“Triumph in the Skies 2” Cast Afraid of Francis Ng

With the current pilot date for Triumph in the Skies 2 <衝上雲霄II>, set to air on July 15, the cast has been promoting the series before the air date. Triumph in the Skies 2 is Francis Ng’s (吳鎮宇) comeback drama since his last time working on the original series. The return of Francis is celebrated amongst audience members, but filming with Francis created a lot of pressure for fellow costars.

Scared of Francis

When asked if his return will draw in higher ratings for TVB series, Francis boldly replied that he is confident of his acting and improvements over the years. Along with Chilam Cheung (張智霖), Francis is sure that ratings will be fairly high.

However, Francis’ confidence may be taken as arrogance by others. With his high expectations, Francis is feared by many coworkers. Ron Ng (吳卓羲), who played Francis’s younger brother in the first installment, admitted that despite previously having worked with him, the pressure was at an all time high, “Before filming, I have to ensure that I’ve practiced the script enough times. He might get frustrated and put on a dark expression when I have an outtake!” Besides Ron, Nancy Wu (胡定欣) mentioned that Francis rarely smiles off set and she was warned by the crew members to leave him alone.

Dinner At The Eiffel Tower

Filming for Triumph in the Skies 2 took place in France, England, Taiwan, China, and Hong Kong. The actors and actresses had a chance to experience the different international cultures while filming overseas. Even Francis enjoyed his stay in France and said the most memorable moment was when the entire cast ate dinner at a fancy restaurant in the Eiffel Tower.

The crew held a promotion in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and attracted a large crowd. Chilam even performed an Indian dance while Francis performed a hula-hoop act, causing the enthusiastic fans to be highly entertained. Some fans were even lucky enough to be chosen to have their picture taken with their idols. Unfortunately, during the event, a reporter asked about Fala Chen’s (陳法拉) recent breakup with Daniel Sit (薛世恆), in which she responded with a smile and attempted change the topic.

Source: Sina.com

This article is written by Su for JayneStars.com.

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  1. did everyone hear the themesong????
    it feels like an april fools joke!!

      1. Okay, I’m a right old numpty. I just linked to a video I’ve only listened to, but I didn’t pay attention to the video itself. Is that meant to be the actual opening credits sequence?

      2. Thanks for your video link. I viewed it. I don’t think the theme song suits the style of “TITS 2” either, a modern and romantic storyline. It is more like a theme song of a wuxia drama series with a lot of actions and martial arts.

      3. you cant blame them. geoge lam is now old and a bit deaf tone after the accident. at least he tried? it’s consider a good theme song from a deaf tone singer

    1. LOL! I thought I was the only one who thought someone pulled a prank when it was first released online…I seriously thought someone had purposedly taken a 80s single and titled it as TITS2 themesong…only to find out it as in actual fact, the official themesong for 2nd installment. I mean, hearing it alone, the song is not bad, I personally think it’s a good song from George Lam. However, it’s COMPLETELY unsuitable for the drama imo. It makes me feel as if I’m going to watch a drama about something oldschool highschool.

      The themesong for the 1st installment was PERFECT. Loved the song soooooo much. Makes me feel as if i’m actually going on holidays or to travel/part of some airtline company LOLOL …but listening to the 2nd’s themesong is quite a disappointment.

    2. ROFL, that has to be the worst TVB themesong I have ever heard. I don’t care how famous/popular that guy use to be, his voice is SOOOOOOO bad!.

    3. It’s fine if people don’t like the song, as it truly doesn’t match the series as well as the original themesong did….BUT, fans need to be reasonable and separate dislike of the song due to its mismatch with dislike for the singer.  Honestly, the criticism of George as a singer is uncalled for, as it’s not his fault that the song doesn’t match the series.  If anything, those people should be pissed at TVB for the mismatch, not at George…..
      Definitely sad that in situations such as these, the artists are the ones who usually take the hit just because they are on the front lines and therefore an easy target…..

      1. people are criticising because the way george sings is too 80’s 90’s style and doesn’t suit the modern grand production triumph2. nothing personal on george lam just that his style of singing is old fashioned and whoever wrote the song also made the song sound old. that’s why the song and george got so much dislike and eason’s epic themesong come viral again

      2. netizens now angry because the first triumph themesong bring so much inspiration suitable to the epic series while this one sounds like a 80’s wuxia themesong! now netizens are mostly rage at tvb to cut the new themesong

      3. Great comments llwy12 and I agree with you!It is not George’s fault but TVB’s fault. George is a veteran singer so his singing should not be questioned. I just listened to the song and is not bad but sounds like a song that would be used for another series.

  2. can’t wait for this series!too bad myolie is busy filming in mainland and can’t promote her double role!

    heard the themesong, ugly! too old fashioned! dislike it, it doesn’t fit trumph2’s youthful and fresh image!

  3. love to hear that ron worked hard this time because of francis! that means ron’s performance will also be good because he has practiced a lot to meet francis standard! 🙂

    1. A person can gain a lot from working with individuals that seek perfection!

      1. A person can learn a lot but it depends on the person. When a person works with someone with expectations that are too high, they can also get so pressured it causes them to do not as well either… It can go both ways.

  4. The amount of b*tthurt fans who hates on George’s song is hilarious. I love the song, don’t even care if it doesn’t immediately strike me as matching TITS2.

    The funniest parts were Fala, Chilam and Francis dancing gangnam style and when a fan asked Francis to take a picture of her and Chilam.

  5. The first theme song matched the series so well; both being so inspirational and hopeful. I have no problem with George’s singing, but it’s just the song. I am extremely disappointed. This is a highly anticipated series, why tank it for the audience?

  6. Oh, deary me. The amount of dislikes for the song on Youtube… So not exactly a fan favourite, huh? Rarely do I listen to him, but I do like Ah Lam and it’s sad to see the amount of flak he’s getting. Even so, I must admit I was a little, “What the frack?!” upon first listening. It’s his style, alright, but not exactly in keeping with the drama. Perhaps we’ll be more receptive when we first see the opening credits roll…

  7. I’m not even a TITS fan (did not even finish the series) but gotta say though I like George’s singing and the song, but together they just don’t fit the feel of the series.

    1. Haha I know the song doesn’t really fit, but the outrage is funny. Imo, people will get used to it once they hear it every episode.

      1. My first thought upon hearing the song was it doesn’t fit cos the first one was so nice and even now hearing it reminds me of the existence of such a series (though I can’t really remember the storyline, the theme song got stuck in my head).
        After hearing George’s voice as Wong Fei Hoong’s theme song, it’s kinda associated with kungfu/martial arts type.
        But like you said, once everyone get used to hearing it every episode, it may grow on them.

  8. I think it’s a really good song. Maybe because I’m not from this generation, I don’t know.

    I don’t see how it dosent “fit” with the drama. Most TVB themesongs are boring ballads that dont fit the actual videos either. I think people are comparing it too much with Easons version.

  9. Oh almost forgot, getting carried away with all the themesong talk. How annoying the reporters must ask about the breakup at the drama’s event.
    And I always though Francis was a wooden character even watching him as a kid.

    1. Personally I never liked Francis Ng though I know he got Best Actor award(s) in film festival(s). He is never articulate in his dialogues and I find hard to understand him sometimes.

    2. guess any artist when it comes to acting are wooden some times

      1. and having good looks is the most important thing

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