“Tiger Cubs 2” Cast Watches Finale Together

The cast of Tiger Cubs 2 <飛虎II> got together to watch the drama’s finale together. Joe Ma (馬德鐘), Nancy Wu (胡定欣), Grace Wong (王君馨), and Johnson Lee (李思捷) attended the dinner. Although Linda is the female lead, she returned to Canada to celebrate the holidays with her family.
While Joe brought a bottle of whiskey, he has no intentions of leaving the dinner inebriated as he has to fly to Shanghai the next day for work. Signing with a management agency in Mainland China, Joe has been filming with TVB based on a per-series contract.
Joe said, “Tiger Cubs 2 is well-received in Mainland China too. When I went there earlier, many colleagues asked if I would end up with Linda Chung (鍾嘉欣). I haven’t watched the ending yet; I wonder how the producer edited the finale. Hopefully the ratings for the finale will break 30 points!”
Starring as a villain, Nancy happily exclaimed that she has waited ten episodes for her appearance. “I will have many fight scenes with Linda. They are not your typical female cat fights, but rather more rough and combative.”
Having played Joe’s younger sister in Triumph in the Skies <衝上雲霄> 12 years ago, Nancy expressed that they still have onscreen chemistry together. Although they star as enemies in Tiger Cubs 2, Nancy hopes for future opportunities to portray siblings with Joe again.
Grace Wong Improves Chinese to Work in Mainland China
Receiving more prominent roles recently, Grace expressed that she has been diligently practicing her Chinese to make her performance more natural. With Tiger Cubs 2 receiving more than 8 million views in China, Grace was asked whether she has intentions of breaking into the Mainland market. “I filmed a movie [in Mainland] before. I noticed that cooperating with producers and artistes from Mainland China generated a different kind of spark.”
This article is written by Huynh for JayneStars.com.
Sorry I have no idea who is Grace Wong. Is she the one sitting between Joe and Oscar? Which character does she act in Tiger Cubs 2 ?
Grace Wong is the one sitting between two men (Joe and Oscar).
There’s a better photo of Grace Wong holding a platter of food in the source link.
so grace wong is the actress who acted as laurine?
it’s a torture watching TC2…the story plots for some episodes are ridiculous.
this drama should end completely…linda chung is one character who acted like a wild dog on the loose.
Title says “finale” so no more episodes.
Isn’t this drama a flop with super low ratings? Tot Linda’s acting was critized for being exagerrated?
Exactly. One of the worst dramas for 2014, almost as bad as the Ultimate Addiction. And yes, Linda Chung looked very constipated in this. So why would the cast wanted to watch the finale together when no one else even bother, unless to celebrate the end of torture in watching Linda Chung?
Is it truly that bad?
To HeTieShou, I actually like Tiger Cubs 2 in comparison to the other series out in TVB at the moment. However, it is not a great series.
The plot is less exciting and suspenseful than the first series, and I find the second series quite corny at times.
There is too much time devoted to the romance department. I dislike all the couples in fact – Oscar and Christine’s constant BBing makes me want to puke. Him’s love triangle is frustrating and draggy. I really do not see Joe and Linda as a couple due to their bad chemistry.
I would have rather TVB devoted more screen time to the action scenes, the training, the missions, the sinister conspiracies or even the criminals.
The first series introduced us to each of the major squad members so we felt for them in the end. But in here, the non-action time is only given to Joe, Linda, Him and Ocsar. Poor William is shoved to the side and I still have no idea who is who on the new squad. There is way too much talking.
I do not think TC2 is the worst series of the year but don’t expect it to be like the first one.
It was bad and the ratings sucked in HK (I for one couldn’t even bear to finish the series and stopped at episode 5)….but nowadays, for TVB, it’s all about how their series fare in Mainland China (especially since TVB announced that their focus in the coming years will be on the Mainland market). So as long as the series does well in Mainland, who cares about how it does in HK — the 8 million views in Mainland is already enough to make the series a “huge success” by TVB’s standards!
From a completely objective point of view, it’s probably better than everything else that TVB is showing right now. I don’t think Linda Chung was exceptionally horrible like what everyone’s saying. I managed to watch the whole 9 episodes without being bothered by anyone’s acting, but I do think the plot is a step down from the first. That being said, I did want to stop watching the series, but it’s more because of how irritating the characters were, especially Him Law’s.
The final episode plot was ridiculous. The SDU looks like a bunch of idiot !!
I had some hope in Linda’s acting when this series first began. Thought she could prove herself different from the typical girl-next-door image, but now it only shows that she isn’t a versatile actress. Linda didn’t match her role at all and her facial expressions looked really forced and awkward. You can tell she tried her best, but something just doesn’t hit the spot. I’m sure her character wasn’t meant to be funny at all, yet I LOLed many times.
Seems like they only care about mainland ratings just like in line walker
I agree that Linda’s acting was kinda dumb but i enjoyed this series
Same here.
The 1st season of Tiger Cubs are way better than the second. Linda acting is really bad lol as much as i like her.
I hope Linda can read all these comments so she knows how bad her acting was in this series. She thinks she did well that she’s even hoping for BA award. She just can’t act, period.
linda can act…but as goody girl roles.
don’t try to do such a role again…it’s disastrous. enough of tiger cubs.
SDU seems to be a bunch of fools this time.
I like part one more with Jessica in it I like linda and all but this role just don’t suit her they shouldve put Nancy or Fala in the role instead!!
Nancy was so much better than Linda. I would smh every time Linda tries to pull a tough look. Her acting sucks!!!
This has to be one of the worst sequels in TVB history. They lost every good aspect from the first one. Where are the brotherhood, suspense, character development/growth, cool villians? I like Johnson and Nancy case the most, but it was still weak. As matter of fact, everything was week except for the flashy cut edits. The editing department sure loves split screen and rectangle…
I like the series. The worst part was choosing Linda C for the lead female. She really need to study her character and do some research on PTSD and side effect from drugs. Her acting was the worst I’ve seen from her.
i agree. i think she did not study her character at all. All she does is rolled her eyes really big
In the finale, when she was in her room and there was a knock on the door… the look on her face to grab the gun under the blanket was horrible acting. It gave me the chills watching how bad she portrays the character.
If there was an award for TVB worst actress, the winner would be Linda.
I usually don’t like to criticize people’s acting skills cause I’m not an actor. But I have to agree that Linda was horrible in this drama. Total miscast. Think she’s trying too hard and therefore end up being unnatural and forced.
why in the world did the director want linda to act like that? honestly, I don’t think she can break out of her goody roles…because she is not versatile.
The drama was pretty mediocre… I laughed at how the plot developed.
Linda’s role here is not suited for her. She was too forced and it didnt come naturally for her. It was so cringing to watch her. And OMG she killed the whole series. Tvb should have casted someone esle to portray the main female character.
On the other hand, Joe was awesome in here. Glad to see him and hope to see him again in furture tvb series.
I think Joe is also kinda hot… and he is soo tall when his standing next to the others and he has kept his figure in great form!