Wu Chun and Wife Expecting Second Child

Above: Wu Chun and wife Lin Li Ying are expecting their baby son in October.
After admitting to his married status, Wu Chun (吳尊) further revealed that he and his wife are now expecting a son.
On October 2, Wu Chun held a press conference in Taiwan to promote his new book Ignite Courage <決定勇敢>. Due to Wu Chun’s shocking marriage revelation, he appeared very nervous, his face tense and his hands clutched tightly onto his microphone. To ease his nerves, Wu Chun’s team invited good friend and famous TV hostess Matilda Tao (陶晶瑩) to lead the show. Wu Chun’s father was also in attendance to show his support, while his wife sent encouragement via text message prior to the event.
Wife Wanted Marriage to Be a Secret
Dressed in a solemn black suit, Wu Chun immediately bowed down 90 degrees as soon as he stepped onto the stage. He explained that he had always wanted to share the news about his marriage, but refrained from doing so due to his wife’s wishes. “She has her own opinions. I must respect her decision. Perhaps she feels ready to bravely face and share the news after becoming a mother, and decided to reveal the truth.” He also spoke briefly about his daughter. “I was married in 2009, and my daughter was born in 2010. She is almost three years old. When my daughter was born, I was there to document her birth with photos and videos.”
A hands-on dad, Wu Chun has been taking care of all the details of his daughter’s life, becoming quite skilled at feeding, bathing, and changing diapers. He also proudly shared that his daughter can now point him out from Fahrenheit <飛輪海> posters. When asked, Wu Chun rates himself as a decent husband and father, giving himself 90 points.
Expecting a Son in October
Wu Chun’s parenting skills will certainly come in handy once again. At the press conference, the 33-year-old shared another piece of happy news. “My wife is actually pregnant with our second child and is about to give birth. Together we will have a boy and a girl. [My son] will also be a Libra like my daughter.” Turning 34 on October 10, Wu Chun will share the same astrological sign with his two children.
Sharp-eyed reporters noticed that a photo of Wu Chun’s wife Lin Li Ying (林麗瑩) appears in his new book. In an old black and white photo, Li Ying was seen standing close-by as Wu Chun introduced his gym’s latest exercise equipment to Brunei’s sultan. The book also contains a close-up photo of his daughter’s tiny hand held tightly onto his own.
When asked to discuss his relationship with his wife, Wu Chun shared that the two argued often during their first year together but always managed to resolve their differences by the end of the day. He praised his wife for always trusting him despite being surrounded by the many temptations of the entertainment industry. He added that he is easily pleased and treasures what he already has. Wu Chun also took the opportunity to dispel rumors linking him to former co-stars Angela Chang (張韶涵) and Ella Chen (陳嘉樺), saying that they are only colleagues and that he had never spent time with either alone.
Regarding his announcement’s impact, Wu Chun stated that he was never concerned about how his married status could affect his career or his income, saying “My family has always been the most important thing to me!” He explained that if he truly cared, he would not choose to only film one project a year. Wu Chun also denied allegations that he revealed the news only to generate noise for his new book. He vowed to donate royalties received from his book, and will also donate an additional $1 million HKD to improve the education of needy children in Taiwan, Hong Kong, China, and Brunei.
At the end of the event, Wu Chun once again bowed deeply for three seconds. He apologized for his nervousness and said, “I may have spoken or behaved wrongly before. I hope everyone will forgive me. Here I will apologize to everyone. I am sorry.”
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Source: Ming Pao
This article is written by Katrine for JayneStars.com.
So happy for him to be able to finally announce this to the public! May his wife have a safe delivery and best of luck in the future!!!
I remember in one of the old Fahrenheit interview, the interviewer asked the members what type of girls they desire. Of course most of them said “pretty, pale skin, big eyes, etc etc” but ONLY Wu chun said “she doesn’t need to be pretty, and she doesn’t need to know how to cook because I will cook it for her” I thought that was sweet. You can clearly tell he really loves his wife.
Well we all have this and that criteria but as we get older and especially we still are not hitched yet, our requirements change. I know some people personally that want this and that but then they end up with completely the opposite of what they want. I admire people who look beyond the outside since it is the inside that counts.
His wife is a lucky girl.
Wow, it’s all out of the open and still not a decent recent pic huh? That looks to be a J.High School pic? haahah LOL…OMG
Could be a pic from the time he first fell in love with her or he doesn’t want any strangers to be able to recognise and harass her in public. She does look very sweet in that pic though somewhat blurry. Maybe his wife is really media-shy, otherwise, it’ll be another case like some other unknown actor/politician who had their wives attend the press conference to defend her husband. At least Wu Chun dared to face it alone despite it being his own making.
Wish them all the best, may his wife have another safe and smooth delivery. Looking at both their features, probability of them having beautiful babies are very likely.
But don’t they ever go out? hahaha LOL….
Wouldn’t reporters be swamping on their doorstes to get pics of a woman and child now? hahaha LOL…
so happy for him and his wife is such a lucky girl!
I don’t know….after spewing lies all these years, it makes it hard to believe anything this guys says now. But oh well, have a happy life.
well his wife didnt want people to know…
that’s what amazes me .. for what reason to conceal that she had a relationship with wu chun?
Hiding something is not a good thing and now
..proven! lol
Seriously Wu Chun has always been so good looking. His wife is so lucky!! A man with his looks and still not tempted.
Whether his wife is lucky or not remains to be seen. They are only in their 30s. Let’s see if Jayne is still keeping this website alive for the next 20-30 years and publish a follow-up article. Sometimes we may think the woman is lucky but we may not be aware or understand the insecurities she has to face.
Also, I would think he may have been tempted but whether he acted on it we would never know unless another bomb is dropped ie another publicity hungry woman coming out to claim she was cheated by him etc… He did clarified he wasn’t with any woman alone which means he does try to avoid temptation.
agree what lucky woman to have a very handsome and rich guy stay loyal to her for 18years! other men would’ve cheated with another woman by then even married such as joe ma and benny chan and alex man.
Sel fi Wu,
In case you did not know, Wu Chun most likely dated Ella from SHE so not sure if you can say that he was 100% faithful to her all those years. I agree with bizzybody that we do not know for sure if she is truly lucky or not. Time will tell all… I used to think that many marriages of people that I know personally would last a lifetime, but then one day they divorce out of the blue so you honestly never truly know what the future holds. One good example of a celeb is Vincent Jiao En Jun. I used to think that he and his wife were so happily married with 2 daughters and all, but one day his wife just wanted to divorce and it ended up in heartbreak for him. He did not want to divorce but she said that he can keep the kids since she only wanted money so he agreed because he would rather have his kids than money. But he was too busy to take care of them so his older brother helped him. However, one of his daughters said that his brother(their uncle) mistreated them so his ex wife came back and took his daughters away from him. Vincent is a great guy who was so faithful to his wife and was a good family man and father. But in the end, he lost his daughters and that happy family that he once had. Therefore, you never know what can happen in the future or even the present at times.
“Wu Chun most likely dated Ella”
I read otherwise. Could it be possible it was just some publicity stunt cooked up by management company? And could it be possible Ella was having a crush on him and since assuming he is single everyone assumes they’re a pair when he didn’t do anything to suggest that they’re a pair?
Could it all be a publicity stunt, the dating when he knows it ain’t true but Ella doesn’t?
HTS, I was wondering who is this Vincent guy. Googled his pic and recall seeing his face before, though not sure in what movie/series. Sad to read about his story. Sometimes it’s so unfair, a good wife may end up with a lousy husband and vice versa. Must be the person up there tying the red strings making a mess out of things or trainee Cupid shooting the arrows at wrong couples :(.
I agree. Sometimes you never know. My friend has a aunt who lives in LA, I tagged along on the trip ahhaa…This aunt of hers have the PERFECT family. 2 kids, husband has high paying job, big huge house, cars, i guess imagine typical LA ppl who live in a good area. I was 13 around at the time so I always thought this aunt of hers had the perfect everything. However, the hubby had women on the side and finally it was an off and on sort of marriage. Kids were younger, so still together whatever whatever but it was good on the outside but inside you never know. But since this Wu Chun n wife are still young so probably still going strong for now but you just never know what happens later in life…..
Well we can all choose to believe what to believe or not to believe because in the end, only they would know the truth. But whatever it was, it is the past now and they are all married so lets hope that they can all be happy.
WOW, I am shocked that you do not know Vincent Jiao since he is a famous and good actor that is in many many good series. He seems like such a great husband and father but things have to end up like that for him. A guy like him is really rare. His wife did not even look that great either and now it seems that her character is not so great either. I wonder if Yue Lao and his assistant are doing their job right? Hm.. I always imagine myself as the assistant of Yue Lao…. It would be a fun job to match couples with each other.
Thanks for sharing and yea, you gave another good example of how you really do not know how unpredictable life can be. A husband and wife can love each other one moment but hate each others guts the next so you never know… Who does not want to live happily ever after with just one person and only one marriage?? However, that is more rare these days. I have seen so many people who have married at least 2 times, but of course there are those that love only one person their whole life. That is in the minority though.
HTS, if Vincent is truly a famous and popular person, maybe the story may not be what it seems. Like all the entertainment news, we would never know the actual truth and can just speculate.
He’s in the media eye, since his wife is not and as you say, not attractive and has no one to speak up for her, it may be easier to paint her in bad light and put Vincent as the poor, injured party (in Asia, most will sympathise with the cuckolded husband, all the ladies will go ooh-aahing and wanting to soothe his pain). Also, to get custody of his daughters, he had to go to great lengths as proof. Sometimes when marriages break down and it’s not in an amicable manner, the children will be the ones the couple fights over (along with pets, etc…). It’s so sad to know a couple can be so in love and claim to die for each other but when things turn bad they’d try to hurt each other without a care for the the casualties (ie the kids’ or pets’ feelings and emotional well-being). That’s reality….
Very pretty woman. No wonder he was smitten since young.
“Wu Chun stated that he was never concerned about how his married status could affect his career or his income,”
And yet he lied from day one for the sake of his own career. Clearly he had hidden agenda. Why not just be honest about it now and say company said lie and I did because I wanted a career? I’d rather he be brutally honest now rather than try to make up excuses for the first lie. And he is revealing now because he is in his 30s, no longer in boy band, wife is having a 2nd child AND he has a book out. I am sure his PR planned it all for him, all these “exit” strategy. Doesn’t mean he is not sweet and all. Doesn’t look as controlling as Andy was and is.
“I was married in 2009, and my daughter was born in 2010. She is almost three years old. When my daughter was born, I was there to document her birth with photos and videos.””
My feeling is she was pregnant so they married.
Makes sense she wanted a quiet life so insisted on the whole stealth mode thing. BUT I feel his management company made the final call. No one wants a boy band guy with a long term girlfriend AND no one wants them married with child.
How come no one is commenting? What about members of the group? No congrats?
Funn, like what someone mentioned in another post, I think he may have gone into showbiz to create publicity for the sake of his gym. That’s why he had to keep flashing his abs around and whenever one comments on his fit physique, he can casually mention his gym. Coupled with his looks (I don’t know whether or not he’s surgically enhanced), he’s sure to be popular whether or not he has real talent in singing, acting or otherwise. He just had to be his wooden self and yet still able to get all the fangirls’ support.
His management company or PR manager seems to be good at what he/she does. Bet there are rules for him to follow and since the company may still have some tricks up their sleeves, he cannot risk alienating them by pointing his finger at them. Let the public draw their own conclusion.
Wu Chun likely made more money from his showbiz career than his gym, so he wouldn’t have entered showbiz due to promote his gym solely.
He always had an interest in weight lifting, so he opened the gym because he wants others to have the same benefits of working out.
@ bizzybody
I don’t think he’s surgically enhanced. He has shown his childhood and teenage pictures in ‘100% Entertainment’. He already look very handsome back then. What more, he look even less chinese back then. You can google his old photos.
“My feeling is she was pregnant so they married.”
Well if his daughter is a Libra and he was married in 2009, I don’t think his wife was pregnant before they got married. His daughter is probably a honeymoon baby though.
If he’s married in 2009 and his daughter is a Libra (Sep-Oct), it doesn’t make any sense at all when you’re saying “his wife was pregnant so they married”. Furthermore, I don’t see any problem she got pregnant before they married if they are matured enough and in a steady and long relationship.
jadebunny9 is right, his daughter mostly is a honeymoon baby though.
On another note, you said “he lied from day one for the sake of his own career”. Career-wise, perhaps I will agree to certain extent. But I hope you will think that how about he did that to protect his then gf/ now-wife? You might not think into that deep and further but I hope you know there are always crazy fangirls harassing the gf/wife of famous celebs. If the gf/wife is someone who’re equal famous or from another rich and powerful family background (eg Andy lau’s wife), they might get protection or crazy fangirls wouldn’t dare to harm them. Idk about Wu Chun’s wife family background, but if she’s from a moderate family, it’s Wu Chun’s duty to protect her!
So he told a white lie by denying his marital status for 2 years. Not 20 years. And he didn’t lock and hide his family all that while too.
It’s not like he promised fans he’ll be theirs forever or with certain actress pairing. And fans thinking he belonged to them is purely delusionals.
I do think most of his fans (read: doesn’t include couple shipping fans) are accepting of this truth. A little sad to have their fantasies broken but that’s it. A fantasy and nothing more.
Though I’m not his fans, but I’m supportive of idols dating discreetly for their career sake. Not a big deal actually, even when it comes to my bias group.
i dont think its about promoting his gum. hes already rich like hell lol
“But I hope you will think that how about he did that to protect his then gf/ now-wife?”
I do not think it was his decision to make. I do think in a pessimistic sort of view that it was his management company who decided to brush out the girlfriend and then wife’s existence. He could have revealed he is getting married or has married some time in 2009 but he didn’t. I can understand the fans’ shock and anger, those who didn’t know. But then what’s done is done. He has been married since then and is now a father of 1 and 1 more coming soon. For whatever reasons he did not reveal this fact is not important anymore. Why he is revealing now is to me obvious; his book would have talked about his marital life and struggles and such and so he had to reveal the truth. I don’t think it is for publicity sake only.
I never thought he is doing whatever he is doing to protect her, solely. When he entered the showbiz he probably was keen on establishing a name and so had to follow orders. But he is revealing now, and I suppose after all the uproar and etc, his book will sell (everyone’s curious now so this revelation helps) and fans will move on. He can cater to new sort of fans. Remember that series Oh My Lady? Same situation.
As for him joining showbiz to promote his gym, that is too far fetch for me to even comment on it.
” I’m supportive of idols dating discreetly for their career sake. ”
I have no problem with idols dating, marrying, have children. I also have no problem with being discreet. But discreet does not translate to lying outright. I feel idols should have more faith in their fans; they deserve the truth when the time is right. But they don’t deserve to be cheated, lied. Fans who cry and say they won’t support idols that are dating can leave, what remains will be dedicated fans. But I feel never ever treat your fans like idiots. And whilst I get the circus with paps and all, your other half should know by dating a celebrity everything is on the table, warts, publicity and all.
Wu Chun lied. Yes he did. But then so what? Not that he raped someone like some other big Korean star. It’s no big deal. Fans should be happy to know he stuck with the same woman for so long.
As for all those comments about pitying the daughter, I find that silly. His daughter will have a better start than most of us ever had. She will survive the whole “daddy denied my existence” stage.
maybe he’s revealing now because he’s tired of being an idol star at his 30’s age. maybe before this he’s still saving his idol image and his fans
Nahhhh think it is because of the contents of his book which he is publishing. This man knows what he is doing.
pretty? i think her looks is average and typical ok looking chinese ethnic woman.
Come on! She IS pretty or was since that was old picture. No make up, hair not done, blurry but look at the picture. She looked pretty!!
but very pretty is exaggeration! can say that she’s ok looking! lots of girls around has this kind of ok face! prettier than pork chops, yes.
Not sure if she had on make up or not, but she does look attractive for someone that is natural if she is not made up yet.
Sel Fi wu,
Have you seen celebs with no make up?? Do they look any better than Wu Chun’s wife?? I don’t think so…
But anyone young is also pretty. So I don’t know about now but back then, she is definitely a looker.
That is not really true Funn. I have seen many young people that do not look so great when they were young. However, when they aged a bit, they actually look better. It varies from person to person of course.
” The book also contains a close-up photo of his daughter’s tiny hand held tightly onto his own.”
After Andy Lau did the child and daddy’s hand thing, so many celebs follow suit.
This article has mentioned about there other FRH members know about his marital status.
The article said the 3 FRH didn’t know. This is quite hard to believe. I thought Calvin Chen visited him in Brunei before? How can he not know?
Sorry, wrong link
oh, wow. I cannot read that, but I’ll just believe your translation of that.
I thought he said that he introduce or talk in the beginning, so how can they not know…
Isn’t Calvin suppose to be his bromance person in the group too?
I suppose he never invited them to his wedding. Which means for him business is business. I think the farenheit’s fans will be disappointed to learn they’re not like real brothers’ sort of brothers. Again I have always felt all things business means they’re at best colleagues. Somehow some fans will refuse to believe it.
I am shocked if they did not know that he was married with children and all… I actually would be a bit sad if they did not know which shows that they are not as close as many originally thought. OR they did know but chose not to say they did and are pretending to not know. I thought they were at least close enough for him to share this kind of info with them. But only they would know. Also, I am guessing he may not have invited them to the wedding because it was in his home country, Brunei and he did not want them to travel so far.
Just wanted to add that even good colleagues can invite each other to their weddings. But then it is true that if you are not “friends” then you would not invite them to your wedding. I had many colleagues that did not invite me to their weddings, but 2 whom were considered friends that invited me so I guess that is where the line is drawn when it comes to friends versus colleagues.
HTS, even if our colleague or friends do not invite us to their wedding, I’m sure they would at least share that they’re getting married rite (mine at least). For the band members not to know would only mean their friendship is superficial. Each see the other as competition and would not trust each other with any secrets at all.
Well, it’s easier to blame it all on the management company. The evil people there planned everything
I know what you mean, but you know when you compare celebs and public figures to average citizens like us, it is different in the sense that it is not that big of a deal if the fact that we got married or not got leaked. However, with celebs they have to be extra careful because just one slip of the tongue can cause a lot of headache for them. I do agree that if you cannot even share that you are married or will get married, then you are not even good colleagues. It is a bit sad since I always thought that they were at least normal friends, but now it seems like even that are all lies….
They probably knew Wu Chun was dating but weren’t aware that he actually gotten married. Calvin Chen and Charlene Choi have both visited Wu Chun in Brunei before so they may have met Lin Li Ying when she was still the girlfriend.
meme, that could very well be it. They knew he had a girlfriend but didn’t know that he got married.
It seems like Calvin and Chun are the closest in FRH, but then I heard that Chun is closer to Aaron. However, I am not sure.. I heard that Calvin is the glue to FRH and is the one that cares the most and tries to keep them together. I really like that type of personality.
Yea, I found out the same day already on Asain news.
Since he is donating every money he raised for the books, there isn’t much on publicity on the books there.
Also, it’s more entertainment/production agreement then him, and now, he is pretty famous to not really care much about that. It isn’t like a few years ago where the fangirls are against it.
I wish him the best with his fame and life from libra to libra
im prettty sure he is not the only one that lied about dating, married and etc
i dont get why some of you are making a huge fuss about it. maybe it wasnt his decision to lie. probably the company told him to keep it a secret….
i hope hes happy with his life ^^ o happy for him
I think if I was his fan I would have felt cheated. It’s VERY different when a celeb comes out in public about dating someone compared to lying about it for years and even marrying before revealng the relationship.
Think of all those celebrities who do admit dating someone. They have so much crap to deal with but they face it bravely. People like Wu Chun and Andy lau hide behind this blanket of deception and comfortably lavish off it for their career.
I think the better character lies in those that have the courage to face the world with honesty, but I guess it is always easier to ask for forgiveness than ask for permission.
I don’t think Andy had it easy when his lies were exposed. He went through a lot and has paid for it. But honestly people like Wu Zun, Jimmy Lin and others that have lied through their teeth get praises, support,etc… You really wonder…
How Jimmy Lin handled his relationship and subsequent child is really a joke and a must read on how not to handle it that way.
Yea, and we can see that he was not that bright. But hey, he is no longer popular anymore…
“I think the better character lies in those that have the courage to face the world with honesty, but I guess it is always easier to ask for forgiveness than ask for permission.”
Very insightful and I agree. While I don’t think celebs owe it to their fans to be open about their relationships, especially minor flings, I do think higher of them when they are open about it.
I agree and I must admit that I admire celebs who are more open and honest, unless they have really good reasons to lie because it is not always do simple.
don’t care about wuzun since he’s pretty much only an idol star with good looks. can’t sing and saw his acting was weak. but all these confession means all the chun ella rumours are false and just made up for publicity?
Not necessarily… Just because of these confessions that all of the Chun and Ella rumours were not true. I had a feeling that they dated and thought they were sweet together but sadly he was already “taken”. If that was true, I can’t believe that he can do that to Ella. But that past is the past and Ella has moved on and is now happily married as well.
I always feel tomboyish Ella has always been yappy, talkative and take initiatives socializing with costars so I highly really doubt that they dated. I rememeber watching Jerry Yan interview, he has always been quite but Ella managed to make him talk more and more when they were on set so Ella likes to talk period. As Funn Lim or some others commented on that earlier article, she might have a crush on him which i believe so w/most cute costars since she sounds like one. They might be milking it when they were popular as an onscreen couple so dating in reality might not be the truth but who really knows since most celebs don’t admit to the truth anyway until whatever ticks them like now. haha..lol…
I feel sorry for the fans. The fans are already hurt and broken hearted over these lies, please don’t place any more blame on them. You can’t justify Wu Chun’s lies by blaming the fans. I’m not a crazy fan but if the artist I admire like Lee Hom admitted to having lied about his marriage and children for this many years, I would be hurt and most of all, disappointed. And, no, I’m happily married, so no, I don’t fantasize about marrying him. LOL
Look at Justin Bieber and other Hollywood celebrities who have always been open about their relationships and yet their careers are the most successful in the world. And who is Wu Chun again? And American fan girls are super extreme too.
I know what you mean Joo, but you know I think it depends on the situation as well. I remember Wu Zun saying a few years ago how much he wanted to share his happiness with everyone if he did get married. However, it would depend on the situation too. If his wife did not want to reveal it, then I can understand. I do not like it when they lie through their teeth, but IF they have good reasons for it then fans should forgive them. However, if they lie just to deceive the fans, to keep their image,etc.. then that is not forgiveable. I used to a big fan of Jimmy Lin and he made so many empty promises about saying when he has a girlfriend and all. BUT he was caught many times with her, had a baby in wedlock and then one day out of the blue said he was a dad. Everyone was so shocked and many fans were hurt. Fans were so betrayed…But many realize that that is their life and they can do what they like. I personally think it is always better to be truthful since the truth will come out sooner or later and then you have to face so much backlash, go through the pain of explaining,etc… Is it truly worth it to lie in the first place???
Do you guys notice that his wife resembles ella chen? Lol just my opinion tho…but she looks like ella and she looks tomboy-ish top
The comments above are right, it’s an old pic so she does look ok pretty even thou it’s blurry. Ella, I never find her attractive in any way so I wouldn’t compare them. Haha…LOL..
All of these celebrities talk about crap, want to share their happiness with fans bla bla. Treat their fans good bla bla. Only delusion people or crazy teenage girls believe that. No normal person will buy that. Let put it this way, everybody is selfish. All celebrities cares is their popularity.
So for wu chun, he can say all he want. A lie is a lie, very sissy turn the responsibility to his wife. He lied because his wife want him to keep secret?. I don’t hate him, just feel pity for those who crazy and worship him as idol. Btw, I don’t find him good looking, with wigs and and a bit of lipstick, he will look like linda Chung’s sister.
Gosh I sound so emo today, maybe is the flu medicine.
He’s only exposing these bombshells because he has a book coming out. Celebs do them all the time to milk it to the max.
Luckily its admitting he has a family and not that he is gay. Thank goodness for that
I know right, I always thought he looks a bit gay as well hahaa…LOL…this proves otherwise, his fans should feel relieved i/o of angry. haha lol..
he’s not gay…he;s inlove.
Let’s not judge others when we are not in their shoes and living their lives. Decisions are made based on the situations we face. Being in showbiz is glamourous but there are lots of sacrifices to be made. They can’t live normal lives like us. I respect Wu Chun’s loyalty. Look at his looks and popularity. Anyone would be tempted to go astray. But he kept true to his first love. And I don’t think he’s the type that would get a girl pregnant before marriage. He’s very conservative person. He’s a good husband and dad cos he has a good dad as an example.
thanks chill…..i know he didn’t mean to.he was only protecting his family.
i’m your only fan from a little island called pohnpei in micronesia and i’ve been your fan ever since i was 12.its my dream to be able to meet you oneday and i’m sorry that you’re through so much now.just know that i understand everything that you feel sorry for and don’t worry.all that matters is that you’re happy and love her.i may not know anything about her but she’s perfect for you……only because you love her.i wish your family will always be together and happy forever………….i will always be your number one fan,even if you’re not famous and even old.