Johnson Lee Replaces Bobby Au Yeung in Upcoming TVB Drama

TVB has confirmed that Bobby Au Yeung (歐陽震華) was dropped out of Nelson Cheung’s (張乾文) upcoming television drama Ox Head Loves Horse Mouth<牛頭愛搭馬嘴>. Producer Nelson Cheung confirmed that Bobby ultimately decided to turn down Ox Head Loves Horse Mouth due to an unprecedented schedule clash.
According to the producer, Ox head Loves Horse Mouth will officially begin filming on November 15, but Bobby will not be able to comply with its filming schedule as he was already signed on to film a mainland Chinese drama. Bobby had no choice but to turn down the role.
It was an unfortunate decision for Bobby, as the actor had expressed his excitement about collaborating with Joey Meng (萬綺雯), the female lead for Ox Head Loves Horse Mouth, in an earlier interview. Bobby praised Joey’s adaptability as an actress and was looking forward to working with her for the first time.
Joey stated in a recent phone interview, “Unfortunately, we can’t do anything about it, but there will be a chance to collaborate in the future! There are still many other TVB artists whom I’ve never worked with before. It doesn’t matter who I work with – I’m sure there will be sparks.”
As a result of Bobby’s resignation, Johnson Lee (李思捷), who was cast in a supporting role, is promoted to first male lead to replace Bobby’s place. Johnson’s previous role is now given to Oscar Leung (梁烈唯). Despite the cast change-up, the original script did not suffer any major re-edits.
This article is written by Addy for
Awwww man! I was looking forward to Bobby-Joey pairing
Oh Man, I look now look forward to Jonhson
Bad replacement..
Aww what a pity. Bobby and Joey seems like a good pairing!
I got a feeling that this is a prank for the Office of practical Jokes Season 2 and the victim of the Prank is Joey Meng.
I loved the idea of a Bobby-Joey production.
I do like Johnson, but I really can’t imagine him as a replacement for Bobby!
What a horrible replacement.
I was excited for this too.
Agree – Johnson has been a disappointing lead but a good second/third lead. His first debut as Joey Yung’s dog was his best .. and then it started going downhill. His arrogance kept sky rocketing … got so annoyed of his off screen character.
Agree. I used to love him after seeing his chemistry with Joey Yung…even into FLS, he was my favorite of the 3 (now I prefer Louis Yuen). Sad that all the fame and arrogance went to his head…
Johnson cant be a lead sorry the guy just cant act. Miss Bobby.
Agreed with everybody. Johnson as a lead, especially with an actress like Joey Meng’s caliber? No no no. Couldn’t they have delayed the series for Bobby? They’ve postponed things for “bigger ” stars :S
The series went from HIGHLY anticipated to “warehouse” it for all I care.
They should just cancel the series. Horrible
WHAT?? I was so looking forward to Bobby n Joey. I like Johnson but he not lead material
No!!!!! I was looking forward to to the JoBy couple!
They should just postpone production to work around Bobby’s schedule.
WHAT!!?!?!?!?!!!!!! Im a big fan of Bobby T_T
Johnson Lee cannot handle as first lead. He’s more suitable as second lead characters.
oscar leung? hahaha
Nice post of him and many so butthurt again. hahaha. Just let him try lar ,always discourage people. hehe