Flora Chan, Sheren Tang, and Ada Choi Invited to Star in HKTV “Armed Reaction” Remake

Flora Chan (陳慧珊) and husband Mike Chung (鐘家鴻) recently met up with HKTV executives to talk about a possible collaboration. Flora Chan is reportedly in talks about starring in an upcoming HKTV drama remake of TVB’s Armed Reaction<陀槍師姐> series, a popular action crime series that spawned four successful installments. The original series, which starred Esther Kwan (關詠荷), Joyce Tang (滕麗名), Bobby Au Yeung(歐陽震華) and Marco Ngai (魏駿傑), premiered in 1998 and released its fourth and last installment in 2004.
According to various sources, HKTV’s upcoming remake of Armed Reaction will also star Sheren Tang (鄧萃雯), who is already cast and has the drama’s script in hand. HKTV also offered a leading role to Ada Choi (蔡少芬), who is reportedly still considering. Ada Choi was an original Armed Reaction cast member, having replaced Esther Kwan as the series’ female lead for Armed Reaction 3 and Armed Reaction 4.
It has been said that Flora is asking for at least $40,000 HKD per episode, and that the filming duration should not exceed eight hours per day, as she still has to care for her daughter. The reports claimed that HKTV’s initial offer to Flora was $30,000 HKD per episode.
Flora has just completed the filming for the TVB grand production M Club <女人俱樂部>, a 30-episode comedy drama that also stars Carman Lee (李若彤), Rachel Lee (李麗珍), Fennie Yuen (袁潔瑩), Gloria Yip (葉蘊儀), Angie Cheong (張慧儀), Elvina Kong (江欣燕), and Lawrence Ng (吳啟華).
Source: Sina.com
This article is written by Addy for JayneStars.com.
Errr don’t they need TVB’s consent to remake? And aren’t the stars all a bit aged?
Yeah, my thought’s the same but then that idiot Ricky Wong always wants to do things that provoke others and then claim to be the victim………I think HKTV is heading for a big failure and I mean really big……..
no… competition is goood
“HKTV is heading for a big failure and I mean really big……..” agree with you @yuaida
Not if they change the name.
As much as I loved the AR franchise, this sounds stupid. How is HKTV being any different than TVB if they are just remaking/making sequels to old drama?
Good luck getting TVB’s consent on remaking this drama. Well, I guess they can ‘mirror’ it off, or be loosely inspired to avoid the consent issue. Mmm.
just change the title name, say ‘Combat Reaction’
I loved armed reaction!!! especially with the original cast. However it’s weird that HKtv wants to do a remake…
I would rather tvb do another sequel to it instead bringing back the original cast…however that’s quite impossible since Marco and Joyce are not on good terms…
Marco died in the last one, so they can just write him out of it.
How ironic this is. HKTV is always talking about originality and everyone is jumping on the bandwagon that HKTV will be different. The people are always criticizing TVB for copying other series or remaking their own series. Now HKTV wants to do a remake of a very successful TVB series? Where is the originality in that? Should I be expecting people to start criticizing HKTV for copying TVB?
calm down it’s not that serious
I’m with you @JuJuBee. I am already criticizing hktv
Well that will shut up some of the HKTV supporters.
This will definitely disappoint all HKTV supporters
Shelley, you’ve been criticizing HKTV from the start with baseless assumptions, so don’t act like your stance had changed, it never did.
JuJuBee, calm your tits! the second sentence of this article begins with “Flora Chan is REPORTEDLY…..”, which means it’s based on hearsay and not facts. For all we know, they could’ve been discussing a possible collaboration in a new series.
Again, this is all based on hearsay and rumors. Any person with an above average IQ would take these reports with a grain of salt.
Why don’t you calm your tits.
Everyone here can express their own opinions about this.
we all know this is a rumour, but still, this is the most ridiculous rumour from them. They are way over their head, thinking hktv can remake a successful drama from tvb.
Any one with an average IQ would think this is ridiculous
well said :]
well said Will… you other people just calm down.
good point will,lol.
A remake doesn’t mean the plot and everything has to be same. We’ll know when it comes out.
agree with bubbles.i dont believe this,but if this is true then i think its not exactly a copy but they use it more like an inspiration.also armed reaction isnt really original its a copy of a succesful american drama called charlies angels.
Armed reaction seriously doesn’t resemble Charlies angels.
agree with you. I supported hktv for more variety but why are they going back to remakes? disappointed with ricky wong
Hktv calls that creative,plagiarizing tvb. Hktv will fail. Didn’t sheren said that she does not want to film cop, lawyer and doctor dramas, and now she is thinking filming a cop series
She also doesn’t wanna film costume series….what will satisfy this lady?
Saying tvb lacks creativity, hktv lacks even more. I can bet the remake(don’t think it’s going to happen) will be a disaster and won’t be as success as tvb. First because all the casts will be totally different, so will the look and feel. Second, armed reaction was great because of the great casting of Esther-Bobby and Joyce-Marco and because of their chemistry. With hktv, all of those are gone, it will fail big time
that is just a rumor
The amount of ignorance in this thread amazes me.
Then shut your computer down then.
because most of them are kids trolling.
Just pure speculation.
This sounds really fake to me. Sounds like the media just pieced a few things together and wrote this piece of ‘news’. I don’t doubt hktv will film a cop drama with some similarities as Armed Reactions (like all cop series are similar in some way); but defineately not a remake. Besides tvb will never in a million years allow it.
I’m guessing they’re only calling this an Armed Reaction “remake” because this’ll be another show in the “female cops” genre.
Hahaha if and I said ‘IF” before all the HKTV supporters come out protesting, this is true it’s a big slap in the face for RW. First he poached TVB staff, now a remake what else will come next? Maybe he will pay VLok triple salary to get on board his shaky wagon.
Ewwww… That would be a group of “aunties” and “uncles” … ==!!!!
nothing beat the original
Nothing can beat tvb armed reaction
It’s a series on the 师姐们 at retirement
lol, that’s something TVB would do. female cops get to their 40s, becomes a bunch of see-lais, hijinks ensue and they become undercover cops as see-lais.
I’m pretty sure this is something similar to it but as we know, TVB will not permit this. Also the person who made Armed Reaction and made Laughing Gor famous is working for HKTV.
No, that is not the same guy. The guy who created “Armed Reaction” left a long time ago in the mid 2000s.
From what i’m seeing is its a group of people who wrote it back than. I was looking at HKTV website and saw 林少枝 so yea…
The original article didn’t say it is a remake of Armed Reaction. It is a serial about lady cops.
Will you be kind to link me?
It’s up there with the article. Check the source.
Article mentioned: 王維基已落實開拍以“陀槍師姐”為題材新劇. It didn’t say 翻拍 《陀槍師姐》.
That sounds much better. I totally approve of them taking the best element – female cops – from the AR franchise. That’s also not “remaking” or plagiarising, which would be hypocritical of HKTV after their criticism of TVB.
As for remake, I’m actually interested in a HK version of Hanzawa Naoki.
I remembered some other country try to remake, maybe a similar theme or continuing on making the sequel for “my date with a vampire” and it totally failed. Characters were different, and whole atmosphere was different
I think it was “my date with a vampire 4”
No remake,please. And Flora Chan should come back and act.
She is back in acting. Read the article!
I think there has got to be some very bad and distorted journalism here because this article makes no sense whatsoever. Why would HKTV, who’s pretty upfront about battling TVB all of a sudden go and do a remake of one of TVB’s production which means they have to get permission from them? It doesn’t make any sense.
I bet they are going to make a cop drama and the reporters just said oh we’ll just say it’s an Armed Reaction remake when it’s just another cop drama. The actors, except for Ada Choi, are different too so they can’t even play the same characters.
Besides, HKTV obviously has no problems coming up with their own original cop drama, why would they need to do a remake of TVB’s series?
I don’t think it’s true but if it is, this is one of the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.
Well said & good thinking!! Purely, rumours created by d reporters to provoke & agitate readers.
Good point since they have more freedom to write the story and script, there’s no need to remake anything at all.
Hktv is definitely going to plagrarise
Right Leo! Plagrarise.
Agree with @Leo,
HKTV is going to plagiarize
without a Bobby and Esther it will never be good…
agree. HKTV is going to fail big time