Wong Cho Lam Remains a Virgin Until Marriage

After Leanne Li (李亞男) accepted Wong Cho Lam’s (王祖藍) marriage proposal at the 48th TVB Anniversary Gala, the couple is busy preparing for their wedding on Valentine’s Day, February 14. Although dating for more than four years, the Christian couple exchanged chastity vows and promised they would remain celibate until after marriage.
For their wedding ceremony, Cho Lam revealed they will rent a grand church to accommodate 4000 guests. The day after their church ceremony, 600 guests will join the bride and groom in their celebrations at Hong Kong Disneyland. Not concerned about the expenses of such lavish celebrations, Cho Lam remarked, “Money is not important. It’s important that my significant other is happy and that the guests can have fun.”
Months of Secretive Planning
Cho Lam said his marriage proposal at the TVB Anniversary Gala took Leanne by complete surprise. Obtaining Leanne’s parents’ agreement towards the marriage union in July, Cho Lam kept his proposal intentions a secret for months. However, the couple had already discussed their vision for their marriage celebrations much earlier. Cho Lam said, “I already booked the party at Disneyland last month, but I couldn’t think of a way to propose and to make it a surprise – that’s why it came so late.”
Cho Lam Maintains Virgin Status
Since their initial dating relationship, Cho Lam and Leanne expressed they would remain abstinent until marriage. While filming for a Mainland variety show, The Work Experience <實習也瘋狂>, Cho Lam was tricked into filming for a condom commercial. On becoming a spokesperson for the product, Cho Lam’s temper flared, “I’m a Christian, how can I endorse such a product?” He also revealed that he was still a virgin at 34 years old.
The condom commercial turned out to be a prank to test Cho Lam’s reactions. When the video went viral, netizens praised Cho Lam for being excellent husband material, as he did not treat sex casually.
This article is written by Su for JayneStars.com.
I respect his decision, but does he has to let the entire world know that he’s still a Virgin? Oh plssss grow up!
hahaha, yup, too much information!
Why can’t he share it? I seriously don’t get why people keep on saying people shouldn’t say they are virgin out loud. I personally think it is a good message toward people that are virgin. Letting them know they are not alone, it is fine to be a virgin you don’t have to lose your virginity because other people pressure you
They are saying he is fake. He also wrote the script to 老表,你好hea and its unbelievable how much he made fun of his religion. Its as if he wants the world to know just because he claims to be a devoted Christian he can disrespect his religions all he wants.
Well, if he shares it with his family and close mates, I believe that’s genuine. But if he keeps saying this over and over again in the media that’s called bragging.
Why is telling the public represent being ungenuine? Plus is the media that keep on asking them about their virginity
There are a lot of comedian that uses dark humour. Some may not find it funny but other do
Question is is Leanne a virgin?
All the devoted TVB Christian female artists say they are “virgins”. If you don’t know who they are, they are the ones that dresses the most provocatively. Not.Even.Kidding
It is not funny but the issue is that people could not control themselves – Athena Chu is an example.
The ‘issue’ is not that people could not control themselves, but that people makes these silly vows that go against basic human nature. Athena’s mistake is not practicing what she preaches. Her getting pregnant before marriage is no one’s business but her own, but preaching to the public that premarital sex is sinful and then getting pregnant out of wedlock, that just made her a hypocrite.
NAhhh I was being sarcastic. Anyway it doesn’t matter. They love one another. That’s what counts.
LOL very true your comment about how some of these TVB actresses claiming to be virgins and devout Christians are the ones dressing up provocatively – Grace Chan comes to mind.
I mean Grace Wong.
probably not orally.
I thought she said she still a virgin in the past reports cause do to her religion as a christian but…….behind closed dooors idk…………=P
I think it’s refreshing for a male CELEBRITY to come out and confess his status. It takes a lot of courage to reveal this to the public, for fear of ridicule. And it also takes a lot of discipline. I wish them the best!
No it doesnt. To be a devoted Chritian, one must stay virgin until marriage. It would take MORE courage for a Christian to be honest and admit he/she didn’t keep abstinence.
wow dude, what world are you from? you’re telling me that any guy who goes out in public and announces he’s a virgin WON’T get backlash for it? every guy’s fear as a kid was that he’d grow up a virgin.
Agree! I don’t even know why some people (based on the comments) are bashing on him. This is why some teenagers actually try to lose their virginity “just because” ’cause apparently being a virgin is like a loser status or some sort.
He’s so short and ugly, my god that nose. He’ll probably still remains a virgin after marriage. LOL
And size really matters…
@T – If you could make do with your 3″, I’m sure he can with his 5″.
lol and i don’t believe in the religion thing. Religion people never been through a divorce either?
Well, of course, their first intention is to follow the rules but unexpected things happen. I just do not see the point of coming out and state one is still a virgin, and still a virgin because he/she is a follower of Christianity.
I graduated from a Christian University which was not 100% devoted to Christianity as the main purposed was still normal academic degree but it did require students to have some theological courses but the students (even my friends) would not just come out and say “I am still a virgin”
I don’t think he’s bad looking at all but maybe a little too short .wish them luck
i just had to lol! You’re very diplomatic. “A little too short” is the understatement of the year.
Short, but rich. Money talks in this world.
she does look like a tranny-dude… lady-dude
It was all money or she got issues! What’s up with his lips? I want to slap it with magazines:)
he’s a virgin? ok but she’s a virgin? i don’t think so…
I guess she’s as much a virgin as Linda Chung and Grace Wong.
I doubt she is one but I wonder why so many actresses and some actors have to constantly announce to the world that they are virgins? Strange..
They think being a virgin (and public announcement) will help their career?
For most, the follow up for this mia copa would be whether it is by choice or not.
Why people laughing at him because he said he is virgin? Is sleeping around more glorious. Imagine if you dating someone that has been sleeping around, it’s like sharing your cups with public.
It’s unfortunate that we are living in a world (or society) who thinks remaining a virgin is a very terrible thing. So, we end up seeing numerous cases of teens getting pregnant and boy, their parents must be so proud! *sarcasm intended*
why is this even news? and whose business is it on whether or not they are virgins?
i don’t know what’s the big deal about a virgin these days really…. in fact being 30 and still a virgin is actually quite sad despite religion or not.
How is being a virgin at 30 sad? Is losing it before 30 something great and something you should be proud of?
don’t have to keep repeating his virginity. whether he stays as one or not is between him and his wife-to-be. PERIOD.
I have a feeling that Cho lam wanted to “eat” Leanne so much till he’s willing to stay “virgin” till marriage.. that guy is simply h0rny imo.. he can’t control his lust anymore
Yup, and if he is not horny and has not been wanting to eat her,there is truly something wrong with him.
of course lah…Leanne is a beauty. which man can control for so long?
like he never told us that before lol
and women all over the world heaved a collective sigh of relief. i mean honestly does he think his virginity is a gift to womankind? i have a feeling leanne is in for a (tiny) surprise on their wedding night. girl, you always test drive before you buy.
+1 agreed!!!
+2, ROFL!
Do anyone know where could watch the video on Cho Lam getting pranked?
She’s 5’9 snd he’s 5’3. And they never had sex?! Wow! That’s going to be some awkwardness for awhile. I hope practice and stool will help. Haha
This type of news is nothing suprising. Most Christians remain virgins as long as they are not married. Good example Ada Choi, Sharon Teng, Linda Chung, Eliza Sam, Grace Chan, Law Lan, Veronica Shiu, Helen Ma and so many others.
You actually believe that just because they are Christians that they are all truly virgins? Sorry but that is a load of baloney to me. If you believe they were all virgins before marriage you are so naive.
Um…neither Ada Choi nor Sheren Tang are virgins. For sure. I’m not positive about Linda either…but at her age, she’s probably not. Unless you count virginity as chastity after being a reborn Christian. Neither of them were Christians originally.
i’m sure there are christians who are virgins till marriage and good on them.
but for those two?
lmao shorty’s a virgin at this age only for a reason mate.
and come on, married christians cant use a condom?
Never knew Christians are sooooooo naive…my toes are laughing…
It is so true. So heheh..hoho..ho
whether they are virgins or not, if they claim to be, then just let them be…but I think the bridegroom here should stop talking about this. boring!
OMG, i can’t help but laugh at the… “i’m a christian” excuse
Athena Chu claims to be a virgin. Jay Chou and Hannah claim to be too.
jay chou?no way
Can TVB please stop screening WCL ‘s shows !!! His acting is terrible and watching him is an insult to one’s intelligence !!!! Over acting , silly jokes and most of all very artificial and same of antics !!!! Definately if a survey were to be carried , you can be sure than many would agree to it !!!!
Virgin or not, a worthy news nowadays?
Did Bridney Spears said the same before…?
Enough of WCL…honestly is he really that talented? I don’t watch shows with him and roger kwok.
Yes, he is.
Just a publicity stunt?
WCL is not a virgin by choice. Nobody will have sex with him, not even himself. He’s what we call fugly. I give this marriage 2 years at most.
females go for plastic surgery…with so much money, shouldn’t WCL do something about his nose?
Leanne need him for publicity. He may stay virgin forever!
A possibility, wcl has tried to lose his virginity but never succeed. The best gift his guest can give him on wedding day is not ang pow but a book on kama sutra.Haha
This midget ask for it. Everone know it is going to b very challeging for him to connect. He is washing his dirty linen in public. All the comments here are justified!
The feature of christian to expose their christianity good side but do the dark side daily. What we know christian is one of the most freedom in human sex life as they opposite to celibate !! while Asia religions or philosophies are more conservative ! This is just our experience in democracy era !!