktv.com
This article is written by Addy for JayneStars.com.
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More sequels? Seems like that is the norm nowadays whenever a series does well.
I still haven’t watched this series yet and I just might give it a try since it has captivated such a large audience every night.
Really enjoy this drama! But Hippocratic Crush definitely made a stronger impact on me: fast-paced, perspectives from various cast members, really good overall acting skills, touching and memorable (although having said that, Witness Insecurity hasn’t finished airing yet…).
I feel the same way. Hippocratic Crush was excellent from the first episode to the last. Although, I like Linda alot, I do not think she captured the character with mental illness that well.
is ths series tht good.. hve nt watch it yet.. stll contemplating
The seires is ok for Bosco and Linda part, but Paul’s part is boring and draggy. There are also many of the typical TVB style of old men talking or drinking in his storyline.
Maybe our mom and grannies love to watch these old uncles chatting but it’s a drag. Hippocratic Crush is more fast paced
Agree with lara!
Not just aunties and grannies like to watch it. I love it, being in my late 20s. The romantic appeal is there.
oh ok i wll give it a go
Both of these series are pretty good!
For those deciding if they should watch it, I would say yes because I like the romantic storyline between Bosco and Linda, and Ram Tseung brings a great comedic touch to this series. There are a few draggy parts since I don’t really care for Paul Chun’s side storyline, but overall I say yes.
The series can be boring at Paul’s part so Hippocratic Crush is better! The best thing about Hippocratic Crush is the touching quotes and fast paced storyline.
I agree.
While witness insecurity is good and all, I was not as attached as I was with on call where I had to find out what happened next. On call made me cry and the lines and scenes were so memorable (the proposal). The acting just stood out more and it was the first drama where I actually liked tavias character. The acting in WI has already been seen before so I wasn’t super impressed like I was with Kenneth’s performance.
With ratings, it’s still too early to tell. Tvbs rating king, Wayne Lai, has yet to air his two dramas and must say, watched the trailer for the confidant and I am quite excited. Don’t forget ghetto justice ii and maybe Raymond’s cop drug drama and the silver spoon or whatever they changed that name to.
Really? So Hippocratic Crush is all hype?
No Hippocratic Crush was good. It has fast paced storyline, touching quotes and fresh faces. There is no typical TVB scenes of elders drinking or shouting at each other.
hve nt seen hippocratic crush.. somehow doesnt appeal to me evn though ma ming in it
No wonder cpop is doing downhill. I can’t believe people will praise Linda’s singing. It’s not even average, it’s just bad.
And her acting isn’t even upto par and she’s getting praises. That’s why tvb gets so many complaints from these series.
Linda’s acting is good. Her singing, unfortunately, is not.
If TVB’s going for an idol drama approach with this drama, they should at least invest some extra bucks on producing another song. Hearing the same song being replayed over and over again can be a bit tiring.
But I do agree that Cantopop is going downhill. It’s been like that for a while.
For someone that’s been acting for 8 years I wouldn’t call it good. 8 years is a long time, especially given how many chances she’s been given. Can anyone really say her acting is A class? B class? More like C class – crap.
Lol Stylus! I agree with you.
Linda has a sweet voice. for many people without professional singing training, having a sweet voice is half the battle won. Even if you don’t have the best singing technique, people still find you melodious due to your voice quality.
In cantonese we describe her voice as chicken voice. Squeals like a chicken when they open their mouth.
Linda had the professional singing training when she was small. She said it herself. She learned piano up to band 4-5 something, I dun rmb. I havent seen her play it, too.
I skip the theme song every time. Linda’s voice is gentle and all but when it comes to singing…its just terrible. Sounds like shes out of breath half the time. She should just stick to improving her acting skills.
same here. sorry Linda but please stop singing.
Thank you. At least there’s hope in this world and not everyone has low standards.
Her acting is ok, wont say impressive or memorable. But she.did take on the character of a.clinically depressed woman quite well and it is believable
i like the song, but more the melody and lyrics.. if someone more talented sang it, it would sound way better.
I dislike her singing and acting but I admit that the themesong is quite good
I like the instrument version (cello) of the song. It sounds good. Recently Deng Chi Wai has good themesongs.
I really liked the theme song he composed for Bottled Passion. He’s quite talented.
Except the fact that his songs are a bit dramatic, I like many of his composed songs. But his songs dun give me surprising feeling.
His best composed song in my opinion is still Sam Fu Kap of The last breakthrough. An impressive song :D. I like it from the first heard.
@ Stylus: We can tell you really don’t like Linda.
When TVB gets complaints, it’s not for Linda’s acting or even any of their actor’s/actress’ acting, it’s for the content – storyline, violence and sometimes the language used which the audience deems as inappropriate.
Your point being….?
Tvb gets complaints because their standards are so low. They would continuously use poor actors and actresses (not just Linda – I can talk about how C-class the other fa dans are too. Tavia, Fala, Kate and myolie). Tvb would compromise their productions with low budget themes/scenes and poor acting. Is it a surprise to anyone that the audiences are switching to mainland/Korea for better acting.
Who cares if I like her or not. I dont even care if i like her or not. My opinion is she can’t act or sing and I’m entitled to it. Deal with it.
Since you’re so adamant that TVB’s productions are of low quality, don’t watch them anymore….simple as that!
in some way i do agree.. but i would not say their dramas r tht way
Who are you to tell me what to do. Can I dictate what you do. Maybe I can, if you don’t like my comments then don’t read it anymore. Simple as that. I can say whatever I want and don’t attempt to tell me what to do. You don’t own this forum.
I guess it really depends. A lot of people hear enjoyed Bosco and Linda’s romance, but I personally really enjoyed Paul Chun’s side story with the three bear brothers. They were pretty epic, and I find it unfortunate that their story ended so soon. I pretty much gave up on the show after their story ended. I had no reason to continue it anymore, lol!
I’m not much of a fan of romance, which explains why I rather watch Paul Chun than Bosco/Linda lol.
@Addy: high 5! I really enjoyed watching Paul Chun, Ram and the 3 bear brothers’ side story too. I gave up on the series when the story starts to revolve around Bosco & LC’s romance with the hackneyed story of parents against child’s love interest because of gasp, he isn’t good enough for her.
same here. i was drawn into the series by this subplot first, but once it was over, it was just another rich girl-poor boy-disapproving dad story. and i don’t really like either linda or bosco’s character. there’s just nothing to keep me motivated to continue watching.
I like Bosco’s character as the calm zen cop but I dislike Linda’s character. She’s overacting. The plot also went boring and turn into a TVB old crime series when the mainland villain was introduced. I can’t bear anymore.
their love story is just boring.
I haven’t seen the series but reading comments on Paul Chun’s character being boring makes me sad. He’s an awesome actor. It’s a waste of talent to not give him a good script.
Paul has a great script that plus his ample screen time, it could be said even that he is the main male lead in this series, at least up to the episode where I stop watching.
Paul’s character is not boring at all. People have varying opinions all the time, give it a try.
I also got bored after paul and the 3 bear brother storyline ended
People just have different opinions. His side story did not interest me, but I like his relationship with his brother and Linda in this series.
High 5 at AC. His whole side story was typical TVB but I like the relationship with his brother and Linda, but what wins me in this series is Bosco and Linda. They surprised me.
High 5. Agreed…….
It’s not the first half of the year anymore. WI sets the record for the second half of the year.
THC was well written, well paced and the cast delivered wonderful performances. The side stories were so touching and I bawled my eyes out during those scenes. Nothing can compare to that. With that said, if WI does take the role as ratings king over THC, then I’m gonna cry.
Agree, THC was great. WI can barely compare.
I agree. THC was well written and well paced. WI storyline and Linda’s acting rubbed off badly on me after 3 episodes. I can’t bare watching more. Bosco is handsome, cool and zen but that’s not enough to cover Linda’s bad acting and I’m not a fan of either of them.
You can start to cry. 31, 31, 32 and last week it is predicted to soar, cant fall. So overall it’s about 31.5 or can even higher. THC is only nearly 31, rounded from 30.x. WI passed. Unless WI’s rating is 24-25 for the last week and it’s impossible.
neither will be at the top by end of year so no worries.
The slim chance to THC because there are series with higher rating right now (3K + WI), but WI, the chance for it to top the rating in the end of the year isn’t zero :D.
I’m just worried about WI leading over THC D:
Now that Fox informed me of the ratings, I’m definitely not too happy at the moment. Lameface.
I’m still watching Witness Insecurity and up till now nothing interesting’s happening. Love between Bosco and Linda seems to be non existing although Linda keeps on dreaming of him, till when? Hippocraric Crush seems a better bet. WI is rather boring.
^ agreed!
both series are just blah!
i somewhat agree with u..they arent top series at all. I found Sergeant Tabloid much more interesting..
I like WI but still think THC is better. I can see Linda’s performance has improved and well performed. I like the theme song.
maybe I’m the only one who doesn’t like WI.. I didnt really watch any of the episode but already dislike the storymode.. I dislike Linda’s character (too vurnerable) and Bosco’s character being a hero cop is just too mismatch imo.. Bosco looks more like a rich man’s son than a hero cop imo.. Maybe that’s why I dislike WI and don’t plan to watch it too.
This is the first time I loved Bosco in a drama and I’m surprised that he can act as a mature and composed hero cop so well. I think it’s a matter of opinion.
Linda has things to improve, but she’s really cute with her crush and she suits the character.
I tried watching the series and but just could not continue after awhile. Bosco does seem like a rich man son (fu erdai) rather than someone with humble background.
I thought Ruco Chan would have fit in better for such a role.
I disagree. Bosco fits very well in his role from the episodes I saw. I don’t think he looks rich. He fits exqctly what the character needs which is super nice, calm, zen and mature.
Ruco? That’s a total mismatch! Ruco looks too rough and villainous for the eole
Well a bodyguard should look tough, though he may have his soft side. That would make the character more interesting to watch IMHO.
IMHO he’s tough enough from his action scenes. The action scenes were well done and he looks cool doing them. His.cop character was meant to be a super nice cop who is nice to everyone. I’m not a Bosco fan but I admit that he did very well although the role itself didn’t have much to do. I don’t see why he’s supposed to look tough. That’s a cliche just like how all tomboys must have short hair.
wow, 30,31,32 points is considered good now. sigh, tvb….
Why so sudden tvb? Don’t expect too much. GJ’s coming soon. For sure the rating will be high than WI. Just a plain drama, but not bad.
Agreed. 3K, GJ, HAL, SSSS, The Confidant will beat down WI easily.
Aren’t the ratings of WI and 3K about the same?
I agree. There are more better series that will air soon that will trump down WI. TVB is too quick to expect. I’m looking forward to GJ
I only watched 3 episodes of WI but I can tell that THC is better. THC touches on human values and all the characters went through ups and downs in the series and everyone was good at acting including the newbies. I have no problem with the acting WI, Bosco, Paul, Ram and the others are doing well for their characters except for Linda who’s having bad acting. I stopped because of Linda and because the storyline was going nowhere when it suddenly introduces the mainland villain.
3K at this moment is lowewr. First 30, second 31. WI is 31, 31 for 2 first week. Means 3K lost in rating for first two weeks. Next week we’ll know how much is WI in average but can forsee it is temporarily the highest of this year up to now.
Only at this moment but like vuvueb said when 3K is finished it might be higher and don’t forget other grand priductions like HAL and The Confidant. Tiger Cub is also getting good ratings.
I just heard news that 3K peaked at above 40 last night.
42 of 3k, 38 of Home, 37 of WI ytd. Due to the storm. Ppl have to stay at home and the rating skyrocketed.
3K got 42 points average last night! 3K has surpassed WI to be highest rated series. WI only got 37 points. The sitcom CHL git higher than WI at Why the numbers suddenly got too high!
This means 3K is the highest now. Why does so many watch 3K during typhoon but WI got lower than sitcom? People suddenly off their TV at 930?
@lol because of the storm, the only reason witness got lower ratings because tv stations lost signals so many couldnt watch it
omg 42 POINTS for 3 kingdom??? So happy for ma ming! it’s a lot more than witness ratings too!
Due to the storm, not due to how good the eps is :D.
42 average, 43 peak, lolz. No climax, just a storm day.
What makes you think GJ will be good, as I’m shuddering at the number of people who will turn off their TVs on the appearance of Christine Kuo and JJ Jia.
Wished they had cast some other actress as Kevin’s ex-wife instead of Christine Kuo. Her acting as well as her speaking skills really bug me but I’m still going to watch GJ2.
Christine Kuo is what I’m worried about GJ. I’m hoping here that her screentime won’t be much.
Maybe TVB bring this news out all of the sudden to remind us the viewers THC as the anniversary is in the next couple of month.
Dun think that far, lolz. Even that, I really doubt that THC can win best series, unless the next series are all in 30s or lower, even the hyped ones such as Confidant.
i mean during witness, many lost signals due to the strong storm
I get it. Sorry that WI didn’t have the luck. The storm must be getting worse as night falls right?
Lol over 40 points because of Level 9 Typhoon!
Will TVB hold celebratory dinner & open champagne?
What will be the dinner title?
Glad for 3 Kingdom! They should celebrate because the old fashioned witness only got 37 points compare to 3 Kingdom 42 points!
Bosco and Linda can hide now
@fiona – Why should Bosco and Linda hide? I didn’t like WI either but it’s not their fault that the storm got worse by time and shut down the signal.
congratulations to 3K too btw. Maybe this will be front page for news tomorrow and boost promotion for 3K.
42 vs 37 can you see it? it’s obvious that kingdom wins over Witness! the signal excuse is stupid. how come kingdom can get high ratings in the same night? its evident which series is more watched
OT but seems like Raymond Lam is already dating Karena Ng after all
Suit yourself fiona if that’s what you feel. I think you misunderstand.
I sense a Bosco’s hater, which means someone’s upset bc Bosco’s series is beating Kenneth’s in terms of ratings.
Not of fan of neither actors, but I find a certain someone annoying.
The high rating! Thank you Mr. Typhoon!
@sehseh: Regarding to the news with Karena Ng, Yay! Fox said what? Believe Fox and it won’t never be wrong!
I will stick with this ” picture or it didn’t happen!” hehehe
@Fiona: Okay. The storm was most likely worse after, or during, the airing of 3K. Unless you expect me to believe that Home, which is a SITCOM, can actually pull in better ratings then WI? The only times I’ve seen a sitcom have higher ratings than a normal TVB series is WHB and (I think) Master of Play.
It’s clear that you dislike this series and the cast as well. Either that or you are extremely bias towards Ma Ming (it’s clear you’re a huge fan of his. I am too, just pointing that out).
@Veejay: About LF and Karena? Have pix.
yeah, unless there is pic or proof that they r dating or else…I wont believe it hahaha..
@ Veejay
Click on Sehseh’s link. They might not be kissing, but they certainly look very dating-y.
However, I just googled the girl – and she’s 19?!!! Ugh, grossed out. Also, as much as I dislike Miss Pan, the new girl is a total downgrade in terms of looks. JS
Karena isn’t that ugly, advo. Watch Magic something of her and Wu Chun. She looks cute.
But it’s funny. When he was found to date PSS, ppl say he only goes for look. When he is found to date a quite normal looking girl, ppl say he doesn’t have the good taste. Lolz.
What pic do you want, Veejay: Kiss-kiss? The pix look dating enough. Why you don’t blv that he is having a gf?
Also, Fiona, the average ratings of WI have been 1 point higher than 3K. It’s obvious that WI wins over 3K! How come 3K can’t get the same ratings in a few weeks? Can’t you see it? It’s obvious which series is more watched.
See what I did there?
Lol, in terms of Raymond Lam you certainly is more knowledgeable than average fans.
I guess when you know your idol too well, you start to detect their preference & attraction to other half as well
Karena looks pretty. Not the drop dead gorgeous but she has a sweet face. I just wished she is not 18yrs old, maybe mid 20’s. Otherwise Raymond Lam might run into another young demanding gf (history repeat itself again).
Very rare that this magazine can get exclusive pics. Perhaps this was purposely leaked by EEG? I mean, they might be dating some time and learning from past experience (Mavis), maybe management decide to test the water?
@sehseh: Haha, yup. Karena is definitely his type and I can see their potential from day 1 of Pyjamas movie.
He should get married soon! Lolz, I guess I’m not the type of fan who wanna split them if I think the girl is any bad. His choice, he should know better than us and bear the consequences. I only concern with Karena’s age, since she is young this way, will they get married soon if it’s true that they are dating? Better ASAP.
Someone is commenting that it might be a promotion scheme for the upcoming movie stared both. I hope NOT! And sense not, too. Recently there are many signs to show that he is having a gf, a young one. Lolz, pink hearted iphone case.
Luckily the tabloid itself not as famous as Sudden & Next, so the rumor spread very slow.
But I can see some extreme fans cursing Karena in her weibo, even using harsh language. Gee, she is just 18 years old only.. if your idol dates her then respect his choice!
Going to Karena weibo to see. Do you mean the comments in this one: http://www.weibo.com/2153913104/ysfvZh6LF#1343127883708
I found many are quite positive and of course, negative ones. I know there are fans who can’t accept the guy to date, lolz. Or some wants him with someone else. Childish that. His choice, not theirs.
But if the rumour is from Next, I would expect for more. Wonder why not Monday since EEG owns Monday.
Haha, some of my friends commented on this one. Lovely that they think the same as me.
Come true, FungYu :D.
i dunno who this karena is, but physically speaking, she seems a vast improvement over pss. at least she looks like a real person. but like someone already mentioned, i just wish she wasn’t 18. just feels a tiny bit paedo-ish. i mean lf was 15 when she was born. anyways, good luck to them. hope his papa approves this time.
14 :P. They have 14 years gap :D. But they dun really look with that gap.
However, I’m just afraid that since she is that young, they won’t get married soon :(.
Frankly, I dun think PSS looks plastic. Seeing her pix in the function, she looks pretty and no strange part. For example: http://ww4.sinaimg.cn/large/5ec7ae37jw1dsvgsj09isj.jpg http://ww4.sinaimg.cn/large/5ec7ae37jw1dslmdud961j.jpg
BTW, found out that she changed name to Angelina. Lolz, no more Mavis.
I’ve watch ‘Magic To Win’. She’s a pretty decent actress for a newbie and I find that she resembles Angelica Lee.
This girl has a healthy image. So, Raymond fans should be happy.
I don’t find it pedo for Raymond to like her. She’s 18. Legally adult liao. If you commit crime when you are 18, you get sent to adult prison not juvenile detention.
Mr.Knightley and Emma has an age difference of 16 years. Roger Kwok and his wife is also different by 15 years.
@ Fox
I didn’t say Karena is ugly. But I don’t think she’s as pretty as Mavis (or whatever her name is now) even if the latter had some “help”.
And who are these people who say he doesn’t have taste? I just heard about him dating her in the first place on weibo. Didn’t even know they have been rumoured. Anyways, I dunno who said he just went for looks with Mavis. I think people were more referring to her boobs than her face since most women in the industry are relatively attractive.
But I’m much more critical of her young age than anything else.
@ Kidd
Mr. Knightley and Emma are fictional… but more importantly, set in a different era. And you have to consider that a 10+ years old difference mean different things at different stages. For a mature couple, it’s no big deal. But Karena is still a teenager and LF is a grown up man. 10 years from now, if they dated, no one would blink but right now? That’s disconcerting.
Karena look cute and young. Better than TVB 5 fadans
@ Vivien
Well, ofc Karena looks young. She IS young. At least a decade younger than the women you are comparing to her.
She’s 18, not 12. She’s legally an adult.
I don’t find it’s a matter of 14 much. If he really dated Rose Chan before, the gap is already 13. From 13 to 14, no change, lolz. Even with PSS, the gap is 8 years old :P. This gap is quite normal to a guy and a girl (but if the girl is older than the guy that much, I dun find it’ll have much chance to be successful).
PSS is a pretty girl, PS or not (I find that she was already pretty in the “before” pix). I don’t think his taste is sexy since Rain Li wasn’t a sexy girl. Among his “lovers”, only PSS is sexy. The others are not. But they all fall to the same category of small sweet face, long hair, quite plain looking with nude makeup, big eyes. Sexy is a bonus point. Looking at this category, Karena felt in it. I sensed something between them many days ago and even said it here :P. Now he proved me right.
LF and PSS had some tiny rumours during the filming of The Jade and The Pearl to say that he took care for her, sat to see her act even when his work was finished. No pic, no confirmation. No reaction toward this. Then the reporters quit with it until a year later when PSS gave pix to Next.
Just know that they date first, then breakup or not, is latter matter. Even in case they break up, they won’t have difficulties in finding new partners. He won’t be the old lonely man :P.
@ Kidd
So what if she’s legal? She’s barely legal and she’s still a teenager. If a 19 year old boy dated a 17 year old girl, the girl wouldn’t be legal. But I would certainly not be as discomforted like I am when I see grown up men date barely legal girls.
@ Fox
If the age gap is over 10 years then I think it’s substantial but there’s not necessarily anything wrong. But more importantly, is at which stage. A 10+ age gap is a lot more between a 18 and 28 years old than 28 and 38 years old.
Lolz, since 18 is legal age for marriage, it won’t be a moral matter. If 15 marries 15, even without gap, it’s still illegal. But even 70 marries 18, it’s still legal.
Moreover, 18 is legal age in many countries because mind wise, 18 is old enough to have mature opinions toward her life. Do you think why the guys in many countries need to wait until 21 to marry? Because the girl’s mind always more mature than guy’s.
@ Fox
Actually, it’s not a legal matter. But whether it’s moral matter or not, that’s a completely different matter. You might not think so, but I do think it’s borders on it. Perhaps, 18 years old girls are mature enough. Perhaps they are not. Perhaps, they only think they are mature enough. Point is, she’s too young to really know for sure. And he looks like a creep for “taking advantage” of her young age. Ray looks pretty good for his age, and he seems to have the perpetual young bachelor image, but he’s not young anymore. He is a grown up man.
First the Mavis thing, now this. I hope his acting is really good in HAL because right now, I’m turned off.
I think that you think too much :). Well, the date is theirs, so as long as they are happy with each other, outsiders shouldn’t split them. Do you see what happened to Viann and Ron? Personally, I think it’s very terrible of an artist couple to breakup due to the fans and audiences.
18 is mature enough or not? It is considered as mature enough by the social and therefore, it’s the legal age. It’s also not a moral matter because it dun break any moral provision. He is just 33, not 70 :D. If it’s true, he dates a 19 year old girl, not 12 or 15. They have the right to get married, and I don’t see why ppl have to overreact toward this. Like Kidd mentioned, Roger has 15 years old gap with his wife Cindy, and it isn’t a surprise to the social. Alex To recently get married with a 26 year old girl – he is 50 right now, means there is 24 year gap between them.
Moreover, they won’t get married tomorrow :P. Who noe that he’ll wait for her until she is 28 and he is 42 (I don’t hope so, seriously!). At this moment, do you feel it’s a matter anymore?
Lolz, I find his acting in 3K during the PSS scandal time is as good as before. Maybe you should give him a chance to see how he acts, not the role? Don’t be haunted by Kingsley – a boring role in a boring series with lovely tight pants. Chukot Leung has inner charm and his love story is sweet in 3K.
BTW, he met Karena after finishing HAL :P. They first meeting was Love is… Pyjamas, filmed in May-June of this year, after HAL. So his acting can’t be affected by the love with Karena. If it is affected, must be another girl.
@ Fox
As I’ve repeatedly argued, it does make a difference at what stage of their lives we are talking about. But btw, 20+ years age difference creeps me out anytime actually. And I also cannot with how hypocritical the society is regarding male/female age difference depending on who’s the older one.
Anyways. I didn’t say his acting is affected by his affairs. I’m just turned off by his personality. I really couldn’t care less about him dating Mavis, it was how he reacted to the “scandal” that annoyed me. And now this whole, dating a much younger girl thing. The same thing happened for me with Jay Chou when he started hanging out with 18 year old Hannah. (Seriously, what is it with these guys? Are there no women their own age that they find attractive?!)
Ofc fans have no saying in whom they choose to date. No arguments there. I’ve always been speaking from my own POV and how these things turns me off a celebrity. That’s all.
Oh, and I can’t be bothered to watch 3K because it looks cheesy and silly.
Since you say about different on opinions, I’m off, too :D. I don’t see anything wrong of a date between 33 and 19, that’s all. In my view, 19 can be mature enough. If not, the parents can help them to orient.
It’s truly unfair that when it’s an older sister-younger brother relationship, ppl are harder to accept.
I provide my view that an older sister-younger brother love is rarely long when the age gap is bigger than 5. But it isn’t a matter for an older woman to date a young man, as long as it’s legal and morally suit. Same view on the normal older man-younger woman love.
Seriously, why women and men have to date someone around their age? They are looking for suitable half, not for age :D.
If this relationship gets long, one day they’ll reach to the stage you’ve mentioned. But I don’t hope to see their marriage and kids after that long :P. I want to see his kids soon.
For PSS scandal, I also have the different view with you, and many of his fans, too. As you can see, I really dun think PSS is a bad girl, even after the scandal :D. But what they’ve reacted during the scandal were truly fit their horoscope, haha. Horoscope can provide trustful information on the characteristics of the beholders.
As for 3K, I admit it’s better than I expected. I thought it’ll be very silly but it wasn’t as silly as I thought :D. However, there are many boring parts in it that I wished I have fast forward button (since I’m not at home, I watched it online).
We’ll just have to wait and see how this so called relationship turns out. They are probably still in the ‘getting to know each other better’ stage and if they do end up dating then it’s their choice and who knows, maybe they might split up. She does seem like a nice girl but I am also not too fond of her being so young. If she were in her mid 20’s she would have seen more of the world and met more people along with more experiences in life (I am just assuming she has less of this because of her age but I could be wrong) so at her current age she might not even know what she really wants and may just want casual dating instead of a serious relationship.
@ Fox
“Seriously, why women and men have to date someone around their age? They are looking for suitable half, not for age”
I never said they had to be exactly the same age. A 5 years old difference is not the same age, yet not creepy either. But whatever, we are obviously going in circles.
As for Miss Pan, whether or not I like her actually has no impact on how I feel about LF. I’m not her fan, so why should I care about how she behaves over a break-up or whom she dates? It was how he handled things – acting like victim who had been betrayed by his first love etc. – that I thought was ridiculous and made me think lower of him. At the same time, he hasn’t produced any work that I’ve been interested in or liked lately, so that has also lowered my interest. I’m interested in HAL though, so there’s that.
I did say during the filming of 3K that I wouldn’t watch because I thought it looked dumb. The trailers did nothing to change my mind. Kenneth has never been a draw for me, neither is Tavia. You know I like Ray, but then there’s that dreadful girl, whatsherface? who plays his wife so that’s a draw. All in all, there’s too much I don’t care for in 3K so can’t be bothered.
Advo, if you still see Kaki as the girl from E.U, maybe you will surprise at her. Her acting has good improvement and gave ppl who have the biases with E.U girl a :O. And she looks pretty.
If you only watch Txb series, maybe his recent series are not interesting. I agree. The only good one in my mind from 2010 to now is Growing through life. I know this series is criticized by many for slow, draggy etc. but I find it’s good. Im a fan of this type of series – serious, deep. Last year his best performance belongs to Hui Sin in White Snake. Good eye acting in the towel scene.
Back to topic of age, again, I have to repeat that the date is their decision. If they find the other is suitable, they date. Not that all 19 girls are immature or 30s guys are mature. As long as they dun break any legal or moral provision, their relationships is fine.
I have the different view on the reactions he did last year, lolz. I find it’s cunnimg :p. But I think I provided my views on it many times before so I wont repeat. Lolz, I have never seen him as a naive guy in any moment, so maybe I didnt disappoint a bit :p.
I totally agree with you on Growing Through Life being his best series since 2010 onwards. I really enjoyed that drama and Bosco was also really good in it. LF’s Men With No Shadows has got to be one of the worst in recent years as the storyline was awful…even as his fan, I didn’t enjoy that series one bit
MWNS is a failure of greedy script. The scriptwriter tried to make it multilayer but failed. Failed to explain and failed to be creative. Haizz. I expected more from Poon Ka Tak but look like he has a bad script on hand. Wasted.
Haizz, Karena denied through her manager. Said tat they only went to karaoke together with crew of Love is…Pyjamas and LF was polite to run under the rain to find taxi for her. My guess: underground love or promotion for the movie or not in the stage of revealing. Watever, bad bad bad
I love 2 see linda and bosco as a couple. I’ve seen lots of improvement for linda while bosco looks so handsome and cool in WI.
So far THC overall is very good series compare WI. The story line of THC from beginning till end much more interesting compare WI. Beside THC provide such much deep insight of human life and most importantly all the cast have great chemistry with each another.
THC is a lot better than WI. WI only wins my heart with Bosco and Linda, and Bosco’s character but THC wins me by everything especially the well written and deep human insight you mentioned. The quotes were touching. THC also didn’t drag from start to finish while WI has draggy side story such as Paul Chun’s side story.
Me too! I prefer THC to WI. There are a few touching parts in THC which left deep impression in me.
Agreed THC was great. WI too plain looking and I cant bring myself watching. Linda is too delusional about how the series and her singing is doing
Yes, I agree too! Most of the cast was great, especially the leads! The series was fast paced and actually kept me watching. I’ve been on and off series lately. zz
Can’t wait to see people compar GJ with THC. Myolie vs Tavia game.
Why not Myolie vs Linda since Linda’s WI is the highest rating at this moment?
Tavia(doctor) vs Myolie(lawyer) ? There will be sure chaotic fans argument.
Why dun compare Tavia role in JA vs Myolie Wu role in GJ2. Since both series produce by same producer and both of series same genre. Importantly both female lead also lawyers. More fun to compare
I wouldn’t compare Tavia’s JA vs Myolie’s GJ because JA is not expected to air this year.
Lawyer to Lawyer, we can compare Myolie in GJ and Tavia in TOT last year. Fair?
cannot. They will complain she’s sick, then her chin has bacteria infection, so affect her performance until she became invisible, and all the hype was about Ruco.
Rubbish. THC is way better! It’s an insult to compare WI to THC! Linda and her bad singing is delusional!
I’m going to have to say that as much as I enjoy witness, sometimes, it feel like a drag, n yes, the romantic love story between Linda n bosco is ok, however, it is a bit boring, n after a while, u realize this series is just about a mellow love storyn some draggy story behind, I love on call 36, n I love the charming moments when tavia is going all out for Kenneth, plus the funny moments between Kenneth n his friends, on call also leave a much stronger impact, I would rewatch on call again again, but surely not witness, just my 2cent
My personal 2 cents:
WI isn’t that good to me, it has Law Kar Ho’s smell..However….
I’m “chasing” this drama because of Bosco, mainly. I watched many of his dramas, and in this one his “Hui Sir” is someone I can fell for and look forward to everyday. Personally in my POV, this is not one of his best character; but it is one of his best acting so far; especially his subtle and micro expressions. I love this kind of acting from Bosco.
I don’t think Linda is that bad. I’m growing to like her because of WI. She’s not the greatest actress, but she looks pretty onscreen as “Miss Kiu”. When her character gets better from her mood disorder, it was also the time she’s more pleasant to watch. She doing an accurate work with her “I-have-a-crush-on-him” expressions
I love to watch every scene with Miss Kiu and Hui Sir together. I personally think they have an unexplainable match in my POV.
Agree. I think Linda did good job in WI. However her way to get best actress award’s still along way. She still young and got lot of time to improve. This year let it be Myolie vs Tavia. Linda may take their place 3 or 4 years from now. Good job Linda.
Linda’s year clearly isn’t this year. Her performances in Gem of Life and the Journey Called Life was great! I liked her very much.
And yes, Linda’s performance in WI is quite good. She gets better as the series progresses.
Sorry I meant: This year clearly isn’t Linda’s year.
Linda is not promoted.
Linda still young…still have loads time 2 improve. Give Myolie and Tavia chance to win the awards because they getting older. Supposely to be Tavia turn this year. So far THC’s her best series. So deep… I can feel her emotion. But fix her nose first.
I hope Linda will try another character for her next series. I want to see her best perfomance. She’s getting improve but nothing serious and no big impact like Tavia did to audiences. Anyway I love both Tavia and Linda. I dont mind if one of them win this year.
I agree with all your points. This is the first time I fell for Bosco. I never thought he can be heroic and suave but boy he proved me wrong. He’s great. I also agree that Linda wasn’t that bad and she’s very pretty. I’m obsessed with Bosco and Linda pairing now. Do you know that Linda posted a picture of them in her weibo and it got forwarded more than 40,000 times overnight?
I definitely like Linda Chung better than Tavia Yeung but as of now, The Hippocratic Crush is definitely better than Witness Insecurity.
Yup. Linda’s better than Tavia. Her nose really distruptng in 3K.
Speaking about her nose, her nose really looks extremely “longer” than usual from yesterday episode. I wonder if she has had any injection before she film 3K.
I never really noticed anything wrong with Tavia’s nose…. until you pointed it out. Now I can never look at her the same way ever again.
I didn’t pay attention to Tavia much because she doesn’t appear much anyway and I watch the series by fqst forwarding lots of scene.
I used to like her but after I watched her in 3k. I feel strange. She’s pretty but her nose makes her ugly. Tavia… I love the old you
Oh Tavia, once again ur nose is tood up again. Please dun forget to have ur nose job done in Korea. Dun waste the opportunity.
I really meant to say her nose looked extremely longer than usual in a point of a viewer’s view not because I dislike TY or anything. As a matter infact, I kinda like her acting for real and I think her character “song yau” is cute and naive. But when she was looking at Kenneth in yesterday’s episode, her nose really stood out longer than usual and “normal”. I dont think that’s natural at all. It’s a bit odd imo.
Isn’t it Tavia’s makeup and miscast that is being criticised?
Before this, I feel mad when people talks on her nose. But in episodes 10 3k, I have to admit that I found her nose became longer. I feel bad for her. she’s such a great actress compare to others but her nose will just ruined career if she let it be that way. I’m still a big fan of her and hope she’ll figure out way to solve this problem.
Agree. Lots of people love her acting but since her nose really distrupting my eyes. why don’t she take Chung Ka Yan as example…she has big nose but still sweet, pretty, cute and natural. I hope Tavia will fix her nose for THC 2.
TY may have been miscasted in 3k due to her real age which is so much older than the role..but after watching few eps of 3k, TY can portray her role well and convincing so..its no longer a problem imo. About her thick make-up, I notice almost all tvb actresses have heavy make up too just like TY haha..
Can’t compare Linda to Tavia. Linda is all natural. She’s born with that nose, and even though it’s not the best nose, she lives with it. Tavia’s nose was better than linda in the past, yet she mess it up like MJ.
I wonder what would happen if she stops taking those hyraulic jab? Will that ruin her nose even more?
we might see her picture around tis week for AGWTC2. Let see if she have any transformation.
@veejay you can’t say most tvb actresses have thick make up, because I believe Raymond told Kaki her role is sickly, she shouldn’t put on too much make up, and not to put on false eyelashes, and she did to act professionally as the character, even though it may not be as pretty! yet for our more senior level tavia… when Kenneth told her she needs to put on more make up. i LOLED!
@Veejay.. I believe it would, unless she go for some facelift or nose lift, because the skin will be more saggy, as there would have been filler substance inside her nose.
yup Linda do look wayy natural than TY and others. Linda used to look this way before she enters the TV Biz.. and she still look the same.
What i meant are artist like Myolie and Kate, they too have thick makeup but doesn’t understand why ppl often say its always TY that put on heavy makeup only lol..
I wonder why TY still taking this jab to prolong her nose? does she really think she will look pretty this way??
Tavia o Tavia. Its kinda strange to see your face by now. I hope this problem won’t ruin your chance to win this year.
It may be due to the type of roles they are portraying. Think about it, Kate is seductive Paris in LOO, of course she needs to look more sexy with eyeliner and thick make up. Then Myolie in GJ, her character is one who is very focused on outer appearance, like wasn’t her first scene talking about the shirts that she ordered from London? Thus, you will expect a very chic lawyer look from her. Then in The Rippling Blossom, she’s acting as a rich girl who is really fashionable, so someone like that will usually use make up everyday.
Compare to tavia’s roles..
she’s playing a MAID (3k)/NURSE(TRB)/TEACHER!(YSSS)/LOW LEVEL POLICE OFFICER (TMOL) yet all wear thick make up.. big joke…
Remember when Kate was acting as police supervisor in FH3, we also made fun of her dolly hair and eyelashes? Same thing.
Myolie only has thick make-up on series, in regular function her face isn’t covered with tons of foundation. So does Kate. Kate often uses nude makeup, too. In HAL she used nude makeup for many scenes.
Yeah…but same apply to Kate and Myolie too when they were out doing photoshot and attending endorsements, they too wear thick eyelashes and thick foundation. TY does that too even not doing series.. the only actress that seldom wear thicklash is probably Linda and Fala.
They actually covered in ton of thick foundation since they always pose for camera shot etc. We barely get to see their dark cicle under their eyes often right? that shows they wore thick concealer to cover them..Im sure if they wear less makeup like us..they won’t look so dashing anymore.
Veejay, I believe that’s also because on jobs, they also have a certain image to adher to. Like Linda is sweet and fresh look, so people don’t expect her to suddenly turn up all gothic with dark make up. Kate’s look is sexy, Myolie’s look is fashionable and glam, Tavia’s is Pinocchio auntie?!
In the functions of cosmetic or the ones required thick makeup, yup. But seeing Myolie and Kate in some random functions, they dun use much foundation. Sans makeup is of course no, but thick foundation isn’t.
Example for the makeup in series:
The foundation isn’t clear and light blush. Only mascara, no fake eyelash.
In function:
Nude makeup.
TY and Myolie most thick nakeup.
Sorry I’m not against you calling Ty an auntie or whatsoever, I just don’t get the joke about Ty being old or ugly since I dont think she’s that ugly or old. I usually don’t have prob with TY but it’s her nose that make her whole appearance to look rather “funny” and strange. overall, i still think she can act haha.
Once I saw TY with face caked of foundation but neck and chest different skin tone.
@Veejay: Have you ever visit Michelle Phan’s youtube channel? She does the thick makeup sometimes but you won’t see her face is caked. Reason is that she knows how to makeup and let it suitable. Just in case of too much makeup on face and isn’t suitable, we’ll see a caked face. It’s makeup faults.
And funny that there are times when someone do the makeup on face to be as white as Snow White but let the neck and chest area look dark. Like Europe and Africa get close to each other.
@Veejay of course she doesn’t look that old, but note the word is “that” old, but you have to admit that she looks significantly older than her real age. Considering that most chinese women look much younger than their original age.. Eg. Qiao En is same age as TY, but she looks 25? Ariel is 30 this year, but she looks 25? Even in non entertainment business, I can tell you when my mom was 45, people think she’s like 32. I am over 25 years old, I went on vacation and wore minimal make up and t-shirt and jeans, and people think I’m still schooling! My boss is 40, but she looks like 30-32 years old! If you are chinese, you are expected to look younger than your age, yet for Tavia she looks older. So let me explain why I think tavia looks much older. She’s 32 years old, and I will expect her to look like she’s 28? but she doesn’t, and instead looks like someone who is 35-36 years old, which is what I will expect someone 40 years old to look, which is why I say she looks like 40 years old. It’s a matter of perception.
Tavia start to tone down her make up in Justice Attack. She quite more natural beauty in there compare 3k.
Where is da natural beauty?
Wat I mean compare to 3K RPG make up , she look more natural in there and more pretty. Even she look mature but mature have their own mature beauty
Nicole, Ariel is 30?! She looks barely over 21!
Joe Chen looks her age, just her make up and hair and all makes her look youthful. Rather she looks like a youthful woman around her age. Tang Yan looks young for her age, although I always thought she reported her age as younger when she is older.
Tavia has always looked mature only now she looks.. weird. Myolie with her loss of baby fat looks her age except she knows how to dress herself and make up.
Ariel will be 30 this year.
You know the loathed BABY fat on the face because it makes you look so chubby? Now I love it. LOL The older you get, the less baby fat you have, but the more baby fat you have the younger you look. Ahhh.
Qiao En doesn’t look over 30! at most 28-29!
Myolie still look younger than Tavia. Charmaine/Ruby, who are all older than Tavia, looks younger than her. just some examples..
Tavia lukz older than tonz of actresses.
Ariel is the Yoyo Chen type. They have this baby face that made them look barely 21 when they’re already 30.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but the only reason why people are bashing Tavia and her nose is because she had it done. So if Tavia was born with a huge nose, you guys wouldn’t make fun of her nose?
You see anyone making fun of linda’s nose or jackie chan’s nose?
The thing is if tavia was born with her current nose, I doubt she would have even gotten her feet into tvb acting class. the management aren’t blind you know.
More pictures during JA.
I don’t see any natural beauty, her nose has grown to taken residence on half her face. You can’t just post pictures of her taken from a single angle, usually from front on with her face slightly tilted to the side and angled down and call it improving you know. It’s like a fat girl angle shot.
Thanks for telling me Linda have a big nose. I just realized it. But I wonder how come she’s so sweet with her big nose but Tavia’s so odd with her long nose.
LF’s cousin (forgot her name) also have big nose but she looks sweet with it. Probably her facial proportion just make her nose size look approriate.
Lin Xia Wei is her name.
When my family saw her the first time (a Chinese series she took part in during her time in Beijing Acting Academy), my mom said: “Oh this girl dun look good” (comparing to Hak Lui – the main actress). After that, she commented: “But the more I look at her, the prettier she is”. And her acting was good in this one. In the Txb sitcom, maybe her time on stage made her acting a bit dramatic and stage like.
I think we tend to be more forgiving if people are born with it naturally. I mean it’s what God has given you, are we gonna make fun of Wong Hei’s small eyes, or linda’s big nose, Eric Tsang’s height or Michelle Yim’s bunny teeth?
No. But to fix something that did not need to be fixed, and ended up as something worse, most people just find that a big fat joke.
Agreed. LF’s cousin look cute even with big nose.
Dont make fun of her nose. At least she got talent compare to Myolie beauty but no talen.
Funny.. long ago, tavia fans always scold myolie ugly..
but how the tables turn. LOL!!!
I am sorry but when I see this picture;
Nice hair, nice dress, nice figure but her face, I was like could her face get any longer? I am sorry to say but I find it frustrating she should destroy her natural beauty. You will never appreciate her beauty which I used to see as something plain until she made herself a laughingstock with that stupid nose and now the stupid long face that I begin to appreciate what is already gone. This is just ridiculous. Myolie at least knew what it means to enhance. But Tavia, why? WHY?!?
I cant agree more wit u. Her fanz said natural beauty but I seed long face and stupid nosezzz.
That nose… I like Tavia a lot but… It’s too long now.
@Nicole: The wind turned :P.
I had a shock when I watched episode 11 of 3 Kingdoms and it doesn’t help it is HD, 42 inches TV and I was wearing my glasses and it was a closeup side profile, I can see every cake of foundation on her face and that nose… fans of tavia shouldn’t be offended when I keep mentioning her nose but it is seriously long, sharp and meaty. It is scary. I had quite a fright and I am not joking.
long face??
She always have long face since she debut. Why people start to discover her long face now and get frustrated with it. If her nose make people feel annoyed I understand but her long face i dun get it
Her face was long, but not as skeleton as now.
can I also ask.. why is her chin so funny..
It’s like she’s so skinny.. but that’s almost like a double chin..
Do u see doll killerz? Tavia lukz one of them.
LOL Funn. I salute you for watching her in HD and endure it to tell the experience
No matter how people look down on her current look, it just matter of time she gain back her weight and repair her nose.
Since there are people already laugh her as dolls killer then no harm if she truly done full PS to adjust her face in appropriate ratio.
in future
Then I hope she had time to correct her nose during the Himyi holiday with Himhim
Myolie is pretty and have talents. She just need some good rest and revise.
Linda FTW! Beautiful sweet face and she can act!
Myolie and Tavia are alrady 30+, Linda’s still young and of course Tavia and Myolie are more better than her. But for WI, Linda shows improvement which makes me like her more. No matter what people say, WI’s the best series. I do agree that THC’s much better. But in term of relationship, I’m more admire with Bosco & Linda than Tavia & Kenneth. But by indivudually…Tavia’S much better while I love Bosco than Kenneth.
If THC VS WI = WI, If Tavia vs Linda = Tavia, If Bosco vs Kanneth = Bosco
this is stupid. Hippocratic is a fantastic series with great reviews and a series such as Witness is a far cry from hippocratic!
AGREED!! Hippocratic crush is the best drama I have ever watched!
Stupid. Hippocratic is all hype and overrated. WI is far better.
agreed. WI much better!!!
Perfectly agree with you. A series with a great story, characters and morals is incomparable to WI.
It seems there are 4 of us now, who really appreciate WI!
lau ka ho is very happy that 3K broke records this year! witness can go away with the wind. bye bye
ur mom can go away with the wind and u can join her to. Only grannys watch 3 kingdoms cuz its old haha
Personally I watch this show for Paul, I have always admired him. I’m not sure if bosco is really the male lead because from what I can see, Paul has more screen time.
The subplot is good but the love story is just meh. To be fair I hate romance and WI reminds me of twilight: Linda(bella) is obsessed with the hero bosco (Edward) who’s always there to save her all the time.
Agreed! Linda’s acting in WI reminds me of Kristen Stewart’s Bella. Both of the them look awkward and constipated most of the time. I know she’s supposed to be nervous/shy, but really…
Don’t get me wrong, I think Linda does a great job portraying someone with an disorder, but it’s just too painful and weird for me and her. There’s just something about her acting that’s iffy.
Hi. I watch this series because I’m on summer break, but now I’m watching for Bosco Wong and I can’t believe I’m using this summer break to google for news and discussions about Witness Insecurity and found this news.
I don’t care about the ratings, but I love Bosco’s inspector role a lot. I didn’t expect that Bosco can carry a series this well and it’s good if he can get recognized.
I usually don’t like Linda Chung but I don’t mind her in Witness Insecurity. She has become prettier than before and she’s glowing. I’ll be happy if I can have her hair and her sweet smiles.
she’s plain actres but really sweet. i juz cant hate her… I like her. at least she dont have long nose. haha.
You should be careful with your comments seller or you can get in trouble by certain sensitive souls
Linda can’t act or sing but she has natural sweet face
Linda can act but cant sing. admit it.
Linda is da natural beauty. Big noze or not she is pretty.
shorty, I see linda as an actress with a hobby in singing. So it is ok if her singing sucks unless she wants to make a career out of it and I will urge her to better concentrate on one rather than 2 because better be a master at one rather than mediocre at both.
She wants to have a singing career. Her 2 albums and an upcoming one isn’t something for fun and hobby. If fun and hobby, 1 is enough, no need for 2.
Linda can sing doesnt say nonsense. She was born wit sweet voice. She scared and itz da only reason.
More like sweet face but chicken voice LOL
Agreed Funn Lim. Wish she knows her best.
I can’t agree more with your points. I love Bosco in this series too. I can go as far as to say so far in this year he’s my favourite character.
Linda is pretty isn’t she? I didn’t realize she’s this sweet and pretty before.
Good for you that you can accept Linda. I can’t and Bosco’s handsomeness alone not enough to make up to that or it can be that I’m not enough fan.
I didn’t know that Paul Chun had a substantial role in WI. I think I might watch then, since I’m missed him on TV.
I love WI. Hope the ratings will peak on the finale.
I <3 WI. Da best.
All the best Linda & Bosco.
THC is a better series but I support Linda and Bosco. All the best for WI!
Finale of 50points perhaps, Viel Glück WI!
That’s impossible lor but I do wish WI the best!
Yeah, i certainly hope so.
I love this drama! I finished watching 12 episodes in 2 days with exam coming up the next week and I couldn’t wait for the next episode. I think Bosco did a great job, he was natural and I love how awkward Linda acted around him. THC is great too, I can’t choose tbh.
Not eager to watch THC, no comment.
In fact haven’t watch a TVB series for months until the recent WI. Only watching it purely for the pairing of Bosco & Linda, not much dialogue but the chemistry between the two is awesome. Watching them both in MR once again esp the ‘pork vinegar song’ wahaaa
I dunno why people love to compare WI and THC. Both are difference type of series. I love both. After this maybe many will compare WI, THC with GJ.
Let others say what they want as long as we noe what’s the best for us. But somehow its weird when they say GJ’s the best series. Nothing special especially when Myolie’s the main cast. They should replace Fala or Salina Li for that roles. WAB suppose to be the best series this year.
I don’t know either. THC is the better series but it doesn’t mean I don’t like WI. I’m in love with Bosco and Linda now. Your point is valid, WI and THC are different in theme and genre and we know by ourselves what’s right for us.
Cant wait to see the finale. Linda, give me suprise like you did in YSSS. Nothing’s impossible. Hope you win for Fave. Female Character.
Today, they compare WI with THC. Tomorrow will be THC with GH. This one will be more great because its Tavia and Myolie competition. By story… GJ surely win but by the touch of emotion THC surely better than that. Tavia have a great emotion compare to Myolie. Even if compare Myolie with Linda, I would say Linda’s more better in emotion and left deep impact.
IMO, I like THC more than WI. WI is an okay serie (not bad nor good).
Tavia’s nose is longer compared when she first entered the industry. But, it doesn’t bother me because I pay attention to the story and her performance.
To those audiences who thinks Tavia’s nose is very annoying them, then if it’s possible, write to her especially if you know Catonese.
In THC, I like the interns’ story especially Tavia and Kenneth.
In WI, I like Bosco and Linda’s relationship. I also like how Paul cares for Linda a lot.
i love ray & karena, they look suitable
God, please. No more sequels.
i bet u if hk viewers didnt lose signal, witness would have beaten 3 kingdoms ratings
OMG! After last night episode of WI, keeping my fingers crossed Hailey won’t change her mind becoming a ‘Sister Maria or Sister Theresa’?
Looking forward to tonight’s episode & btw Bosco is so much much eligible now..
The ending for Witness Insecurity is
his ending in witness serves him right!
I couldnt even finish watching On-Call 36.
But as for Witness in Security, I cant wait for the sequel! The flow, direction, plot, acting and casting are simply too good.
Havent watch such a highly managed and planned drama from TVB since a long time.
Oh and the drama’s theme song is not bad too, so much better than the one in 3 Kingdom. Sorry to all Chok Fung’s fans!!
hippocratic is the best this year. you miss a great series and greatcast especially maming
THC was amazing! aha yeah you missed great heartfelt stories.
very bad and sad endings … very dispointed but fortunately, I just see 6 first episode and after seeing the last episode, I know it doesn’t fit to me.