Yang Mi and Xu Kai Appear Shy in Kissing Scene for “She and Her Perfect Husband”

The two appeared shy after a passionate outdoor kissing scene.
Yang Mi (楊冪) and Xu Kai (許凱) are nearing the completion of urban romance drama, She and Her Perfect Husband <愛的二八定律>, which revolves around an accidental couple who falls in love after drawing up a contract marriage.
Adapted from the popular novel, the starts with lawyer Qin Shi (Yang Mi) facing family pressure to get married. When a new job opportunity requires her to be married, she and Yang Hua (Xu Kai) decide to set up a marriage agreement for both their convenience. Living together to fool their families, both are unprepared that they would eventually develop deeper feelings for each other.
Surrounded by the public
In a recent outdoor scene, 34-year-old Yang Mi and 26-year-old Xu Kai were spotted sharing a passionate kiss scene amid curious pedestrians.
When they finally wrapped up filming in the evening and began walking away from the set, the seasoned actress was uncharacteristically embarrassed by hounding fans, despite being used to the phenomenon. She used her hand to shield her face and later switched to using the script which she had with her.
Perhaps amused by the situation, Xu Kai then grabbed the script from her and covered his own face with it instead, causing Yang Mi to then shield her face with bare hands.
The co-stars then rushed off hurriedly, escorted by crew members who signaled to the crowd to stop tailing along.
Source: On.cc
This article is written by JoyceK for JayneStars.com.
She is picking her male leads well…. moving away from her age group.
@hohliu lol…Exactly! Fresh young meat as they call it. haha….
@wm2017 You read about Roy Chiu and Vicky Chen new drama…She is only 17yrs and he is 22yrs older then her…. I want to throw up..
@hohliu I had to goggle their names. Girl I have no clue who it is but the guy I remember his face a bit. OMG, China really is kind of weird w/these kind of pair ups. But then did you know that Dylan Wang he is super young as well and the woman is 19 years older and they are ok w that so for a guy to be older I guess they won’t even blink an eye. haha lol..Omg…so weird. haha
@wm2017 Agreed…At least Dylan is at over 21… I really cannot bring watch that drama too… The huge age gap really does nothing for me.
Roy Chiu and Vicky Chen is acting in the Taiwan drama… Taiwan dramas have much less restrictions and censorships.
Fortunately, such huge age gaps drama are not as common…
I know he’s an adult but I just can not watch and enjoy a series w/pair ups that are 15 years apart let alone almost 20 years whether it’s younger men/older women and vise versa. 10 years is already a stretch for me. I mean of course if male is older than woman then it seems totally acceptable to most cuz of the double standards but still I personally wouldn’t enjoy it even thou it’s all fake and made believe. This pair is only 8 years apart which is still not bad but clearly you can tell woman is older w/o even knowing their real ages. The only series I think worked for me not that I have watch many cdramas but the only 2 that I have completed are The Long Ballad – 7 years apart but they look great together so I didn’t notice at first until I saw those comments. Also, Go ahead series where there is 9 years also it’s not at all noticeable cuz that 30 yo looks so young. Both of these I can accept cuz storyline and chemistry were there and you won’t even think of the ages at all. But the 19 years difference? Seriously, that is more than auntie hitting like mom/son if she had a kid early? Sorry, I don’t want to see kissing at all. hahaa lol….
@wm2017 I too agree…Aunty hitting on young man…Old uncle moving in on young girl… Both makes me uncomfortable. Thus I never watch such dramas…lol.
@hohliu Yeah, different strokes for different folks I guess. haha. You know the Darren Wang series there are actually people who like it and call them having a good ‘CP’ feel?? Like seriously no matter how good looking the woman is 19 years older where exactly is the CP feel? haha lol…It’s just mind boggling to me. And some series when a woman is older in other series below 10 years they still go on and on about it too so I don’t know but some fans in China sure are selectively weird. haha
I’m sorry, but ym is really showing her age paired with this guy. I agree I never understood why they do pairings like that.
@abcd Me too..