Younger Brother Claims Dicky Cheung Did Drugs

Last week, Dicky Cheung’s (張衛健) former manager and younger brother, Henry Cheung (張衛彞), accused Dicky for withholding his commission fees, which amounts to over $20 million HKD. On April 12, Dicky stepped up to refute his brother’s dubious accusations and issued a joint statement with his mother to clarify the matter.

After completing his guest starring performance at Joey Tang (鄧建明) and Eddie Ng’s (吳國敬) concert on the evening of April 13, Dicky held a brief press conference to once again refute the claims made by his brother. “They are all false,” said Dicky. “My mother, our family members, and I are waiting for my brother to turn back.”

A few years ago, Dicky gave Henry a hand-written set of rules of him to follow, and one of them included the phrase “Drugs,” implying that Henry had been doing recreational drugs. Dicky did not allow the press to ask questions and ended the conference by saying, “I will still continue to work hard to be a good brother, son, husband, and actor.”

Henry did not directly respond to Dicky and his mother’s statement, but in regards to the claim that Henry had been doing drugs, Henry angrily said, “I don’t want to take in all the blame! I am speaking the truth, even my mother knows it. He is giving me a hard time and intentionally picking on me, so I will reveal it!

“On our younger brother’s wedding night, someone [Dicky] had ecstasy. On the second day we went to a friend’s birthday party, and he had some again. His girl got so angry with him that she slapped him! Mom was there too, and she immediately yelled at the woman. There were many people there, so nothing went beyond yelling!”


This article is written by Addy for

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  1. Are we surprised? Of course not. The art of taking drugs is knowing when to quit. Clearly Dicky knew when to quit.

    1. Yes, even if he did since he is in such bad terms w/him right now probably is NOT a good time to bring it up since people will question his credibility. Come on, most celebs probably did, i doubt it’s that surprising.

  2. dear dicky younger brother ur just jealous of ur older brother wealth..

  3. He used to be so handsome when he was younger. His younger brother doesn’t come up to par. So sad how this has unfolded.

  4. So? Many of us have done some type of drug once in our life, it’s really not a big deal nor should it be frown upon on it’s like saying whoever smokes or have tattoos must be bad influences, well it’s not.

    1. i’m sorry but i’m a drug free person. so i’m one of the clean one ^^

  5. Disappointing to hear… and even more disappointing that it is his own brother ratting him out to the public.

    1. Like what others are saying, most people will now be questioning his credibility after the joint statement released by Dicky and their mother. People won’t be surprised if the depressed and desperate brother would slander Dicky Cheung even further.

  6. Coincidentally, Dicky’s good friend, William So, was caught with ecstasy in a nightclub in (Taiwan) in the 90s, which led to much negative press and William’s decline in popularity.

    1. i always wondered what happened to william after his rise in fame over The File of Justice & Healing Hands.

      By the way Jayne – would you happen to have any idea where one can buy those old ‘File of Justice’ TVB shows on DVD? I would love to rewatch them!! The chemistry between those 4 lead actors was incredible.
      (Btw – I live in Australia).

      1. Dr. M, carries DVDs of current and old TVB series, along with many Asian films. It’s a HK-based company. I’ve ordered from them and they’re quick in shipping international orders.

      2. Unless you qualify for the free shipping option, in which case shipping can take about a frigging month. It used to be quicker when I was a new customer, but they seem to slack off once they see you’re a frequent shopper. Oh well, I need to save every penny I can since Japanese DVDs are so darn expensive!

      3. Hi Jayne – Yes Asia says it is out of stock… do you have any other places where you can buy such dvds?

      4. I’m pretty sure they were never released on dvd. The last one was like 97/98. I have all 5 and its all vcd.. I got it from ebay a while back.. maybe you could try there

      5. You can also try Taobao (but you’ll have to go through a shopping service). If you have a Chinatown near you, see if there’s a DVD/VCD store – and if they don’t have the series you want in stock, they may try to order it for you. Just maybe…

      6. Dr. M,
        You can always try EBay. They have a lot of rare and out of print stuff. At times, you can find some rare items for a good price. But you need to be careful because people can rip you off.

        Yesasia is nice to me for the most part. I have been their customer since 1999 which was around the time they just opened. They ship pretty fast from HK to me and have good customer service. They used to be stationed in California but moved to HK years ago. I guess they would profit more in HK than the US. At times they have rare stuff but grab it while you can before it sells out.

  7. The ecstasy story might be true, but it’s really pathetic to wash your family’s dirty linens in public. Poor Dicky. With brothers like Henry, who needs enemies?

    1. Just a quick question – where is TaoBao located?

      Thanks again.

      1. Dr. M,
        TaoBao is a site that is like a Chinese version of Ebay. The sellers on there are all sellers from China and sell many things. If you have problems or don’t read or write Chinese, you can contact Tom at and he can help you get anything on there. I have bought many things from there because of Tom’s help since that site gives me a headache even though I read and write Chinese. I just don’t like how it is organized and all. You are welcome and good luck! If you have questions, just let me know.

      2. Thanks HTS!
        I’ve contacted Tom, and he was really helpful.
        The site was SO confusing compared to ebay lol. Much easier just emailing Tom… is he the owner of the site?

  8. Thanks so much He Tie Shou!!!
    Really appreciate it 😉

    I’ve never been on TaoBao before; also a big fan of YesAsia & do ebay for these rare old ones all the time. Each time I fly back to HK, I’m trying to get concierge to call all the dvd stores to see if they have certain shows lol!!

    Thanks again, much appreciated.

    1. If you’re willing to pay postage and the cost of the DVD set, I’m willing to scour Temple Street for you.

      I need to go there tomorrow.
      (Not for sex toys)

      1. DD, hilarious 🙂
        Thanks for the offer anyway lol *wink*

    2. You are welcome Dr. M and I can say that even though HK is the place where these DVDs originate, it is hard to get them there since I heard many of them don’t buy DVDs. Also, certain shows may not be released on DVD as well. I knew of some other sites where they sold rare DVDs but don’t remember the sites at the moment…. I think I have them written down somewhere. If you want to know, then email me at and I can tell you. By the way, where are you located??

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