Kate Tsui Already Back at Work Despite Tailbone Injury

While filming for new TVB series, My Prime Lady <My盛Lady>, Kate Tsui (徐子珊), accidentally slipped on a puddle of water on the set and injured her tailbone earlier this week. She was immediately rushed to the hospital. Though her injury was not serious, she was advised by the doctor to take a rest.
At the time of the accident, Kate was in so much pain that she remained motionless and cried for ten minutes. Her pain shocked all present, including costar Dayo Wong (黃子華) who accompanied Kate to Tseung Kwan O Hospital and stayed with her until she was released from the hospital.
Though she was given several days of rest, Kate was already back on the set. Wearing a pair of flats, her pace was slow but her spirits were good. Kate said, “Thank you everyone for your concern. There was swelling in my tailbone, but there is no fracture. The doctor has given me a few days of medical leave but seeing that I’m fine, I decided to come back to work to prevent further delays and inconvenience.”
Fortunately, the scene yesterday was filmed in an office which required Kate to do little walking. Asserting that the incident was an accident, Kate said it was neither Dayo’s fault nor the fact that she was wearing heels at the time.
When asked if her injured tailbone may result in her infertility, Kate said, “I was so scared and confused that day that I forgot to ask the doctor. I just hope there are no repercussions.” Despite the injury, Kate claimed she will not use a body double for future filming. She even suggested that the director continue to use the footage where she fell so as not to waste everyone’s efforts.
Source: Apple Daily
This article is written by Karen for JayneStars.com.
kate is such a professional actress~
Past two years many people acknowdgle her being hard working, humble .
Good for her .
Agree, She takes her work very serious. Good for her
Ah I love her <3
Not a fond of her but this series will definitely challenge her as she’s playing a lead role.
you mean playing as a lead role is a challenge for her?
I thought the majority of her characters are female lead
I am not sure. and yeah.
Sire ma failed as a lead role but that drama was a mess.
Is bullet brain really that bad?
Bullet Brain down the Drain
Kate’s roles over the past few years always counted as lead (except some guest appearance of course)
And did you watch High and Low last year, she’s the female lead, and in my opinion she handled the role very well. if you means My prime lady is a comedy, so it’s a challenge for her as the female lead in this kind of series, then I so agree with you. I hope Kate will do well
The two thing I like about Bullet Brain is
1. Natalie Tong acting
2. Wayne and Ng Ka Nin dance and sing The Beatles ‘Can’t Buy Me Love’ in classical HK cantonese version ‘Walk Faster’
Because Bullet Brain did so badly Rosy Business 3 suppose to air end of the year have to shift to next year.. Bullet Brain and Rosy Business are the same production team lead by Lim Tim Sing and the main actor Wayne
Wow, there’s only 1 year difference between 行快啲啦 and the beatles’ song.
But there are some differences.
Thanks for the info, I read quite a lot of criticisms toward this series, however one of my friends said it’s kind of intersting so I thought I might give it a try, but then again my friend is Wayne’s fan so her opinion could be bias though. But as you said there only 2 good point in the series, then I will skip it
Do not even try to watch Bullet BoBo unless you have a sleep condition… it is excellent to fall a sleep faster.
Was trying to find video of Bullet Brain 行快啲啦 but none. Anyway found quite similar..by Sam Hui and his late brother Rick
Enjoy !
thanks. I listened to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vvXqeGMJ6ho
She’s been playing lead for the past few years already…
first lead role? first female lead?
Bullet Brain where Sire Ma acted, is your first TVB drama you watched ?
No, it wasn’t.
However, my prime lady is Kate’s first major role beside a veteran actor. =P
I only understand what you meant in the first post until now. Sorry for misunderstanding
I would say that her first lead role was in Speech of Silence when she was paired up with Kenneth Ma. Also, she paired up with a veteran actor in the original A Great Way To Care.
true, but dayo wong has been in the industry longer than kenneth ma and alex fong.
Kate Tsui is one of the few top fadans so this is definitely not one of her “rare chances” to play the female lead. Perhaps the character is hard to portray but it would definitely not have anything to do with being a lead or not.
“Though she was given several days of rest, Kate was already back on the set. ”
Not like she had a choice. She can’t hold up the entire production as she heals. I doubt TVB will wait, they will recast. How many times like Tavia I will hear her voice crack (due to flue probably) in probably each of her series? She still had to work. Kate’s injury is more serious but again TVB is no humanitarian and a filming sets is too big to accomodate one illness of one actress, even its star.
And I applaud her professionalism of course. But seriously, does she even have a choice to begin with?
I think she had the choice.
Most of you all knows I the fan of Kate, but on back to works, if not serious why not works as is a good opportunity to gain sympathy or publicity. The producer will be happy as the audiences will take special attention on this drama.One thing for sure Kate does not want this accident to happen. Glad she alright.
Those day one very famous Kung-Fu actor good at this, got himself injured and putting a lot effort promoting the injuries news rather than the actual movie storyline.
Guess who ?
@ Cloud9
Yeah, I’m a fan of Kate too and I also agree with you.
Kate might fear of being recast ( like the rumor of Cathy Chow in Sniper Standoff) but as you said if her injure wasn’t really that serious why not coming back to work (not that I don’t want her to rest). That way the serie could get a lot of attentions from the press and citizens too.
but then again I think this could possibly put more pressure on Kate, because the more attention the serie get, the more expection it needs to fullfil
If you’re talking about Jackie, he is the life and soul of the entire film, very very important person. Kate is not. Like I said if it was a far more serious injury that requires months of rest, I am sure even Kate will do what’s best for her body.But that would mean letting go of the role. Here she is not injured enough to bow out and yet injured enough to have some serious repurcussions. Everyone has a choice. But what choice is that when it comes to a project that requires so many people? Very limited choice.
cloud9, could you tell me who is the actor? Is it jackie chan? I don’t know cuz I just watched movies and dramas and don’t really follow artists’ news.
Yes galaxy is Jackie, well said Funn Lim. I recalled he did it very often
I like her acting and especially her role as monkey in a great way to care. She is hot as well.
I agree, it’s one of her best series ever I think. In the past few years, Kate has downgraded to second lead even though many series are big productions. Now, it’s time for her to get back to the first lead if she can prove her ability.
Kate Tsui was the first female lead in Highs and Lows and that show was broadcasted in 2012. So to say that she “has downgraded to second lead” in the past few years is not correct.
I love Kate too. Add oil kate. I will always one of your biggest fans
Kate is totally overrated…many AZNs in China are above and beyond and are super duper hard workers. Her coming back to work wasn’t that big of a deal most actors do come back to work after an injury.
what does ANZ mean ?
and it’s just another way (usually used when texting) to spell “asian”.
Don’t you think it is weird that hrei said, “many AZNs in China…”? Of course, everyone knows people in China are asians so why not just write “people in China…”?