Grace Chan to Film “Brother’s Keeper 2”

While TVB has frequently groomed Miss Hong Kong Pageant beauties into leading actresses, Grace Chan (陳凱琳), Sisley Choi (蔡思貝), and Moon Lau‘s (劉佩玥) opportunities came especially early. With the exodus of many top actresses, TVB executives are interested in heavily promoting the trio to become new stars of the next generation.
TVB executive Catherine Tsang (曾勵珍) believes it is inevitable for more established stars to pave way for younger artistes, and staff turnover is a natural occurence. “We have a number of talented newcomers such as Grace, Sisley, and Moon. They are very suitable for this industry – they are hardworking and they have great potential. When Grace first auditioned, I felt that she was already very familiar with this. In Captain of Destiny <張保仔>, Grace has fight scenes requiring wirework – she is very hardworking.”
Known for being a quick learner, Grace will be starring in the new TVB drama Brother’s Keeper 2 <巨輪2> opposite Kristal Tin (田蕊妮) and Edwin Siu (蕭正楠).
Sisley’s new drama, Young Charioteers <衝線>, also generated media interest. With Sisley’s youthful and cheerful image, she will be a refreshing partner for Moses Chan (陳豪) in a new drama scheduled to film in May. Recently filming for Nick Cheung‘s (張家輝) new movie, Sisley will also have a breakthrough on the big screens.
Moon debuted to good reviews in Raising the Bar <四個女仔三個BAR> as the young lawyer, Holly. Moon’s next project will be EU: Overtime Mission <EU超時任務> opposite Vincent Wong (王浩信) and Tracy Chu (朱千雪).
Source: Oriental Daily
This article is written by Su for
Oh so part 2 no Ruco?
Why is ruco left high and dry this year? He has no filmimg engagement after COD.
I am sure there are Some series lined up, anyway he needs the rest.
Ruco & Linda will be in the sequel but only as guest stars..
moon lay looks like a real moon (face)
moon lau looks like a real moon (face)
Tvb needs some young actors too. Can’t stand it anymore having these girls paired up with actors that are old enough to be their dad
i totally agree. TVB keep saying they’re lacking in actresses, but they need to bring in and use more younger actors too.
they have young actors with him law,vincent,louis cheung,sammy,tony hung.but to me all this guys are a level lower if you compare them with the generation lam fung/bosco.. etc. they are more charismatic then this generation.and the generation lam fung/bosco is also a level lower than louis koo/ekin cheng/gallen loo. the best generation they have are the five tigers period in the ’80.of course with fat gor as the most outstanding actor that tvb have discovered.
Of course they appear “lower level” than the generation of Lam, Bosco, Kenneth etc. it’s becau se they’re not in the same generation to begin with in terms of acting line, and their experiences isn’t as high as say lam, Bosco etc. Bosco, raymond , Kenneth had their share of cameo roles, third line and supporting roles to get to where they are now in viewers eyes, ITd be the same for him law, Sammy, Tony etc. tbh, I think the younger male actors are far better than the younger female newcomers
Younger actors like ruco, tony hung, Vincent ng, Benjamin yuen…not many actually.
Ruco should not be babysitting all the time…it’s time he gets upgraded to bigger roles. He Eye in the skies is not bad.
,” I think the younger male actors are far better than the younger female newcomers”
i dont think so,from the younger male generation,only louis cheung can really act but he is not handsome,him law cant act and looks forever like a teenager,vincent is tall but just average in looks and acting,sammy is quite good but miss the x-factor,and tony hung is the worst of this generation,he is been promoted because the leaving of many siu san’s i think not one of this generation actors will become a supertar like andy lau or louis koo that is now. the previous generations are more of a complete package that can reach the top but miss it in this generation actors.
I agree about Grace. She acts naturally & has leading lady potential. Sisley’s acting in Overachievers was okay, but super annoying in Young Charioteers. And sure not compatible with Moses. They can play siblings but surely not lovers. Moon was ok in Raise the bar, but I think she will stuck with supporting roles.
I hope TVB will promote Tracy Chu as lead actress in the future. She surely has potential !
Don’t really like Sisley ‘ s high pitched voice but im okay with the other two. And YEP tvb should promote Tracy
you should watch sisley in other drama. she’s just annoying. not just in YC.
I agree that Tracy needs to be promoted but I think Grace is being overly promoted – btw I think she looks very much like Michelle Saram too, esp when she smiles.
Kinda glad Ruco isn’t stuck in a sequel that’s probably gonna suck
Direct sequel? If the original cast had children this could be abt the next gen, since none had children i suppose this is a new story with same cast? Because at the end they were in their 50s
Yup, don’t mind Ruco not acting in this BK2. I love Ruco, don’t get me wrong. I just want him in good production/scripts/actors who are on par with him. So far, all sequels have never been as good as the first.
Yup. Enough of Ruco being paired up with new rising actresses newbies to promote and ‘teach’ them for free. Ruco deserves more high calibre production not this junk sequel
Agree. This sequel looks like it will suck badly with Grace and Edwin leading the series. No Ruco, no BK. Somehow I’m a bit relieved that Ruco can be free from this disaster in the making and may get better roles and opportunities.
Omygod……Sisley and Moon seeing them more in upcoming series then I have nothing to watch what is TVB thinking
i agree, i don’t like both of them but moon is more bearable than sisley.
The only actress worth looking out for is Tracy Chu…definitely no Sisle or grace please.
oh my goodness. Why would you ruin the best series with such a casting… and don’t get me started on Sisley… Why can’t we have more LXW, Natalie Tong, people who know how to act? Beauty pageant winners are supposed to go promote peace and charity. Have you ever though why Kate and Linda still haven’t won BA? Because they can’t act and they only won pageants!
LXW can’t act. Natalie can, so can Nancy, Elaine Yiu, Yoyo Chen but TVB ignore all these pretty ladies.
Tvb is blind to neglect Nancy wu. She is good.
Natalie tong as well. Youo Mung is good but left.
Those beauty queens can be left in cold storage. Oh yes, no Sharon chan please.
It’s rumored Ruco and Linda are guest-starring?
Anyway, I don’t mind no Ruco. I would rather see him in quality dramas.
Agree. Give Ruco a good script and role. Don’t just use him to promote and pair up with newbies or 2nd/3rd line actors.
Agree. Ruco need good script and high calibre production from TVB. When will they give him one? Now I feel he’s lucky not to be attached to this sequel.
Why Moses? Isn’t he too old for Sisley?
Well it seems like No male artist is ” too old” for female artists lol, it’s only actresses being “too old” for actors apparently..
I’m glad Ruco’s not in this. It already sounds sucky as it was and the addition of Grace just put the last nail in the coffin. Looks like a dry year for tvb. Gonna skip many dramas with these Ms HKs in them.
Well, a lot of TVB actresses now and back then started out the career by participating in beauty pageant.
Thanks for the info
having the same feeling as choco-bunny … not liking this casting =( … would rather ruco not be in BK2 if this would be the lineup … would rather watch linda and ruco together like in the original Brother Keeper’s … aargh, hate the way that the sequel would be spoiling the original sweet memories ;-( … should not even call it BK2
Wow!! Then good luck to Grace!!! Really looking forward to it!!!
without Ruco brother keeper won’t be the same. hope to see him in this sequel.
Agreed. No Ruco, no BK. Gonna skip this.
Same here. No Ruco, no BK, no watching. Ruco is the heart and soul of BK. Totally meaningless without him acting. If the bakery is the main sponsor and Edwin is their spokesperson, quite understandably why Ruco is not cast as the lead. Ruco will outshadow and outshine Edwin anytime, just like what he did in BK.
tvb story and production cost is already so poor these days, now add young actors/actresses to this who aren’t ready to lead series
man its getting harder and harder to watch tvb shows
ya it shows in their ratings these days, every series average 23-25 pts…wow that is low
Ratings are low coz many viewers are watching the series online. Eye In the Sky is watched by many (evident by the buzz and noise in forums), but ratings seem to be low coz many are watching online. I’m guilty of watching online too
I agree if they keep putting noobs on the tube to lead TVB is gonna go down hill fast
I agree that tbb has to promote newcomers as years go by, but … Tbh, I just like how they’re being promoted so fast like straight out of pageants and given leading roles as their first time filming experience. It takes time for audiences to accept and warm up to new artists , let alone having them in leading dramas with their limited to no experience onscreen.
But it seems like this is how the company chooses the promote newcomers, so that’s how it’s going to be. For me, I only watch Tvb drsmas nowadays for those established artists /experienced leads. I use to watch most of the series that gets aired, but now I’m quite selective . Perhaps the newcomers may grow on those younger generations I.e. Children and young teenagers, more so than my generation and older. Goodluck to all the newcomers though, every opportunity is precious so hope they make the most out of it.
But I’ll definitely still keep supporting and watching the dramas of established artists, whether they film for tvb or not.
Typo: *i just DONT like how…
Why not Grace Wong instead?!?! I feel like the Miss HK 2013 winners got really lucky as in that was the year they decided to promote the Miss HK’s. Previous years (2007-2012), the Miss HK’s have only been supporting, etc.
Because Grace Wong is not the prettiest to look at. She has the supporting actress look
Grace Wong doesn’t have the looks.
Grace now is chasing Linda to be the fastest promoted pageant winner ever!
Absolutely wrong.
Completely agree!!
I feel that Sisley Choi isn’t even pretty compared to Grace and Moon, and her acting is really bad too. But that’s just my opinion~
Can’t believe they are filming BK2. Honestly the first series was not even good to begin with. I guess the only consolation here is no Linda Chung
sure tvb actors and actresses can use improvements but i think their storylines and writing and production efforts needs more improving than their artist
im watching the menu, election, and to be or not to be from hktv and they dont have tons of pretty idol stars but very good story and can tell they spend money on making the shows
i love the menu right now, its so good, quality if movie like
While they don’t have pretty idols, they make up for it with people who can act. I’d prefer it that way as it compliments the script.
The leading ladies for the The Menu are doing so well with their characters and I think Noel is having her breakout role with this character. The entire cast has great chemistry too.
Chatherine Chau! What a diamond in the rough she is. TVB had her in KLF roles for 15 years is insulting, no wonder so many people jumped ship. They should’ve been getting much better roles but all that talent had been drained away now. Most of them aren’t returning to TVB and are moving on to China, film and stage acting. Way to shoot themselves in the foot.
I don’t see how BK2 will be any good, it’ll be another sequel that lives in name only and will be ruinous. The only major breakthrough TVB has had is probably bringing rape scenes into their series in recent years.
Totally agree about Catherine Chau, a gem for sure.
I had to Google. Anyone else thinks she looks like Tavia’s sis? I always get the 2 of them mixed up.
I’d like to add that after watching episode 9 of The Menu, I think this is probably her (C.Chau) breakout role too.
That second half of the episode was just all her, it felt like you needed to give her character a hug. The burden of her past and the bottled up sadness she carries with her. Superb job on acting that, I understand now why in the character introduction she said when they were done filming she had to say goodbye to the character but she would still surface during post-production. Interesting way she used the character as an imaginary friend to help develop her.
I remember a few years ago when she left she had said Charmaine and her were on a different level. I initially thought Noel would take the spotlight for this but how wrong I was, she definitely could’ve been popular if she can act like this. She sold herself short when comparing herself to Charmaine. I’ll leave the rest for if we ever get an article on this drama.
It’s definitely up there with Election and Hakka Sisters. A fantastic watch.
Sad, isn’t it? If Catherine Chau has stayed on in TVB, she will never get such a chance. The most she can reach in TVB is Florence Kwok level, i.e. great acting skills but never get to lead, not even second lead, only getting supporting roles.
What more the TVB audience might say she does not have a leading lady look/charisma and dismiss her without even seeing her lead.
HKTV at least give her a chance to prove herself.
So sad that HKTV didn’t get their license and now even halt production of series. Her career is just cut short like this.
When they do the flashbacks I think she looks rather cute so I think with the proper wardrobe and design it will work.
I wholeheartedly agree though that TVB would have never given her this chance. I said it in another comment, but so much talent has gone to waste now that I’ve seen the so called KLF act now in HKTV.
I hope someone is taking notice though, there are many different career paths to pursue and you’ve got one hell of an actress right here.
Totally agree with you, SD & Kidd! I’m also quite impressed with Catherine Chau’s acting in The Menu and it’s a shame that TVB never saw the potential in her. I was already impressed with her from the car chase scene in episode 1 and the more I watch, the more I’m enjoying her performance. She nails the emotional scenes really well and comes across very natural – it’s hard not to be drawn in by her performance. Noelle Leung is doing well too, though I find her less natural in her role than Catherine, but still very good. I was actually never impressed with Noelle back when she was with TVB, probably because she always got typecasted into playing the same types of roles in every single series – well, this series proves that Noelle actually can act and isn’t just some pretty flower vase (which was the impression many of us had of her when she was at TVB). Of course, the well-written script as well as HKTV’s filming method/philosophy also play huge roles in bringing out the best in the artists with their performances too. Definitely sad that HKTV can’t get a license…they’re doing all the right things (things that TVB should be doing but aren’t) and truly giving artists – many of whom audiences may have forgotten about or didn’t even know existed – a chance to shine…too bad it’s so short-lived….
Oh, my last comment got moderated. Probably cause I said…
“I hope someone takes notice of this because she’s one h_e_l_l of an actress!”
I agree with you that it’s such a shame things are turning out the way it is. They really have something special that is taking HK television back towards a higher quality level which you can’t really find in Asia and resembles Western drama which has set the bar at a high level.
In a world where serial dramas are becoming more dominating and attracting top actors/actresses away from the previous norm such as movies, it’s increasing lucrative to invest well into this for the future where our model is switching from 100-channel deadweight packages to skinny packages. Even Apple is trying to get into this upcoming market by offering small 5 to 10 favorite channel packs you would like to watch online.
Also to add one more thing that I feel deserves mention. Their songs, I usually forget to give credit to that department but when I first heard Eva sing “I’ll be there” in Election I was impressed.
The Menu has “Can’t Let Go” and I’m just waiting for it on iTunes now.
Any idea who sings this?
Yea, I like that song as well! I think Catherine Chau mentioned something about the song on her weibo…not sure if she mentioned who sings it though. HKTV might have something on their FB page too…I’ll do some digging around…
@SD: I posted some info about The Menu’s “Can’t Let Go” song at AF. Here’s the link to the thread:
Come on, Sisley Choi??? Got to be kidding!
Grace,Eliza, Sisley, Samantha are young, pretty, talented actresses, tvb should promote them to take over the present artistes like Linda, Tavia, Kristal, Kate who are above 30 years old. Some good talented guys like Him Law, Sammy etcs are compatible with the newbies than the older artistes.
1) Linda is not old. She is about the same age as Eliza.
2) Samantha doesn’t have the first lead actress look. Her acting is not there yet although she has been acting for quite a while.
3) Eliza can’t speak proper Chinese, so it’s better for her to take supporting roles instead.
4) Grace looks too Indian. I don’t mind if she plays foreigner, mixed, or western roles but she doesn’t look like a typical Chinese girl who grows up in HK or China. Please don’t cast her in ancient series, unless she’s from a foreign country.
Grace looks too Indian, haha, agreed.
like some people have said before, better dramas will make actresses better too…hope for some better tvb shows in the future
Its time for tvb to promote the young, pretty, talented artistes to take over the older ones who are already in their 30s.
Grace, Sisley, Samantha, Eliza have looks and potentials in acting.
U have got the be kidding Sisley is talented aritist in what way!!!!!
Samantha not bad and ELiza no doubt has come a long way
yes to Samantha Ko, tracy chu, eliza sam but grace, Sisley still far from it.
Woohoo!! part 2!! Loved that drama!! One of the better ones in recent times
Sisley Choi reminds me of Toby Leung. Give her all the opportunities in the world but will never make it to the top.
Hey, speaking of Toby Leung, she seems to have disappeared. Yay!!
Come on , grace chan acts like ****. Wait, she’s even worse than ****. She looks horrible tho. Why is tvb keep on promoting her?! Just because she’s miss hk?!
from tvb forum :
鉅記 boss supports Edwin as the lead actor, then 巨輪2 should be changed to another name.
In 巨輪1, Ruco Chan’s acting is awesome and even outshine Edwin Siu. This is the only reason I can think of taking out Ruco Chan in 巨輪2.
I think it is good for Ruco as he does not need to be the 2nd lead actor. Hopefully Ruco can get another good drama. I feel boring to watch the baking story again in 巨輪2 without Ruco as he is the soul of the drama. Very surprise when knowing that no Ruco as well as Linda.
發表於 Posted on: 2015-03-17 13:37
Think this is tvb’s policy, Amy Wong can’t control. An advice to TVB,
don’t give up a forest for a tree. You get a sponsor but lose the hearts
of tens and thousands of the audience worldwide. Image is important to
a tv station. Audience is the long term value, and they may decrease
for poor quality dramas which only boost on sales by sponsors.
發表於 Posted on: 2015-03-18 16:50
” You get a sponsor but lose the hearts
of tens and thousands of the audience worldwide.”
Edwin Siu and Krystal Tin has fans too, and as far as I remember, the break out star in Brother’s Keeper is Krystal.
I doubt all these tens and thousands of audience worldwide were only watching the series for Ruco.
I don’t know how many people watch the series for Ruco, but for sure, I am one of them, ie. watch BK solely because of Ruco.
Same for me, i watched for Ruco. Some of the macau scenes were funny but too much talk about the peanut candy and the love triangle of kristal louis and edwin made it a pain to watch.
Same here I also went for Ruco. The macau part was boring and tedious and Edwin Siu has no lead charisma. Ruco totally overshadow him.
Kristal is considered a breakout star becoz she was crowned TV Queent and Most Fave for her role in BK. But did you notice that she didn’t win much awards outside HK? She’s not as popular outside HK. Her recent roles have been forgettable. IMO, I think she’s forgetable in BK. I think Mandy Wong can play her role even better in BK. Edwin and Kristal’s fans combined are probably less than Ruco. Ruco was top 5 in TVB awards 2013 for his role as Sam. But eventually lost out to Dayo Wong for that TV King spot.
Well, obviously Krystal was the breakout star but in this forum, that fact is buried.
If this so-called sequel has Krystal has the only centered character, I will give it a chance because I have faith in her acting. And it means I will have to fast forward less.
Yiu Man Ying’s character was popular only in HK.
The ‘tens and thousands’ sounds exaggerated, but don’t forget the viewers in Mainland China are counted by billions!
Go and check the comments at KuangaiTVB first before your conclusion.
If you are bored enough to check, you can check this weibo: . Few months ago, Vlink has issued a static of the amount of online viewer for TVB series in China. The only TVB series that get over 1 billion viewers in China is Line Walker. The second is Forensic Heroes 3 with around 800 mil viewers.
Vlink is an independant counting system for online viewers in China.
So in fact so far only 1 TVB series has 1 billion viewers in China and that series is named Line Walker, not Brother Keeper. Even 1 billion cant reach, dont say of billions :).
Billion=100 million in China. What I can recollect, ROE has a total of 8-9 billions, BK about 2 billions and LW has 20 billions. For Mainland China’s own productions, almost 100 billions for top dramas. BTW, this topic has nothing to do with LW.
I think you may have confused the translation from Chinese to English.
億 or 亿 is equivalent to 100 million and always has been. The Chinese character itself doesn’t equal billion, it’s equal to 1×10⁸ which is 100,000,000.
So if Bill Gates has 600億 doesn’t mean he has 600 billion. It means he has 60 billion networth.
The way you put it is kind of like telling someone 1萬 is a million when it’s only really 10,000 in reality whereas it takes 100萬 to equal that.
@wp: SD is correct between 亿 and 萬. In fact LW only got to 1.6 bil viewers (16 亿), Forensic Heroes comes the second with 800++ mil (8亿). The rest I dont rmb.
It has nothing to do with LW but it is the only TVB so far can reach to 10亿 aka 1 bil viewers in China. So you wrongly claimed that billions watched BK. In fact, only millions.
In some countries 1 bil=1000ml. My above figures are hitting points, not viewers. There’s no accurate way to get the exact number of viewers as some may watch half an episode and then give up whereas some watch each epi a hundred times. So, their formula is: total hitting points divided by no of epi=no of viewers. I didn’t claim BK has bil of viewers. I just emphasized the great no of audience in China, different channel, no more discussion with you.
In any country, 1 bil = 1000 mil, 1 mil = 1000 thousand and 1 thousand = 1000. China has 亿 = 100000 and 萬 = 10000.
The vlink system count the number of clicks (not through auto click) and same to TV rate, it of course has fake numbers. However it is still considered as static of viewers watching a TV series. Unless you can provide a better formula to count the viewers, vlink is still the best answer for how many viewers watched a series in China.
Btw, Vlink count each eps, not all the eps. It has the static everyday and number of viewers only apply for 01 episode. Your formula is once again incorrect. Look like you dont have much experience of following series viewership in China.
FYI, from 2015, TVB series wont be aired on internet in China without approval from competent authority. It means the TVB series will starting to gain less viewers in such market. Therefore, you can stop dreaming about that market since now.
I dont think I have seen any 2015 TVB series in top Vlink.
I watched it because it was on TV. So happens Ruco turned out to be the best thing, apart from sexy Ankie. In fact I demand there be a series with the exes. Now that would be sizzling.
Want to show support for the Macau team. Me and my family actually like to watch the Macau storyline more, eventhough I went in series expecting to like the HK part better because of Ruco and Louis Cheung.
Macau part has laughter, tears, and a positive message while HK part is mostly gloom.
Sam落難的時候阿信不是叫他來他儸信記幫手嗎? Sam怎樣對他這個弟弟?瞞著阿信賣店的專營權給人家。那不是自私的行爲嗎?
I watch 巨輪 because of Chin Pang. No interest in watching Krystal Tin and Edwin Siu as their story line in Macau were boring. Only the Hong Kong part could draw my attention because of Linda and Ruco. Without LInda and Ruco, it shouldn’t be name as 巨輪. Producer Amy should use another name instead.
I’m puzzled how they intend to spin off from BK1. All the main characters were already in their 50s by the time the drama ended. Are we going to watch Edwin Louis and Krystal portray 50 plus y.o. characters? It sounds boring. Will skip especially with Grace included in cast.
It’s not a spinoff, it’s an actual sequel. Watch the promo clip they released for Filmart – the story continues from where it left off previously. Looks like Edwin and Grace will be a pair and Kristal and Louis will still be husband and wife (though there’s a dramatic storyline revolving around the 2 of them). Ruco will reprise his role as well, but later on in the series, and as a cameo only (though interestingly enough, he is featured prominently in the promo poster). Oh and the other big thing with this series is that it marks the return of Hugo Ng to TVB (heard about his return several months back but was wondering which series he would be in)….looks like he will play the main villain role.
That’s wat i meant, a continuation of the original. The synopsis sounds like a disaster in the making.
hugo who???
cos they’re using him to sell the drama. Hope he has no part in this silly sequel.
An actual sequel? Grace and Edwin a pair? What? He romances a girl half his age because he is in his late 40s or 50s at the end?! Sorry but if really the case story is rubbish. Why not just have them have children and continue from there? That’s the most unnecessary sequel ever.
@Funn: Well, looks like the script isn’t completely written yet so things could still change. When asked about BK2 at the recent EITS promo event, Ruco himself even said that he’s not sure what his role will be or whether it will be the same story – he thinks he will have a cameo for the first few episodes, but he doesn’t know for sure because the script is incomplete. Whatever the case, he already said he will support the series in whichever way he can (that’s good news or bad news depending on which way you look at it)….
So he knows nothing? But do know he will be guest starring. I hope not in same role because I hate he ends up with Rachel.
If this is direct sequel it won’t work until timeline rework because it will be creepy for grandpa to fall for young girl aka Edwin in the BK timeline and Grace unless it is about a period of time not show in the original series which technically can work. That way Ruco can be inserted in a different story but same role, etc etc.
But why BK? WHY?
@Funn: Ruco knows a little bit. He said he “thinks” he will appear in the first few episodes and that in the series, Edwin’s character will essentially go through what he (I assume he’s referring to his character Sam) went through. But then he also said that the story might not necessarily continue from previous. So basically, he’s not sure because, typical TVB, the script is not complete – most of the artists only get a summary and drafts of certain episodes at this point….even when they start filming, they may not know everything that happens.
As for Edwin and Grace – the summary / promo for Filmart said something about Edwin encountering some problems in his business (due to the villains played by Matt Yeung and Hugo Ng) and gets pushed to the point of desperation, so he goes to Japan to try and get away from everything. In Japan, he ends up falling in love with a mysterious girl played by Grace Chan and at the same time gets sucked into some murder case from 20 years ago. As for Kristal and Louis – well, Louis gets into some sort of accident that results in brain damage and I’m assuming memory loss because it says that the injury will cause him to view Kristal as a “stranger”….and lastly (in the summary at least), while all this is going on, Sam returns…..
Suddenly so k drama except a lesser version.If that is the story, I am not tuning in. Sounds ridiculous.
” Without LInda and Ruco, it shouldn’t be name as 巨輪.”
Why shouldn’t it be name 巨輪? Krystal Tin and Edwin is also part of 巨輪. I bet if 巨輪2 has only Ruco and no Krystal and Edwin, you still would be ok with it be called 巨輪.
巨輪 means ‘Big Wheel’. This theme pertaining to the series mean ‘changes in the wheel of time’. 巨輪 does not mean ‘story of Sam’. So, without Sam, it can still be called 巨輪.
The eng title is the inapprorpaite title. Andwhat sequel? Why the word sequels are so overusd and wrongly used? Just say same cast because at the end of bk the characters are in their 50s.
I watch BK because of Ruco. Please take out Ruco/Sam completely from BK2 and this series will be none of my business.
agree and thinking the same way
Can’t agree more. Pls don’t ruin Sam’s image in our memory.
Same here. Only watching it becoz of Ruco. I’m not a fan of Linda but I do like this Ruco-Linda pairing. They are very sweet together and very compatible in terms of looks. Edwin;s acting is bearable but he lacks lead charisma..
All of the new drama sucks because of you’re giving chances to let them act. If you don’t put like more kate tsui, myolie wu, selena li or mandy wong your drama will go down.
Ummmm I think Moylie is not renewing with TVB her contract will exp in April or something like that and Selena is busy with her busniess so what left is Tavia Linda Nancy as for Kate i dont really wanna see her but its beta then the newbies
I wonder what happen to Fala chen havent seen her in quite some time of has TVB frozen her
This is ridiculous!!!!Whats happening to TVB?!!! Tvb真系需要其他公司100%赞助一套剧?
Will boycott 巨輪2! All of your new dramas sucks!
Sponsors is an important element of a production. Without sponsors, the production cost will be very heavy.
What the heck Grace Chan again? She can’t act