Yoyo Mung Doesn’t Curse and Swear During Work

Recently there was a netizen who self-professed to be an extra on set and left a message on the discussion forum. In his/her message, that netizen highly praised Tavia Yeung (楊怡) for treating temporary actors to snacks during filming and bestowed her with the words “Long Live Your Majesty”「萬歲」.
However, in contrast, that netizen exposed that another TVB Fadan, who was from a Miss Hong Kong background, saw that the extras were walking slowly and thus made a fuss and screamed obscenities at them. This then incurred rife speculation and the list of “suspects” included Kate Tsui (徐子珊), Fala Chen (陳法拉), Myolie Wu (胡杏兒), Charmaine Sheh (佘詩曼), Linda Chung (鍾嘉欣) and even Yoyo Mung (蒙嘉慧). That netizen, however, refused to disclose the previous hint.
When told about this, Yoyo Mung responded, “I’m not from a Miss Hong Kong background. It’s okay to speak crudely but as long as it’s just for fun and not during work.”
Source: Oriental Daily
This article was translated by Ah K, a Contributing Writer at JayneStars.com.
Personally I hate it when people walk slow in narrow spaces, especially not moving along inside a train carriage. I’d swear at them too (well… not literally).
FOr me only four categories of people have a reason to walk slow in crowded passageways: (i) celebrities, cause if they walk fast we can’t see them; (ii) someone of factual, not self-professed, importance, cause you can’t expect any thing of the Queen; (iii) criminals, cause its harder to apprehend them if they run; and (iv) those unable to move at any rate beyond their current rate with practical ease, cause wheel chairs and prams are not designed to go fast despite the presence of wheels.
Lol at “(iii) criminals, cause its harder to apprehend them if they run”, quite an out-of-the-box thinking if I could say so myself. Makes me curious whether you are working in the police sector
Ah K,
“Makes me curious whether you are working in the police sector”
It would be interesting if SDS were indeed a cool cop who likes to read entertainment gossip while taking a break from catching criminals. Lol, I see your Kindaichi tendency is at work…
Lol, sounds so NYPD!
“Lol, I see your Kindaichi tendency is at work…”
LOL! You make me wanna go, “The riddle is solved! The killer is amongst us!” Lmao! Kindaichi’s golden phrase!
I thought it’s “One of us is the killer”?
I just translated his golden phrase to my best interpretation. FYI, I read the Chinese comics cause I can’t find the English ones online that easily and the Chinese comics series for Kindachi Case Files are more complete than the English ones.
Are you a Kindachi fan as well??
*I meant Kindaichi not Kindachi
Yipeee! Who can’t? The cases are so interesting.
But Adachi has more of my fave than Kindaichi :P, although Kindaichi is cute. Better than Detective Conan because Kindaichi isn’t a perfect guy :P.
Back to anime? Comics? Any here fan of the HK Jade comics? Used to be huge but now rarely see anyone buying.
I have read Detective Conan too, apparently it is well-received in the United States than Kindaichi Case Files. Wonder why because I really prefer Kindaichi over Conan anytime of the day, Kindaichi is much more hilarious and the tricks that those murderers use are awesome, quite mind-bending if I would say!
Yeah, especially when we are rushing but they seem dun care. However, if they have reasons then it’s ok.
Adachi fan – u mean Mitsuru Adachi?
What I’ve said about Adachi? But well, I kinda like Adachi sensei’s.
Thanks for posting the articles up so quickly!
Anyway, I’m just wondering whether there’s a minor error in the translated article, “treating temporary actors for snacks during filming”, should it be “treating temporary actors to snacks” instead? Just wondering!
She posted it in her weibo or a discussing forum? If in a discussing forum then I have a different feeling.
If she was really treated like this and got angry, why she dun just point out the name. I have experience, I’m treated badly by Bosco and I said his name out. I don’t bother to give guess for ppl to guess.
Then I blv there is something inside this one. To give out a witch hunting season in this time (near the award), well. It sounds like a fan’s job.
Went back to check the original article to confirm again, it’s definitely discussion forum (討論區), hope that helps!
@Fox, were you treated badly by Bosco as well?? How?
I said once in Jaynestar. Find it in the old news. Something related to Micheal and Bosco, I dun rmb. Lazy to type again.
Now that you’ve mentioned it, it does sound like a fan’s job. Maybe it’s Tavia’s. Since she’s saying good stuff about Tavia and bad ones against “somebody’s gf” which is quite obvious who she’s referring to. Both have the highest chance to get Best Actress, no?
(not a fan of both. just neutral)
She said the artiste is ‘somebody’s gf’? Now she sounds like she wants ‘someone’ to look bad. Yes agree with Fox if she’s true why don’t just give a name!
LOL, technically, anyone can pretend to be an extra on set and say good/bad stuff things about people they like/dislike.
If this is true though, Fala and Linda are Miss Chinese International so they don’t really count. I’ve always heard good things about Charmaine and Myolie being nice or at least polite at work, and I don’t know that much about Kate, but I feel that all 3 have a pretty high EQ to know not be that rude (even if they wanted to.. haha) since they know that what they do in public will leak to the tabloids.
Yoyo may not get along with children but I don’t think she is ever that crass.
I guess that person doesn’t want to say it because then that celebrity will know who did this and he/she will be out of job even as an extra. You don’t mess with actresses that are TVB Fadan. But I am really curious who is it?
I doubt so :P. In her weibo, there isn’t even a picture of herself or filming field. The filming field are all “foward” from other weibos. Technically, can’t assume she is who.
At least I don’t think it’s Fala Chen cause since her Cantonese is rather bad then I don’t think she is that affluent to be able to curse and swear in Cantonese right? However, it would be a different case altogether if she probably cursed and swore in her native language, which is English.
Although I’m a Kate fan, I would have to say I wouldn’t be surprised IF it was Kate cause she was previously rumored to be in a bad mood due to taking up too many projects at one go and having insufficient rest (http://asianfanatics.net/forum/topic/566517-kate-tsui-couldnt-handle-the-stress-and-cried/)
Plus Kate also mentioned in the interview with Bosco that she was afraid she would be unhappy if she takes on too many series at one go when Bosco recommended her for her Paris role in “Lives of Omission”. But being a Kate fan, I sure hope it’s not Kate that netizen was referring to.
She is put out of the list because she had an Europe trip recently.
BTW, after meeting her, I actually think she is quite sensitive and nice.
“She is put out of the list because she had an Europe trip recently.”
I thought about it too but time shouldn’t be a main deciding factor here cause we can’t rule out the possibility that this calefare netizen might suddenly decide to rant it out after holding his/her silence for some years or months like (*cough cough*) a certain Ms Theresa Fu.
I also thought of Kate since she’s a Miss HK and a TVB 1st Sister (that’s the term use by the original chinese article). But, she doesn’t have a known boyfriend yet. So, she doesn’t fit the ‘someone’s girlfriend’ criteria.
I don’t think so… Ron is Viann’s, no?
I’m kidding, girl
For all we know that so called “kalefeh” might be some random fan who hates on another actress and is trying to framed her up…who knows? I can go around HK discussion forum and self proclaim that I’m a TVB part time cameo and I’ve been going in and out of TVB city countless time that I know what’s happening inside the studio! I will praise my idol like GOD and say that she’s super duper nice in reality and treats everyone well and on the contrary spread rumours about the ones that I hate and say they acted rudely and is a bad temper b*tch etc just so my idol will look better and more ppl would support her THE END
P.S: TVB anniversary is drawing closer and things like this happen for a reason!
Agree with you. I feel like this so called “Kalefeh” is “someone”‘s fan ( it’s obviously from her weibo. Can’t trust this person.
It’s pretty evident don’t you think?

It’s just too coincidence that suddenly some “kalefeh” popped out of no where accusing someone is acting like a b*tch behind the scene when TVB award show is like a couple of months away and the fight for TVB queen is obviously between Tavia & Myolie and coincidentally again that person praised one of them and hinted the other of being a b*tch off screen.Coincidentally again there’s probably thousands of tvb kalefeh around and just that one person out of thousands actually got screwed and have the guts to rant on discussion forums.Hmm…I wonder….TOO MUCH OF A COINCIDENCE ISN’T A COINCIDENCE IT’S CALLED DELIBERATE
Your opinion is quite possible. Anyone can claim to be kelefes and praise her idol to the sky and frame other artistes to make them look bad. This kelefe should post pictures of herself or some behind the scene pics.
Maybe this is why her weibo doesn’t even have a picture of herself.
I don’t think it’s Myolie. She’s a graceful, polite and educated woman. It’s not Fala or Linda because they are MCI.
So it could only be Kate or Charmaine.
I don’t think anyone of them is.This so called “kelefeh” could probably just cook up some story just to fill up her free time.I dunno…If this one person can do it therefore anyone can do it too…I wouldn’t be surprise if more of this kind of self proclaim “kelefeh” come out on public discussion forum just to dissed on some artist and then gossip magazine take it and publish it out for speculation.Good for them though!More free publicity!Not like they need any since they’re famous enough in TVB but still….
Yes violet after thinking more and knowing the hint of ‘somebody’s gf’ I think it’s possible that this is just made up by somebody’s fan. It’s obvious who she’s trying to push up and who she’s trying to pull down. This also suddenly come up when rumours of who will win Best Actress award is being hot.
I can also say Kate and Charmaine are graceful, polite and educated women, so, it shouldn’t be them.
This netizen KELEFE look like a fake but I’m not surprise if Kate or Charmaine curse. They dont look graceful or gentle.
Yeah, if this is true, I don’t believe it’s Myo. There’s this episode of Big Boys Club I watched a while ago…this girl who used to be an extra for TVB talked about how nice Myolie was. She treated everyone to icecream or something.
It’s more believable than a faceless kelefe write something in weibo or discussion forum
Who is this KELEFE??
I think this “KELEFE” shouldn’t be walking slow in the 1st place, lol. If the case is true, yes no one should be raising their voices at someone, but if you cause the incident to happen that way, who else is to blame? It’s yourself! You call them Fadan’s for a reason, it’s because they are probably busy, needed to run around to get to another set to film in a time crunch. If you are that extra, be smarter to move aside for them, rather than standing or walking hella slow like they own the studio or something. IMO!