Yang Mi Rumored to Fight for Daughter’s Custody

Since Yang Mi (楊冪) and Hawick Lau’s (劉愷威) five-year marriage ended in 2018, their daughter Noemie now lives in Hong Kong mostly under the care of her paternal grandparents. Due to the pandemic and Yang Mi’s busy work schedule, the actress rarely travelled to Hong Kong to visit her daughter which made netizens criticize Yang Mi for being an absent mother. However, with Hawick entering a serious new relationship, Yang Mi is reportedly fighting for Noemie’s custody.
After visiting Hong Kong in March, Yang Mi allegedly made many visits last month in preparation for the custody battle. It is reported that she has spent 540 million Hong Kong dollars in preparation for the fight.
Yang Mi apparently had wanted to bring Noemie back to China four years ago, but had to delay her plans due to the pandemic. It is also rumored that Hawick’s intentions to marry his new girlfriend Xiaofeng Li (李曉峰) worried Yang Mi, who did not want Noemie to be taken care of by a new stepmother.
Unwilling to give up custody, Hawick was seen with Noemie on vacation in Canada in July. It is suspected that he wanted to change Noemie’s citizenship, but these remain unconfirmed rumors at the moment.
Source: [1]
This article is written by Kiki for JayneStars.com.
I have been reading this in afew HK Press…unsure if it is true. In fact, it did surprise me… I heard she is doing so because Noemie does not want to move to China to be with her. She wants to stay with her Dad and grandparents. Thus YangMi have to use legal action to fight custody.
One one hand, I can see why Yang Mi is worried when Hawick gets marries and have more kids, Noemie may not be as loved. That is of course not true as Noemie will learn to love her new siblings and experience the joy of a big family. It will help Noemie to think beyond herself as she is the only child at home.
if Yang Mi really force Noemie to move to China, it is just a big slap onto the faces of all those that care for and took care of Noemie from birth. She will be very nasty tearing Noemie from the family she knew from birth. Yang Mi cannot give her those. YangMi is clearly getting older and no longer getting as many good scripts. She may want to semi retire and be a mummy now… thus she wants to fight this custody. I really feel very upset for Noemie to be treated in this manner if this news is true.
The Chinese saying… One take years to prepare their Wedding grown to be given to someone else to wear… Never thought I will use on Noemie’s case…
But if it is Noemie that wants to leave and Hawick does not agree thus Yang MI is fighting, that will then be a different case. We will not know the background…. I will just keep a open mind as it is too early to get upset by this news.
If she really want and truly love her daughter should’ve been my her side throughout her childhood no matter how much hardship u go through with Hawick Mother and daughter is a unbreakable bond and whatever the consequences are u will fight for your right to see your own BB seems like she never done it and now she wants her lil girl back what a joke!!!
YM gave up the child to the father’s care already, all those news about her and neomi are so baseless! If YM has issues with HW’s girlfriend she won’t star with her alright. One moment, she doesn’t even visit, another moment, she’s fighting. Such fake news! People need to leave YM and the child alone, they already made the decision to separate. It was hard enough. I suspect it’s just ZLY’s marketing team again and again, ZLY needs to be taught a lesson for once, always playing the media behind others back. Right now, the true person who never raise her child and pretending to fight for her child is exactly ZLY, but she is afraid of hearing criticisms so she uses YM to carry her criticisms instead. She does this all the time, always fake news. The so call “divorce amicably” was fake, FULL CUSTODY went to FSF and she did not even raise the child but these days she pretends to fight and even made the child perform a split in a photo together. YM is always the big heat she wants to borrow.