Kevin Cheng, Kay Tse Star in New Vampire Drama

In his latest TVB drama, Kevin Cheng‘s (鄭嘉穎) breaks new ground by portraying a 500-year-old vampire in new supernatural series, Vampire <僵>. Playing his romantic partner is Canto-pop singer, Kay Tse (謝安琪).
Vampire is Kay’s first collaboration with Kevin as an onscreen couple. Besides a high number of action and fight scenes, Kevin and Kay have many heated kiss scenes in the series. Although she confirmed she would have some intimate scenes with Kevin, Kay stated it is not necessary to consult with her husband Louis Cheung (張繼聰) before filming. As Louis is also an artiste, he understands that intimate scenes are just part of work.
Praising Louis’s dedication in the entertainment industry, Kay revealed that she often helps him prepare for his filming in the past. This time, the roles will be reversed and Louis will help Kay rehearse for her scenes instead.
Besides Kay’s TVB debut, Hong Kong singer-actor, Wong You Nam (黃又南) stars in his first TVB role as a formidable fighter in Vampire. He is also the romantic interest of Miss Hong Kong Grace Chan (陳凱琳) in the series.
Other cast members include Eddie Kwan (關禮傑), Anjaylia Chan (陳嘉寶), Joel Chan (陳山聰), and Hubert Wu (胡鴻鈞).
This article is written by Su for
not too hopeful for this genre of series, but very excited for the cast! Really like both Kevin and Kay and very happy to see You Nam in a TVB drama!
and I also like the younger cast too, Anjaylia Chan, Hubert Wu, and Moon Lau
Pretty mix cast ! joel chan getting back to work! woo!
Its sad for some reason i feel tvb is using some on hktv’s ideas.
LOve both channels ! <3
He’s getting lots of work…as if he never greedily left at all. The guy must have huge female boss backing him.
Or a huge gay boss “backing” him!
That what’s I am first thinking when reading the title of the article.
I believe one of HKTV TV drama is talking about sex and suddenly TVB also have an upcoming TV drama about this topic.
For sure, the competition is on!
Errr twilight but for adults?
Really look forward to this TVB drama because of the fresh (but not cheap) cast. Kevin and Kay, Yay!
After that one nite stand, uncle Kevin looks haggard…Hahaha
Kevin cheng has aged.
Don’t know about the one night stand…give him a break.
Kevin Cheng does look much older now than I last saw him in a TVB series.
The guy’s 45 but you guys expect him to look like he’s 30. That’s your problem, not his. He looks his age like the rest of the so-called siusungs, aka Kenneth Ma, Moses Chan, Lam Fung, etc.
Yeah…Kevin Cheng does look alot older in this pic. He seems to have aged. Maybe it’s the moustache and goatee not doing him justice. He still looks good while he was filming Eye in the Sky last year with Ruco Chan.
It’s definitely the facial hair. He looks great especially for his age.
Give him a break. After all he is already 45.
it’s been a LONG time since I saw kevin in any drama…that was 步步惊心. he was still very charming as 八爷…now he is 大叔.
he’s been slowly aging…we are all humans. the only one who hasn’t changed much is really roger kwok.
Roger has aged too but more gradually than Kevin. The one who has aged the least is Raymond Cho.
yay! something fresh! i like vampire stuff, but hopefully its not like twilight, but something different LOL cant waitttt!!!
Same here. I love vampire stories but nothing like chic flick, high school twilight thing. The cast seems really good too. Wong You Nam is awesome in movies
I believe the hktv vampire drama is like Twilight. yuck & boring!
just hope it’s not like my date with a vampire
My date with a vampire part 1 and 2 was excellent. Don’t know why you don’t like it. Love Joey Mung in that drama!
they should start filming in more live sets and outdoors
i was hoping for ancient Vampire series lol :c
hahah i want to watch the jumping vampires! i loved watching them when i was a kid!
Ancient Chinese Vampires are alot better than western Dracula.
Really hate the Twilight movie.
Definitely will not watch the HKTV vampire/Dracula drama. It could be a copied version of atv My Date with a Vampire.
I think MDWAV is a very classic Dracula genre type of tv drama that cannot be surpass.
I miss the old jumping vampire lol !!!
I miss it too. Really love the TVB Vampire drama : The Vampire Returns – 大頭綠衣鬥殭屍 & Night Journey 僵尸福星 (with Louisa So & Yuen Wah). They’re classic. I prefer to watch these over western type of Dracula dramas
“Gorn see” would have been awesome! I loved jumping vampires/zombies when I was young. They hadn’t done any of that since 80s/90s? Man, that would have been so good to rewatch lol.
First copying the sex drama series from HKTV with Eddie Cheung and Sharon Chan, and copying HKTV again with Kay Tse and Kevin Cheng.
Wish Ruco is in this drama. He has no drama for 2015 yet. Wonder why?
Yes he does Ruco will be starring in a Pirate series called Cheung Bo Jai cast member is Tony Hung Grace Chan
I mean after COD which shoyld have completed by now, there is still no news of him being engaged in filming. Does it mean he is jobless?
I think he has Eye in the Sky coming out this year.
Oh yeah Eye in the sky can’t wait to watch that too!!
Chinese vampires would be those in ancient clothing jumping around and sucking blood, no?
jumping around yes, don’t remember the sucking blood part though as the last time I watched one, I was about 10 (that was over 20 years ago)
HK is several years behind with the whole vampire craze. Twilight ended a couple years ago. True Blood just finished. And now HK (TVB and HKTV) just adopting the glimmery, profile close-up, and love deprived vampires? Lol. I bet it’s gonna be as cheesy, if not more, than Twilight…
Kay looks so different, what did she do to herself? PS?
The vampire series that I really liked was 末代天師, starring Alex To and Andy Hui. Qing dynasty vampires are the scariest.
Tvb, cant you make better dramas? You are going to be the next atv if you keep flopping
Kevin looks so gaunt and tall in the above photo and quite unlike his usual self. But it’s interesting he doesn’t have the same look always and like someone mentioned before, he does resemble Johnny Depp! Looking mush forward to the series though I know that half the time my eyes will be closed! Quite a coward!!
Is Kevin still popular in china
OMG! TVB is 17 years behind! Somehow, I get the feeling that this will be similar to ATV’s MDWAV.
I think its Kevin’s hair and goatee which makes him look older in this pic. Hopefully he will have a nice hairstyle in the show.
No, I don’t think so as he has to grow his hair long for this series and a goatee too. Remember, he is portraying a 500 year old dead man and yet not really dead!
Lol Kevin looks so old now
weird cast.