“Friendly Fire” Receives Complaints For Its Suggestive Scenes

Samantha Ko’s (高海寧) rape scene and Alice Chan’s (陳煒) seduction scenes did nothing to help raise Friendly Fire’s <法網狙擊> ratings; instead it has received 4 complaints to-date.
The 26-episode drama will be ending its run this weekend with a 2-hour finale on Saturday, January 19. Despite garnering wide attention for Samantha Ko’s rape scene, ratings have dropped from 27 to 26 points last week.
In response to criticisms that Friendly Fire was tasteless and crude, producer Man Wai Hung (文偉鴻) said, “Throughout the 20 episodes or so, we showed numerous sexy scenes, yet so much attention is given to the rape scene only. Because there was so much talk about that, it has become what the show is all about, and that should not be the case. In actual fact, the rape was implicit and we did not show much.” Man Wai Hung explained that the scene was used as a prelude to the turmoils between the characters, such as Samantha Ko , Michael Tse (謝天華) and Tavia Yeung (楊怡), have to go through.
Emotions Behind the Loss
Samatha Ko’s character, Kiki, proved to be one of television’s strongest crime victim. In the face of adversity, she stood up brave and strong in court to face her rapist to get him convicted.
In spite of Kiki’s bravery, she will lose her case in tonight’s episode. Kiki’s mentor, JJ, played by Michael Tse (謝天華), will be filled with so much hurt and anger at his inability to prosecute the rapist that he teared. Man Wai Hung revealed that Michael put so much feelings into this scene that he went straight into character without the need to rehearse. This emotional scene Michael shared with Tavia also touched the backstage workers and Man Wai Hung hoped that it will do the same to the viewers.
Man added, “The main story behind the rape scene is very true to real life. There are indeed people who would resort to all means to get what they want, yet it is the uphill task of a prosecutor to bring these criminals down legally. We hope that viewers are able to get the main gist of this plot.”
Source: Ming Pao
This article is written by Karen for JayneStars.com.
These “sexy” scenes are pretty not sexy…
I enjoy the drama despite it all!
Hongkong dramas is very ‘tame’ compared to Korean dramas. Scenes like nude backs are a norm in Korean dramas & nude front in Korean movies ….
agreed. korean dramas even have full-nude sex scenes.
Maybe TVB should stop with all these rape scenes all together! It’s not boosting the ratings and its uncomfortable to watch..
I heard that Sire will be filming a rape scene for her new drama too
Seems like the TVB mandatory rape scenes will be in almost every series.
wth, another rape scene, tvb sux
what is wrong with rape scenes? why netizens want to make so much noise about rape scenes? just watch and like the drama that’s all. why criticize for the unnecessary? funny ppl u all
yeah, rape scenes are entertaining and fun. You should tell that to people in India protesting rape.
i dont think jessz was trying to convey that rape scenes are “entertaining and fun”. there’s nothing wrong with a rape scene. what’s wrong is that the media made it so much of a hype which destroys the whole essence of the series, and that sick and perverted minds wanted to watch the whole process of the rape.
hmmm, rape scene in every drama?? really? it feels sickening
Man Wai Hung is not representative of current opinion on the use of sexual violence in the media.
This is a very good series with great court room scenes.
What’s so suggestive about the rape scene? A rape is a rape… people will complain about any thing… so free!!!!
The rape scenes are getting boring as TVB feeds these former pageant contestants to get “raped” in a drama. Is TVB afraid to do a drama that involves child abuse or a child serial killer? This would have worked better than just another rape scene written in to get ratings.
There is nothing suggestive except for one scene which was Grace Wong kneeling in front of Michael. That was pretty clever actually.
As for the rape scene and courtroom battle, let me say if this is how prosecution in HK conducts rape trial, I will have to say we are all doomed. I don’t get the gist or the summary or even the full plotline for that matter. The DOJ was inept and the sudden twist at the end was only to serve as a sudden twist. How can any jury buy the rapist’s version when his lawyer acted like a goon? At least be smarter, more credible. I almost laughed my head off when JJ said this case was very difficult. And here we have a nice girl with just a slight shady background and her biggest problem is she is poor and she is filial to her mother and therefore defense says she is ready to sell herself. What a nonsensical argument. Just imagine if an escort of some uneducated “lengmo” was raped. I will tell you the way this case goes, all other rape case is over before it began.
I just feel the court room scenes are beyond stupid. The scenes of JJ just sitting there struck dumb is to me the stupidest. Prosecution mostly losses but at least have a bit of sense. The rape trial was going on and on and on.
But I do like how Samantha sat in her makeshift study room and I thought it was kinda obvious that her world is collapsing when literally the place was collapsing. Talk about subtlety eh? But her performance was good.
Anyway the repercussion of this rape trial isn’t the rape itself but the aftermath; her reputation is damaged. The thing is one scene the villain says he may sue her for slander and he will win. Not necessary because civil trial has a lower standard of proof and she might win against him for slandering her when in effect she is called a “w-h-o-r-e” by virtue of sleeping with him for money.
I tend to agree, the whole rape case felt so bare. It was the defense doing everything and the prosecution did next to nothing.
Some other holes I found in the case was how the defense claims other people yelled fire! and such. The jury must’ve been blind to not see a girl being dragged and yelling for help. The tone of her voice was also different from the other people who were “high”.
I don’t know why they didn’t mention that the accused threw the phone away. It might not paint the whole picture but it sure would feel like he’s trying to hide something. You have two police witnesses and the phone owner who could attest to that.
Lastly, the mother. When I saw that, my jaw was just hanging. A stranger comes up to you and tells you she can help your daughter but needs a large sum of money. I know she’s desperate and all, but really? Let’s just give her all my money?
Calling herself stupid afterwards is probably an understatement. Not knowing the law? More like she needs some common sense.
The scene where her makeshift study room reflecting her own world collapsing was nice, especially when Oscar came and all of a sudden it wasn’t shaking so bad no more.
Overall though, this part was scripted pretty poorly. But they needed a precursor to show how bad the big corporate lady and his brother are I guess so now we get to see the cop’s brother go down in flames.
“Some other holes I found in the case was how the defense claims other people yelled fire! and such. The jury must’ve been blind to not see a girl being dragged and yelling for help. The tone of her voice was also different from the other people who were “high”
Remember he justified that as part of a sex game that she likes it rough? No one ever bother to point out she came to take her friend away, it was a last minute arrangement and to say she walked right in and then prostituted herself is a major major problem. Mover her past can’t be brought up as it is to her character. JJ should have objected until his voice is hoarse, not one voice at all.
The mother is ok. I understand some are ignorant of the law but I am peeved at how sudden that revelation was. So did the model see anything or she was setting a trap for the mother? Was she pretending to feel for Samantha or was she setting her up? Why didn’t JJ cross her on that?!
The most disgusting was how the defense then asked the rape victim “Did you feel pleasure?” and the way he asked it, the jury would have been disgusted with that sort of questioning.
There are better ways to show big bad corporate lady and disgusting brother, but not this insanely stupid way. When JJ was blaming himself, I was thinking well he should because he did such a bad job at this trial. Just because his opponent was disgusting doesn’t mean he should start shaking with fear which he did.
Now I fear for Vincent. How will the writers destroy this decent character?
Spot on.
I remember that part where they played it off as her liking it rough, but I think it was more of a grey area which JJ could’ve pressed especially with a clip like that as your evidence. As you mentioned, she came to take her friend away which adds credibility to the claim.
The mother, as I said, lacking in common sense. No follow-up either by JJ and this was probably the deciding factor in the case too. But he just sat there. Many areas he could’ve crossed or objected on, but nope.
Agreed with the way the defense acted.
I think we both agree on this, that the persecution didn’t properly do his job and Vincent is going to burn pretty hard soon thanks to the writers. Sorry buddy!
Leave my Vincent alone!!
Sigh.. I think he’s gonna die so Po Tei will have no choice but be his mom’s son.
I agree with your analysis, but sadly, I learned long ago to suspend disbelief in any type of “professional drama” series. It’s kinda like Files of Justice – the cases were crappy, too, but that didn’t stop me from enjoying that series because of the characters. Heck, if I wanted to watch a realistic case, I would just go to the nearest courtroom.
I mostly watch TVB series for the chemistry between the characters – whether it’s familial, brotherly, or romantic, and I must say this series is one of the more decent ones from TVB for a while. I generally find myself liking everyone, and finding that everyone has character, and that’s a rarity now in TVB series.
I’ve learned to put aside most of that too but once in a while something so poorly done just comes along and it just feels better to rant a little about it.
Having a lower bar for expectations is one thing, but sometimes it just goes to the point where you just have to question the sanity of the people who get this stuff approved. I don’t just mean shows either, even in real life things like unfair laws, etc. You just got to speak out and not take it like as it is. We’re not dumb and just accept things the way they are like some people in charge would like us to be. Btw, that was to just make a point
I totally agree and that’s why I’m getting so irritated at the series! I like the general story but the court cases are ridiculous. I know that this is just a story for entertainment but rape is a very sensitive subject that I don’t think they handled very well. Basically, Samantha did everything right by reporting to the police right away and having the rape test done and there is even video of her being dragged away, but the rapist still got away?! I know that they want to show how Samantha is strong and can bounce back, but it’s a terrible message to other victims in that there is no use reporting the crime to the police.
Also, yes JJ is a horrible prosecutor.
I get why they did it, which was mentioned in the article too. They needed the prelude and as you mentioned, to showcase Samantha more. But TVB likes the rape I suppose. They probably could’ve fleshed out her first court appearance more. Maybe showcase what trainees do in preparation, how they deal with the nervousness and pressure. Those would also be pretty valid ways to showcase her character’s strength, maybe throw in a setback to show her diligently work out the problem through highs and lows.
Overall though, the series isn’t too bad. It has some good light-hearted comedy mixed into it and likeable characters. Only other thing I really felt awkward about was Chris and JJ, I was rooting for Moon along even though I knew it wouldn’t happen. It didn’t feel like that kind of a relation would really last as long as it did.
But that’s for another topic :p
Saw they did all sorta of tests at d hospital for her but nothing comes of it though, don’t d rapist salivate n prolly used an expensive condom or otherwise he is a non secreter, rite TVB!
He didn’t deny he had sex with her. He just denied it was without consent. So all those hospital tests, it doesn’t prove rape. He even justified all those bruises as both of them playing rough. It could be. But my point is JJ just sat there like a deflated defeated statue. A more realistic approach is to have JJ standing up objecting every way he can and the judge scolding him for objecting every time he can. And how come no one ever approach the defense lawyer and say “How do you sleep at night?”. I mean this will be a great opportunity for him to say “I am a lawyer blah blah blah”.
You know what’s worse?
Oscar said JJ said if they fail in prosecution there is always the heaven to judge these people. I was like WHAT? If like this why bother with having a DOJ? Just go to the pope man!!
uh-oh I c so dats d missing link, thx Funn!
I thought the emotional scenes were done well but JJ and the whole prosecuting team has got to be the most inept prosecutors.
I’m probably better off banging my head against the wall then trying to make sense of the court procedures, but don’t they have to put all pieces of evidence for both sides in discovery? No one can show up with a secret tape during court without other side knowing about it or attempting to get the judge to throw the “evidence”.
JJ’s strategy amounted to getting louder and louder towards the end. It was unbelievable that hearsay weighed more importantly than physical injury and reputation.
Reckless well known playboy won over dutiful hard working law student. ???
All I know is Samamtha did a great job…I’m very impressed with her acting…she’s better than most current fadans in my opinion.
Like others, I was impressed by Samantha’s crying scenes. I wished the scriptwriters developed her character more, but alas, there’s only 26 episodes. When she first started, I thought she was those ‘leng mos’ who’s only using her figure to make money, but I think she definitely has potential as well.
I thought Samantha did very well . I am impress with her acting so far. She is good in this series and also the other one with Joel Chan. A very pleasant suprise!
I have to admit. I loved her in The Last Steep Ascent , and after this, she’s my favorite newcomer. So much better than Christine Kuo, Eliza Sam, Rebecca Zhu, aka other goddesses……
Agree with you too ^^v
Finally we all agree on something :-).
Agreed. but she’s not really a newcomer tbh.
The only thing I see in Samantha are her boobs and legs.
Psssh, suggestive scenes my ass. The HK C9s are so ignorant and out of touch with modern society.
The only crude/suggestive scene I can think of is in ep. 12 or around there, when JJ wanted to watch the shooting stars and his friend called and said, “yes there’s a big rainstorm.” In Cantonese, rain has the same pronunciation as boobs, so his friend’s basically saying, “yes, there’s big boobs here.” That was the only part in the series where I rolled my eyes.
I dont know bout others but all I can say is this drama Friendly Fire-法網狙擊 is a really great drama! All casts-even the kelefes did great jobs in this drama!
If this drama aired b4 the TVB awards, I’m sure Michael will surely get nominated too!!
And also “Come Home Love 愛 · 回家”.
I really feel this two dramas are the BEST I’ve watched so far, I mean lol to compare with other recent dramas.
I thought Alice looked really unsexy in this drama. Like she was too old and big size to wear revealing stuff.
please tell me your joking. Alice’s body looks great…not too skinny and she’s definitely not fat!
Alice looks great. She’s anything but big size.
Samantha did a great job. Not just the rape scene alone but how she coped with it in pain. Overall, it’s a great series!
The courtroom drama is a major disappointment, that makes this series mediocre. Much much more effort from the the script writer …please! Or at least, get some professional help or referring to actual court cases.
The material evidence is too damning for the defense team, and having it any other way, makes the script redundant. A waste of minutes!
Gold Ring can’t act to save her life. Try taking acting tuition instead of flaunting her assets