Ruco Chan Exhausted by Action Stunts in “Ruse of Engagement”

Ruco Chan (陳展鵬) called Ruse of Engagement <叛逃> his most difficult drama to film to-date, revealing that he had lost over ten pounds while the drama was still in production in 2011.
It took three years for the crime thriller Ruse of Engagement, produced by Amy Wong (王心慰), to secure a broadcast date on TVB. The drama finally premiered on March 17, and finished its first week of broadcast with an average viewership rating of 27 points, earning generally positive reception from the public.
Ruco is relieved to finally see his efforts being paid off. “I literally waited for three years,” said Ruco. “This drama has many action scenes, from the beginning to end. [I] had to fight and hang on wires. It was filmed during the hottest time of the summer too. This drama was definitely my most difficult drama to film ever. I got skinnier and skinnier, and lost over ten pounds in three months.”
Principal photography for Ruse of Engagement lasted approximately three months. Production commenced in May 2011 and ended in September 2011.
Ruco said the drama gave him great physical and mental strain. Along with the rest of the cast, Ruco often had to perform his own dangerous stunts. One memorable scene included a long jump from one building rooftop to another. Ruco recalled his strenuous filming experience, “I had a fever while I was shooting an explosive scene, and I was feeling a bit dizzy. Maybe it was because of the hot weather so I was getting a heatstroke, but after taking some fever-reducing pills I felt fine, so I continued filming.”
In the action-packed series, Ruco portrays Carson, a senior inspector with conflicted morals who works for the ATF intelligence unit. Portraying gray-area characters is nothing new for Ruco, but he said he is not tired of playing them. “I like to portray such cinematic characters. There is good and evil. I want to thank the producer for fleshing the role.”
Carson is also involved in romantic relationships with Yip Ting (Yoyo Mung 蒙嘉慧) and Jessica (Aimee Chan 陳茵媺), who also falls for Carson’s younger brother, Alfred (Ron Ng 吳卓羲). Asked if he ever experienced a time when both he and a friend fell for the same woman, Ruco laughed and said, “Never. These things only happen with kids! If I were to choose [between brotherhood or romance], I’d think romance is more important, because I am an only son. I don’t have a brother.”
Source: Oriental Daily
This article is written by Addy for
I wonder if Ruco is talking about ep 2 explosive scene..
I think there is gonna be more explosive scene in the future. The car exploding scene hasnt been broadcasted yet too but it could be from that scene
From what i read on his forum, it’s the car explosion scene.
Ruco looks skiny and haggard in ROE in compare to Luk Kung Tzi in OL. That’s why he is rumoured to have ps. Having realized he has undergone great physical and mental stress for this drama and that there’s no obvious change in his features, I choose to believe the rumour is fake. Anyway, appreciate his courage & dedication for taking so many dangerous actions in person.
“Never. These things only happen with kids! If I were to choose [between brotherhood or romance], I’d think romance is more important, because I am an only son. I don’t have a brother.”
Ha! Ha! Ha! But what about your BFF sort of brother?
Anyway Ruco did look skinny and so far getting better and better. However Jayne, a Ruco article a day may be overkill.
“a Ruco article a day may be overkill.”
Why not? That usually happens to certain stars when their series airs.
riding on his fame
That’s becos his series is airing currently. Like when TITS2 was airing, we had Chilam articles ad nauseam too.
Jayne I take back my word. I’d rather his article every day rather than MH370-bashing. I need happy positive news, and Ruco is good to look at as well. His handsomest picture in the next article, please!
Just skip articles related to MH370. Too much hurtful things said out of anger/frustration. In a situation like this, people should be pulling together to help or be quiet if they can’t help.
“Make things better, not worse.”
if you dont wanna see articles of MH370, then dont go online. stay away from internet until the plane is ever found.
WORD. Just b/c its not posted on this site, there are other ways in commenting. Jaynestars makes only a small fraction of the Internet. If you are sick of the comments being made, then dont go online. dont check the news online.
Ruco certainly does seem to be getting a lot of attention these days. Does anyone think he just may get the award for best actor this year? Looks like he’s getting into another Ruse of Engagement type of series soon, with Kevin Cheng in May.
P. Tan,
TVB may pull a surprise for us this year again. We’ll see the reception of the series for the rest of this year first. March is too early to tell.
Hope he gets the award well deserved
He is already Best Actor to me, IMO an award is just a candy that TVB gives their kids as a treat. It is given to who they want not based on the performance. If TVB’s BA award is based on performance Ruco should had win it last year.