Zhang Zhehan Draws Line With Gong Jun in New Social Media Update

Boycotted since accusations of being pro-Japanese surfaced in August 2021, Word of Honor <山河令> actor Zhang Zhehan (張哲瀚) was shut down by China’s unforgiving cancel culture. Although his social media on Chinese platforms were blocked and his dramas and songs removed from streaming platforms, the 30-year-old has attempted several times to clear his own name.
No Longer in Contact With Gong Jun
On April 21, Zhehan posted a hand-written letter thanking the family and friends who believed and supported him throughout the ordeal. He also thanked genuine fans of Word of Honor, but drew the line against rabid couple (CP) fans who shipped him with Gong Jun (龔俊). Zhehan stated that they have not be in contact since June 2021.
However, Zhehan remains perplexed as to why Gong Jun’s endorsements continue to implicate him in one way or another. “I can’t understand and I can’t intervene,” Zhehan said. When one of Gong Jun’s brands collected messages for Mother’s Day, many CP fans continued to mention Zhehan in the comments.
It is speculated that the actions of some CP fans may have intruded and disrespected Zhehan’s mother, which angered the actor and motivated him to make recent statements on social media drawing the line with his former co-star.
Although Zhehan’s handwritten letter initially went viral on Weibo in April, it soon disappeared as the actor remains blocked by the platform. Last week, he uploaded the letter on Instagram. When authencity concerns surfaced, Zhehan shared a video of himself as a follow-up on May 4.
While stating his integrity in the video, he called out malicious parties for “spending lots of money to create rumors about the political standing of a patriotic citizen, editing Baidu pages, working with social influencers, and using large amounts of water armies to influence the media.”
Although his reputation and acting career was destroyed, Zhehan said he is “now standing back up.” He added, “I’m still me. I haven’t changed. I tried my best and gave my all in all phases of my life.”
Since being blocked by Chinese social media platforms since last year, Zhehan has been selling tea on the Internet. He got involved in the venture through his mother, and sales is allegedly phenomenal. In addition, Zhehan founded his personal brand to sell hats and necklaces. He also learned to play the guitar and hopes in the near future, he can write more songs and share with his supporters.
Filed Police Report
Last December, Zhehan was said to have filed a police report for defamation with the support of Li Xuezheng (李學政), a notable television industry official and director of the Golden Shield Film and Television Center. Striving to restore Zhehan’s reputation, Xuezheng presented his case to the Chaoyang branch of the Beijing police. He also wrote that the Japanese shrine incident was blown out of proportion at the time, which even local police could not interfere because of the extreme cyber violence and unyielding public opinion.
As a result, Zhehan suffered immense pain and grievances all these months. Eventually, he reached out to legal experts for help, in which they believe the matter was a typical malicious act of defamation with elements to constitute as a criminal case.
Although it has been nearly half a year since the case was filed, there was allegedly little progress. The actor has attempted several times to resurrect on Chinese social media by registering under different names and posting about the incident, but was subsequently blocked. It is a shame that Zhehan lost his career overnight, but hopefully he can make a comeback in the near future again.
Sources: World Journal, Instagram, HK01
This article is written by Minna and Jayne for JayneStars.com.
It’s sad to see this happen. The contrast between Gong Jun and ZZH’s careers after Word of Honor is shocking. GJ is now in dramas after dramas alongside A-listers while ZZH’s went down the drain. I hope people leave ZZH and his family alone, and let him sort out his business with legal experts. I really enjoyed watching both of them in Word of Honor. GJ’s current success is what could’ve been ZZH’s as well if this whole thing didn’t blow up.
What a difference in Zhehan’s current looks to his celeb looks. He no longer has a team of stylists, professional photographers and fashion coordinators..
I do not know who orchestrate his super rapid downfall… it is done so suddenly… such a huge shame. I do hope he will get a fair trial soon.
I know about the japanese temple incident but what was the defamation lawsuit all about? I didn’t like the word of honor story but i managed to watch a few episodes b/c zzh was so good looking. what a shame that they canceled a guy on such a shinning path
@m0m0 Last December, Zhang Zhehan filed a police report for defamation because he claims he is not pro-Japanese, and was a victim of cyberviolence and malicious intent which cost his reputation and acting career.
even if he was pro japanese so what. such trivial matters. his haters need to get a life.
sadly he was not cancelled only by haters but official bodies and CCP. Even if he wins the defamation case he will not have a chance to redeem his career. His downfall was most shocking to me as I truly cannot comprehend why all these official bodies cancelled him and his social medias were blocked and removed.
Its a shame as the “crimes” he had committed wasnt really any proof in the end and treason claims were completely all conjecture. Hope he keeps doing well in his other ventures.
I too hope ZZH gets a fair chance to redeem himself, he deserves that much. What is sad that there are celebrities getting away with worse actions than what ZZH did. It was blown out of porportion, the whole shrine debacle. It is puzzling how the media will listen to the water armies’ gospel just to sell stories. It is sad how people, as self thinking individuals cannot stand up for themselves and question what is printed and said about others. Everyone is caught up in the first wave of gossip, and judge a person on that, without using common sense to discet and question the A to Z of the story. I personally am rooting for this man to regain his life, his career. In the meantime, I will support his online tea, and purchase what items he puts out there. It is a shame that while going through such heartache, ZZH had to watch his family and friends suffer attacks from disgusting ‘Fans.’ I’m so glad he addressed this issue. These fans need to seek a good shrink. I’d even pay for the sessions, or set up a go fund me page to do so, cause these fans are messed up. When a man has to say that his life is not his acting life, and he will not acknowledge shipping, toxic fans, then you know it is bad. All celebrities should do this, but of course not, they will not lose all that money that the delulus bring in, no, they will not. That is why I admire this man. I respect him and wish him well. Jia you ZZH.
I wonder what is the tea brand? Sounds like the business is doing well…. which is good.
I believe Zhehan still have a stable base of fans that is supporting him and waiting for his return…. I am not a fan of him but I did enjoy 2 of his previous projects…
Wow, I just heard that he is really angry that the fans continue to ship him with his costar although they were told there is no romantic relationship between the two. The fans angrily went after those closest to ZZH. Also, there are reports that Gong Jun’s people continued to use him, include him in CP based product endorsements, knowing the delusionals will support, which means more money for GJ and his team, while ZZH continued to suffer. That is why he said that him and GJ have not spoken since last June,2021. They were not even friends, really. These fans need to stop this, and I have been advocating for years for this shipping to stop. A med student killed herself in someones home when she found out the couple she was telling people were secretly living together and were going to get married was just a dream in her head. She went after everyone who said they were not a couple. Turns out the leading man publicly came out of the closet, and his leading lady knew all this time, plus she already had her offscreen gentleman.
There are teo men who I cannot stand because one in particular fed the already brain-congused fans with the news thay he is married to his CP costar. They are the kings of feeding the delusions and have raked in billions in their dollar off the sickness. They have the most obsessed, posessed, tox, deludional fans. Quite frankly, they should be banned from the entertainment world. One is a horrible human and allegedly is married, costar is still with the girlfriend he claimed to break up with. This shipping needs to stop. Althlugh we are equipped to think for ourselves as individuals, the actors have to answer for encouraging the delusional fantasies of these toxic fanidiots, just to make a dollar. I have to show respect to ZZH for speaking out.
This seems so much a repeat of the 2020 massie anti-Xiao Zhan campaign and the delusional CP shippers for Wang Yibo and XZ. Makes me wonder if these are the same antis behind ZZH’s downfall or is it another group copying the same methods.
Interesting observation… Xiao Zhan really had to lay low, fortunately, the antis had nothing to dig out that would could create a personal scandal…
I noticed that too… I called it the BL curse haha. But Zhu Yilong and Bai Yu were fine after Guardian so it’s not too true…
Forgot to add, the scandals happened to the actors who played the “shou” character. So unlucky.
Antis were not so powerful at the time when Guardian was released, and ZYL/ BY were better protected by their companies from minimal harassment. Poor XZ had a boss who didn’t care about him, leaving the guy to fend for himself from the onslaught of haters. Luckily his loyal fans stood by him and the government believed in him. ZZH’s boss Zhao Wei got in trouble with accusations of financial misdeeds, leaving ZZH without backing. As the co-stars suffered, the careers of GJ and WYB flourished because their management companies have some connections through powerful Alibaba.
@msxie0714 I agree, Zhehan was unfortunately left to fend for himself as Zhao Wei was also caught up in her own tax problems. Gong Jun and Wang Yi Bo, both were supported by their companies. As for Xiao Zhan, we know he has a very undeserving management company. She just watched him drown online… She is really nasty!!!
Anyone noticed that the BL shippers are the most toxic ones? They are beyond delusional and volatile.
And the MewGulf ones are the worst. I believe they will beat you up, or worse if you disagree with them to their face. They still believe that these two fraudsters are living together in spousal bliss. This shipping needs to be addressed.
Thought C-fans of BG CP or fans of specific celebrities are toxic enough but the BL groups are worse. Don’t they have a life to live. Even if the pair they worship turn out to be a couple in real life, how will it benefit them? Will they be happier every single day? Will the issue they face in their real life go away? Will they get richer, live longer?
It’s now understandable why BL dramas have been banned in China as the best method to curtail toxic activities of these detestable fandoms. Imagine such incidents occurring 10-fold if multiple BL dramas were given the green light.
I am purposefully writing in an open-ended manner. He’s outspoken, participated in a BL drama, and did have pictures on his IG of his travels, which makes him a target for the CCP. Taiwan is not a bad opportunity land and I think he would make it in the West as well. I feel for this guy. It was unnecessary for anyone to comment on his appearance. The man is distraught and is not filming so he doesn’t have to be airbrushed 24/7.
Not a criticism, just a observation and stating facts. It shows just how much PS are done to so many celebs looks these days and fans are falling for a Image rather than the real person. I enjoy a fresh face image more than those that are touched up so much till they are no recognisable.
Zhehan’s current look is real and genuine, really nothing wrong with noticing this change. Why do you think it is a actor’s appearance is not important? Since he is using his real and untouched look to speak for himself….I find him very brave.
His mother is a CCP member, as is Mr. Li Xuezheng who was the first to step up in ZZH’s defense. These accusations and distortion of facts about the temple pictures and the wedding were stirred up by a group called 1450 in Taiwan to push emotional buttons of c-nets to cause confusion and chaos. Fomenting an orange revolution in China helps US agenda to call the shots in Asia.
Wow!! that is new to me. Interesting…I will read more about it… How do they pick and target their victims?
@msxie0714 curious about this as well, like @Hohliu
Instead of generalizing the Japanese, the article should indicate “right wing Japanese” which denies the atrocities their military committed in Asia and China. Quite a few Japanese nationals are very well liked in China.
Wow!!! The IG account Zhang Zhehan used to post his letter then the video has now been removed!!! I wonder if the comment on the “the artist that use his childhood photos on stage” could be the bit that got him in trouble.
Anyhow, Zhehan is really still treading on thin ice… Very worrying for this chap.
@Hohliu wonder if his costar did more than ZZH had shared for him to point him out specifically though no name was mentioned.
Anyway wasn’t there a video of GJ dining in a restaurant with another costar during the period when it was legally prohibited? And instead of insisting a takeaway, he was more concerned if there was CCTV capturing their dine-in.
To be honest, I would advised him against naming Gong Jun without solid evidences and a clever method to revealing it if he has. I would not work in his favour to just randomly make a comment…
But his IG account being removed is really suspicious… IG is not controlled by Mainland thus to get his account remove, it is not easy.
@BearBear I too believe there is a lot more happening than what ZZH is sharing. It must not be easy watching your former BL drama costar continue to promote you with him as a couple, him and the sponsors and whoever get all the monetary profits while he, ZZH is frozen. To me that would be frustrating and humiliating. They were not even really friends offscreen either. Then the delusional fans terrifying his family and friends. That to me senseless and very scary. Add to the brew he is censored for practically nothing, as to me, he did not commit any crime. He has no future, he has to sell tea and T shirts to feed himself, instead of doing what makes him happy. Of course, he is going to want to speak out. Then the delulus believing he is gay and in a relationdhip with a man he has not even talked to for almost a year. There is a lot more happening that is frustrating ZZH, but it is his story to tell. In the meantime, I hope he is given a fair chance to be allowed to act and not be segregated and blacklisted in Chinaanymore.
@Hohliu These celebrities usually resort to threatening to sue, besides, if GJ has strong capital backing, it will only do more harm for ZZH to openly call him out. Like you mentioned, ZZH’s account being affected when it is not WB or any of the usual C-platform makes the whole situation more suspicious.
Personally, I still don’t think ZZH is innocent (after all, no one forces him to take and post those photos) but his reaction towards his former co-star and the aftermath of his recent video does seem that there have more happenings yet to surfaced. It is unknown if GJ is as innocent as he seems to be.
@Renren Isn’t ZZH’s family quite financially comfortable? If he is then I wouldn’t think much of his new profession. Many C-celebrities are doing that. Quick money and for the popular ones, quick and good money. Likely they are living more comfortably than most of us. Wonder if this whole episode will have more development. Used to have quite good view of GJ but will not shocked if he is (in)directly responsible to something that causes ZZH to react this way.
I just watch ZZH’s latest update video in youtube yesterday. He was clearly insinuating GJ or his team pulled him down. This I don’t understand. Why would GJ do that? GJ and ZZH were both benefiting from the CP image. Why would GJ want to pull him down? Wouldn’t it be better to earn CP fans’ money together? Although GJ now is ok, but, pulling ZZH down might potentially ruin himself too.
@kidd I too dont understand why Gong Jun would do so….it is not in their favour at all. Both their Drama are removed from Streaming Sites, and the CP are destroyed. Both could potentially benefitted from their fame… it would be shooting Gong Jun in his own feet to pull Zhehan down… I feel the direction of his anger is not rightfully channeled. And to further blame Gong JUn is really not doing him any favours. Not a smart move at all.
He is still not revealing the highers up that he is suspicious off…he is still cautious on who he is revealing….
@bearbear As for Zhehan’s deed… I believe it is his arrogance that got him in this position….he was advised repeated by his core fans to remove those photos but he just ignored them. and was rather rude to some of them. Thus he left evidences for his Antis to frame him. It is a really stupid move on his side…. I would not say he is a unloyal Chinese but I would say he is a arrogant young man.. But his arrogance and naivety still does not justify his downfall.
ZZH and GJ are best of pals. GJ will not betray ZZH and vice versa. The video is a deepfake. If you want to know more you can go to twitter. This news is all over twitter. ZZH’s instagram account no longer belongs to him. It is all Xie Yi Hua’s doings.
You just threw a spanner in the works…Who is Xie Yi Hua?
@Cherie , ZZH and GJ were never close offscreen. The fanatics say that becaise they are deluding themselves there is a bond, a vloseness with these two. There never was, and there never will be. Some people work well together it does not mean they make great friends, or a romantic couple. Fan service means acting as a couple for these BL drama couples offscreen as well, and they do it well, after all, they are actors.
I meant Because and Closeness.
Look, first of all, any person who isn’t able to separate fiction from reality, cannot see an actors’ performance for what it is and instead thinks they’re really their characters with those relationships is problematic and potentially delusional. This is a problem with not only BL shippers, but BG shippers as well. For example: look what happened to Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper…that was just as nuts as people who ship Zhang Zhehan and Gong Jun or Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan in real life. In other words, ALL real person shippers are toeing the toxicity line. While there have been cases where the costars do end up dating or marrying, people have to understand that that’s the actors’ own business and not for fans to decide or stick their noses in. It’s an invasion of privacy, period. Actors are human beings too and their only responsibility to fans is the product they put out through their performances, and of course it would also be nice if they had some awareness of themselves as potential role models and acted accordingly (like maybe not be a total a-hole or I dunno, drug and rape women).
As for the whole ZZH downfall, there have been ample evidence if you poke around Twitter that much like the Xiao Zhan AO3 fiasco, it most likely was a campaign created by antis backed by competing interests. Not to sound like a conspiracy nut but with how much capital is involved in the c-ent industry, it’s absolutely believable that if someone threatens a big sponsor’s investment, they definitely have the financial means to do some weird shady crap to bring someone down. As to why Xiao Zhan and not Wang Yibo, or why ZZH and not GJ…as someone else mentioned, it could be the difference of which one has better studio support. Or even which one presented a better opportunity. Shortly after what happened to ZZH there was some buzz about GJ taking pics in front of another Chinese war criminal shrine too, but his studio was smart enough to shoot that right down. As to whether he or his studio had a hand in taking down ZZH? Logically speaking, there is absolutely NO BENEFIT for him to destroy his costar like that, especially since the show he is known for got taken down from every platform. Just because he gets to continue working doesn’t necessarily mean he’ll receive the same success as Word of Honor brought him. Not to mention he could have been hit with shrapnel and blacklisted as well. It’s too stupid a gamble to do something like that.
As to why ZZH might think GJ has something to do with his controversy? Honestly who knows. I personally don’t know any of these people or even pretend to know. Maybe he is angry about why his career got destroyed while his costar gets to work, maybe the people besides him are whispering strange things in his ears and misleading him. Heck, I even heard maybe that video isn’t even real. The point of the matter is, what happened to him was absolutely unfair, just as what happened to Xiao Zhan in 2020 was unfair. No actor should ever be punished just because they’re too successful but did not actually do anything wrong. Hopefully one day the people responsible for both incidents and other shady business in the industry will be punished either in court or through karma.