Wallace Chung to Portray Same Wuxia Character Three Times This Year

When the upcoming TV drama adaptation of Jin Yong’s (金庸) wuxia novel, Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils <天龍八部>, announced that Wallace Chung (鍾漢良) would be playing the main character, Qiao Feng, many netizens questioned whether or not he would be suited for the role. In the face of such doubts, Wallace decided to portray Qiao Feng not only in the drama adaptation, but in the movie and online game adaptations as well.

After news broke out that Wallace was starring in the Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils drama, netizens said that his gentle, princely looks were more suited for Duan Yu, who will be portrayed by Korean actor Kim Kibum (金起範). However, after more official photographs were released, netizens started to warm up to “the most handsome Qiao Feng in history.”

Wallace’s diligence and dedication to the character also helped him win netizens’ approval. “My interpretation may not be quite the same as the traditional righteous hero,” he explained. “He has duties that he does not want to carry, and he has shortcomings like everyone else. Qiao Feng is his righteous side, whereas Xiao Feng is his other side, when he releases his emotions.”

Because of Wallace’s unique interpretation of this double-sided character, it is no wonder that the movie and online game of the same name both asked him to sign on as Qiao Feng. The movie is expected to open in theaters by the end of the year, while the online game opened for beta testing a few days ago. The drama adaptation is scheduled to begin broadcasting in December.

To the amusement of netizens, Wallace’s appearance went through a few tweaks among the different adaptations. The drama version of Qiao Feng has been likened to Brother Sharp (犀利哥), a handsome beggar who caught the attention of the Internet in 2010 – an appropriate comparison since Qiao Feng is the head of the Beggar Sect. In the movie and online game, however, Wallace’s character is now sporting leather protective gloves and a belt, leading netizens to joke, “Qiao Feng is becoming richer and richer!”

Source: QQ.com

This article is written by Joanna for JayneStars.com.

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  1. I was always faithful with Wallace Chung being Qiao Feng would be right for him. He can make anything work, he wouldn’t accept the part if he didn’t feel he was right for it.

    I can’t wait to watch the drama series, and what is the title of the movie?

  2. He does look convincing as Xiao Feng in this costume and make up. 🙂

  3. While I still don’t think he’s the best candidate for the role after watching the trailers, I will still watch this drama for Qiao Feng and A Zhu.
    At least he is so much better than the leading artist in the latest Return of the Condor Heroes

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