Joe Ma’s Wife Criticizes Sex Scenes in “Triumph in the Skies 2”

Though Triumph in the Skies 2 <衝上雲霄II> had a strong premiere week that averaged 31 points and a peak of 35 points, its second week was met with a weaker start, averaging only 29 points per episode thus far. Even Chilam Cheung (張智霖) and Kenneth Ma’s (馬國明) suggestive and revealing scenes with their busty female costars could not boost the curiosity of viewers.
TVB has not received any complaints on the daring scenes, but a viewer, particularly Joe Ma’s (馬德鐘) wife, Karen Cheung (張筱蘭), implied that she found the scenes tasteless in a recent Weibo post.
Karen posted, “I finally realized this last night. The flirty but soft-hearted pilot who cares for his sister, ‘Vincent Ling’ [Joe Ma’s character] of Triumph in the Skies from 10 years ago is quite similar to [Jayden Cool] from the currently-airing Triumph 2! After I heard about that I got quite shocked. It’s because I’ve never seen the original one, so I didn’t know the storyline! Such risque storylines can really make the viewer feel uncomfortable, and it also makes the actor’s other half get goosebumps! No wonder why Joe Ma became so hot after the broadcast [of Triumph in the Skies] years ago. Haha!”
That night, Karen uploaded an old photo of a younger Joe with his toddler niece on Weibo. She wrote, “I want to share with you guys a super cute old photo of Joe Ma holding his niece! I am pretty sure that Joe’s portrayal of the pilot ‘Vincent Ling’ made her want to be a real pilot when she grew up, and she really did become one. That is why we cannot underestimate the power of television dramas! But I really want to advise the younger viewers out there that real pilots don’t meet up with different girlfriends when they are flying to different places! This is a muddy idea that must be corrected!”
The two male leads in question, Kenneth and Chilam, did not think the “daring” scenes were that bad.
Kenneth said, “It’s just a decoration. Having hot scenes is to show the flirty side of Chilam’s character. It’s a serious drama. We don’t need to throw some salt in there to boost ratings.”
Chilam said, “It’s part of the storyline, and it’s not the main idea of the drama. There are still other splendid scenes waiting to be aired, but I can see why those scenes were daring.”
Source: Apple Daily
This article is written by Addy for
No. 1
If you have seen those scenes, those weren’t sex scenes.
No. 2
Yes the scenes were daring but not tasteless
No. 3
It is to show Jayden’s flirtatious character and I find the girls in those scenes fit the bill as Jayden’s lovers
No. 4
Joe Ma’s character wasn’t like that in T ITS 1 since he MARRIED Belle
No. 5
If you want to talk about sex scenes, gross scenes, offensive scenes, risque, uncomfortable, goosebumps, Joe Ma her husband had front row seat and was even a participant in a grosser act;
If I may remind her, her husband kissed the harassed girl though he wasn’t a harraser but he did not nothing to help the damsel in distress.
That scene was grosser than any so called risque scenes in T ITS 2.
And I hope his niece at least learn to speak English rather than adopt her uncle’s method “acting” as in gi 100% gibberish which will forever be the shame of Joe as an actor as much as the incident with Rose and fellow perpertrator and even grosser guy Benny Chan and that incident is a shame of Joe as a man.
Other than that, no comment.
“But I really want to advise the younger viewers out there that real pilots don’t meet up with different girlfriends when they are flying to different places! This is a muddy idea that must be corrected!”
Same as in real actors don’t sleep with fans in different places.
That being said, an advise to younger viewers that there may be pilots who film porno films on planes. True story. I believe was pilots and air stewardess on a plane.
Real pilots are those who face danger in calm manner. Even in death, sounded way too calm. My deepest respect to the pilots that I have seen on NGS’ Air Crash Investigations which made me realise to NEVER complain about a delayed flight because ultimately it is for my safety as a passenger. And after that show, I always switch off my handphone even before I boarded a plane and only switch on when I am in the terminal. I see those still using the phone when informed not to not only places everybody’s life in danger but also to place any life in danger because of a stupid handphone.
Now that is ultimate stupidity.
I agreed with you
lol, I usually only agree with about 50% of what you say, but I agree with you 100% on all of these points.
True! Funn you are the best!
Ya. The wife needs to control the husband first before she can go commenting about the plot of a tv series.
Funn win! Who does this woman think she is? As if her husband is that great anyway.
Lol those are considered sex scenes? Honestly it’s fine to show a bit of skin and what not but at least keep it classy, those scenes were not sexy at all.
“But I really want to advise the younger viewers out there that real pilots don’t meet up with different girlfriends when they are flying to different places!”
Ha! This is laughable. Pilots aren’t perfect people who are incapable of cheating. I’m surprised she would even mention cheating since Joe was caught cheating when he went on a vacation with another woman.
She sounds bitter. Perhaps her husband is not part of the cast.
I didn’t find Chilam’s scenes tasteless at all. Actually, quite humorous. As for Kenneth, pointless. I don’t think it’s needed to make Roy a two-timer. He’s such a filler.
She gives me that impression too – sour grapes…. She may be jealous Chilam is getting more attention than her husband last time in T ITS1 cos she did remark that the character is quite similar.
very true. agree!!!!!
Joes wife only upset that her husband never got tvb best actor award after all the years and joes is still happy to film for tvb
Wife making these comments will only cause negative feelings towards Joe. Bad move!!
“But I really want to advise the younger viewers out there that real pilots don’t meet up with different girlfriends when they are flying to different places!
everything is possible because my uncle is like that T____T
he is a pilot in Singapore and he has many girlfriends from different countries.
i’m really glad he doesnt have a wife or else I would feel bad for my aunt.
Who the hell is she anyway? She just married to Joe and she should be glad that Joe was not playing that character or else he would make it “cough” steamier “cough” than ChiLam and Keneth do.
Well talk about an uppity lady there. I wonder where her outrage was when her husband was harassing a young woman?
Well she was just being a good wife letting her hubby eat free lunches outside to ensure he won’t be hungry before getting home.
Suppose she’s happy as long as he knows his way home and eats her cooking once in a while (perhaps she doens’t even like to cook).
Most importantly is that he keeps buying her luxury goods, LOL
Best reply ever!!!
LOL you are really funny! Miss your comments
Yes… TV is to blame for all the social ills in the world. It has nothing to do with upbringing or parenting… *rolls eyes*
it’s time people started taking responsibility instead of finding someone/something else to blame all the time.
Well said
Wow there are very very few female commercial airlines pilots. For Joe’s niece to become one must be one in a hundred million.
tell her to shut up la. annoying woman, grow up
LOL! I wonder how Joe is going to respond to his wife’s comments this time around? Last time, when Karen blasted Virginia Lok on Weibo, Joe pretty much brushed it off as a ‘misunderstanding’…curious to see what type of excuse he’s going to come up with this time….
I am surprise people keep blaming the TV for teaching bad things to their kids. The solution is simple, there is something called parental control. Partly the parent also need to supervise their child.
Agree with Funn, with her husband behaviour, she better not going around and judge others. Still remember Joe ma incident with Rose chan.
Some ppl just like to judge others and do not even think of their behaviors and dirty laundries in their own closets.
There are many kinds of ppl like her. Some women who are really ugly themselves but they actually had the nerve to call other women ugly. haha LOL… I mean, I guess they have never heard of the term, ‘if you have nothing good to say, then don’t say it at all’.
I guess the ‘salty pork hand’ incident is just a misunderstanding in her eyes since she soooooo…trusts the hubby but to others what a disgrace you know. Middle aged married dude hanging out w/19 year old and there were actually pics showing inappropriate behavior. Sigh, these ppl esp since they are public figures, just stay low and shut your yap but perhaps she just to give more attention to her hubby since his series is airing? u know, anything to get attention?
She is just plain jealous. Viewers will take Chilam anytime compared to Joe Ma. Period.
Chilam is convincing as the playboy pilot. Joe Ma…nah miscast. The only time I liked him on T ITS was when he said those touching words about Sam on video…a.k.a. When he died.
If I were Joe Ma, I would wonder if this was my wife’s way of getting back at me for cheating on her. Was she insulting his acting skills saying he became hot after the first installment because of the risque storyline? Not because of his talent?
Was she trying to really do him in when she said real pilots don’t do that kind of stuff? I mean, now everyone’s going to question if his wife is for real. Is she naive or just delusional? Heck, real pilots, some even hook up with the cabin crew, much less having girlfriends in different places. Some even have kids in different parts of the world. Girlfriends. Hurhur.
u r so right, there was this american movie about this pilot who had 3 different wives in 3 different countries or same state i don’t remember and i think it actually inspired by true events as well. the wife of joe’s is talking nonsense or playing stupid or naive.
Hi windy,
Wow I never knew about this movie! I really was just stating observations from friends and family. Well, maybe Mrs Ma has been out of the loop or maybe she doesn’t know about the movie like me lol.
Ma wife jealous Chilam got more attention than hubby. Tell you the truth why don’t remind your hubby to set a good example first and don’t eat tofu of 19 year old girl outside?
Ooo sounds like someone is jealous that her husband didnt get called back for this sequel like the other actors.. Even the ‘dead’ (myie) got called back..
Even the ‘dead’ (myie) got called back
Dats a good 1 lol n she sure is green mann!
Contrary to most of the negative feelings expressed here, I actually understand what Karen is talking about. I haven’t seen the scenes myself yet; so I cannot judge if the scenes were tasteless or entertaining, appropriate or not. But I understand that she’s merely expressing her own opinion.
I do find some of TVB’s recent gratuitous scenes uncomfortable (be it men showering, women stripping, or otherwise). Anyone jumped at the scene in Star Trek into Darkness where there’s suddenly a girl posing in her underwear? Some scenes in TVB nowadays do feel that way to me–unnecessary to the story and objectifying the actors.
I’m not saying these Captain Cool scenes are that way. I haven’t seen them yet. But I do understand the discomfort of some parents of young kids.
Wow, you’re his wife and haven’t seen T ITS 1? Wow, just wow, what a supportive wife you are. To me, the first one practically launched Joe Ma’s career into stardom! Joe did so good in the first one. His death was very well memorable to this day. Even guys like me shed manly tears! Sad that you never watched it. Must be good spending your hubby’s hard earned money…
i know huh she should have watched most but not all her husband’s works. I know I would.
She’s just want attention or want ppl to pay attention to Joe. He haven’t been filming much tvb series.
Her opinion is her opinion. I find it so ironic everyone is criticizing her for what she said when I’ve witnessed so many commenters on this site argue with one another over their right to offer an opinion and not be attacked for it.
That being said, I don’t feel the scenes Karen was referring to to actually be sex scenes. I thought they did help to solidify Chilam’s character. The only problem I have is that the series paints every women to drool over Chilam. It just makes those women look cheap and desperate.
Dont see how its ironic since everyone on this site criticise the opinions of others on this site, yourself included.
ur like everyone else ….
Yeah, I loved the scenes too…….made the whole evening worthwhile…..If Joe Ma’s wife wasn’t such a hot looking, I would tell her to f off……..
She’s a plastic doll. Look up for her before & after. Probably she afraid that Joe Ma will leave her
Something tells me she’s lying about not watching T ITS 1 -_- How do you know he was loving brother… I still liked T ITS 1 better because of michelle, flora and samuel =/
Well, she has the right to whine about stuff like I do too I guess.
OMG what is talking about?? what a loser.
Typical si lai?