Raymond Lam and Charmaine Sheh Promote “Line Walker”

Line Walker <使徒行者> is scheduled to air on Monday, August 25 The cast promoted the series earlier this week, hoping to attract more viewers to tune in next week.

While Line Walker marks Charmaine Sheh’s (佘詩曼) return to TVB dramas, the series is Raymond Lam’s (林峯) last project with the station. On August 4, Raymond announced that he will not be renewing his management contract, and will focus on his singing and movie careers instead. Despite this, Raymond has been actively promoting the series at TVB functions.

Setting speculations aside, Raymond insisted his departure has nothing to do with losing the TVB Best Actor award. He is meeting with different companies to decide on future collaborations. “I want to concentrate on my own creations. With acting, it’s still best to have good resources and a great company to help make arrangements. It [EEG] is one of my choices – we’ve worked together for years and I’ve gotten to know the people. They’re a very strong company,” Raymond explained.

Since Raymond was one of the judges for Miss Hong Kong 2013, but is no longer affiliated with TVB, it was reported that ATV wanted him to join the judging panel for this year’s Miss Asia Pageant. Surprised at the news, Raymond said that no one has contacted him regarding the pageant.

Charmaine’s Eyes Not on Winning Award

Appearing in a low cut black dress, Charmaine said that she is not focused on winning the Best Actress award this year. “Never thought about it. You don’t have to look at the viewership ratings for a series all the time, and should also consider the feedback. I’d rather people call me by my character name – Dang Jeh.”

Charmaine feels heartbroken for Kai Ko (柯震東) and Jaycee Chan (房祖名) over their drug arrest in China despite not personally being acquainted with them. Charmaine firmly said that does not have friends who have drug habits, and has never been tempted herself, opting to go shopping to reduce stress.

Sources: On.cc; On.cc

This article is written by Su for JayneStars.com.

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  1. Snake woman looks a bit too old pairing up w/uncle Raymond actually haha…LOL…

      1. windy what year were you born? clearly you dont know who Charmaine Sheh is…

    1. Snake woman should be on her knees with Raymond’s gun in her big mouth and her hand on his crotch. 😀 🙁 LOL!

    2. hahah LOL…1989
      I know who she is but just thinks she looks a bit older than RL is all.
      Hahha…considering UNCLE RAYMOND is dating a 20 year old. I don’t mean to put your idol down. ahha LOL…

      1. They both look terrible in the above pic. Anyways never considered Charmaine pretty or Raymond handsome at all, so maybe that’s how they usually look like lol!

      2. Charmaine is like 40 and Raymond is like 33 or 34 that is a big difference but it’s a drama not real life.

      3. so is uncle jay chau. he is also dating a teen babe

      4. Charmaine Sheh looks pretty young in the above photo. They are very compatible in age and look. In other words, Charmaine looks young for her age.

  2. love both Sheh and Raymond….Looking forward to this drama!! MUST WATCH!

  3. Raymond is leaving. Dont worry guys, we still got….. Kenneth Ma.

  4. charmaine looks older than raymond here… they look way better in drive of life

    1. Totally agree!
      Charmaine still looks young cause she doesn’t have kids yet and raymond looks older cause he is overworked by Karena.

      1. Yes, overworked everyday. Heard they are on vacation again so pretty sure he’ll look more haggard when he returns.

      2. don’t agree w/ the having kids part make people look younger. alot of female have kids and still look very young. it’s an old saying in older generation that’s true b/c women in older times cared less about their figured.

    2. Agreed! However snake woman still has a big mouth and can’t act. 😀 🙁 LOL!

  5. I like Charmaine’s smile. It shows that she is really happy. Some of the actresses have bitter smiles. No mater how happy they are, their smiles show that they are not really happy.

  6. “Actively promoting the series”

    LMAO!!! He’s partying with his girl, he’s not promoting the drama. I heard from my friend he’s not attending a function this week. Talk about work ethics.

  7. Episode 1 is excellence. Pao seed guo really funny, charmaine had a breakthrough so is Sam guo

  8. Charmaine is beautiful and young at her age, compare with old horse face, fake eyes n nose Tavia…Haha

    Raymond and Charmaine another breakthrough in this drama

  9. The show is really enjoyable…Im looking forward everyday to catch the new episodes. Charmaine is absolutely adorable here. Hope the rating will break 30.

    1. Don’t want to pour cold water but it’s not going to break 30. Even with a stronger cast, it’s not going to. On top of that, drama promotions are lacking.

      In the old days, the ratings may be higher. Both Charmaine is getting old.. And Uncle Raymond is looking tired than ever.. No sex appeal to the HK crowd now haha.

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