Ady An to Star in Taiwanese Idol Drama with Mike He

After eight years of focusing on her career in mainland China, Taiwanese actress Ady An (安以軒) returned to Taiwan to film idol drama Upper-Class Common Girl <上流俗女> (unofficial title), in which she will star with popular Taiwanese actor Mike He (賀軍翔).
In this new drama, Ady will take on the role of a pig farmer’s daughter. Her father wants to send her to a high-class etiquette school, where she meets Mike He’s character, a rich, upper-class man. Because Ady has often played meek, easily bullied characters in the past, the production company of Upper-Class Common Girl hoped to subvert her previous image by fashioning a different type of role for her.
Ady began to make a name for herself in the Taiwanese entertainment industry with the 2001 drama Spicy Teacher <麻辣鮮師>, after which she became popular with the two-part series The Outsiders <鬥魚>. In 2005, she turned her focus to the mainland Chinese entertainment industry, appearing in dramas like Chinese Paladin <仙劍奇俠傳>, Flying Fox of Snowy Mountain <雪山飛狐>, and Love Tribulations <鎖清秋>. In 2009, Ady returned to Taiwan to film Autumn’s Concerto <下一站,幸福>, which was an enormous success and set the second-place record for average ratings for an idol drama.
Because of Ady’s popularity in Taiwan and mainland China, rumors have begun to spread that she is making exorbitant demands for her participation in Upper-Class Common Girl. She is reportedly asking to be paid $300,000 TWD for each episode, as well as to be provided with a private bus and a chauffeur. She also hopes that the company will cast her good friend, actor Shone An (安鈞璨).
In response, the drama’s producer Ke Yiqin (柯宜勤), who worked with Ady for The Outsiders, said it was worth it, explaining that it is natural for artists to have some demands after they have reached a certain position. Despite the rumors of high-handedness, Ady is proving to be dedicated to her work, as she recently uploaded a picture on her QQ Weibo, which depicted her perpetually studying the drama’s screenplay, even during meals, makeup sessions, and rest time.
This article is written by Karen for
looking forward to this drama! loves Ady since Autumn’s Concerto (one of the best taiwanese drama). Haven’t seen a drama with Mike He (best was in Devil Besides You).
Hope the storyline isn’t a disappointment like many dramas recently :/
I am looking forward to this drama and hope that the storyline is good. I have not seen Ady and Mike pair up yet so this is a fresh pairing.
I almost did not recognize her without the heavy make up!
Most taiwan idol dramas are crappy, always the same old being there, done that plotlines. rich guy & poor girl, they really don’t care for new plots huh?
Not all of them are like that. But yea, that is a common theme and does get a bit redundant.
It’s same with Korean dramas! Rich guy poor girl, guy is prickly girl is sweet and sassy
But this plot is different this time with Ady playing a rich girl and Mike playing rich boy turned poor.
Korean dramas got some mix in it. Like conspiracy themes such as Iris, Iris 2 and Athena.
I can’t wait for Ady’s new drama. I am looking forward to it and I love China/Taiwanese dramas, also their actors and actresses are very much better looking than TVB’s stars. Not only that TVB plots- always so predictable and silly. I used to enjoy TVB dramas when I was young – I watched so much and that’s how I learnt my cantonese.
Finally a taiwan drama with actual stars in it, there hasn’t been in a while
Mike He always play the same kind of characters over and over again. Bad boy, or rich boy.
LOL @ Taiwanese dramas. They’ve sucked for years.
You should not say that since there are many that are really good. There are good and bad series from every country and company.
Not all of them are bad. “In Time with You” starring Ariel Lin and Chen Bo Lin is one of the “recent ones” (2011) that is quite good.
I really hate Taiwanese dramas…they talk too much and there is rarely any action. Sometime I struggle my way to finish a drama because my friend from school watches it and she wants to discuss the drama with me at school. sigh!
If it is a modern drama then that is how it is even with HK series. Taiwanese can be really good, but of course it would depend on each person’s taste.
Mike He needs to go to the military.
Maybe he is excused from it??
Nope he isn’t excused. He’ll go later next year
I’m a huge fan of Ady. I cannot wait until it s released.
i hope ady an can pair up with LF soon cos they never end up together in the last drama,feel sad
what drama was this? I want to watch all her dramas
This is the series that Jason is referring to:
It is called the New Breath of Love starring Ady, Raymond, Tammy Chen and Alex Fong.
it is New Breath of Love,i think LF is much suit with her than tammy chan
Thanks Jason and HeTieShou!! I’ve been browsing around for this drama to watch online but seem like no one has uploaded it. I found one on youtube but it’s dubbed in Cambodian.
You are welcome but if you really want to see any series, why not put out some money to buy the DVDs?? The DVDs are not to expensive now.
I found it online, this drama is also known as love multiplication. I only saw episode one and I stopped watching. I don’t know why it doesn’t look that interesting. I no longer collect DVDs. It takes too much space. I might watch it again later (maybe I have too many stuff in mind).
To the people blasting Taiwanese dramas while the HK drama industry is in this state:
glass houses, stones, etc.
To the people assuming that denigrating one industry translates into praise for another: pot, kettle, black
Yeah, I mean, it’s not like this is a HONG KONG entertainment forum or anything, and that there’s no bias.
Check your privilege, yo.
Also, the “pot calling the kettle black” phrase, I don’t think it means what you think it means.
Re: the proverb… err, I’m fairly sure I have a good handle on what it means. Using it to describe your gratuitous logic fail may have been a bit of a stretch and I’m big enough to admit it.
Otherwise, lol @ citing privilege. Most commenters on here are viciously critical of Hong Kong entertainment. Just because I don’t include “btw, HK dramas suck too guys” as a corollary doesn’t mean that I’m blind to that fact.
And moreover, I am in no way responsible for the production of HK dramas. Occasionally watching them does not rob me of my right to assess the quality of other fare. I am, above all else, a consumer and my allegiance is to people producing stuff worth watching.
So it’s rather unnecessary to make this conversation about blind loyalty or elitism IMHO.
First of all, it’s an “idiom”, NOT a “proverb”. Seriously, if you don’t know what it means, don’t use it, you embarrass yourself and I’m embarrassed for having to explain it to you since you obviously thought you were going to show my up on it when you decided to (wrongly) use it.
Oh and for the record, it implies hypocrisy. See? Yeah, it doesn’t really fit here.
Now, I know you tried to be all clever in the above post by using big words you looked up in the dictionary, uh, don’t do it again. There’s no point anymore.
What? Holding court again to educate the masses? LOL!!
One thing he left out in his argument is “at least they speak better canto in TVB dramas.”
Not sure what it is about me that gets all the crazy bimbo’s all over me on this site.
I mean, if you’re gonna do that, we should go out for dinner first.
I’m just sayin’.
I can’t wait to see Ady back the TW screen again. She was great in Autumn Concerto and definitely be interesting to see her chemistry with Mike.
As for the state of TW dramas, give them credit where credits due. There are some very great dramas in recent years: The Fierce Wife, In Time With You.
I definitely will watch these two dramas next. I finished 5 taiwanese dramas in April. Loving TW dramas. I missed out all these years.
Agree that The Fierce Wife was great. It is my all time favourite Taiwanese drama to date actually. Then again, I don’t watch a lot of T.dramas, however I definitely recommend it as I believe it is worth the watch!
Wow! This is great news. I’ve always liked Ady as an actress. Looking forward to the new Taiwanese drama!
I think it will be tougher for Ady this time around as many expect an “Autumn Concerto” redox.
Oh… looking forward to this since I like both Mike & Ady even tho the plot is the same old plot… poor girl, rich boy!
dd, you must be real fun at parties.
I’m surprised I’m even able to type coherently after being hopped up on cold meds, but I’ll play along. Yes, proverbs are prescriptive and what I cited was an idiom. Unfortunately I don’t have any cookies to give out so you’ll have to go without.
Here’s my position: HK dramas are crap and I personally think that TW dramas are crap too. I’m not sure where hypocrisy comes into the equation but I’ll defer to your superior wisdom. *bows out*
Still a smartass until the very end.