Vincent Wong to Rape Sire Ma in “Will Power”

TVB is on a roll, churning out rape scenes one after another. Kate Tsui’s (徐子珊) one-second rape scene in Highs and Lows <雷霆掃毒>, and Samantha Ko’s (高海寧) violent rape scene in Friendly Fire <法網狙擊> received wide public attention. However, rape scenes were also found in The Last Steep Ascent <天梯> as well as Silver Spoon, Sterling Shackles <名媛望族>, marking a prominent recent trend in TVB dramas. Sire Ma’s (馬賽) character in Will Power <傳愛事務所> will next encounter a sexual assault.
In the legal drama, Sire plays the role of a model’s manager. She dyed her hair golden brown to go with the role’s image and as a result, caused her sensitive skin to itch and swell. This was only one of her sacrifices. Not only will she reveal her back in a passionate bed scene with Vincent Wong (王浩信), she will also be raped by him later in the show.
Vincent said, “I feel pressured playing the role of a rapist. Fortunately, Sire and I worked together in Silver Spoon, Sterling Shackles so at least we won’t feel as awkward.”
“Will Power” Producer Speaks Up
TVB’s frequent feature of rape in its recent drama plots has caught the attention of viewers. Will Power producer, Tsui Ching Hong (徐正康) explained, “Rape scenes in TVB dramas have garnered a lot of attention. However, I would like to stress that the rape scene in Will Power is a necessity. It is not meant to be the focal point of the show, nor is it used to boost ratings. Instead, viewers should focus on the plots before and after the rape scene.” Tsui Ching Hong further stressed that Will Power is a legal drama, and it is common for rapes to be featured in such genres, since rape is a common crime.
For viewers who complained that the rape scenes left too much to the imagination, Tsui Ching Hong said snidely, “I don’t understand the culture of the Internet. Rapes are tragic, so why would anyone request for longer rape scenes or request the actresses to reveal more or even go naked? From a professional television personnel’s point of view, I have this advice – do not expect too much from the rape scenes. It is only the imbecile who fantasizes about the rape scenes on television.”
Source: Ming Pao
This article is written by Karen for
How about do it the other way around? Sire Ma rapes Vincent Wong? I’m sure that will get even more attention, AND it provides a strong platform for a good legal battle.
Or cuts off his package and throws it into the garbage.
I LOLed so hard at this comment. Thanks for making my day Mr. Lee. Lolol
okay….we have some people who have weird fantasys!
Nah wat does he gonna loose? It’s still a conservative Asia no 1 will believe her.
Hong Kong is not conservative. At all.
But it’s true. TVB is a family-friend channel, not like America’s HBO, so I understand why they have to tone down the violence. But anything can be done as long as people use their brains and try to be creative. TVB clearly lacks it.
Strange as it is I don’t suppose they hv u know those TV-PG or a V-chip for each community.
NONONOONOONNNO not my Vincent Wong.
Seriously, all this inappropriate addiction of rape scenes is grossing me out.
When will a guy get raped? ATV will be the first I bet!
TVB has done ‘boy get raped’ before, but, only in dialogue. No explicit scene. It’s in ‘A Great Way to Care’. One of the doctor trainee’s brother was raped when he was young which cause him psychological problem.
another rape? wow….interesting lol..
Running out of ideas and this sort of repeated scenes is BORING** Yes, I actually think that if they reverse it on the guy, it would be a change *
Rape scenes are old already, TVB. You guys use it too often in your series.
Think of something new to attract attention.
man rape man or women rape women, good legal scene
If it wasn’t because I don’t think TVB has had any recent series without a rape scene, I actually think the producer had some good points. Since it is a legal drama, of course there will be crimes and rape is a common problem. Also applaud his dismissal of catering to rape fantasies. Unfortunately, in the context of the broader picture, TVB has diluted the impact of ‘rape’ on television and it only feels like cheap PR stunts.
All directors and/or producers always say rape scenes are needed in the storyline. I haven’t watched any of the drama with rape scenes involved except Highs and Lows…
So to anyone who have seen it was the rape really needed in the story?
They think their pathetic rape scenes will continue to attract attention?? Goodness, they are really overusing it and need to find something new because they audience is already bored to death…
Tvb out of mind. Alwiz focus on rape scene. Tvb destined to be doom..
How about a little bit of creativity in the scripts? We saw sons reunite with mothers (the same actress) two nights in a row.
It’s pretty obvious TVB is managed by sexually oppressed men who express their sexual frustration with demeaning media portrayals of women. TVB can do what it likes but it should strike a balance. This “rash” of sexual violence cannot be defended as a means to highlight the plight of rape victims. If TVB wanted to do that, then corporate would be supporting women’s shelters and actors would act as ambassadors for these organisations.
Jaynestars should conduct an in-depth report with Hong Kong actors and find out how they feel about such roles.
Technically there were many rape scenes before but a lot of them were in non-modern series. It’s not a big deal and it’s just part of the storyline!!! Oh so is it okay when someone gets raped in the ancient times but not in modern times? Big whoop. If only the media would stop focusing so much on the rape scenes!
A rape scene in EVERY series these days isn’t it? And here we have a producer complaining about viewers complaining about the short rape scenes when they themselves used the rape thing as the main theme. And when such an element is in each and every series, how can anyone stop anyone else from focusing on such a theme?
What’s next? A cripple in every single series? Gay? What?!
Vincent has no worries because that so called rape scene will be over in 5 seconds.
Maybe if they actually made some more interesting storylines it would take the heat off the obvious rape scenes the audience are noticing across the board. When there isn’t much to talk about, then this topic obviously becomes the most popular topic for people to chat about.
Heck, if they’re running out of ideas. Just go watch some Law and Order, pretty much the most popular and longtime running show on legal cases and pull some ideas as a reference.
I have a suggestion. Since they love to incorporate rape scenes, why not do a HK version of Law & Order :SVU? I am sure there is such a unit in HK.
I actually think that wouldn’t be a bad idea, Forsenic Heroes was based off of CSI if I’m not mistaken and that was a smashing success.
Don’t need a rape scene all the time just because rape is fairly common. A lot of the episodes start off with a dead victim too and it still gets the point across that rape is a heinous crime. I’m not sure if HK would be open to the idea that not every persecution is a win and justice isn’t always served since TVB tends to go the happy ending route, but that would make for a nice series.
I remember when I was a kid and I watched something slightly resembled Law & Order. It was in the 90s though, I think it was 壹號皇庭 and it had some cop elements in there too at some point.
SVU is the best in the ‘Law & Order’ franchise, imo.
‘File of Justice’ was a really good TVB drama, and it did run for 5 series. I wouldn’t mind if TVB “reboots” it.
It’s sad that TV for Hong Kong has come to this… People look forward to rape scenes?!?! That’s disgusting to me.
Seriously, why bother doing the rape scene when it was done in a mediocre manner. Look at those Western movies, they did it so believable. If TVB wants to convey the message to the public that it is wrong to rape, then do a good job of portraying it instead of just a mediocre work. Never understand HK viewers. A forward country with backward thinking people!!
Yes, but if you did a content analysis of major western TV soap operas, you would not see such a preponderance of sexual violence. This reinforces the view that women are third class in the developing world.
Really stupid trend. Really offended by the constant rape parts. Why make every series have one? Really pathetic. A story can be emotional without feeling pity for the poor girl…just please stop making so much noise!
Btw I’m enjoying the recent series inbound troubles. And no, it doesn’t have rapes scenes.
Lovely. Just what we need, another rape scene for the innocent, happy, disney families in Hong Kong to complain about. While I have no opinions on this issue, I think TVB should really reconsider things. They are a dying network, and what better way than to piss off the viewers who can’t stand a little fiction-on screen drama while falling off the cliff? They’re failing anyway, might as well end it with a bang…..</3
Would be weird to watch because Sire and Vincent are siblings in SSSS.
Well they didn’t interact much in SSSS anyway, not that weird. Besides, SSSS is off everybody’s mind by now. Total fail and flop.
Looks like TVB dramas can’t make it without adding a rape scene nowadays. How pathetic is that?
Very pathetic, relying on this kind of stuff to gain ratings instead of pushing for originality in their scripts.
First it was Natalie Tong, then Kate Tsui,next Samantha Ko and now Sire Ma. So who’s next in line to get “raped”? This is ridiculous. Since Natalie Tong won an award for getting “raped” now all these actress are lining up to get “raped”.
As TVB does more of these, it will just turn people off from watching their dramas. Most of the young generation I know refuse to watch TVB and rather watch Korean or Japanese dramas instead.
i think in order to become tvb actress, you must master the rape scene. lol…
Soon there be a ‘My Favorite Rape Scene’ at the annual award show.
When things like this is announced, it takes away from the shock factor. Once or twice done before is definitely more interesting than seeing it in every new series. And why does it have to be women? Why can’t we see men getting raped? Oh wait I forgot, it’s TVB, where creativity comes once in a blue moon. So I say to writers, if you really want to make a quality production and story, lets work on the basis of it, and that’s the writing.
I heard she have raped in before in the drama start by Michael Tse and Joe Ma as ming emperor and which she later fall love to Michael and dead ,I forgot the name of the drama ,Jayne?anybody know?
Yep, in “relics of an emissary”, she got raped and caught a STD and then later died. Poor girl. First got ancient raped, now have to be modern raped.
Haa haa, that’s pretty funny.
Ugh! I don’t get it, why is TVB making “rape” a trend in all of its recent series?
TVB is turning itself to Thai lakorns, where most have rape in their dramas.
TVB, DO YOU MIND HAVING YOUR OWN CREATIVITY AND STYLE??? On a side note, Ricky Wong should get his free to air rights for his station, so then TVB can have some competition, seriously.