Steven Ma and Tavia Yeung to Film TVB Drama in May

Since terminating his TVB management contract last year, Steven Ma (馬浚偉) took his talents to mainland China. TVB Production Department Director Catherine Tsang (曾勵珍) attempted several times to persuade Steven to return to his home station, promising a higher salary and better work conditions. Since Steven greatly respects Catherine, he carefully considered TVB’s offer. Recently, TVB director Leung Choi Yuen (梁材遠) confirmed that Steven will return in May to film his comeback drama, and that contract negotiations are currently underway.

Steven’s comeback project Property Protector <守業者> will be a 30-episode drama set during the early Republic era. Leung Choi Yuen revealed that the drama was initially planned to take place during modern times with Steven and Bobby Au Yeung (歐陽震華) acting as brothers. Bobby had signed to film for this series earlier, but dropped out due to his busy schedule and his recent hospitalization. The production team ultimately decided to re-write the script and recruited Evergreen Mak (麥長青) to take on Bobby’s role. The drama will star Tavia Yeung (楊怡) as its female lead, and will also feature Raymond Wong (黃浩然) and Natalie Tong (唐詩詠).

When asked about Steven’s contract negotiations, Leung Choi Yuen told reporters not to worry. “We are expecting Steven on the set! Right now he needs a costume fitting. We are ready to bring him in for measurements to make a brand new set of wardrobe.”

Asked to confirm the news, Steven said that he will discuss further after contracts have been solidified. He admitted that Catherine Tsang indeed reached out to him several times since his departure to discuss his comeback. Steven considers Catherine as his mentor and gives her full trust in handling his new contract negotiations.

When asked about the awkwardness of running into TVB executive Virginia Lok (樂易玲), who was rumored to be on bad terms with Steven, he assured that he will focus only on his work. “Don’t call it ‘leaving on bad terms’. We are all adults. I am just an actor. I was bound by a management contract [previously] and now I’m not. I will not care about anything else.”

Source: Oriental Daily

This article is written by Katrine for

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  1. steven make sure tvb treats you as well as mainland does

  2. Sounds interesting having Steven back again after his fall-out with Ms Lok.Looks as if he’s so beholden to Ms Tsang that he feels obliged to return to TVB to return a favour, likewise Kevin and Ms Lok. Like Steven he, too, is coming back to HK at the end of the year to do a series for TVB.

    1. It does but then again, it is not like Ms. Lok owns TVB or something so I don’t think she has the right to dictate who comes back and who doesn’t.

  3. please make him with tavia.. at least once… i miss the couple..

      Many times it’s tragic ending for them >.<|||

  4. If TVB has no intentions on giving Steven Ma the Best Actor award for his extremely good but often ignored acting talent then I think TVB should just leave him alone and let him continue with his career in China.

    I absolutely love Steven Ma, always have and always will but I don’t think I can stand it if TVB mistreats him. Again.

    1. But I’m rooting for Ruco to grab the BA award this year >_<!!

      1. So am I 🙂 I meant next year. I doubt that Steven’s drama will be aired this year since filming only starts in May.

    2. I think Steven has gotten to that point of his career where he doesnt need a BA to show the world that he can act. the reason why he’s coming back to film was due to his gratitude to Cat Tsang and to accommodate his fans in HK, not for the awards.

  5. If tis really confirm then please give tis tragic couple at least one happy ending.

    1. If no happy ending for them ,please make Steven and Tavia play as sibling . I think their interaction will be cute when Steven act like caring brother n Tavia act like bubbly sister.

      1. ^ I agree with you, I’ve always felt that their chemistry gave a brother-sister feel. I absolutely don’t mind them being a couple though- just please give them a happy ending this time…P L E A S E.

    2. I agree with a-pop. Please give them a happy ending this time round. Can’t wait to see them in this new drama

    1. Yes! But I think Steven and Tavia will be great bro and sis or buddy friends pair, mimicking their real life relationship.

      1. I think if the played siblings (blood related or not doesnt matter) they would leave a bigger, lasting memory and impression on the audience since you can really feel their chemistry off screen like real brother and sister.

    2. Me too! Steven and Ada had some chemistry in Perish in the Name of Love, but that series had an unsatisfactory plot and ending. I wish Ada would come back to act in a series for TVB, it’ll give me the motivation to watch a TVB series again.

      1. @Felicity: With Ada is “Where the legend Begins” and they were also in “On the track or Of”. PITNOL is with Charmaine Sheh.

  6. I agree with what Steven said, he is not bound by any company/contract so what is he afraid of? He especially does not need to be scared of Ms. Lok.

    Glad that he is coming back and too bad Bobby could not be in it with them. I wished it was an ancient series though…

  7. For Steven to be great in the forthcoming series the storyline and script must also be great. Then, I see very little that will get in the way for Steven to achieve this year’s TVB Award for Best Actor. As I also have great admiration for him as a person as well as an actor I do hope very much for that.

    1. this series might not air this year. this year i’m supporting kenneth and ruco who have a great year now. steven for next year but chance is slim since wr know miss virginia lok will do everything to stop steven from winning.

  8. steven need to try new pairing. stevia is overdone. these two more suitable to be siblings. tavia the elder sister, steven the younger brother.

    1. I would appreciate if u able to disappear urself from giving garbage opinion at any comment box or forum thread.

      1. It’s pretty unrelated to the article (which I have no comment), but seeing this comment, I can help to write some lines to support you.

    2. stevia is overdone? i dont even remember the last time they portrayed as a couple.

      1. Cupid very boring stupid. It was warehoused, maybe u missed it. But it was only shown on tvb this year.

  9. Finally! Been missing this perfect couple SteVia for years!!! And yes, a happy ending plsssssss 😉

  10. It would be really cool if Ruco joins the cast. I really want to see Ruco and Tavia in a series together again.

  11. Yeah, I hope this time there is a happy ending for Tavia and Steven.

  12. Steven is very loyal, but a leopard cannot change his spots and neither can TVB

    1. ^ My thoughts exactly. TVB is only out to court their veterans now who have left because of the lack of choice and freshness in their current stable of stars. Steven knows better than to keep his relationship with TVB strictly professional. No need for gushy sentiments.

  13. tavia1288@馬浚偉 i hope this time you collaborate withTavia, you could bring out the “couple” feeling like MingYi have together, not the “bro and sis” feel..i would like tto see a change in your acting way..with more depth and more into character. Good luck

    What nerve!
    Hope this tavia fan’s post is just an isolated case and not the start of a similar case like what happened on Lawrence Ng weibo, whereby his weibo was bombarded by dissatisfied kenta/mingyi cp fans.

    I don’t care what this tavia fan says about Steven on her own weibo but to @Steven publicly on weibo to tell him to look to mingyi on how to act a couple with her beloved tavia? Now that really galls me.

    @FelicitySteven knows better than to keep his relationship with TVB strictly professional. No need for gushy sentiments.

    I wasn’t thrilled to learn that Steven is going to shoot a tvb series to start with, and now reading the above weibo post I muttered a quick prayer for Steven — Good luck, you’ll need it!

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